Written by Jason Alford
Work of Various
160 pages (Spiralbound), published by The Second Deal (Jason Alford)
Illustrated with drawings by Jason Alford
Language: English
95 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Jason Alford Acknowledgments
Jon Racherbaumer Preface
Martin A. Nash Introduction
Jason Alford Foreword on the The Second Deal (TSD) website
Jason Alford Problem Posed intro to section of tricks that were posted on The Second Deal website as response to posed problems
Tomas Blomberg Signing Off signature travels from the face of the Two of Hearts to the Ace of Diamonds, ungaffed
Variations 11
Paul Cummins Just A Thought three spectators think of a card in a packet each with Emotional Reaction procedure, collectors done with those
Also published here 15
Aaron Goldberg Double or Nothing poker dice are thrown and hidden by spectator, matching hand dealt by performer
Related toAlso published here 20
Aaron Goldberg Propelled No-Lap Switch
Also published here 24
Tom Gagnon Open Predicament with named card
  • Seated Handling
  • Standup Version
Also published here 25
Turnover of Packet wrist turns around packet
Tomas Blomberg TSAR "Technicolor Successive Assembly Reversed"
Also published here 29
Tomas Blomberg Duped five cards, one looked at, spectator pockets the cards and removes four, they are not the selection, last one remaining in pocket is, five duplicates
Aaron Goldberg Sim Sala Simmons four card prediction, total predicts position of selection
Inspired byAlso published here 35
Ken Simmons The Pick-Up Force spectator cuts (hopefully) into break
Michael Sibbernsen Match Maker matching two royal flushes, Symbologic
Jason Alford Effects
R. Paul Wilson Archaic Spares five cards out-jogged in face-up spread, spectator thinks of one, they are removed and put in spectator's pocket, chosen one travels reversed into deck
R. Paul Wilson, Mark Aspiazu No Lap Switch Variation
Jason Alford, Doug Conn Order Up odd-backed Jokers are in different positions, then squared in and the instantly trap a selection, extra Joker
Inspired by 44
Darryl Harris Cards to Pocket and Case three selections travel to two pockets and case
Inspired by
  • "P.D.Q. Cards To Pocket" (Mike Gallo, 1983 lecture notes)
Card Case Holdout under cellophane
Flip Over Force forcing one of two selections
Related to 46
Michael Sibbernsen Flash Cut
Variations 49
Tom Stone Time Operator joker placed aside, selection transforms into joker with card identity written on it, previously isolated joker is selection
Also published here 51
Push-In Change
R. Paul Wilson Fained Casualty spectator pockets a four-card poker hand, then this is used to complete a royal flush in the next deal
Jason Tang Gnat Eats Locust card vanishes between two Queens, travels to between another two Queens
Inspired by 54
Earl Nelson W. T. Control Wirst Turn Pass as control
Inspired by 56
Earl Nelson W. T. Multiple Shift Wirst Turn Pass as ending to Bluff Multiple Shift
Inspired by 57
Ed Andres Half a Card Trick card changes into half dollar coin, then vanishes and appears in deck next to selection
Peter Duffie Internal Ace, Two and Three are pocketed, two selections appear between them
Inspired byAlso published here 61
Jason Alford Suit Cut Suit two cards in two suit runs from Ace to Ten transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 63
Ken Simmons Jason's Trick signature is transferred from face of Two of Hearts to the Three of Hearts, ungaffed
Related to
  • "Signed Quick Visuals" (Ken Simmons, Choice Effects 8)
Also published here
Christian Ehret Royal Gathering four Aces gather under the hands à la chink a chink, then change into a royal flush
Daryl Martinez Presto Attracto Card II two selections made (picked and peeked), so-called Presto Attracto Card is cut to, above and below are the two selections
Inspired byAlso published here
  • New Millennium World Tour, p. 19
Fingertip Peek Force angle-jog
One Hand Fancy Deal as in Chinese Deal
Doug Conn Ginzu Ace through Ten of Diamonds placed aside, a selection transposes with one of them in an off-beat way, eight double facers
Steve Draun Draun's Erdnase Change handling for Houdini/Erdnase Change
Inspired by 77
Chas Roberts Five Card Joker Poker, Jokers Wild! five Jokers change into a Royal Flush
Inspired by 79
All Alike Display diminishing lift with extra card
  • First Method
  • Second Method
David Solomon A Sandwich That's Not So Pure odd-backed sandwich cards placed near the ends of the spread, gathered and re-spread, they now sandwich selection
Aaron Goldberg Transit Poison '98 one pocketed, the other sandwiched, surprise triple transposition with card seen at the beginning
Inspired by 84
Aaron Goldberg, Edward Marlo The Marlo Switch-Out Variation card is inserted into two side-jogged cards on top of deck
Inspired by 85
Marty Kane Nightmare Poker card to complete Royal Flush found with counting procedure
Inspired by 87
Mark Aspiazu Pen Production pen appears on in-the-hands spread, or under the spread with floating spread sequence
  • Variation
Steve Beam Demolition partial stack
Also published here 91
Jason Tang Dancing With JNH selection lost, Aces shown, Ace on face has same suit as selection, other three turn over at once and then change to mates of selection, then all four cards change into the selection on the deck
Jason Tang Dip Switch unload in which the unloaded cards from packet reverse onto deck
Paul Harris Flop Change deck flipped over card at right-hand fingertips and back
Also published here 94
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 96
Jon Racherbaumer Snow-Blind Kings Jazz aces, cards turn blank as a climax
Inspired by 98
Kevin Kelly The Physics Lesson
Inspired by 101
Edward Marlo, Kevin Kelly Marlo-Thompson Bluff Pass with Kelly's "Bluff Card Bottom Card Subtlety" (bottom card stays the same)
Inspired by 102
Edward Marlo Casual Spread Display cards fanned towards spectators, back card spread to the left
Kevin Kelly Bold Open Reverse card reversed as top indifferent card placed in deck
Don Voltz The World Series of Poker (¿A Dream?) location after two riffle shuffles, interlocking chains
Inspired by 104
Jason Alford Spare Change international chink-a-chink with backfire
Related toAlso published here 106
John Caluwaert Kaluwaert's Kannibal Kings rhyming patter of "The Dance of The Cannibals"
Related to 109
Edward Marlo The Real Inversion card turns over, then whole deck
  • Variation (two selections)
Edward Marlo Turnover Change out-jogged card changes/turns over, deck quickly turned over with arm swing
Related to 111
Ken Simmons Two The Hard Way two selections lost, incomplete riffle shuffle is pulled apart, first selection sticks out of one half and is tabled, repeat with pivot production of wrong card, it changes into first selection, tabled first card is now second selection
Inspired byVariations 113
Edward Marlo Pick-Up Move production from incomplete riffle shuffle as halves are pulled apart
Related to 113
Bruce Cervon Pivot Revelation incomplete riffle shuffle pivoted apart
Ken Simmons Two The Hard Way (A Different Approach) two selections lost, incomplete riffle shuffle is pulled apart, first selection sticks out of one half and is tabled, repeat with pivot production for second selection, then both cards travel to pockets
Inspired by 115
Edward Marlo The Spectator Removes Em brief, two cards to pocket, removed by spectator
Also published here 116
Peter Gröning A Collect Call
Shaun Robison Four What selection lost, four Aces are shown each as selection, then they become four-of-a-kind of selection
Edward Marlo Diminishing Lift Sequence extra card
Ascanio Spread Laydown
Marty Kane The Magic Underground Aces found with dealing and spelling by spectator, "Status Quo Principle" (invariant positions in Down-Under Deals)
Related to 123
Tomas Blomberg Gramp's Case one Ace put in case, other Aces vanish one by one among Jokers, Aces then with other Ace in case
Inspired by
  • "Grandfather's Aces" (Chris Kenner/David Copperfield)
Peter Gröning Quickie spectator's selection is under her hand, performer's selection travels to join under the spectator's hand, repeat
Steve Freeman Center Double Lift
Also published here
  • Genii, July 1981
Mark Aspiazu Hawk Transpo twisting Kings, they then transpose with tabled selection
Inspired byVariations 130
Brother John Hamman Undercount Switch cards counted off bottom of packet, a card is counted back
Related to 130
Gary Freed Test Conditions card cut to, prediction is 51-on-1 gag, with actual selection on the back
Related to 133
Nathan Kranzo Invisible Elasticity Invisible rubberband suddenly appears wrapped around deck, selection penetrates deck and rubberband
Variations 135
Steve Draun Snap-Back Sleight card jumps back on the deck
Also published here 136
Paul Harris Flop Change deck flipped over card at right-hand fingertips and back
Also published here 136
Joshua Jay Fingertip Fingertip Magician removes end of pinky finger, and restores it
Also published here 138
Don England The Full Molly monte routine with several phases and back changes
Don England Rhumba Count Olram Combination
Ashford Kneitel The Subtlest Poker Move of All in final phase performer's cards multiply from five to about fifteen
Inspired by 144
Edward Marlo Olram's Jinx Switch
Also published here 144
Peter Gröning Clean Cut Shuffle ends with clean cut
  • As a Block Transfer
    • From Bottom to Top
    • From Top to Bottom
Andrew Wimhurst Dirty Harry location of mates in pocket which turn out to be selections
Also published here 148
Tomas Blomberg Whispering Collectors three Jokers whisper names of two selections, selections are lost and then appear between Jokers
Related to
  • "The Whispering Queens" (Victor Farelli, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 9 No. 6)
Tomas Blomberg ATFUS Handling
Three-as-Three Count
Nathan Kranzo Goldincrease signed cards transpose, one folded
Nathan Kranzo Goldin Change into Folded Card snap change from card into a folded card
Chad Long Convincing Cut one-hand cut à la beginning of Charlier cut, then reaching in to pull out an Ace, reverse tilt
Inspired by 155
Joel Givens Twixter In My Pocket one quartet pocketed, another turns face-down one by one, then they transpose
  • Alternate Ending
Inspired by 156
Data entered by Denis Behr, May 2022.