Written by Steve Beam
Work of Various
510 pages (Hardcover), published by Trapdoor Productions
Illustrated with drawings by Steve Beam
Language: English
381 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Steve Beam Introduction introduction to the bound volume
2011 i
Steve Beam Upside Down Chinese compass effect with the words "up" and "down", square plaque, several moves, see also p. 51 for additional ideas and remarks by Martin Gardner, Dan Garrett and Sid Lorraine, more ideas on p. 990 by Lee Fred
Related toVariations 1 1983 1
Steve Beam Style on practicing a new routine quickly
1 1983 4
Steve Beam The Maeb-y Count right hand buckle as cards are counted from right to left
Related to 1 1983 5
Steve Beam Back to Aces all backs with four cards, one by one they change into Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1 1983 6
Steve Beam Flushtration Count Variation as all back display, taking cards from each side
Also published here 1 1983 7
Steve Beam Olram Subtlety more a variation of a Flushtration Count
1 1983 7
Steve Beam Card Problems humorous article
1 1983 9
Steve Beam Lock & Key producing a lock, to add humor to a prediction, wordplay
1 1983 9
Steve Beam Leftovers on David Copperfield, Daryl, Darwin Ortiz, Mendoza, Harry Blackstone jr.
1 1983 10
Dawn Beam 25 Years Ago in the Trapdoor
1 1983 11
Steve Beam Cut and Restored Belt
1 1983 12
Steve Beam, Wayne Kyzer Mail Box fake biography of a certain Plooster family
1 1983 13
Steve Beam Math comedy prediction, unsolvable math question, in envelope
1 1983 14
Steve Beam Forethought
1 1983 16
Steve Beam Name-Calling toy license plates, performer tries to divine spectator's name, holds up wrong plate and puts it in an envelope, name on plate transforms into name of spectator, comedy routine
2 1983 17
Steve Beam Style constructing a practice mirror, three mirrors, different angles
2 1983 19
Wayne Kyzer Caught comedy routine with a bear trap, activating a jump trap without being harmed
Related to 2 1983 20
Steve Beam Reward huge check in envelope as an insurance, when turned over it matches the selection
2 1983 21
Steve Beam Letter to Steve Beam fake letter to author, apparently by Malcolm No-Heart from the South Carolina Electric Co.
2 1983 22
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Letter from the Power Company
2 1983 22
Steve Beam Stop! say stop gag, when card should be selected by shuffling
2 1983 23
Steve Beam The Five Kings Card Trick
2 1983 24
Steve Beam Biographical Rope humorous routine with a rope, several knots and fitting patter, see also p. 543 and p. 860
Also published here 2 1983 27
Steve Beam Joke
2 1983 29
Kevin Justice No Tie Knot false knot
Also published here 2 1983 30
Don Morris Two Faced coin changed into two-faced and two tailed coin, then back to normal, impromptu
Inspired by 2 1983 31
Paddle Move with Coins
2 1983 31
Paddle Move Display tossing coin from hand to hand
Also published here 2 1983 31
Steve Beam Rollover Kings four kings production, last two kings with Elliott's Brrrrtttt!
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2 1983 32
Steve Beam Coins in Bottle 57 cents produced from a Heinz 57 Sauce bottle, see Addendum for additional ideas
Related to 2 1983 34
Steve Beam Top Stock gag, cards are openly added after spectator shuffled the deck
2 1983 35
Steve Beam Leftovers on Playboy revealing secrets and National Magic Day (second Sunday in may)
2 1983 36
Steve Beam Convincer for Rubber Ringer
Inspired by 2 1983 36
Steve Beam Early Riser ambitious card sequence, card rises once visibly, plunger
3 1984 37
Steve Beam Downs' Upper variation on the Downs change, without table, as an ambitious card sequence
3 1984 39
Steve Beam Pip Picker picking off the pip, convincer and diamond produced as a climax, see also p. 67
Inspired by 3 1984 40
Wayne Kyzer Wilmot comedy bit, rubber chicken starts to laugh and is eventually shot by performer
3 1984 40
Steve Beam The Final Months? fictitious talk between Harry Lorayne and Richard Kaufman
3 1984 41
Steve Beam All Backs Addition two moves for all back routines, a display of all cards and a transformation (one handed top palm)
3 1984 41
John Riggs 5 Coin Star in a circle formation, predated by Alex Elmsley 1952
Related to 3 1984 42
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Letter from Inetta Staley from Inetta R. Staley to Steve Beam, thank you letter for a performance
3 1984 46
Steve Beam Paper Gaber gag, performer doesn't look, so he reads newspaper, two holes in it
3 1984 46
Steve Beam All Keyed Up car key transformation, humorous presentation, see also p. 67 for more ideas
Variations 3 1984 47
Steve Beam The Human Printing Press printing of a business card, also business card gag, variation of paddle move
Inspired byRelated to 3 1984 47
Dexter Cleveland Computer Cards with computer presentation, wizard card trick
3 1984 50
Steve Beam Advertisement Heckler-Splat
3 1984 50
Steve Beam Leftovers on The Winter Carnival of Magic in Gatlingburg, Houdini, Randi, John Riggs, Harvey Rosenthal, Dexter Cleveland
3 1984 52
Steve Beam (reviewer) Card Sharp On Duty - Please Wait To Be Cheated by Allan Hayden 3 1984 52
Steve Beam The Human Eraser message on paper becomes name of selection when wiping over it or when spectator tries to erase it, rubber cement
Related to 4 1984 53
Steve Beam Pieces of 8 cards with numbers, selection does not match prediction, prediction changes to correct number, rubber cement
4 1984 54
Steve Beam Floor Fan when spectator tries to select a card, also as a bold card force
4 1984 55
Steve Beam Pen Vanish first pen then cap vanish, entire pen is eventually produced from pocket
Also published here 4 1984 56
Steve Beam Pen Reverse pen is pushed through hand and reverses in doing so, cap on other side
Also published here 4 1984 57
Steve Beam Jumping Flower
Inspired by 4 1984 58
Steve Beam False Faro diagonal pressure and swivel cut
Related to 4 1984 59
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Extra Issue for Contribution
4 1984 60
Steve Beam Transpo-1 one card sticks out of middle of the packet
4 1984 61
Steve Beam Variation on Vernon's Push Through Flourish as a color change
4 1984 61
Steve Beam The New Sleight that Resembles a Second Deal card sticking in the middle is apparently removed, when in fact the second card is taken
4 1984 61
Steve Beam Transpo-2 card sticking in the middle, second transforms in the hand
4 1984 62
Steve Beam The Shrink humorous patter for diminishing cards
Inspired byRelated to 4 1984 63
Steve Beam Hot Dog! repeated hot dog production, put in bag and all vanish, like sponge banana production, see p. 104 for additional idea by Kevin Justice
4 1984 64
Steve Beam The Effect of Alcohol on Performing Magic
4 1984 67
Steve Beam Leftovers two jokes by Michael Beam, one with a tooth and one with baseball mitts, on R.C. Buff, Henry Pettit, Harold Taylor, not using the restroom before the show, Jim Culver
4 1984 68
Steve Beam Creating Magic hot to invent tricks
  • Creating Magic
  • Warning!!
  • Getting into the Mood
  • Tools
  • Background
  • Second Guessing Authors
  • Other Magicians
  • Magic Catalogs
  • Laymen
  • Lying
  • Problems
  • Brainstorming
  • Name Dropping
  • Existing Tricks
  • Routines
  • The Trick Brain
  • Living with an Idea
  • Step by Step
  • Conclusion
Related to 5 1984 69
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Calculating your Sales Tax
5 1984 78
Steve Beam ""Touch" Retouched" Rehashed
Inspired by 5 1984 84
Steve Beam Ideas with a Rubberbanded Deck
5 1984 84
Steve Beam Ring Through Spectator's Hand
Inspired by 5 1984 87
Steve Beam Leftovers on The Equinox, an All Backs Joke by John Riggs, John Murray, Kevin Justice's birthday card idea, Walter Gibson, Harry Blackstone Sr., Lloyd Jones, James Bazemore, birth of Casey Lauren Beam
5 1984 88
Jeff White The White Stuff three selection, first found and split in other two selections, cards are lost and found again
6 1984 89
Steve Beam Key Bender old car keys, borrowed, bent and unbent
6 1984 91
John Riggs Cold Fold card fold into quarters, bottom of the deck, finesse on Scarne's card fold
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 6 1984 92
Wayne Kyzer Rat Trap comedy routine with a bear trap and a fake mouse
Related to 6 1984 93
Steve Beam Compu-Card computer reveals wrong card, selection is changed to match prediction, then computer cursor is moved magically, code to program it on the computer
Related to 6 1984 94
Steve Beam Teleforce computer program reveals selection, with code
Related to 6 1984 95
Steve Beam Style acupressure to reduce stage fright
6 1984 97
Steve Beam GIGO joke, code to unable people opening files
Related to 6 1984 98
Steve Beam Puzzler two indicator cards
Inspired byAlso published here 6 1984 99
Harvey Rosenthal Table Top Transpo
6 1984 100
Edward Marlo Visual Retention Change
6 1984 101
Harvey Rosenthal Card Switch turning face down card over, lapping card
6 1984 101
Harvey Rosenthal Two Ideas with the Rosenthal Card Switch
  • joker transform into selection, second card stays the same
  • card on table face up is turned over
6 1984 102
Steve Beam Subscriptions - The Trapdoor and The Economy
6 1984 103
Steve Beam Leftovers a joke by Wayne Kyzer for the Guillotine act, Henry Pettit
6 1984 104
Steve Beam Calculator Trick sum prediction, with calculator, automatic shut-off recall
Related to 6 1984 104
Steve Beam Impact! several spectators cut a small packet and remember a card, all cards are found, deck can be riffle shuffled once, chains, see also p. 987 for additional idea by Geoff Williams
Related toVariations 7 1985 105
Steve Beam Ping Pong Force ping pong ball is thrown to audience, way to arrive at a stooge, see p. 436 for additional ideas
7 1985 107
Chris Ball Quick Kings four ace production
7 1985 109
Slip Cut from hindu shuffle position
7 1985 109
Steve Beam Fish Tricks wordplay joke, impression of a fish
7 1985 110
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Subscription Drive
7 1985 110
Steve Beam The Great Divide two selections, card with total of values is removed and split into selection, card with value total appears sandwiched between selections
Related to 7 1985 111
Steve Beam Siamese Stab double facer handed out for examination, see addendum for presentation patter, see also p. 543 for additional ideas
Related toAlso published here 7 1985 114
Steve Beam Making Faces fusion and split of two cards
7 1985 115
Steve Beam, Wayne Kyzer Raisin' Rabbits joke, apparently rabbit appears and disappears, handful of raisins as proof, see p. 351 for credit information
Related to 7 1985 117
Jerry Huckaby Fountain Top Mountain Dew used to have a card printed in the bottle cap, selection is reveald
7 1985 117
Steve Beam Leftovers on an idea for finding a check with muscle reading, a very risky idea to find a selected card over the phone, John Riggs
7 1985 120
Glenn Strange The Time Bomb joke, alarm clock / bomb is given to spectator to hold, see p. 436 for additional ideas by Meir Yedid
Related to 8 1985 121
Phillip Young Anti Aces black and red aces change places
8 1985 123
Pressure Spread
8 1985 124
Dale Rabon Radio Wizard radio interview, interviewer choses a song from the top hundred list, medium is called who divines title
8 1985 125
Steve Beam Middle-Guage Spread card spread on the table two cards turned over and value is used to count in the spread, both end on same card which turns out to be selection
Related toAlso published here 8 1985 126
John Riggs Sandwich Spread jokers placed on spread, spread is flipped over and jokers caught with right hand, selection is found sandwiched in between
Related to 8 1985 128
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Find the Names Puzzle
8 1985 130
Dexter Cleveland Tax Tipps humorous article on how to get tax reduction
8 1985 131
Steve Beam Ask the Accountant made up questions by magicians to a tax accountant
8 1985 131
Steve Beam Double Prophecy two cards stabbed in the deck, value is used two find two selections, see p. 160 for corrections
Related to 8 1985 132
Don Morris Card Control to x-position, double cut
8 1985 132
Steve Beam Double Prophecy Move with two cards
8 1985 133
Steve Beam Electric Chair card rises from deck, in case held by spectator, electric chair presentation, two methods
Related to 8 1985 134
Steve Beam Blank Impact gag idea for Impact, blank card
Related to 8 1985 136
Dexter Cleveland Card Thru Ceiling 52 cards built in ceiling of house
8 1985 136
Steve Beam Dead Spread table spread turnover gag, spectator fails to turnover cards, spread breaks halfway
8 1985 137
Steve Beam Leftovers a computer gag, Henry Pettit, Dan Garrett, Phil Young, Wayn Kyzer's bear handed production gag, , a coin gag by Dexter Cleveland, Don Morris, a probability impossible trick for magician's by Steve Beam
8 1985 140
Steve Beam Shakedown first face up and face down shuffled deck and then red and black cards visually separate, faro condition, cards drop
Related to 9 1985 141
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Handling Fee
9 1985 145
Woody Landers Finger Flinger Reversal spread cover, card from center reversed on the bottom
Related to 9 1985 146
Steve Beam Rollout deck is dropped, turns 360 degrees and lands on the table, one card jumps out
Also published here 9 1985 148
Steve Beam The Color Changing Card Case
Also published here 9 1985 149
Steve Beam Card Compression four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Related toAlso published here 9 1985 151
Dai Vernon Through-the-Fist Flourish
9 1985 151
John Berry Bow Tie Mat close up mat as giant tie, gag
9 1985 153
Steve Beam Welcome Mat message on back of close up mat, gag
9 1985 155
Steve Beam Camera Tricks FISM Flash gag
9 1985 155
John Riggs Thumb Print
9 1985 156
Steve Beam Leftovers on Dexter Cleveland, Harry Anderson, Doug Henning, The Jinx, optical illusions, a gag for introducing a handkerchief to a modern audience
9 1985 160
Steve Beam Charged Cards several phases, apparently cards are charged with electric energy
  • 1. single card rises from deck
  • 2. half of a card stands on table on the long end
  • 3. half of a card stands on table on the short end
  • 4. four quarters of a card cling to the fingers
  • 5. card spread is picked up (Jerry Andrus)
see also p. 243 for additional idea by Jim Surprise
Related to 10 1985 161
Jerry Andrus Picking Up Card Spread
Also published here
  • "Some Ideas With Ribbon Spreads" in Jerry Andrus' "Kurios Kards" 1973, p. 32
10 1985 167
Steve Beam More? card case sticks to wall
10 1985 168
Dexter Cleveland Upside Dexter patter ideas for the Chinese Compass
10 1985 168
Steve Beam The Beam Guide to Attending Magic Conventions
Related toAlso published here 10 1985 169
Steve Beam Arise rising card with false finger
10 1985 174
Steve Beam The Finger gags and ideas with a false finger
  • 1. Misnomer
  • 2. Let Your Fingers Do The Walking
  • 3. Sticky Fingers
  • 4.. Item #4
10 1985 175
Steve Beam Leftovers
10 1985 176
Greg Eanes Silicard silicon on card
11 1985 178
Greg Eanes Forced Vanish force and card vanish with the Silicard
11 1985 178
Greg Eanes Siliwave spectator turns one card over behind back and places it in the center of the deck, it's the only red backed card
11 1985 179
Greg Eanes Silicase signed card to card case
11 1985 179
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Don't Renew
11 1985 180
Wayne Kyzer The Trick that Cannot Be Printed gag prediction
11 1985 181
Steve Beam The VCR
11 1985 181
Wayne Kyzer, Steve Beam The Dusty Drink glass fills up several times, funny patter
Inspired by 11 1985 182
Phillip Young Autograph Hound gag on autograph collecting, additional idea by Dexter Cleveland
11 1985 183
Steve Beam Expanded Autograph Hound black card with full of signatures, a magician is named and all autographs are erased except the one from the named magician
Related to 11 1985 184
Dunbury Switch tip over switch
11 1985 184
James Swoger The Throw Up Move move to get in cut and restored rope / string
Related to 11 1985 185
Bill Ryder The Ryder Stack four cards from top are distributed to top, bottom and two in the center with a break, in one shuffle, lift
11 1985 186
Aldo Colombini Clubbed in one half selection turns over, in other half all cards from the same suit are found reversed
Variations 11 1985 187
Frederick Braue Braue Reversal
11 1985 187
Wayne Kyzer Ooze gags for razor blade swallowing, second one by Steve Beam, see also p. 228 for additional ideas
11 1985 188
Steve Beam Leftovers on duct tape, Dan Fleshman, Wayne Kyzer, George Wallace, James Swoger, Phil Thomas, Paul Wolman, Jerry Andrus, video editing, John Riggs
11 1985 192
John Riggs The Thing small puppet hand in coin purse, throws coin out, more ideas on "Mr. Jimmy" by Steve Beam
Related toAlso published here 12 1985 193
Steve Beam Flash Finale flames from coin purse, as a finale to The Thing, gag
12 1985 196
John Riggs The Dip Switch bold coin switch, in pocket
12 1985 197
John Riggs One Handed Gellerism spoon bending, slow bend until it breaks
12 1985 198
John Riggs Airspread card spread in hands, one hand lets go, spread suspends in air, ungaffed
12 1985 199
Steve Beam Airspread II gimmick version
12 1985 200
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Renew Now
12 1985 201
John Riggs Uncle John's Guide to Magic! in comic form
12 1985 202
John Riggs Bent Over Double
Related to 12 1985 204
Steve Beam The Epidimus gag interview with "The Pimp", including The Pimp's Delight
12 1985 205
John Riggs John Riggs
12 1985 208
John Riggs Rollover Revisited cards shuffled face up / face down, four of a kind is produced and cards all turn into same direction again
Inspired byAlso published here 12 1985 208
Edward Marlo, John Riggs Perfect False Riffle Shuffle variation
12 1985 210
John Riggs The Centerfold Deal false center deal demonstration, two players, four kings, four aces as a climax
Also published here 12 1985 210
John Riggs Loading Cards Between a Four of a Kind with the pack, several breaks
12 1985 211
John Riggs Double Lift from Bottom hiding a face up card
12 1985 211
Steve Beam Leftovers on John Riggs and Henry Looper
12 1985 212
Steve Beam Jinxed with five piles, with indicator card, with Acquisition Shuffle
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 13 1986 213
John Riggs Jimmy Revisited more ideas on The Thing and puppet hand finds card, Mr. Jimmy
Related to 13 1986 216
John Riggs Purse Snatcher puppet hands and feet appear between performer's hand, joke, Mr. Jimmy
Also published here 13 1986 217
John Riggs Backwards Card to Wallet wallet changes into giant card
Also published here 13 1986 218
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Trapdoor Price Patrol
13 1986 219
Wayne Kyzer Reserved Seating three gags with a bedpan
Related toAlso published here 13 1986 220
J. C. Doty Doty's Ticker gag, instead of pocket watch an hour glass is attached to the chain
13 1986 221
Steve Beam 6801 Prediction comedy prediction with a twist, 1089 force
Related to 13 1986 222
Steve Beam Happy Food gag for banquet performances
13 1986 223
Steve Beam Magic Animals spraying a squirrel white, because performer could not afford a rabbit
13 1986 224
Steve Beam Leftovers on Harry Blackstone, Jr., John Riggs, Wayne Kyzer, Don Morris
13 1986 228
Corbett Thigpen Building Clips building card and coin clips
13 1986 228
Steve Beam CashPack bills change into deck of cards
Related toAlso published here 14 1986 229
Greg Atkinson The One Armed Assistant gag, assistant is introduced, big jar with arm sticking out
14 1986 232
John Davit Triple Waterfall deck is shuffled once, three waterfalls
Related to 14 1986 233
John Davit The Falling Faro faro flourish, method to square cards by dropping the incomplete faro to other hand
14 1986 236
John Davit Rollover faro flourish
14 1986 238
Bud Whitford The Thing Returns Again more ideas on "The Thing", Mr. Jimmy, baby between hands urinates
Related to 14 1986 238
Bud Whitford And Again more ideas on "The Thing", Mr. Jimmy, baby between hands
Related to 14 1986 238
John Riggs Count on Me gag, counting fingers, rubber hand
14 1986 239
Wayne Kyzer Night Writer prediction, blank card, writing is seen with flashlight, see also p. 264 for additional ideas by Phillip Young
14 1986 240
Steve Beam Subscriptions - WIMPS to RUMPS
14 1986 241
Steve Beam Leftovers on W.I.M.P.S, Wayne Kyzer, Henry Pettit, Phillip Young
14 1986 244
Steve Beam The Good, the Bad & the Layman comments and thoughts on magic
1. Magician or Actor?
2. Why aren't Magicians Tougher on Each Other?
3. Are Magicians too Tough on Each Other?
4. The "Commercial" Trick
5. Good Versus Bad Tricks
6. The Commercial Magicians
7. The Attitude
8. Conclusion
Followed by comments of Don Morris, John Riggs, Leroy Blackstone, Phillip Young, Dexter Cleveland, Wayne Kyzer
Related to 15 1986 245
Phillip Young Deck on a Rope practicing card tricks in the shower, gag
15 1986 252
Steve Beam, Phillip Young The Shrink II patter and routine, gaffed
Related to 15 1986 253
Tom Craven The Match miniature card of selection is found in matchbox
15 1986 254
Tim Harkelroad Bottlefed gag with balloon and Nielsen bottle
15 1986 255
Wayne Kyzer Thumbs Down comedy routine, performer's finger vanishes from hand and appears on selection
15 1986 256
Steve Beam Well Shaken deck removed from the deck is in order, then shaken and cards are mixed, see also p. 294 for additional ideas
Related toAlso published here 15 1986 257
John Riggs Aces for Airheads off-beat cutting the aces, four random cards on top, when position of packets are changed, aces appear on top of the packets
15 1986 258
Steve Beam Subscriptions - The Art of Filling a Page
15 1986 261
Steve Beam A Computer Card Trick no title given, card found by computer program, code
15 1986 262
Steve Beam Leftovers on the birth of Michelle Allison Beam, Phillip Young, Kevin Justice, Jim Culver, Jim Swoger, Dexter Cleveland
15 1986 264
Tim Harkelroad Coon 1 spring raccoon routine, impressions
16 1987 266
John Riggs Coon 2 spring raccoon routine, impressions and selected card is found
1. The Attack
2. The Signed Cod
3. The Finale
4. The Screaming Assault
5. The Follow Up
6. The Wiggler
7. Leftover Line
16 1987 267
Wayne Kyzer Coon 3 spring raccoon routine, raccoon pees
16 1987 270
Steve Beam Coon 4 spring raccoon routine, intestine leads to a rope trick
16 1987 271
Steve Beam Forced Add-On without disturbing the top and bottom cards
Inspired by 16 1987 272
Steve Beam The King Thing mates of selection are produced, while performer cuts deck to the table spectator says stop and finds one card the others are on top and on bottom of deck fourth card is produced in sandwich
16 1987 273
Reinhard Müller 3-Card Catch
16 1987 274
Steve Beam Gagged gag about ordinary deck of playing cards
16 1987 275
Steve Beam Big Deal card not hidden behind jumbo card
Inspired byRelated to 16 1987 276
Rub-A-Dub-Dub Vanish
16 1987 276
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Subscription for a Friend
16 1987 279
Steve Beam Leftovers on writing a periodical, Yogi's Magic Mart, mistakes in books (Cliff Green's Prefessional Card Magic, David Roth's Expert Coin Magic, Karrell Fox's Abrakafox), Jack Armstrong, Dean Carter, Al D'Alfonso
16 1987 280
Steve Beam Exploding Kings flashy production of four of a kind
17 1987 281
Steve Beam Overhand Shuffle Stacking four cards from top are distributed to top, bottom and two in the center with a break, in two shuffles
17 1987 282
Steve Beam Street Magic gag opener for a show, orange and white highway marker on stage
Related to 17 1987 283
Wayne Kyzer Over Lightly gag, anti-smoking, lighter transforms into small sign
17 1987 285
Steve Beam Floating Trash levitation of a trash can
Related toAlso published here
  • Steve Beam's "Levitation of a Trash Can" in Melton Francis' "Magic for the Complete Idiot"
17 1987 285
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Other Magazines
17 1987 285
Steve Beam Chameleon Kings kings transform into four aces
17 1987 286
Steve Beam The Count Olram Count variation
17 1987 287
Tim Harkelroad Milked gag, milking a thumb of a spectator, adding milk to coffee
Related to 17 1987 291
Steve Beam No Jacket Required book test, gag, upside-down book
17 1987 292
Steve Beam Style egg bag jokes
17 1987 295
Steve Beam Leftovers on Abbott's, Greg Bordner, Wayne Kyzer, Kaymar The Magician, patter for The Shrinking Glove, computer tricks
17 1987 296
Steve Beam Time Pieces watch destroyed in plain view, watch switch, a lot of presentational ideas and gags
18 1987 297
Paul Diamond The Diamonds Double fancy move, also with table placement
18 1987 300
Steve Beam Subscriptions - Endorsing Other Magazines
18 1987 302
Steve Beam Special Animal Insert
18 1987 303
John Riggs Lucinda ring vanishes from box and appears in performer's mouth, invisible bird presentation, comedy routine
18 1987 303
Jim Hyams, Paul Sorrentino, Gary Plants, Evert Chapman, Steve Beam A Trick with a Borrowed Dog gag, dog starts barking at correct card
18 1987 304
Jim Hyams A-Maze-Ing five cards put on five exits from a small maze, mouse finds exit with selection, see Guilty for credit corrections
Related to 18 1987 305
Jim Hyams The Roach Trick dead roach appears from two playing cards
18 1987 306
Steve Beam The Vanishing Earthworm living worm disappears from tube, gag
18 1987 306
Steve Beam Utility Vanish joke, living worm disappears from a book
18 1987 307
John Riggs Flea Market joke, apparently performer eats flies, additional ideas
18 1987 307
John Harwood The Thing - The Sequel more ideas with miniature hands, Mr. Jimmy / The Thing
  • The Fly
  • Sponge Balls
  • Applause
Related to 18 1987 309
Steve Beam Rollover Aces
Inspired by 18 1987 310
Steve Beam Cardtrik computer screen as slate, program code, see p. 351 for code correction
Inspired byRelated to 18 1987 311
Steve Beam Leftovers on Gary Plants, Uri Geller
18 1987 316
Steve Beam Business Cards torn and restored business card from spectator, lot of gags and presentational ideas
19 1987 317
Steve Beam Update answering machine joke
19 1987 320
Steve Beam Computer Cards add for all of Beam's computer card tricks, already programmed and sold on floppy disks
19 1987 321
Brad Reeder Breather gag, lysol sprayed in performer's mouth
19 1987 322
Gary Hipp Scorcher match burns and apparently performer forgets it, it burns without burning the fingers
19 1987 323
Steve Beam The Floating Lady
19 1987 324
Chris Ball Blender
Related to 19 1987 325
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2016.