Written by Jerry Andrus
Work of Jerry Andrus
53 pages (Spiralbound), published by J A Enterprises
Illustrated with drawings by Jerry Andrus
Language: English
35 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Jerry Andrus Kurious Kards on flourishes
Jerry Andrus The Farro Shuffle sanding the edges to facilitate faro shuffle & explanation of faro technique
Jerry Andrus Easy Waterfall cards cascading into other hand after faro, Notis type
Related toVariationsAlso published here 12
Jerry Andrus Outside Waterfall double waterfall to outside after faro
VariationsAlso published here 13
Jerry Andrus Triple Waterfall thirds faroed into each like a triple-faro for cascade
Jerry Andrus Quadruple Waterfall fourths faroed into each like a quadruple-faro for cascade
Jerry Andrus Tumbling Effect halves faroed into each other at right angles, cards tumble out of hand one by one
Jerry Andrus Another Cascade halves faroed into each other at right angles, cards cascade to both sides, with variations
Jerry Andrus Pseudo Shuffle unweaving cascade
Related to 20
Jerry Andrus Card Spray halves faroed into each other at right angles, cards pop over and fall
Jerry Andrus Unweave Flourish cards unweave upwards, one-handed
Jerry Andrus Unweave onto Table
Jerry Andrus Standing Weave Spread deck released onto table in standing V-spread, also with triple or quadruple faro or longitudinal upright incomplete faro
Jerry Andrus Double Fan deck beveled into pointed configuration
Jerry Andrus Powdering a Deck in paper bag
Also published here 25
Jerry Andrus Squeeze Shot center of beveled deck shoots out when squeezed
Jerry Andrus Squeeze Shot Glimpse & Production
Jerry Andrus Standing Squeeze Spread deck beveled into pointed configuration and squeezed out between flat hands into standing spread, into both directions, double-spread can be split into two
Jerry Andrus Squeeze Fan squeezing faroed cards into a double fan one-handed
Jerry Andrus Some Ideas with Ribbon Spreads some flourishes with table spreads, double spreads, lifting the tabled spread up
Jerry Andrus Double Spread on Arm
Jerry Andrus East Indian Cobra arm spread with faro-shuffled deck, one end hangs free in the air
Jerry Andrus Stand-Up Spread two side-by-side table spreads are lifted up and leaned onto each other
Jerry Andrus Air Borne Spread long spread between the hands with faro-shuffled deck
Jerry Andrus Psychedelic Discovery incomplete faro shuffle, deck on table, halves spread in either direction bit by bit until face-up selection becomes visible
Also published here 40
Jerry Andrus Flip-Over Flourish incomplete faro shuffled deck with one half perpendicular at one corner is riffled onto table, shuffled cards drop out and flip over one by one
Related to 40
Jerry Andrus Funny Deal incomplete faro shuffled deck with one half perpendicular in T-formation, cards from one half shoot out one-handed
Jerry Andrus A Pendulum Idea incomplete faro shuffled deck on edge on table, pen moved back and forth and cards drop onto table one by one
Jerry Andrus Leap Frog balancing configuration on table, cards moved to top one by one, and top card slides down one side one by one
Jerry Andrus Flip Shuffle cards in one palm up hand, cards released off thumb flip over finger onto table, as shuffle with both hands
Jerry Andrus Some funny things with a Bent Deck faro shuffle with heavily bent deck, cards make a long bridge, also unweave flourish
Related to 44
Jerry Andrus A Slow Motion Tumble incomplete faro with heavily bent deck, cards drop onto table one by one slowly
Jerry Andrus The "S" Shuffle heavily bent deck faro shuffled and bent into S shape, cards fly out one by one
Jerry Andrus The Balancing Deck deck laid out onto table in large area, whole thing picked up and balanced on one finger, also as revelation
Jerry Andrus Faro Drop Flourish fine incomplete faro, deck held in end grip, cards drop one by one
Data entered by Denis Behr, June 2021.