29 entries in Ball / Animation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Professor Hoffmann The Spiritualistic Ball, Ring and Card rod in stand, ball with hole placed on it, ball moves upwards and downwards, then jumps off, same with ring, card also rises up and down the rod
Related to 1890 395
The Japanese Ball Trick stop ball on string
1902 313
Phantome Der Tellerlauf eines Billardballes ball rolls around the very edge of a plate, thread
Jan. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Psychic Golf Ball golf ball moves on table, ring on string under table cloth
1933 1
Stewart James Sefalaljia miniature spirit cabinet, ball moves, ring on tape, cigar lights itself, milk vanishes
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 69)
Hans "Severus" Ernst, Jules "Borosko" Sautebin Aus dem alten Zauberkasten variations for the Obedient Ball / Die
  • using a lemon (Borosko)
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Lloyd W. Chambers Spirit Ball "walnut ball" starts/stops moving up and down a cord upon magician’s command, could be used for answering questions
1941 21
Stewart James Sefalaljia miniature spirit cabinet, ball moves, ring on tape, cigar lights itself, milk vanishes
  • The Ball in the Glass
  • The Knotted Handkerchief
  • The Ring on the Tape
  • The Smoked Cigar
  • Drinking the Milk
Also published here 1944 105
Harry G. Franke Rise!! ball with a hole rises and sinks on a straw
Also published here Mar. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 173)
Harry G. Franke Rise ball with a hole rises and sinks on a straw (as H. G. Frank)
Also published here 1956 11
Reg Holden Stop and Go Ideas obedient ball
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Tony Corinda (20) The Haunted Ball tennis ball rolls from table
1959 292
David Hoy By Gosh! It Moved! ping pong ball moves spookily, glued bug
1963 19
Paul Stadelman Gravity Defied billiard ball rolls up on board
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Jack Bridwell Psychokinesis! magic tricks in mentalism context, psychokinesis
  • golf ball moves on table
  • pendulum in bottle
  • U. F. Grant's Light and Heavy Glass
Magick (Issue 159)
Brian McCarthy Der steigende und fallende Tischtennisball table tennis ball floats down and up in glass of water
June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
The Ball on the Wand ball balances on wand and rolls from left to right
1982 114
Balancing Billiard Balls on a Wand
1982 118
Rising Ball ball with hole is placed on rod and moves up and done, with variations
1982 120
Obedient Ball stops on string
1982 162
Gary Lee Williams Mount Of Venus steel ball in clear platic tube moves while in spectator's hand
1985 118
Karl Fulves Bouncing Ball ball bounces by itself behind silk cover into glass, posed as problem
1987 6
The Hindu Climbing Balls balls threaded on string, supported on stick, balls climb up
1993 110
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Super Psychic ping-pong ball on table
Inspired by Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Don Alan Floating and Rising Billiard Ball
2000 221
Gary Rand Quicksand small ball sinks into paper cup filled with rice, then rises up again when shaken, thread
Discoverie (Issue 3)
Nathan Kranzo The Really Love Sick Tennis Ball routine with two balls
ball inside a box rolls out by itself, apparently on command
Inspired by Aug. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 8)
Stewart James Sefalaljia One-man miniature spirit cabinet

Phase one: ball and glass placed in cabinet. When cabinet opened, ball is magically inside the glass now
Phase two: Handkerchief tossed inside the cabinet knots itself
Phase three: Finger ring of spectator magically threads onto a piece of rope that has both ends outside of the cabinet
Phase four: cigar placed inside the cabinet lights up and smokes itself
Phase five: Bottle of milk placed inside cabinet, liquid slowly disappears
Related toAlso published here 2007 31
Stewart James The Love-Sick Tennis Ball Tennis ball inside a box rolls out by itself, apparently on command
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Tops, Dec 1940
2007 40