85 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Divination & Mind Reading / Mutus Nomen
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Deviner la pensée d'autrui par un ancien moyen nouvellement perfectionné mutus nomen, final cards found with sword
1786 163
The Pairs Re-paired
1876 54
The Magic Triplets variation with twenty-four cards and triplets instead of twenty and pairs
1876 55
C. H. Wilson The Miller's Guess Trick No. 1, two different formulas (Mutus... and Lofot...)
1877 20
Erraten mehrerer Karten durch ein gewisses Schema
1896 95
Ne Plus Ultra - First Method pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, the performer divines the cards in face-down layout, also alternative with marked deck or stripper, "quadrating" (p. 50)
Also published here 1897 48
Das non plus ultra-Kunststück pile of cards removed, noted and placed on pack, after some dealing procedure, the performer divines the cards in face-down layout, translation by John Willmann
Related toAlso published here May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Die 20 Karten
Dec. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Mutus dedit nomen cocis
1930 78
Tom Sellers Double Date dates of two borrowed coins divined, dates written into grid on a paper by spectator
Variations 1931 8
Rupert Slater, John Northern Hilliard Mutus, Nomen, Dedit, Cocis pairs honestly shuffled and switched for duplicates in order ready for deal
Variations 1938 120
Orville Wayne Meyer Finding the Pairs twelve mate pairs distributed, spectator turns up a card and performer instantly the mate, repeated
1939 26
Al Baker The Pairs Re-Paired - New Baker Method using memory, for credit information see reference
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 107
Hans Zimmermann "Mutus, Nomen..." in neuer Form
June 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Ronald B. Edwards Travel Thought two cities are divined, with cards and a map, mutus nomen principle
Dec. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 74)
Eric Peterson An Old Trick in a New Dress
1946 20
Herb Runge Formula cards are divined with a crystal ball, based on Mutus Nomen
Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 136)
Dai Vernon, L. Widdop, Arthur Finley Thanks to Finley, Vernon, Widdop
Inspired by May 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 228)
Stewart Judah Variation of Mutus Nomen shuffling sequence, different phrase
Related toVariations Nov. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 319)
Hungarian Mutus Nomen Mnemonics
June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
John A. M. Howie No Latin Needed
Inspired by June 1957
Ibidem (Issue 10)
Norman Houghton Mutus Mutated
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
John Hamilton Mutus Nomen
Inspired by May 1970 338
Martin Gardner Mutus Nomen simplified handling, see p. 527 for presentation by Steve Freeman and his addition on p. 565, see also p. 648
May 1970 338
Karl Fulves Mutus Nomen - The Odd-Even Technique
1971 32
Karl Fulves The English Equivalent Mutus Nomen, faro
Related toVariations 1971 34
Karl Fulves The English Equivalent additional
Inspired by 1971 16
Edward G. Brown Mutus, Nomen Dedit, Cocis
Also published here 1973 69
Allan Slaight Mutant Nomen Klondike shuffle
Also published here 1978 1124
Edward G. Brown Ein Kartenklassiker im Modernen Gewand
Also published here Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Thomas Alan Waters MuTarot Mutus Nomen with tarot cards, start for a reading with several people
Related to 1981
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Omnimancy)
Thomas Alan Waters MuTwo ten spectators write initials and a word on half of a business card, Mutus Nomen, start for a reading
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Omnimancy)
Philip T. Goldstein Mutus Nomen Comments
1982 1
Philip T. Goldstein, Thomas Alan Waters Nomen Omen Mutus Nomen using Tarot cards
Related to 1982 3
Philip T. Goldstein Nomenotes Mutus Nomen with Tarot cards
1982 5
Philip T. Goldstein Astromutus Mutus Nomen with twelve astrological signs
1982 6
Philip T. Goldstein, Dai Vernon Astronomen Mutus Nomen with twelve astrological signs
Related to 1982 8
Stewart Judah Ein modernes "Mutus, Nomen, Dedit, Cocis"
Related to July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Steve Beam Goosed a lot of ideas and refinements on Mutus, Nomen / Pairs Repaired, with twenty, 36 and 40 cards
Related toVariations 1989 507
Karl Fulves Gnomenclature with some references for the plot
Related to 1992 11
Karl Fulves Gnomenclature further comments
Related to 1992 84
Steve Beam Goosed a lot of ideas and refinements on Mutus, Nomen / Pairs Repaired, with twenty, 36 and 40 cards, updated version of Trapdoor article
Inspired by 1995 132
Claude Rix Mutus
1995 104
T. J. Osborne Dowsing Duplicates six business cards are torn in halves, matching parts are found à la Mutus Nomen
Syzygy (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Mutus Nomen "The Classic Effect"
1998 1
Karl Fulves You're How Old? "The First Layout", Ace through Nine of two suits, spectator remembers pair with her age, in the end birth year announced
1998 4
Karl Fulves Stolen Numbers "The First Layout", telephone number presentation, ten cards (Ace through Ten) are laid out in which spectator's indicate their rows
Inspired by 1998 7
Karl Fulves A Muted Nomen "The First Layout", spectators each remember one card in poker hand
1998 11
Karl Fulves Fragments "The First Layout", poker presentation
1998 14
Karl Fulves, Stewart Judah Crime Time "The Second Layout", using Judah shuffling sequence to set for the deal
1998 17
Karl Fulves Bar Room Poker "The Second Layout", shuffling sequence to set for deal, nine pairs
Variations 1998 19
Sam Schwartz Back Room Poker shuffling sequence to set for deal, nine pairs
Inspired by 1998 21
Karl Fulves Count Without Words "The Second Layout", blackjack memory demonstration
1998 23
Karl Fulves Mumbles "The Second Layout", ten value pairs, joker put between any pair, this pair later divined, anti-faro version
Inspired by 1998 28
Karl Fulves, Stewart Judah Notes on a Shuffle "The Judah Shuffle", analyzing the distribution shuffle, "Quatrate?" term explained
1998 30
Karl Fulves Shadow Land "The Judah Shuffle"
1998 33
Karl Fulves Twin Effect "The Judah Shuffle", three visible and three invisible spectators
1998 35
Karl Fulves The Card Counter "The Judah Shuffle", Tens through Aces used for blackjack presentation, three spectators
1998 39
Karl Fulves Speechless "Without Words" (meaning without word codes in layout)
1998 44
Karl Fulves Close Packing "Without Words"
1998 46
Karl Fulves Family Reunion "Without Words", done with twenty borrowed photos
1998 48
Karl Fulves Body of Evidence "Without Words", non-card version with twenty doll-house furnishings, murder mystery presentation
1998 50
Sam Schwartz Map of the Mind "New Maps", paper with grid filled with card values that are later assigned to spectators
1998 58
Karl Fulves Anything Squared "New Maps", mutus nomen with random words on paper square
Inspired by 1998 64
Karl Fulves Letters of Intent Mutus Nomen with alphabet cards
1998 67
Karl Fulves The Odd Location spectator choses two cards and cuts them together into packet, other spectators as well
1998 69
Karl Fulves Murder at Midnight with triplets instead of pairs
1998 72
Sam Schwartz A Weight Problem with triplets, presentation about weight of spectator
1998 75
Karl Fulves Psycho nine spectators write day and month of birth on papers, later assigned to spectators with short readings
1998 77
Karl Fulves Bibliography selective
1998 82
Karl Fulves A Coincidence two cards in mutus nomen layout have odd backs, posed as problem
1998 82
Ellis Stanyon The Pairs Re-Paired No. 18
1999 67
Ellis Stanyon The Magic Triplets No. 19, with triplets instead of pairs
1999 68
Paul Swinford Judah's Undue Goano Revisited three phases
  • Stay Stack Version
Inspired by
  • "The S. J. Mutus Dedit Trick" (Stewart Judah, Linking Ring, Feb. 1964)
2000 33
Al Baker The Pairs Re-Paired "New Baker Method"
using memory, for credit information see reference
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Magical Ways and Means)
Gianfranco Preverino Mutus, Nomen, Dedit, Cocis
2004 191
Roberto Giobbi Mutus Dedit Nomen Cocis
  • The Genii Session
July 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Mutus Mnemonic
2007 44
Justin Higham Mutus Nomen Cocis Dedit
2007 172
L. Widdop Another Method of Divination
VariationsAlso published here
  • Card Tricks without Sleight of Hand or Apparatus, L. Widdop, ca. 1914
2007 20
Allan Slaight Mutant Nomen Klondike shuffle
Also published here 2008 64
Steve Beam Casting Call cards with celebrities, divination of several chosen cards
2011 x
Jim Steinmeyer The Tuzot Sensu Mystery
  • Conjuring
Also published here Aug. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 8)
Jim Steinmeyer The Tuzot Sensu Mystery
Also published here 2012 16
Jim Steinmeyer The Tuzot Sensu Mystery
Also published here 2013 30