Written by Christian Scherer
Work of Christian Scherer
204 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Christian Scherer
Language: German
50 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Christian Scherer Vorwort
Christian Scherer Nicht ganz hunderprozentig card is found with two locator cards, with improvisation part
Frank Kelly, Joseph Ovette Kelly-Ovette Bottom Placement to second from bottom
Christian Scherer Das Orakel von Bern
Also published here 12
Turnover Book Break in turning cards over, break to step
Edward Marlo Breakless Curry Change
Christian Scherer Blitz-Asse II four aces are produced at the same time, in the hands
Related to 19
Christian Scherer Ganz einfach deck under handkerchief held by spectator, performer reaches under silk and produces selection
Inspired by 24
Christian Scherer, S. W. Erdnase Karte durch Tuch no palming method for card through handkerchief
Inspired by 27
Christian Scherer Fernseh-Asse performer cuts to the aces one by one
Christian Scherer Jass Deal winning hand for Swiss card game "Jass", all cards are known and performer gets winning hand
Christian Scherer Hier oder da - oder wo? two card transposition, three phases on spectator's hands, last phase card from pocket changes with card in spectator's hand
Harry Lorayne Illogical Double Lift
Norman Houghton Pocket Load
Paul Curry Curry Turnover
Christian Scherer Paradoxes focieren sighting the card while explaining the concept, stop force
Christian Scherer Spielerisches Abheben in the hands false flourish cut
Also published here 56
Christian Scherer Scherer Card Index system and construction details of the Scherer card index
Also published here 62
Christian Scherer Multiple Card Throw Variation Impeccable Double variation
Inspired by 68
Christian Scherer Gut beobachtet two kings on spectator's hands transform into aces, kings are the produced in the deck
Christian Scherer Ehrgeiziger geht es nicht mehr ambitious card sequence with torn corner
Related to 74
Christian Scherer Impeccable Prediction Plus two phases, second phase with torn corner of prediction card
Inspired by 78
Christian Scherer Einmalig face of card with signed back and torn corner changes
Riffle Force brief
Hippie Torrales While Burned top change handling
Also published here 85
Harry Lorayne Relativity Color Change
Christian Scherer Einzelne Karten ins Topit befördern
  • 1. Eine (oder mehrere) Karte(n) vom Spiel ins Topit befördern (to topit one or several cards from the deck)
  • 2. Eine (oder mehrere) Karte(n) von einem kleinen Paket ins Topit befördern (to topit one or several cards from a small packet)
    • 2.1 Mehrere Karten in eine verwandeln (transform several cards into one card)
  • 3. Eine von zwei (als eine Karte vorgezeigt) Karte ins Topit befördern (topit one of two cards, which are held as one card)
    • 3.1 Sichtbare Verwandlung (visual transformation)
    • 3.2 Verzögerte Verwandlung (delayed transformation)
Christian Scherer Entwischt four kings under handkerchief change into a joker, kings are found elsewhere
Christian Scherer Robotranspo signed card travels from among four red backed kings to four blue backed kings, both packets secured with rubber bands
Christian Scherer Ich steh' drauf! two card transposition, one under spectator's foot other in performer's pocket, signed
Christian Scherer Die Karte in der Kristallkugel crystal ball turns into signed card under handkerchief
Steve Bedwell The Dribble Toss Control
Christian Scherer Phantasmagorie case and deck put in a bag and is shaken up, signed card is found inside the box
Also published here 121
Christian Scherer Die Umdrehpalmage as top card is turned over, similar to Marlo's Stud Turn Palm
Related to 128
Christian Scherer Kartenfärbung color change with Umdrehpalmage
Christian Scherer Offenes Kolorieren color change with Umdrehpalmage
Christian Scherer Center Double Lift
Christian Scherer Die Umdrehpalmage als Rückseitenfärbung color change of the back of a card, with Umdrehpalmage
Christian Scherer Spektraldruck blank deck turns into normal deck
Christian Scherer Schnelldruck blank case is printed
Christian Scherer Materialisiert deck appears in the hands of the performer, in front of the body
Christian Scherer Gigantisch deck with selection changes visually into a jumbo card matching the selection
Christian Scherer, Dr. Jacob Daley Nicht die letzte Variation Daley's last trick variation, with a glass, two phases
Christian Scherer Reflexartig reflex variation, with small toy gun
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 172
Christian Scherer Rekordverdächtig in the hands, without selection
Looy Simonoff Flippant
Christian Scherer Die vier Prinzessinen with fairy tail presentation and mechanical music box
Inspired by 183
Christian Scherer Ascanio Spread Variation
Christian Scherer Hofzinsers Handschuh cards put in a box, selection is fished out with a glove, that holds the card in an eery way
Related toVariationsAlso published here 194
Christian Scherer Literatur
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2017.