only the magic content from Booke XIII
Written by Reginald Scot
Work of Reginald Scot
320 pages (Hardcover), published by Kaufman and Greenberg
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
68 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Richard Kaufman Foreword
1995 v
Montague Summers Introduction long essay from 1930 edition
1930 xvii
Montague Summers A Bibliographical Note Upon Scot's "Discouerie"
1930 xxxiii
Reginald Scot Of private confederacie, and of Bandons pigeon on using stooges, for example for burnt and rediscovered card
Related to XIII 1584 174
Brandon the juggler Example of a ridiculous woonder picture of dove is pierced, real dove on top of building drops down dead
XIII 1584 174
Reginald Scot Of publike confederacie, and whereof it consisteth on stooges
XIV 1584 175
Reginald Scot How men have beene abused with words of equivocation, with sundrie examples thereof on cold reading and claiming coincidences
XV 1584 175
Reginald Scot The art of juggling discovered, and in what points it dooth principallie consist introduction to sleight-of-hand section
  • In what respects juggling is tolerable and also commendable
  • The three rpincipall points wherein legierdemaine or nimblenes of hand dooth consist
XXII 1584 182
Of the ball, and the manner of legierdemaine therewith, also notable feats with one or diverse balles magic with small balls
XXIII 1584 182
False Transfer
XXIII 1584 182
Cups & Balls Sequences phases and sequences with balls and cups or candle holders, saltseller covers, ...
XXIII 1584 182
To make a little ball swell in your hand till it be verie great one or more small balls taken into other hand and become big there, shuttle pass
XXIII 1584 183
To consume (or rather to conveie) one or manie balles into nothing lapping ball after false transfer for complete vanish
XXIII 1584 183
How to rap a wag upon the knuckles sucker gag in which spectator is rapped on hand
Related to XXIII 1584 183
Of conveiance of monie classic palm
Related to XXIV 1584 184
To conveie monie out of one of your hands into the other by legierdemaine coin travels from hand to hand after false transfer, tapped with knife for sound illusion ("for both the eare and the eie is deceived by this devise")
Related toVariations XXIV 1584 184
To convert or transubstantiate monie into counters, or counters into monie shuttle pass as transformation
XXIV 1584 184
To put one testor into one hand, and an other into the other hand, and with words to bring them togither
XXIV 1584 184
To put one testor into a strangers hand, and another into your owne, and to conveie both into the strangers hand with words "double lift" with coins, double put into spectator's hand (sponge ball trick with coins)
Related to XXIV 1584 184
How to doo the same or the like feate otherwise one coin in each hand, they travel together
XXIV 1584 184
False Transfer with Back Clip
XXIV 1584 185
To throwe a peece of monie awaie, and to find it againe where you list coin thrown into air vanishes (classic palm with second and third fingers), duplicate appears somewhere else (like on a stooge)
XXIV 1584 185
With words to make a groat or a testor to leape out of a pot, or to run alongst upon a table coin crawls out of cup along table, thread pulled by stooge, recommended at night with candle light to make it more deceptive
XXIV 1584 185
To make a groat or a testor to sinke through a table, and to vanish out of a handkercher verie strangelie coin vanishes from handkerchief with dummy coin inside and penetrates table and falls into glass held underneath
Related to XXIV 1584 185
A notable tricke to transforme a counter to a groat double sided coin glued from two filed down coins, another thin cover disc stuck onto it with wax to show both sides of coin (pre-shell), then disc stolen away and coin changes cleanly in one hand
Related to XXIV 1584 185
An excellent feat, to make a two penie peece lie plaine in the palme of your hand, and to be passed from thence when you list one-handed coin vanish with wax on nail to bring coin to sort of back-palm position
Related to XXV 1584 186
To conveie a testor out of ones hand that holdeth it fast coin pressed into spectator's hand vanishes, and reappears with coin in performer's or another spectator's hand
Related to XXV 1584 186
To throwe a peece of monie into a deepe pond, and to fetch it againe from whence you list marked coin thrown into river is reproduced from somewhere else, similarly marked duplicate
XXV 1584 186
Knowing how much Money a Spectator has stooge
XXV 1584 186
To conveie one shilling being in one hand into another, holding your armes abroad like a rood sucker bet in which a coin is in each hand, it is proposed to bring them into one hand without the hands coming near each other
XXV 1584 187
How to rap a wag on the knuckles gag in which a spectator is rapped on the knuckles
Related to XXV 1584 187
To transforme anie one small thing into anie other forme by folding of paper Buddha papers, with paper or handkerchief, standard back-to-back paper method and ungaffed method
Related to XXVI 1584 187
Of cards, with good cautions how to avoid cousenage therein: speciall rules to conveie and handle the cards, and the maner and order how to accomplish all difficult and strange things wrought with cards injog or outjog shuffle to preserve stock, first or fourth finger controls stock, also with a few cover cards
Related to XXVII 1584 188
Reginald Scot On Gambling and Cheating
XXVII 1584 188
How to deliver out foure aces, and to convert them into foure knaves four Aces shown on face of deck and placed on table one by one, they change into Jacks
Related to XXVII 1584 188
Glide second card injogged and covered by fingers
Related to XXVII 1584 189
How to tell one what card he seeth in the bottome, when the same card is shuffled into the stocke card peeked, kept under control with jog shuffle and then "forced" (given) to spectator and divined
Related to XXVII 1584 189
An other waie to doo the same, having your selfe indeed never seene the card card glimpsed with diversion (like letting some cards fall), making piles and following the card, then giving it to spectator and divining it
Related to XXVII 1584 189
To tell one without confederacie what card the thinketh three cards on table, one thought of, divined by following gaze
Related to XXVII 1584 189
How to tell what card anie man thinketh, how to conveie the same into a kernell of a nut or cheristone, &c: and the same againe into ones pocket: how to make one drawe the same or anie card you list, and all under one devise card thought of is predicted on piece of paper in nut or button on spectator's coat, stooge, another person selects this card from deck, in optional repeat a nut with ink is cracked by some sucker
Related to XXVIII 1584 190
Classic Force with out (dropping some cards and starting again)
Related to XXVIII 1584 190
Of fast or loose, how to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to undo the same with words converting square knot into slip knot
Related to XXIX 1584 190
A notable feate of fast or loose; namelie, to pull three beadstones from off a cord, while you hold fast the ends thereof, without removing of your hand grandmother's necklace
Related to XXIX 1584 191
Juggling knacks by confederacie, and how to know whether one cast crosse or pile by the ringing heads or tails divined repeatedly, stooge with verbal code and psychology
XXX 1584 191
To make a shoale of goslings drawe a timber log some geese draw a log of wood, vague, probably thread
XXX 1584 192
To make a pot or anie such thing standing fast on the cupboard, to fall downe thense by vertue of words stooge with thread
XXX 1584 192
To make one danse naked spectator is made to throw away clothes and dance and stomp, stooge
XXX 1584 192
To transforme or alter the colour of ones cap or hat with stooge who confirms that the hat changed
XXX 1584 192
Steeven Tailor How to tell where a stollen horsse is become stooge
XXX 1584 192
Boxes to alter one graine into another, or to consume the graine or corne to nothing box with false bottom and layer of grains glued on it, turned over for transformation or vanish
Related to XXXI 1584 192
How to conveie (with words or charmes) the corne conteined in one box into an other previous box used to vanish grains, it reappears in bell type box that has grains behind leather separater that drops down when set hard on table (chop cup like)
Related to XXXI 1584 193
Of an other boxe to convert wheat into flower with words, &c. dove pan type container
XXXI 1584 193
Of diverse petie juggling knacks
  • making an oat stir
  • producing dry powdered spices from mouth
  • paddle type trick with straw in one of three holes in paddle that jumps around
Related to XXXI 1584 193
To burne a thred, and to make it whole againe with the ashes thereof
Related to XXXII 1584 193
To cut a lace asunder in the middest, and to make it whole againe more string than rope, borrowed, extra piece is cut
Related to XXXII 1584 194
How to pull laces innumerable out of your mouth, of what colour or length you list, and never anie thing seene to be therein mouth coils
Related to XXXII 1584 194
Clarvis How to make a booke, wherein you shall shew everie leafe therein to be white, black, blew, red, yellow, greene, &c. blow book, changes six times, with place where one can buy it, mentions of Pliney the Elder, Saint Albertus Magnus, John Baptista Neapolitan, Thomas Lupton
Related to XXXIII 1584 195
Desperate or dangerous juggling knacks, wherein the simple are made to thinke, that a seelie juggler with words can hurt and helpe, kill and revive anie creature at his pleasure: and first too kill anie kind of pullen, and to give it life againe knife or nail inserted into head of chicken to deafen it temporarily
XXXIII 1584 196
To eate a knife, and to fetch it out of anie other place knife swallowing, first partially put in mouth, then lapped with misdirection and apparently eaten
Related to XXXIII 1584 196
To thrust a bodkin into your head without hurt thin knife through head with blade that slips into handle, optional sponge with blood or wine for additional gore effect
Related to XXXIII 1584 196
To thrust a bodkin through your toong, and a knife through your arme: a pittifull sight, without hurt or danger gimmicked knifes with bend in middle
XXXIII 1584 197
To thrust a peece of lead into one eie, and to drive it about (with a sticke) betweene the skin and flesh of the forehead, untill it be brought to the other eie, and there thrust out lead put in one eye (really into hollow wand) and brought out the other
XXXIII 1584 197
To cut halfe your nose asunder, and to heale it againe presentlie without anie salve gimmicked knife with gap, apparently cut through nose
Related to XXXIII 1584 197
To put a ring through your cheeke ring apparently through cheek (with slit), is taken off and put onto stick that two people hold
Related to XXXIII 1584 197
To cut off ones head, and to laie it in a platter, &c: which the jugglers call the decollation of John Baptist decapitation illusion
Related to XXXIII 1584 198
To thrust a dagger or bodkin into your guts verie strangelie, and to recover immediatlie false belly with animal blood
XXXIII 1584 198
To drawe a cord through your nose, mouth or hand, so sensiblie as is woonderful to see crotch with thread through it, really inside the wood around nose
Related to XXXIII 1584 199
Reginald Scot The conclusion, wherin the reader is referred to certeine patterns of instruments wherewith diverse feats heere specified are to be executed final comments on the chapter about juggling (= magic)
XXXIII 1584 199
Data entered by Denis Behr, July 2017.