2008 Edition used
Written by Martin Breese, Bob Gill
Work of Basil Horwitz
74 pages (Hardcover), published by Martin Breese
Illustrated with drawings by David Britland
Language: English
11 entries
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Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Basil Horwitz Foreword on mentalism, disclaimer, mixing magic and cards with mentalism
Basil Horwitz Psychic Roulette triple prediction with roulette theme, deck of playing cards used as well as blank cards
Basil Horwitz The Unlimited Principle three named words predicted in envelope
Bob Gill An Alternative Handling
Francis Carlyle Carlyle Card Paddle Move
Basil Horwitz Ultimate Challenge Thought and Clairvoyance spectator writes date of birth, favorite color and hobby on card and selects a card with a word, all is divined by performer, envelope switch
Related to 38
Basil Horwitz The Hot Chair mentalism take on electric chair trick, person stands up when number is named, pseudo suggestion routine
Related to 48
Basil Horwitz £100 Challenge Mind Control Test cards from red and blue deck match, red/blue double backer
Basil Horwitz Challenge Incredible Memory pseudo memory book test, every first word from any book apparently memorized, with number cards
Henry Christ Christ Force 203rd force
Basil Horwitz The Super ESP Body Language Test pseudo psychometry with writings and ESP card divination
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, April 2017.