Written by Frederick Braue, Jeff Busby
Work of Frederick Braue
240 pages (Spiralbound), published by Jeff Busby Magic, Inc.
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
517 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Frederick Braue Braue Crimp technique for inner left corner, starts with bottom buckle
Also published here 3 1985 23
The Wax Control selection behind the back
3 1985 23
Wax Pellet Control selection behind the back
3 1985 23
Frederick Braue Braue Confusion Control using Charlier Pass, "This is a one-trick sleight It should be assigned to a given trick and used with it alone."
3 1985 24
The Fan Bridge stop on fan, cards bent up
3 1985 24
Frederick Braue The Braue Turndown same as Tamariz/Bruce Turnover/Replacement
3 1985 25
Push Change card placed from in-the-hands spread to table is switch à la Downs Change
3 1985 25
Paul Curry, Frederick Braue Curry Turnover Change (Braue Handling)
Inspired by 3 1985 25
Frederick Braue Braue Secret Addition ace switch context, some credit information
Related to 3 1985 26
Frederick Braue Evolution Double Lift thumbnail gauge
Inspired by 3 1985 26
Francis Carlyle Snap Double Lift dribbling until two cards remain in hand, then flip-over
Related to 3 1985 27
Henry Christ Christ's Change spread handling of tip-over change
3 1985 27
Frederick Braue The SIde Glide kelly-bottom type action
Also published here 3 1985 28
Frederick Braue The Color Change article with four changes
3 1985 28
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Double Color Change
3 1985 28
Visible Transformation with clip position
3 1985 29
Stuart P. Cramer Simple Color Change Erdnase/Houdini change
3 1985 29
Bottom Steal Color Change
3 1985 29
Frederick Braue Braue Fan Display four as three
3 1985 30
Frederick Braue Braue Three-Card Show four as three
4 1985 1
Frederick Braue Braue Strip Switch
4 1985 1
Slipping the Cut three methods to beat the cut
  • setting a bridged card
  • gesture pass
  • leaving-cards-behind pass
4 1985 1
Turnover False Cut similar action to Andrus Fake Slop Shuffle
4 1985 2
Paul Rosini Rosini Hand False Cut false swing cut
4 1985 2
Three-Way Hand Cut
4 1985 3
Steve Shephard Gamblers' False Cut
4 1985 3
A Fancy Cut twirl cut, "a favorite with Nate Leipzig"
4 1985 3
Martin Gardner A Fancy False Cut twirl/swivel
Related to 4 1985 3
Gamblers' Stock Control with bridge
Related to 4 1985 4
Four-Card Riffle Shuffle Control Stevens Control type
Also published here 4 1985 4
Gus Southall top stock control, top stock shuffled into deck (letter to Southall, 1960-03-26)
Also published here 4 1985 5
Face-Up Stock Stock Control top stock shuffled into deck
4 1985 6
One-Card Riffle Shuffle Control Stevens Control type
Also published here 4 1985 6
Bridge Force spectator cuts to bridge
4 1985 7
Lin Searles Searles' Force top half cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over, The "So Simple" Force
4 1985 7
Frederick Braue Flip-Flop Force cut-deeper force
Related to 4 1985 8
Frederick Braue Braue Squeeze Middle Palm "This is the best of all sleights yet devised for palming a card from the center of the pack."
Also published here 4 1985 8
Frederick Braue Braue Bottom Palm for small packet
4 1985 8
Frederick Braue Braue Squeeze Center Palm
Also published here 4 1985 9
Frederick Braue Braue Bottom Card Break buckle
4 1985 9
Frederick Braue Braue Slidearound
Related to 4 1985 10
Flourish Count "a favorite of Gene Gordon, of Buffalo"
Related to 4 1985 10
Harry Graham Bottom-Card Reverse the slip before riffle shuffle
4 1985 10
Frederick Braue Bottom to Top simple double cut
4 1985 10
Bucle False Count Onto Table
4 1985 11
Block False Count push-off
4 1985 11
Frederick Braue Bottom Buckle
4 1985 11
Frederick Braue Bottom Buckle - Two Cards
4 1985 12
Frederick Braue Bottom Buckle - Three Cards or More
4 1985 12
Frederick Braue Buckle Fan
4 1985 12
Frederick Braue Routine with a Prearranged Pack routine using two stacked decks, see following tricks:
(1). Simpatico
(2). Mental Speller
(3). The Mental Thinkier
(4). Thought Transferred
(5). Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(6). Sleight-of-Mind (Marlo-Rawson)
4 1985 13
Frederick Braue Simpatico spectator removes card from one deck, duplicate found from other deck via stop trick
Also published here 4 1985 13
Frederick Braue 2) Mental Speller
4 1985 13
Paul Curry 3) The Mental Thinkier
Also published here 4 1985 13
Frederick Braue 4) Thought Transferred performer holds spectator's wrist over spread to locate card
4 1985 14
Fitch Cheney Strange Trick telephone trick with freely named card
4 1985 15
Chris Gosselin, Frederick Braue Seven Card Monte color changing back kicker
Inspired by
  • "Seven Card Monte" (Chris Gosselin, Abracadabra Vol. 30 No. 772, Nov. 1960, p. 276)
4 1985 15
Paul LePaul Deceptive Perception different presentation for reference, five red backed cards and one blue backed card change into five blue backed cards and one red backed card
Related to 4 1985 17
Henry Christ, John Braun Mental Subtraction three cards, one put on table and other two shown, when spectator guesses he is wrong since tabled card is now blank card with custom message
4 1985 18
Bert Allerton Magnetic Thought credit information
Related toAlso published here 4 1985 18
Bert Allerton Allerton Change
4 1985 18
Frederick Braue Pre-Choice sandwiched unknown card becomes later selection
4 1985 19
Charles Nyquist Ace Transpo
4 1985 20
Vynn Boyar Via Avion ten red spot cards and ten black spot cards, peeked card travels across
4 1985 20
Ralph W. Hull Three-In-One card travels from one packet to another, duplicate
Related to 4 1985 21
Orla Moody Cards and Envelopes
4 1985 22
Clayton Rawson Rawson Transit selection travels from one deck reversed to another
4 1985 23
Frederick Braue Ambitious Card Move upward buckle to visualize arrival at top
4 1985 23
Frederick Braue Slidearound Aces
Related to 4 1985 24
Louis Histed, Frederick Braue Crimp Four Aces aces fairly lost in deck, then they arrive in poker hand
4 1985 24
Martin Gardner The Unconfused Joker reversed joker is besides selection in deck, when joker is moved in spread the selection follows
Related to 4 1985 25
Audley Walsh, Bert Allerton, Frederick Braue Aces Up black Aces put in center, the appear at top and bottom, red Aces appear in repeat
4 1985 25
Frederick Braue Plunger Aces packets pushed through deck to produce aces
4 1985 26
Steve Belchou Ace Assembly no-touch, little bit of dealing involved
Related to 4 1985 27
Edward Marlo The Vanishing Five
4 1985 27
Tom Bowyer Svengali Routine selection made, card divined, then it turns over, then appears at named number and at randomly spelled card, spectator stabs next to it
4 1985 28
Jean Hugard Do It and Fail with 28/32 card deck a layout and dealing game is explained, the spectator always fails at it
4 1985 29
Jean Hugard Easy Finders
4 1985 30
Jeff Busby Editor's Note
5 1985 1
Frederick Braue The Educated Thumb selection is found by riffling down one-handed and pulling out selection with thumb
5 1985 1
Frederick Braue Injogging Bottom Cards
5 1985 1
Frederick Braue Braue's Think Trick packet cut off and counted, this number counted down in rest
5 1985 1
Frederick Braue Coin Tapping Count fairly counting coins from glass into hand for good visibility (1944)
5 1985 2
Frederick Braue Braue Top Change (1943)
5 1985 3
Frederick Braue FB Everywhere and Nowhere joker put in case, then selection found several times and put in glass, they change into indifferent cards and cased card is selection (1944)
Related to 5 1985 3
Frederick Braue Three Pile Prediction counting and piles to force ninth card from top (1944)
  • As a Location
5 1985 3
Frederick Braue Cardetection sixteen cards, some face-up some face-down, performer and spectator think of one, both found, eight double facers and eight double backers (1944)
5 1985 4
Spectator Ace Cut single cross-cut to find four aces
5 1985 5
Frederick Braue Invisible Transit Three duplicate and double lifts
5 1985 5
Have You Thought of a Card? thought-of card has different back, with details to psychological stop force
5 1985 6
Frederick Braue Editor's Note comment on referenced item
Related to 5 1985 6
Frederick Braue The Ribbonspread cards spread on the table, card is selected, returned and eventually found, spread with jogged key card
Inspired by 5 1985 7
Frederick Braue The Deuce Sandwich sandwiched card with card in pocket, Seven/Eight of Clubs pseudo duplicate, credit information
5 1985 8
Tip Over Change brief
5 1985 8
Frederick Braue Glide Sandwich Change
5 1985 8
Paul Rosini The Twenty Card Trick one chosen card across
Related to 5 1985 9
Frederick Braue On Palming how to get used to it and what to do if caught
5 1985 9
Frederick Braue On Performing for Magicians
5 1985 9
Push-Off Undercount on spectator's hand
5 1985 10
Frederick Braue Holdout Harry Routine with story presentation
Related to 5 1985 11
George Sands, Frederick Braue The Super Optical Illusion four red-backed aces change one by one into blue-backed kings with twisting
Inspired by 5 1985 11
Tenkai Ishida, Frederick Braue Tenkai Secret Add "Fred Braue Handling" (1936)
5 1985 12
Frederick Braue Side Crimp getting bridge in deck
  • To Take Out Bridge
5 1985 13
Frederick Braue Crimping a Card technique for inner left corner, starts with bottom buckle
Also published here 5 1985 13
Frederick Braue Bottom Crimp
5 1985 13
Frederick Braue Telemagic spectator finds another spectator's card in a corner of the room
(a.) card reversed
(b.) reverse fan
  • Braue's new method with double facer
Related to 5 1985 13
Frederick Braue, Martin Gardner Untitled spectator cuts to reversed card, then performer names a card before he cuts to it
Inspired by 5 1985 14
Frederick Braue Card to Pocket card vanishes from deck via Gardner's method
Related to 5 1985 14
Frederick Braue Braue Color Change rear palm
5 1985 14
Frederick Braue 4 Ace Gambler Routine (1960)
5 1985 15
Frederick Braue Braue Bottom Slip in-the-hands bottom slip cut (1960)
5 1985 15
Frederick Braue Braue Impromptu Rising Cards selection peeked (1959)
5 1985 15
Frederick Braue Torn and Restored Location pieces change into selection (1959)
Inspired by
  • Hull's Torn & Restored Card
Related to
5 1985 16
Judson S. Brown Floater Key short & narrow
5 1985 16
Frederick Braue Braue Loose Palm correct position
5 1985 16
Frederick Braue Platform Rising Cards finger tip for end of thread (1959)
5 1985 17
Frederick Braue Braue Backslip top half removed towards front (1944 & 1959)
5 1985 17
Routine routine outline:
  • Surprise Spell
  • Card turns over
  • Ambitious
  • Rub a Dub Dub
Related to 5 1985 18
Frederick Braue Braue Injog and Sidespill side dribble ("spill") convincer with injogged card (1945/46)
Inspired by 5 1985 18
Card Reversal double lift reversal
5 1985 18
Untitled Mathematical Effect piles made according to values, after some gathering and counting the top card of a packet is known
5 1985 19
Frederick Braue One on Table, One Under Ect Formula binary rule for down under deal
5 1985 19
Frederick Braue Untitled two cards chosen by counting to a number, they're mates, rest is blank
5 1985 19
Frederick Braue One-in-Four makes use of "Slydini Ace Move"
5 1985 19
Frederick Braue The Lightning Changers card under spectator's foot transposes with card reversed in deck
5 1985 20
Push-In Change Ambitious Card Sequence burying the card deeper
5 1985 20
Frederick Braue Braue Reversal to center
5 1985 21
Frederick Braue Follow the Leader
5 1985 21
Frederick Braue Secret Addition Switch
5 1985 21
Two-Card Monte Move for follow the leader finale
5 1985 23
The Interchanging Cards
5 1985 24
The Spellbinder two cards located in small packet after anti-faros and down-under deal
Related to 5 1985 24
Frank Shields Catching the Cards from double friction toss
Also published here 5 1985 25
Ambitious Card Move card appears face-up on top as cards are sprung in other hand
5 1985 27
Double Lift Reversal
5 1985 27
Alvin C. Thompson Thompson Turnover "Al Thompson" = Alvin?
alternative to air pressure turnover, right little finger under card
Related to 5 1985 27
Paul Rosini Flourish Count with Cards card pivots off deck
5 1985 28
Frederick Braue Prearranged Pack Idea deck cut, top card named
5 1985 29
Charlie Miller Poker Deal dealing cards out so that the order is retained when they are gathered up again (1941)
5 1985 29
Frederick Braue Tens at 10, 20, 37, 47 cutting to Tens in Nikola stack with Thumbnail Gauge (1941)
Inspired by 5 1985 29
Marked Cards combination of marked cards and stack
5 1985 29
Frederick Braue Prearranged Pack Idea placing card at required number
Inspired by 5 1985 29
Bridge Force spectator cuts into bridge
5 1985 30
One Hand Fan Force card exposed a bit more
Related to 5 1985 30
Frederick Braue Routine outline of routine for four selections with locator card
  • divination with crystal
  • at named number
  • stop trick
  • vanishing pack
5 1985 30
Jeff Busby Dear Fred Braue Notebooks Subscriber apology for delay, 1986 is given in later copyright notice, but everything starting with page 7 was printed in 1992
6 1992
Frederick Braue Prearranged Deck on stacked deck work, historical comments
  • Eight Kings
  • Si Stebbins
  • Nikola
  • Braue Memorized Stack (?)
6 1992 1
Frederick Braue Memorizing the Pack the Braue Memorized Deck
6 1992 2
Frederick Braue The Card You Took eight cards, progressive spelling, using Braue Memorized Deck
6 1992 3
Frederick Braue The Thought Stealer one of six cards, progressive spelling, using Braue Memorized Deck
6 1992 4
Frederick Braue Set-Up Thinker spectator says stop during riffle behind performer's back, secretly counting, using Braue Memorized Deck
6 1992 4
Frederick Braue, Dai Vernon Vernon Plus Braue thought-of cards from eight-card packet found via a spelling and down-under procedure
Related to 6 1992 4
Frederick Braue Pointer Thinking with packet of cards, out-of-hand reversal by spectator
6 1992 5
Paul Curry, Frederick Braue For Nikola Routine could be done with any stack
6 1992 6
Frederick Braue The Loquacious Queen three cards selected via cut and count (no-touch force), then the whispering Queen of Hearts tells the performer their identities
Related to 6 1992 6
Edward Wase Production of Three Cards production of cards that come from sleeve with thread pull
6 1992 8
Frederick Braue Sixteen Card Assembly (Routine #3) (1949)
6 1992 8
Elmer Biddle The Biddle Card Vanish biddle steal
6 1992 9
Gambler's False Riffle Shuffle with bridge
Related to 6 1992 10
Gamblers' Riffle Control with bridge
Related to 6 1992 10
Four Card Control Stevens Control with Triumph Shuffle principle
Also published here 6 1992 11
Frederick Braue One Card Control Stevens Control with Triumph Shuffle principle
Also published here 6 1992 12
Frederick Braue Four Ace Location aces placed on top and shuffled in deck, actually two shuffled to bottom and then produced via friction toss
6 1992 13
Frederick Braue Braue Lace-Through False Shuffle
6 1992 14
Frederick Braue On Practicing Sleights
6 1992 14
Frederick Braue Paul Revere's Card two halves, selection vanishes from one half and appears at chosen number in second half, duplicate, "Midnight Marvel" (1943)
6 1992 16
Cross-Sum Count Force
6 1992 16
Frederick Braue Aces and Kings three aces change into four kings
6 1992 17
Frederick Braue Card to Wallet duplicate
6 1992 18
Frederick Braue Card in Pocketpurse folded
6 1992 19
Frederick Braue Palm Delay Subtlety turning top card over immediately after palm
6 1992 19
Folding into Sixth in pocket, brief
6 1992 19
Frederick Braue Mental Routine outline, unclear what exactly happens
6 1992 20
Jeff Busby The Unpublished Hugard-Braue Book - Version One background information, supposed to be a book that follows Expert Card Technique and Royal Road to Card Magic
6 1992 20
Frederick Braue Discoveries - The Speller chapter intro
6 1992 21
Paul Rosini The Quick Spell
6 1992 21
Martin Gardner Double Speller "Surprise Spelling", credited to Gardner
Related to 6 1992 22
A Double-Lift Reversal deck turned over
6 1992 22
Stewart James Further Than That production of selection, Royal Flush, and other stuff
Related toVariations 6 1992 23
10-20 Force Cross-Sum
6 1992 23
Al Leech Comedy Speller spectator always gets Joker
6 1992 24
Verall Wass Spelling Calculation spelling system, from 1953
6 1992 24
Frederick Braue Discoveries - The Count-Down chapter intro
6 1992 25
Frederick Braue One to Ten card controlled to eighth position, with out
Related to 6 1992 26
Follow Down "Why Am I Here?"
Related to 6 1992 27
Stack Countdown spectator stops and then that value is counted down, A-K set-up, published in Pathfinder Magazine 30 years ago (ca. 1930?!)
Related to 6 1992 28
Cards of Cairo stop and count down, bold
6 1992 29
Emil Jarrow Jarrow's Indicator indicator card leads to selection, Ace through Ten set-up, Kruskal-type counting
Related to 6 1992 30
Tom Sellers The Almanac Trick counting down a few numbers (weeks in a year, ...) a card is found
7 1996 1
Frederick Braue Spirit Cartography - Version One
7 1996 1
Frederick Braue Spirit Cartography - Version Two
7 1996 3
Frederick Braue Joker Spell deck with selection in pocket, performer removes five cards, none of which is selection which is joker, on their backs the cards spell JOKER
7 1996 4
Chester Morris Comedy Cards to Pocket Seven of Spades with bottom two pips cut off, Seven and Five of Spades forced for two-phase routine
7 1996 4
Frederick Braue Untitled two black Queens and two black Tens, one Queen changes to red Queen
7 1996 5
Frederick Braue Double Transformation quick opener with two selections and the card of the wrong spectator is found and changes back and forth, also with one selection
7 1996 6
Frederick Braue Scrambled Thoughtwaves spectator thinks of his selection, yet a blank card, then scrambled up card and then card with image of girl show up
Inspired by
  • Clayton Rawson plot
7 1996 7
Seven of Clubs - Seven of Spades giant mechanical changing card, no details
7 1996 8
Frederick Braue Who, Me? blank card with message by murderer is found between aces in deck, story presentation
Inspired by 7 1996 9
Frederick Braue Ditching Card in Back Pocket tip
7 1996 9
Frederick Braue Card to Card Case three selections, one reverses, one to pocket, one to case (duplicate)
7 1996 10
Theodore Annemann Scratched Duplicate subtlety, making identical scratch on both cards
7 1996 11
Frederick Braue Holding Cards Back in Case with wax
7 1996 11
Frederick Braue, Dai Vernon The Airplane Card Trick
Inspired by 7 1996 12
Frederick Braue, Jack Merlin Flying Card - Version One pack in spectator's pocket, he removes a card, then the performer, then the deck, only his card remains in the pocket
Inspired by 7 1996 13
Frederick Braue Flying Card - Version Two miscall
Inspired by 7 1996 14
Frederick Braue, Theodore DeLand Nox-Em-All four Aces and Sevens on table, two Aces & Sevens put in one case and also in another card case, yet Sevens and Aces are all in one case each, two double facers
Inspired by
  • "Nox-Em-All" (De Land, 1908)
7 1996 15
Dr. Jacob Daley Trance-Position presentation about what to do when a card is not found
7 1996 18
Frederick Braue The Invisible Pack card rises from invisible pack and then appears from the air
7 1996 19
Frederick Braue Laugh Tricks chapter intro
7 1996 20
The Spirit Slates Chinese characters appear on slate as gag, performer "translates" into selection
7 1996 20
Insurance Policy dealer's item
7 1996 21
Card Silk brief
7 1996 21
Fourteen of Spades
7 1996 21
The Random Card character "Charlie Random" on blank card, is next to selection
7 1996 21
Sitter Card performer sitting on card
7 1996 22
Coin and Miniature (Facsimile) miniature card on coin
7 1996 22
Miko specially printed card that is not described in text
7 1996 22
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Pip Pip blank card instead of Four of Spades produced, four single Spade pips removed from pocket
7 1996 23
Don Alan Four Jacks jumping jacks gag
7 1996 23
Will deck separated in two halves, one card selected, mate appears at same position in other half
Related to 7 1996 23
Frederick Braue Blown-Up Card at a Number Statistics mentioning number of possible orders
7 1996 24
The Three Decker three decks
7 1996 25
Dealing Cross Cut Force
7 1996 26
Dai Vernon Triumph with Triumph Shuffle
Related to 7 1996 26
Frederick Braue Reverse Routine single cards reverse themselves, then all the cards
7 1996 29
Rightening Reverse apparently only rightening a reversed card
7 1996 30
Count Reverse card at named position removed, cut back into deck, it reappears at named position but reversed
7 1996 30
Frederick Braue Discoveries - Actions chapter intro
8 1997 1
The Rising Cards saliva and handkerchief
8 1997 1
The Flying Card cards sprung into other hand or hat and selection flies out, it starts side-jogged
8 1997 2
The Will Power Trick spectator stops at the right card when moving his finger along a fan, pulse and muscle reading
8 1997 2
Reversed Card spectator finds another spectator's card in a corner of the room
Related toAlso published here 8 1997 3
Reverse Fan spectator names card when looking at (reverse) fan
Related toAlso published here 8 1997 4
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks' Ring index of card stuck to ring, so spectator can name another spectator's selection
8 1997 4
Clayton Rawson Little Wonder Thought Projector egg beater mind reading
Also published here 8 1997 4
Frederick Braue Vocalepathy
Inspired by 8 1997 6
Frederick Braue Discoveries - Telepathy chapter intro
8 1997 8
The Amateur Mindreader spectator names card when looking at (reverse) fan
Also published here 8 1997 8
Out of the Room spectator finds another spectator's card in a corner of the room, reversed
Also published here 8 1997 9
One-Twenty Six cut-deeper procedure for two selections
8 1997 9
The Psychic Stop psychological stop force
8 1997 10
Frederick Braue, John Northern Hilliard The Triple Mystery three cards selected, first at named number up to ten, stop trick with second, last card spelled out
Inspired by
  • "The Triple Mystery" (John Northern Hilliard, Magical Bulletin, June 1924)
Related to
8 1997 11
Small Packet Side-Steal from bottom to top
8 1997 12
Oscar Weigle, Robert Parrish Picture This performer knows order of picture cards in shuffled deck, interlocking chains
Also published here 8 1997 13
The Wrap Stab deck wrapped in newspaper or flash paper
8 1997 14
Frank Csuri Double Back Think double lift on deck
8 1997 15
Frederick Braue, Dai Vernon Vernon Plus Braue only introduction for trick in reference
Related to 8 1997 15
Frederick Braue Braue Nikola Fish estimation and fishing
8 1997 16
The Spread cards spread face-up on table, spectator thinks of one, performer estimates
8 1997 16
Frederick Braue Three Card Mindread three spectators remove cards from deck, performer divines them
Related to 8 1997 17
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2017.