Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Karl Fulves
268 pages (Loose-leave collection), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
550 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Karl Fulves Rumors rumor regarding John F. Mendoza's book, apparently spread by Richard Kaufman
30 1979 116
Karl Fulves Letters on publishing more letters
30 1979 116
Tom Hubbard From Tom Hubbard
Related to 30 1979 117
Charles Steele From Charles Steele
Related to 30 1979 117
Dan Mayer From Dan Mayer opinion regarding the Challenge in reference
Related to 30 1979 117
Karl Fulves Regarding the Scarne-Vernon Challenge more opinion regarding the Challenge in reference
Related to 30 1979 118
Karl Fulves Letters on the First Annual Magic Fest
31 1979 119
Bruce Arnold From Bruce Arnold
Related to 31 1979 119
Mark Szydelko From Mark Szydelko
31 1979 119
Phil Houghton From Phil Houghton
31 1979 120
Sam Schwartz From Sam Schwartz solutions to problem
Inspired by 31 1979 120
Allen Okawa From Allen Okawa
31 1979 120
Dan Mayer From Dan Mayer definition of genius
Related to 31 1979 120
Bob Rosen From Bob Rosen
Related to 31 1979 120
Steve Bryant From Steve Bryant
31 1979 120
Raymond Hafler From Ray Hafler on Al Mann
31 1979 120
Ed McDowell From Ed McDowell
31 1979 120
Karl Fulves Seem Familiar? credit information on the in-the-hands slip cut, left thumb holding back card
31 1979 121
Frank Lane A Good False Cut from a 1931 book, slip cut in the hands with left thumb
31 1979 121
Karl Fulves Dice Trap
Related to 31 1979 121
Karl Fulves The Channel 5 Bet betting that one can set channel selector in such a way that when the tv set is turned on, it will not be tuned to channel 5
31 1979 121
Karl Fulves Random Notes learned animals, melting snow in bathtub, psychic healer Dean Kraft, practicing with shaving mirror, Seseme St.
Variations 31 1979 121
Karl Fulves Brainstorm III effect with full deck outlined, no method given
Related to 31 1979 122
Karl Fulves More Letters catalog for the blind, Bob Lund, J. K. Hartman manuscripts
32 1979 123
Brian Holland From Brian Holland Edinburgh Magic Circle, Cardorama, Pat-Page's Trick-A-Tapes
32 1979 123
John A. Beck From John A. Beck
32 1979 124
Jim Snapp From Jim Snapp "Where will they find 500 people who will sit through 2 hours of card magic?"
Related to 32 1979 124
Ronald Zollweg From Ron Zollweg more on the Talking Card Box, Frank Lane's "Chatterbox", Bottomless Glass
Related to 32 1979 124
Robert Parrish On Rosini's Cups & Balls Routine
32 1979 124
Ken Beale From Ken Beale covered slip cut, Parallel Principle
Related to 32 1979 125
Karl Fulves Notes In Passing Vernon Lounge in the Castle
32 1979 125
Karl Fulves The Omega Count credit information
32 1979 125
Karl Fulves The Sliding Knot credit information
Related to 32 1979 126
Karl Fulves Non-Existent Books on book titles that he did not publish
32 1979 126
Karl Fulves The Trap comedy prediction in which five from six cards are in rat traps, then traps in bag, performer reaches in and gets his hand in the trap multiple times, comedy routine
33 1979 127
Karl Fulves The Ace In The Case comedy routine with screeching sound as deck or cards are removed from case
33 1979 129
Karl Fulves Titles some trick titles for inspiration and comments on titles
33 1979 130
Karl Fulves Credit on Joseph K. Schmidt
33 1979 130
Karl Fulves Hints/Tips additions to routines
34 1979 131
Karl Fulves Infra Red 4&4, addition to referenced trick
Inspired by 34 1979 131
Karl Fulves Cricket addition to referenced trick
Inspired by 34 1979 131
Christopher Morgan Computer Card Trick with introduction by Karl Fulves
computer program with which any selected card can be divined, program guesses color, suit, etc. correctly
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Computer Card Trick" (Christopher Morgan, On Computing, Fall 1979)
34 1979 132
Karl Fulves Words Of Wisdom quotes on history and memory
34 1979 136
Karl Fulves Interlocutor - 35 about the fifth year of the magazine and its success
35 1979 137
Karl Fulves Snark Hunt clue to the method
Related to 35 1979 137
Karl Fulves Linkage more on linking card effects, with problem in which card frame catches card with slit out of deck
35 1979 137
Karl Fulves Gorgeous George spectator draws disguise on George Washington on dollar bill, performer predicted it, posed as problem
Related to 35 1979 138
Karl Fulves Crackerjack borrowed ring vanishes and reappears in box, posed as problem
35 1979 138
Karl Fulves Bowling Pin Gaff threading bowling pins together to facilitate strikes
35 1979 138
Karl Fulves Letters memorizing suit rotation
35 1979 138
Charles Rose From Charles D. Rose melting snow in bathtub
Inspired by 35 1979 139
Ray Grismer From Ray Grismer on why he won the Lin Searles award
35 1979 139
John H. Christgau From John H. Christgau on doing magic for young people
35 1979 139
Neal Elias From Neal Elias
35 1979 139
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Beware Familiar Spirits by John Mulholland 35 1979 140
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Fr. Cyprian Tricks by Father Cyprian
"The Solid Gold Credit Card", "Back To Back", "Hofzinser's Departure"
35 1979 140
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Crabtree Connection by Roger Crabtree (written by Lewis Ganson) 35 1979 140
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Verbal Control by Philip T. Goldstein 35 1979 140
Karl Fulves Interlocutor - 36 psychic book "Mindreach" (Targ/Puthoff)
36 1979 141
Karl Fulves R. J. Dept. satiric article on Rick Johnsson
36 1979 141
Karl Fulves Another Link old topological puzzle in which three parts must be linked, credit information on no-gaff linking cards
Related to 36 1979 142
Karl Fulves Ethnic Rocket on the rocket paper napkin, see also p. 182
36 1979 142
Karl Fulves Liar's Stop Trick card at number remembered, then a different number checked and the card is now there, posed as problem
36 1979 142
Karl Fulves Fooled Again on Pete Biro's credit claims about Persi Diaconis's inventions
Related to 36 1979 143
David Hoy Letter from David Hoy credit information on Tossed-Out Deck
36 1979 143
Karl Fulves Notes on "Confessions Of A Psychic", Spellbinder, Ibidem reprint, Jenning's Siderise
Related to 36 1979 143
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Catalog of Magic by Marvin Kaye 36 1979 144
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Scarne's Guide To Casino Gambling by John Scarne 36 1979 144
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Allan Hayden's Lecture Notes by Allan Hayden 36 1979 144
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Ramsay Classics by John Ramsay (written by Andrew Galloway) 36 1979 144
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Door To Door Card Sharp by Father Cyprian
36 1979 144
Karl Fulves Gospel Magic Catalog comment
36 1979 144
Karl Fulves The 80's Remembered predictions about the 80s decade
37 1979 145
Karl Fulves The Next President comment about the next election
37 1979 145
Karl Fulves Notes Magician's Week, typewriters
37 1979 146
Karl Fulves Luminous Calculator Prediction calculator's numbers leaves prediction impression on luminous paint, only idea
37 1979 146
Karl Fulves Dial A Deck Dept "gag" with phone dial on back design
37 1979 146
Karl Fulves Trick Titles potential trick titles with comments
37 1979 147
Karl Fulves (A) Haunted Halves coins flip over visibly on table or in stack, posed as problem
37 1979 147
Karl Fulves (B) Leather Limit coin travel back to leather pouch repeatedly, posed as problem
37 1979 147
Karl Fulves (C) Semi-Shears scissors rises up the rope, posed as problem
37 1979 147
Karl Fulves (D) The Haunting light and sound effects from card castle, posed as problem
37 1979 147
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Al Mann Publications - Classified by Al Mann 37 1979 148
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Arca by Al Mann 37 1979 148
Karl Fulves (reviewer) AME Mental Parcel by H. Penn (written by Al Mann) 37 1979 148
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Busby Publications - The Little Secrets by Frank Bonville 37 1979 148
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Koschitz's Manual by Koschitz 37 1979 148
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Out Of Hand by Father Cyprian 37 1979 148
Eddie McGuire (reviewer) Eddie "Tex" McGuire Letters by Max Malini (written by Lewis Ganson)
excerpts from various letters on Max Malini and the Malini Book, complaints about Dai Vernon, see also p. 235
Related to
  • The Vernon Touch, Genii, June 1980
38 1979 149
Karl Fulves Well Connected on a TV show "Connections"
38 1979 151
Karl Fulves Time Turned Backwards physics musings
38 1979 152
Karl Fulves More Trick Titles
38 1979 152
Karl Fulves The Ledge on the definition of "legend"
38 1979 152
Jim Snapp Brainiac Card Trick computer program with which any selected card can be divined, program guesses color, suit, etc. correctly
Inspired by 39 1979 153
Kurt A. Christoff Petals around the Rose roll of five dice is assigned a value, the puzzle is to find the rule, originally from "Mathematics Teacher"
Related toVariations 39 1979 154
Karl Fulves Trick Titles
39 1979 155
Karl Fulves Card Is Cigarette rolled "cigarette" appears in mouth when performer turns around which is actually rolled up selection, posed as problem
Related to 39 1979 156
Karl Fulves Spoonering finger ring on spoon, getting it off the wide end, posed as problem
Related to 39 1979 156
Karl Fulves Knot A Knot spectator makes number of knots and lays rope onto shoulder of performer, number of knots divined
39 1979 156
Karl Fulves The List For 1979 list of items that Karl Fulves published in 1979
Related to 40 1979 157
Karl Fulves Self Working Mental Magic on this new book
Variations 40 1979 158
John Goodman Blockbusters gag story about "Tally Hogan"
40 1979 159
Karl Fulves Trick Titles 160
40 1979 160
Karl Fulves Sign Of The Times tasteless slogans
40 1979 160
Karl Fulves, Alvin Stine To The Dogs newspaper test over phone by Alvin Stine with a special issue of NY Times
40 1979 160
Frank Garcia A Message From Garcia on Harry Lorayne claims and various credits
Variations 41 1980 161
Karl Fulves The Prince Of Pennies on David Roth
41 1980 162
Karl Fulves Titles
41 1980 163
Karl Fulves Gargoil oil & water combo with follow the leader, no method
41 1980 163
Karl Fulves Mexican Revolution tabled spread turns over by itself, posed as a problem
41 1980 163
Karl Fulves Penny Compass card with arrow on it spins by itself towards north, posed as problem
41 1980 163
Karl Fulves Small Packet History credit information, E-Y-E count
41 1980 164
Karl Fulves Add To 10 Principle credit information
41 1980 164
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Talon by David Britland 41 1980 164
Karl Fulves Setting Records idea for speed stacking
42 1980 165
Karl Fulves Beat The System gag money making schemes
(A) The Post Office
(B) Ultimate Blackjack System
42 1980 165
Karl Fulves Ring Of Beauty idea for illusion in which a ring dropped over a person makes her vanish, no method
42 1980 166
Karl Fulves Play Money magicians getting arrested
42 1980 166
Karl Fulves Crazy Eddie on claims by Ed Marlo
Related to 42 1980 167
Karl Fulves The Ghost Effect card thought of, five cards removed, one of them is the selection and the other the four aces, posed as problem
42 1980 167
Karl Fulves The New York Inner Circle past and present
42 1980 167
Tom Hunter Blockbusters gag effects by a "Bicycle McBee"
(1) The Gambler's Last Lesson (cheating at solitaire)
(2) Miracle Mindreading
42 1980 168
Karl Fulves, Thomas Kovachevich, Martin Gardner, Jerry Andrus The Real Thing small paper parts come to life above hot water source, various ideas, see also p. 236
43 1980 169
Karl Fulves More Real more ideas with the paper animation idea, flash paper application, fortune telling fish
43 1980 170
Karl Fulves Tic Tac Toe Machine problem of winning
43 1980 171
Karl Fulves Liar's Poker spectator lies about his poker hand, in next deal he gets this hand, posed as problem
43 1980 171
Karl Fulves Chink-A-Slink chink-a-chink with chalk Xs or coins on photograph, posed as problem
Related to 43 1980 171
Karl Fulves Computers For Kids idea for a book, Turing Test
43 1980 171
Karl Fulves The Hummer Book on the "Bob Hummer Collected Secrets" book and missing pages
43 1980 172
Karl Fulves Titles trick titles
43 1980 172
Karl Fulves, Jerry K. Hartman, William Zavis, Arthur Schwartz, George Robinson Too Good thoughts on books with secrets that are "too good"
Inspired by 44 1981 173
Karl Fulves Want Ads people looking for Fulves publications
44 1981 175
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Psychology Of The Psychic by David Marks (written by Richard Kammann) 44 1981 175
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Magico Magazine Publications - Mainly Mental II by C. L. Boarde 44 1981 176
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Chap's Scrapbook by Franklin M. Chapman 44 1981 176
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Nu Way Book Test by Alain Nu 44 1981 176
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Magic On Wry by Jack Paul 44 1981 176
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Bobo Lecture No. 2 by J. B. Bobo 44 1981 176
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Incredible Secret Money Machine by Don Lancaster 44 1981 176
Tricky Ricky anonymous letter on Ricky Jay
45 1981 177
Karl Fulves A Star Is Born credit information about Richard Kaufman's Stars of Magic Trick
Related to 45 1981 177
Martin Gardner From Martin Gardner puzzle question about dice rolls
45 1981 177
Joseph K. Schmidt, Lu Brent, F. William Kuethe, Jr., Joel Moskowitz, Fred Rickard, Henry Walton, David Goldberg, Scott C. McPhilliamy, Jeff Busby Letters Goldstein/Becker flap
45 1981 178
Primitive Calculator puzzle with matches
45 1981 178
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Ray Grismer Publications - Charts by Ray Grismer 45 1981 180
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Thirty by Ray Grismer 45 1981 180
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Arcane by Jeff Busby 45 1981 180
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Magico Publications various things 45 1981 180
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Paper Magic by Harry Houdini 45 1981 180
Karl Fulves Variable History more on Harry Lorayne's credit claims
Inspired by 46 1981 181
Tom Craven, Mel Stover, Raymond Hafler, H. R. Benfer, Roysce Smith, Gerald Byrne, C. R. Tracy, John Cornelius, Paul Swinford Letters
46 1981 182
Karl Fulves Linear A Power of Thought variations, posed as problem
Related to 46 1981 183
Karl Fulves Hard Core Aces several cards spelled to, then spectator spell to all four Aces, posed as problem
Related to 46 1981 183
Karl Fulves Everywhere odd-backed version, posed as problem
46 1981 183
Karl Fulves The Gathering Ace through Four in square formation turn over one by one under cover, then change to Aces, posed as problem
46 1981 183
Karl Fulves Midnite Torn Card corner of whole deck missing, corner selected and held to missing-corner of deck, reattaches to correct card, posed as problem
Variations 46 1981 183
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Creative Card Magic of William P. Miesel by William P. Miesel 46 1981 184
Karl Fulves (reviewer) That Certain Something by Roy Walton 46 1981 184
Karl Fulves (reviewer) With Deck In Hand by Roger Sherman 46 1981 184
Karl Fulves Interlocutor - 47 on the last six issues
47 1988 185
Karl Fulves Howard Lyons on his death and Ibidem
47 1988 185
Karl Fulves La La line from song chosen, cut up in individual words and one of those chosen and predicted
47 1988 186
Karl Fulves Kcab! Kcab! on songs that may have hidden meaning when played in reverse
47 1988 187
Karl Fulves Eventual Ace Cutting progressive matching, spectator cuts to Ten, then to a Jack and first Ten becomes Jack, then to a Queen and first two cards become Queens, and so on, posed as problem
Variations 47 1988 187
Karl Fulves 3 Vues anonymous show reviews on Roger Crosthwaite and Paul Stone
Related to 47 1988 188
Karl Fulves Idle Chatter chattering teeth "chews" too long card down to size or other things, posed as problem
47 1988 188
Karl Fulves Think Tank layout with battlefield weapons, spectator moves around according to rules, final position predicted
47 1988 189
Karl Fulves Unsolved Problems intro
Related to 47 1988 191
Karl Fulves Who Knocks? door knob slid to other side of door and door opened, posed as problem
47 1988 191
Karl Fulves Card Counter two Twos, one put away, he now has three Threes, repeated with Fours, then Royal Flush, posed as problem
47 1988 191
Karl Fulves NNNO spectator types row of Ns and one O on typewriter, performer pushes pin through O behind his back, posed as problem
47 1988 191
Karl Fulves TVisual pulling pack of cigarette out of screen, posed as problem
47 1988 191
Karl Fulves Pieces of Eight four Twos transform into a big Eight, card blendo, posed as problem
47 1988 192
Karl Fulves The Parting tabled spread, both hands on the ends, they move apart and spread parts in center to reveal face-up selection, Aces or Royal Flush kicker, posed as problem
47 1988 192
Karl Fulves Plan 9 performer holds sheet in front of him, shoes change place when sheet is slightly lifted, posed as problem
47 1988 192
Karl Fulves Jumbled word puzzle with jumbled letters
47 1988 193
Karl Fulves Catch Q's two catch questions
Related to 47 1988 193
Karl Fulves Trick Titles
47 1988 193
Karl Fulves Reagans & Astrology on the Reagans consulting an astrologer
47 1988 194
Claude Crowe, Jerry Fulton, John A. Beck Letters
47 1988 195
Jerry Fulton, Allen D. Taylorsmith, Jay Levey, Bro. Ron Marcellin, Edmund L. Kowalski, Robert Parrish, Tony Econ Letters
47 1988 196
Jerry L. Christensen, Henry Walton, David Danzig, Jerry "Jerrow" Rowe, Anthony Green, Peo Olsson Letters
47 1988 197
Karl Fulves Non-Working Trix #1 B'Wave version in which cards are set-up in a box in a configuration so they can be made to fall into correct face-up/face-down state
47 1988 198
Karl Fulves No Joke on the structure of magic tricks and jokes
48 1988 199
Karl Fulves Escalate
48 1988 200
Karl Fulves Unsolved Problems person from phone book chosen, that instant the phone rings an it is this person, posed as problem
48 1988 202
Karl Fulves Ma Bell's Secret phone string is cut open and shown that a string is inside, restored, posed as problem
48 1988 202
Karl Fulves Say Ah pinwheel near phone spins via breathing of person on other side, posed as problem
48 1988 202
Karl Fulves Phone In numbers by people who are randomly phoned add up to previous named number, posed as problem
48 1988 202
Karl Fulves Byte Million number chosen from programmable calculator predicted, posed as problem
48 1988 203
Karl Fulves Voodoo Sonic cards with figures on them and an X on some body part, one chosen, performer steps forward with huge plaster/band-aid on that body part, posed as problem
Inspired by
  • "Supersonic Card Prediction" (Jaks)
48 1988 203
Karl Fulves Racketeer tennis racket without strings used to strike ball, posed as problem
48 1988 203
Karl Fulves Python Monte bent corner idea, posed as problem
48 1988 204
Karl Fulves Ace Glue four dabs of "ace glue" put on jacket, jumbo cards sprung on performer, Aces glue on jacket, posed as problem
  • Version-X, with named four-of-a-kind, then igloo crashes on stage (!)
48 1988 204
Karl Fulves Standouts list of four great effects
48 1988 204
Karl Fulves On Ken Beale
48 1988 204
Karl Fulves What From Whom various credit information
  • "Parallax" (David Britland, New Talon #1)
  • "Angel Card Rise" (David Britland)
  • "Dollar Con" (Terri Rogers)
  • "Moon Rock" Rip Off (Sid Lorraine)
  • Marlo Move in New Tops, June '85
  • "Double Vanish & Recovery"
  • "BoTop Change"
  • "Immediate Bottom Placement"
Related to 48 1988 205
Dr. M. H. Coleman Letters
48 1988 207
Dennis H. Evans Letters - On Optical Plastic illusion of getting a coin trapped into a sheet of plastic and then having the coin penetrate it
Inspired by 48 1988 207
Michael McGivern, Herb Dewey, Charles Rose, Miller N. Cravens, Louis H. Dunninger, Robert Craft, Michael Chew Letters
48 1988 208
Earl Ray Wilcox, Raymond M. Staples, John D. Pomeroy Letters
48 1988 209
A Quick Test of How Your Brain Functions reprinted from somewhere
48 1988 209
Karl Fulves More Petals solution
Inspired by 48 1988 210
Karl Fulves Titles
48 1988 211
Karl Fulves Two Gags
  • book with spells
  • blank card with message
48 1988 211
Karl Fulves Betcha adding digits on coin
48 1988 211
Karl Fulves Non-Working Trix #2 symbols on pad of paper, covered with paper with hole, performer divines which symbol is visible through hole, posed as problem
48 1988 212
Karl Fulves Scratch crack appears in glass and vanishes
48 1988 212
Karl Fulves Interlocutor - 49 on self-working magic and book titles, "The Magic of Matt Schulien", response to Phil Wilmarth Linking Ring column
49 1988 213
David Meyer Rare Indeed funny thoughts on rare books
49 1988 214
Karl Fulves Academy of Magical Arts Awards Literary Fellowship for Fulves
49 1988 215
Karl Fulves Mouths of Babes easily obtaining knowledge about random things
49 1988 215
Karl Fulves The Greatest Muhammed Ali doing magic tricks, with newspaper clipping
Related to 49 1988 216
Karl Fulves Good Books Swapped magic books swapped with bibles by mistake
49 1988 216
Karl Fulves Last Lines joke from Stewart James about Ralph Read and Rufus Steele
49 1988 216
Karl Fulves Little Casino four blackjack hands, Aces all vanish and reappear under stack of chips, asymmetric Ace Assembly, posed as problem
49 1988 217
Karl Fulves Go Directly chink-a-chink with monopoly houses that change into hotel, posed as problem
49 1988 217
Karl Fulves Moving Finger outline of hand follows what hand does, posed as problem
49 1988 217
Karl Fulves Ironclad gag card rise in which stapler is connected with thread to deck, posed as problem
49 1988 217
Karl Fulves Karate Klip trick with stapler and paper, posed as problem
49 1988 218
Karl Fulves Staple Diet two cards stapled together, staple travels to another card, posed as problem
49 1988 218
Karl Fulves Resist electrical circuit problem
49 1988 218
Karl Fulves Time Machine rubber band around case, card inserted in band and flicked forward, it changes, posed as problem
49 1988 218
R. K. Miller Red Limit 2&2, two reds and two blacks mixed, they all change to black, repeated with another set of red and black cards
Inspired by 49 1988 219
Robert Morgan From Robert Morgan on Self-Working Paper Magic by Fulves
49 1988 220
Karl Fulves What From Whom various credit information
  • Double Double Lift in Hamman's Flash Poker
  • Flash Change
  • Omega Count
  • Block Transfer in Vernon's Revelations
Related to 49 1988 221
Karl Fulves Moving Hand Writes on signature forgery in magic books
49 1988 222
Just As We Suspected Dpt - Are Boy Better At Math? newspaper clipping
49 1988 222
Roysce Smith, John C. Wagner, Bill Coomer Letters Further Confessions of a Psychic
49 1988 223
Stuart P. Cramer, Jonathan Hatfield, William Acosta Ayala, Robin Robertson Letters
49 1988 224
Tom Gagnon, Norman Osborn, Royal H. Brin, Jr., Jerry L. Christensen, Gary Azerier, R. Missiaen, Tony Page, Bob Childers, Lindsay Smith Letters
49 1988 225
Karl Fulves Non-Working Trix #3 several cards torn in half and paper-clipped together, chosen pair is put in glass and restores
49 1988 226
Paper Clip Switch "Origin of the above switch is unknown. I've used it for about 25 years."
Related to 49 1988 226
Karl Fulves Lifelike connections between natural acting and magic tricks, magic on film
50 1988 227
Karl Fulves In The USA predicting a city that is selected from a map
Related to
  • State flower/bird prediction in New Pentagram, Apr. 1987
50 1988 228
Karl Fulves Curse In A Purse blank key changes into key that opens chosen lock, posed as problem
50 1988 229
Karl Fulves Letter Perfect prediction visible under clear glass changes when glass is removed, posed as problem
50 1988 229
Karl Fulves Pin Up invisible pin hammered in table, posed as problem
50 1988 229
Karl Fulves Round Up close-up case similar to luggage carrousel at airport, gags, idea
50 1988 229
Karl Fulves Spinoff a Six spins on table and changes to a Five, posed as problem
50 1988 230
Karl Fulves Iron Curtain joker at right angles in deck, stapler brought down on deck, selection now stapled to joker, posed as problem
50 1988 230
Karl Fulves Lift Off deck upright, first finger on edge moved up, poker hand moves along in ladder configuration, posed as problem
50 1988 230
Karl Fulves Trade In Draw fifteen card poker deal, three hands, spectator can trade, performer still wins, posed as problem
50 1988 230
Karl Fulves Jumbo card rises up, when pushed down it turns out that it is longer than the deck, posed as problem
50 1988 230
Karl Fulves Quigong Quashed comment on psychics in Beijing
50 1988 231
Karl Fulves, Patrick Page, Peter Warlock John Ramsay Quote quotes on John Ramsay, Dai Vernon
50 1988 231
Karl Fulves Marketable idea for jigsaw puzzle with cards
50 1988 232
Karl Fulves Trick Titles
50 1988 232
Tom Hunter Nonsense lead-in to "Sixth Sense"
Related to 50 1988 232
Per Thiman, Mike O'Dowd Letters Sam Schwartz's "Incredi" book
Related to 50 1988 234
Data entered by Denis Behr, June 2017.