Written by Steve Beam
Work of Various
630 pages (Hardcover), published by Trapdoor Productions
Illustrated with drawings by Steve Beam
Language: English
428 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Bill Malone Graveyard Fan ends with a two-hand fan
Inspired by 63 1997 1236
Mark Elsdon The Pinch Pass with all-around square-up
Inspired by 63 1997 1237
Scott Robinson Sponge Coins
Inspired by 63 1997 1238
Mike Gallo Purse-A-Veerance purse vanishes and coins remain, version without topit
63 1997 1240
Mike Gallo Out Boxed lid travels on coin box, then coins penetrate box
63 1997 1241
Joe Rindfleisch Stretching It rubber band travels from fingers of one hand to wrist of other hand
63 1997 1243
Doug Canning Marked Up Masterpiece faro and twenty-six key
63 1997 1245
Steve Beam When in London
63 1997 1246
Steve Beam Subscriptions more Tom Swifties
63 1997 1248
Steve Beam Leftovers on David Copperfield, Great Britain, exposure
63 1997 1252
Joey Burton The Bermuda Cut triangle cut, card appears in side
64 1997 1254
Steve Beam Marty Kane - A One-Man Insert brief
64 1997 1257
Marty Kane Bottoming Out Today spelling weekdays, two cards
Related to 64 1997 1257
Marty Kane Buckeye Bottoms Out card is found by spelling words on Ace of Spades
Related to 64 1997 1258
Marty Kane Modern Day Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is selection and four aces on top of discard piles, with two variations
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 64 1997 1258
Marty Kane Pound Rebound story trick with Judah Elimination Trick, last card fits story
Inspired by 64 1997 1261
Marty Kane Mish Mosh Tell-A-Vision suits of cards are divined, with fingers, then separation by spectator
Inspired by 64 1997 1262
Marty Kane Sixth Sense Nonsense multiple prediction, mates, dealing procedure
64 1997 1264
Richard Bartram, Jr. Cheese Stick eating glue from glue stick, gag
64 1997 1265
Doug Canning Orbital Count Down word spelled card predicted at that position
Inspired by
  • Trevor Lewis "Orbital"
64 1997 1266
Steve Beam Invincible thought of card vanishes and then reappears reversed in the deck
64 1997 1267
Steve Beam, Rajneesh Madhok, Doug Canning, Mike Beam, Wayne Kyzer Subscriptions How do you know someone is not a card magician? Humorous answers
64 1997 1268
Steve Beam Well In That Case, I'll Take Mine Black anecdote from a magic convention about political correctness regarding women in magic, LM
Related to 64 1997 1273
Shedoo Reve, Elrae Sekao Party Pooper gag, card with king sitting on toilet, royal flush, names are anagrams of Ed Voorhees and Earle Oakes
64 1997 1279
Scott Robinson Top Slop some cards turn over while performer want to show a trick, first two then more and more, humorous routine
64 1997 1280
Larry Jennings Larreverse
64 1997 1280
Steve Beam Jack Birnman 1921 - 1997
64 1997 1281
Steve Beam Leftovers on mindspring website, 4F, Allan Slaight, Les Berry, Noel Coughlin, Doug Canning, Mike Beam, tip on Cigarette through Quarter by Mike Gallo, Abacus, Bill Robinson
64 1997 1284
Joe Mogar Presidential Opener thimble produced from bill, then three more as a climax
Also published here 65 1997 1286
Joe Mogar The Explosion Move four thimbles from thumb palm to fingertips
Also published here 65 1997 1289
Troy Hooser Nectar of the Cards bottle appears behind close up map
65 1997 1292
Steve Beam Against All Odds spectator names amount of change in envelope, with variations
Inspired by
  • Chris "Doc" Dixon's "Change of Mind"
VariationsAlso published here
65 1997 1293
"Magic" Christian Stelzel The Challenger single card is found by stop while counting, amount of cards is same as value
Inspired by
  • Jean Hugard's "Challenges"
65 1997 1295
The Switch
65 1997 1296
Akira Fujii Pinky Ring finger ring vanishes and appears on pinky of other hand
65 1997 1297
Lee Asher Erect Aces four Aces stand upright on table
VariationsAlso published here 65 1997 1299
Joshua Jay Pulling My String Short rope stretched into long rope by stomping down on it with foot
Also published here 65 1997 1300
Bob Davis Uniform Card Control control a card to the bottom, a gambler's type clip, reversed in the middle or set for a plunger rise
  • Universal Opening
  • The Bottom Control
  • Gambler Clip
  • Reversed in the Middle
  • Plunging Forward
  • Side Steal
65 1997 1301
Shigeo Futagawa Singles Club off beat ace assembly, with four black cards, leader packet cards turn out to be black cards as well and aces found reversed in the deck
65 1997 1303
Braue Reversal Variation
65 1997 1304
Joel Givens Finger Flasher thimble color change, half thimble
65 1997 1304
Aaron Fisher The Princess five cards, thought of is divined others change to aces
Inspired by 65 1997 1306
Ken Kurita Jazz A Summer Day
65 1997 1307
Scott Robinson The Queen Thing selection vanishes among queens, then queens travel to pocket and in the hand remains the selection
VariationsAlso published here 65 1997 1309
Scott Robinson Elmsley Display
65 1997 1310
Steve Beam Subscriptions - More than Just a Motto
65 1997 1311
Tom Gagnon Si of Relief calculating position of cards in Si Stebbins
Also published here 65 1997 1313
Tom Gagnon Easy Breather making a breather crimp
Also published here 65 1997 1313
Scott Wells Scott's Well knife through paper napkin
65 1997 1314
Steve Beam Leftovers on 4F, practical joke on Rob Stewart
65 1997 1316
John Swomley Real World Rat Trap comedy routine, performer apparently puts hand in rat trap
66 1997 1316
Scott Robinson Bill Me bill in purse transposes with four coins
66 1997 1318
Chad Long The Change Machine card face up out jogged in deck changes color
66 1997 1320
Steve Beam The Marty Kane One-Trick Insert (Yet Another Insert From that Wacky Floridian)
66 1997 1321
Marty Kane Spelling Foretelling card spelled, suit packet
  • Packet Mode - Face Up
  • Dealing Mode
  • Mixed Modular Version
  • The Pause that Refreshes
  • Telephone Version
Related toVariations 66 1997 1321
Marty Kane Part Two - Using 5 Target Cards clock layout
  • Black Modular Mode
  • Red Modular Mode
  • Compass-Direction Version
66 1997 1324
Marty Kane Part Three - Using 6 Target Cards
  • The Spell of Royalty
  • Variation #1
  • Variation #2
  • Pellmell Spell
  • Variation #1
  • Variation #2
  • Variation #3
  • Spelling and Think-King
  • Variation #1
  • Variation #2
  • Parallel Spell
  • Variation
  • Clientele Under Your Spell
  • Variation
  • Monthly Spells
  • Variation
  • Blanking Out Spells
  • Variation for Two Spectators
  • Variation for Three Spectators
Related to 66 1997 1325
Troy Hooser Jokers Squared
Inspired by 66 1997 1331
Wayne Kyzer The Finger joke with handcuffs, finger hanging from end
66 1997 1332
Allan Slaight, Steve Beam Stebbin Up -spelling color, number, mate always corresponding to the selection
Inspired byAlso published here 66 1997 1332
Steve Bedwell Repeat Cards to Pocket travelers, using tube from breast pocket to outer pocket, with repetition
Related to 66 1997 1334
Steve Beam Subscriptions - "Mr Magnanimous"
66 1997 1338
Steve Beam Leftovers on Apocalypse, The Minotaur, Chris "Doc" Dixon, Tom Craven, Joe Mogar, Earle Oakes, Mike Beam ring gag, Ed Marlo
66 1997 1342
Chad Long The Tweezers two jokers as tweezers find two aces, then jokers turn into aces
Related to 67 1998 1364
Eric Mason Mason's Ambitious Riser
67 1998 1365
Joel Givens Whitewashed rest of cards are blank
Also published here 67 1998 1368
Steve Beam Tom Gagnon's Second One-Man Insert - The Versatile Spread Control
67 1998 1369
Tom Gagnon The Versatile Spread Control bottom card rides under cards when spread on table
Related toVariationsAlso published here 67 1998 1369
Tom Gagnon Self-Inflicted Spread Force with the Versatile Spread Control
VariationsAlso published here 67 1998 1370
Tom Gagnon The Inverse Spread Control with the Versatile Spread Control
Inspired byVariations 67 1998 1371
Tom Gagnon Veiled Discovery with the Versatile Spread Control
67 1998 1371
Tom Gagnon Key Card Placement with the Versatile Spread Control
Related to 67 1998 1371
Tom Gagnon Key Card Placement #2 with the Versatile Spread Control
67 1998 1372
Tom Gagnon Key Card Placement #3 with the Versatile Spread Control
67 1998 1372
Tom Gagnon Key Card Placement #4 with the Versatile Spread Control
67 1998 1372
Tom Gagnon Remote Control Reverse reversed in the middle, with the Versatile Spread Control
Related toAlso published here 67 1998 1373
Tom Gagnon The Imperfect Force
Inspired by 67 1998 1373
Tom Gagnon Gagnon's Immediate Spell with the Versatile Spread Control
Also published here 67 1998 1374
Tom Gagnon Automatic Card at Any Number with the Versatile Spread Control
Variations 67 1998 1374
Tom Gagnon Red & Blue Double-Leaper with the Versatile Spread Control, deck with half red and half blue cards, red selection travels to blue part and vice versa
Also published here 67 1998 1375
Tom Gagnon Super Interchange selection transposes from middle of the deck with performer's card in pocket, with the Versatile Spread Control
67 1998 1375
Tom Gagnon Collectors Per Se with the Versatile Spread Control, progressive collectors
67 1998 1376
Rajneesh Madhok Remote Viewing thought of number is divined, with off by two out
Inspired by 67 1998 1377
Ed Eckl Kornographic Kard Thru Hank card trough handkerchief, first wrong card which is pushed back in
67 1998 1378
Kyle Carlson Twisted Sucker lengthwise stripes on straw turn in a spiral from end to end
67 1998 1379
Jimmy Pavlica Double Kicker transposition of two signed cards, steal from D'Hotel's card rise position
67 1998 1380
Scott Robinson Changeling Coins silver, copper and chinese coin, copper and chinese coin change into silver coins and back then all coins change into copper
Inspired by 67 1998 1382
Steve Beam Leftovers on Harry Levine, Chuck Romano, Dan Fishman, John Swomley
67 1998 1390
Mike Gallo Tai Coin Do karate coin handling
Variations 68 1998 1392
Jimmy Wilson J.W. Palm
68 1998 1393
Troy Hooser The Locker Dan Harlan's linking rubber bands, pad lock appears linked with the bands as a climax
Inspired by 68 1998 1395
Chad Long Popcorn Aces four Ace production
68 1998 1396
Gene Maze Ace Maze seven cards, aces change into different cards and travel to leader ace
68 1998 1397
John Benzais Benzais Cop
68 1998 1398
Gene Maze Face Up to Face Down Switch
Related to 68 1998 1398
Jimmy Favorite Little Egypt pyramid build with three cards, coin appears, then spectator finds his signed card by placing the coin on top, coin vanishes again in pyramid
Inspired by 68 1998 1401
Scott Robinson Heavy Metal triple spellbound
Inspired by 68 1998 1404
Joel Givens Collectors, for Collectors see also p. 1412
Also published here 68 1998 1407
68 1998 1407
Steve Beam Moves (A Low-Fat Insert)
68 1998 1409
J. C. Doty Losing Control
68 1998 1409
Troy Hooser Slip Stream (a.k.a. "Nectarless")
Variations 68 1998 1410
Lee Asher The Low Down Control
68 1998 1411
Joel Givens Kiss Load
68 1998 1412
Steve Beam The Checkout check book, svengali book, as a gag for card to wallet
Also published here 68 1998 1413
Marty Kane Spectator's Simplex Lie Speller using the Judah Elimination Deal
Inspired by 68 1998 1416
Steve Beam, Rajneesh Madhok, Mike Beam Subscriptions top rumored reasons for folding The Trapdoor
Also published here 68 1998 1417
Steve Beam Leftovers on Mike Beam, Marty Kane, ending The Trapdoor, Doug Canning, Ed Eckl, DocDixon, Harry Levine
68 1998 1418
Harry Levine Handling the Shuffle one-handed riffle shuffle
69 1998 143
Harry Levine Magic or Sleight-of-Hand... Pick One
69 1998 1420
Steve Beam Prepare to Breath(er)
69 1998 1422
Harry Levine Prime Cut cutting to a breather crimp
69 1998 1423
Harry Levine Kaleidoscope Cut one-handed triple flourish cut, with variations
69 1998 1424
Harry Levine Climbing the Aces with up the ladder cut and breather crimp
69 1998 1428
Harry Levine The Thompson Breather
  • Breathing New Life into the F.T.
  • Selection From Middle to Top
  • Moving the Breather
Inspired by 69 1998 1429
Gene Matsuura Triple Play Cut
69 1998 1430
Harry Levine Waiting to Exhale (Controlling the Breather) placing breather card over selection
69 1998 1432
Harry Levine Back into the Breach card thrown next to selection
69 1998 1436
Paul Harris, Eddie Fechter, Daryl Martinez Snap-Over Move
Related to 69 1998 1436
Harry Levine The Illegitimate Location with lots of flourish cuts, spelling this is not your card but this is
Inspired by 69 1998 1437
Harry Levine The Sandwich Cut one-handed
69 1998 1439
Harry Levine Extras controls and ideas using the breather crimp
69 1998 1440
Steve Beam One-Handed Faro
69 1998 1442
Steve Beam Leftovers on 4F, Tony Griffith, illustration mistakes and typos in magic books (Cliff Green, Thimble Magic, Coinmagic, Abra-K-Fox, Encore III, Showstoppers with Cards), Dave Solomon, Mike Beam
69 1998 1446
John Swomley Sign of the Times presentation for upside down
Inspired by 70 1998 1448
Marty Kane Cigar Club eight picture cards and eight number card are shuffled and cut in half, always one picture and one number card, then spectator removes some cards and does a down under deal with the rest, last card tells amount of removed cards
Inspired by 70 1998 1451
Marty Kane Trek Trick
Inspired by 70 1998 1452
Marty Kane White House Cleaning spectator finds joker, rest are blank cards
Inspired by
  • Marty Kane's "Odd Lot" from "Magic" 8/97
70 1998 1452
Marty Kane Magic with Added Zip
Inspired byRelated to 70 1998 1453
Steve Beam Troy Hooser - One-Man Insert brief
70 1998 1454
Troy Hooser Displ-Ace Aces put on deck, vanish and distribute in deck
Inspired byRelated toVariations 70 1998 1455
Larry Jennings, Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Reverse Cull
70 1998 1455
Troy Hooser In the Round color change of sponge ball, two variations
70 1998 1456
Troy Hooser Table Flipper coins through table
70 1998 1457
Troy Hooser Dis-Purse three coins pushed through purse frame, one by one they disappear
70 1998 1460
Joe Mogar Sew Sew Thimble Vanish one by one, four thimbles vanish from fingertips of the right hand
70 1998 1461
Paul Sorrentino Half and Half card gaff, split card to simulate two cards with torn corner
70 1998 1462
Scott Robinson Swiss Army QTip broken and restored
Inspired by 70 1998 1463
John Moran Sloppy Triumph in the hands version of Play It Straight, slop shuffle
Inspired by 70 1998 1464
Joel Givens Six - The Easy Way the silver coins vanish and thee Chinese coins are produced, eventually the silver coins appear again
Inspired byVariations 70 1998 1466
Tom Gagnon Makeshift Double building double-facer, double-backer, long cards, and key cards, with sticky label of card box
70 1998 1468
Jack Birnman, Eddie Joseph, Roy Walton My Spectator, The Clairvoyant card fount at total of four stopped at cards
Related to 70 1998 1468
Brian Kloske Danger Deck hole appears in deck signed selection ends up in performers mouth
70 1998 1471
Mike Gallo The Shaker Neal Prete prop, salt shaker chop cup
70 1998 1473
Stephen Bargatze Chops and Balls humorous chop cup routine with a gun, baseball and turnip
70 1998 1475
Steve Beam Nectar of the Cups humorous bar bet routine, with cups and balls
70 1998 1478
Steve Beam Leftovers on John Moran, Tom Craven, The Trapdoor in Review
70 1998 1482
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #51 on Doug Canning, Tom Craven, John Riggs, Steven Youell/Grace Ann Morgan
Addendum 2012 iii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #52
Addendum 2012 vi
Joe Anderson The Upside Down Card Trick using Upside Down to illustrate the Triumph
Inspired by Addendum 2012 vi
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #53 on Billy McDonnell, Geoff Williams, Joe Mogar's pig
Addendum 2012 viii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #54 on Joe Rindfleisch, Lewis Jones, Charlie Randall
Addendum 2012 x
Steve Beam An Unpublished Card Trick card is divined by finding a card with same value and one with same suit
Addendum 2012 x
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #55 on Tom Gagnon, Leslie
Addendum 2012 xiii
J. C. Doty Flower Revealtion paper sunflower put in water, where it opens up and name of selection appears
Addendum 2012 xiii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #56 on 4F, Shigeo Futagawa, El Escorial, Joe Mogar, Phil Willmarth
Addendum 2012 xiv
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #57 on Alan Drew, 4F
Addendum 2012 xvi
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #58 on Stephen Bargatze
Addendum 2012 xvii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #59
Addendum 2012 xviii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #60 on Joel Givens, Internet
Addendum 2012 xix
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #61 on David Copperfield
Addendum 2012 xx
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #62 on Bill Goodwin, Lloyd Jones
Addendum 2012 xxi
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #63
Addendum 2012 xxiii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #64
Related to Addendum 2012 xxiv
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #65
Addendum 2012 xxvi
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #66 on The Minotaur, Tom Craven, Ed Marlo
Addendum 2012 xxvii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #67 on Angie Reynolds
Addendum 2012 xxix
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #68
Addendum 2012 xxx
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #69 on Harry Levine, Hugard's Thimble Magic and its illustration errors
Addendum 2012 xxxi
Steve Beam Sleight of Hand Aptitude Test reprinted from Digital Effects - The Magic of Joe Mogar
Addendum 2012 xxxiii
Steve Beam The Trapdoor Issue #70 on The Trapdoor, magic in the new age
Addendum 2012 xxxiv
Steve Beam Table of Contents - Issue by Issue
Addendum 2012 xxxvii
Steve Beam Table of Contributors
Addendum 2012 xlv
Steve Beam Alphabetical by Title
Addendum 2012 lii
Steve Beam Special Issues & Inserts #53 McDonnell, Billy - One Man Issue
#54 Rindfleisch, Joe - One Man Issue
#55 Tom Gagnon - One Man Issue
#56 Special F.F.F.F. 25th Anniversary Issue
#57 Hanging with the Gallos
#58 Robinson, Scott - One Man Insert - The Purse
#59 Fisher, Aaron - One-Man Insert
#59 Asher, Lee - One-Man Insert
#60 Givens, Joel - One-Man Insert
#62 Rubaway Vanish - Tips & Tweaks
#63 The Pass - A Manly Insert
#64 Kane, Marty - One-Man Insert
#66 Kane, Marty - One-Man Insert
#67 Gagnon, Tom - One-Man Insert - Versatile Spread Control
#68 Moves - Low-Fat Insert
#69 Levine, Harry - One-Man Insert
#70 Kane, Marty - One-Man Insert
#70 Hooser, Troy - One-Man Insert
Addendum 2012 lix
Steve Beam The Trapdoor 1983 - 1998 all contributors
Addendum 2012 lx
Steve Beam Thanksgiven
Addendum 2012 lxi
Steve Beam Addendum to the Addendum
Addendum 2012 lxiii
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2017.