Written by Stephen Minch
Work of Stephen Minch
58 pages (Stapled), published by Micky Hades International
No illustrations
Language: English
18 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Stephen Minch My Typing-Machine's An Old Woman
Stephen Minch Genesis prediction of named ESP card, with deck
Inspired by
  • J. G. Thompson Jr.'s "Extra Sensory Perfection"
Stephen Minch Genesis II performer reverses ESP card under table, spectator names a symbol and it matches the prediction
Related to 14
Stephen Minch Secret Chauvinists two spectators select an ESP card from a deck, performer divines both
Stephen Minch Either/Or two cards from ESP deck, spectators think of a number and count to card
Also published here 20
Stephen Minch Doppelgänger spectator and performer have five ESP cards, matching routine
Stephen Minch Quatrain four ESP cards are predicted, spectator deals and stops
Also published here 24
Stephen Minch Pentapody performer finds all five duplicate ESP cards from face down spread, matching selection
Stephen Minch Contact performer finds selected ESP card, one way key card
Stephen Minch Retro-Cognizance spectator thinks of an ESP symbol and goes through deck deck, performer stops him five times at the thought of symbol
Stephen Minch Random Retro-Cognizance spectator selects four ESP cards and order is noted, performer stops spectator while dealing the cards one by one four times, same cards in same order
Stephen Minch A Cut Above prediction of freely cut to ESP card, Svengali type arrangement
Stephen Minch Rapid-Fire spectator cuts to an ESP card, after shuffling the deck performer removes all five duplicates
Stephen Minch Espimation several spectators cut an ESP deck and remember the symbol, after shuffling the cards performer divines each symbol
Stephen Minch Menephysics divination of one ESP card, impromptu Mene-Tekel stack
Also published here 46
Stephen Minch Megaphysics performer finds matching ESP card of two spectators, by stopping spectator deal cards, impromptu Mene-Tekel
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Metaphysics" in "ESP Card Session", 1965.
Stephen Minch The Sure-Fire Shuffle Challenge number is named, performer predicts an ESP card, then spectator shuffles deck and prediction is correct
Related toVariations 53
Stephen Minch Bibliography A Brief Survey of the Literature Complete with Author's Biases
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, April 2017.