Written by Christian Scherer
Work of Christian Scherer
25 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Christian Scherer
Language: German
4 entries
Cover photograph
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Christian Scherer Vorwort
Christian Scherer Dice Stacking: Material und Technik
  • 1.1 Das Material
  • 1.2 Die Grundtechnik des Dice Stacking (basic technique)
  • 1.3 Der Stack mit neun Bewegungen (stacking with nine movements)
  • 1.4 Der Stack mit fünf Bewegungen (stacking with five movements)
  • 1.5 Vier auf einmal (four at once)
  • 1.6 Das Abbauen des Stacks (removing dice from one by one from a pile)
  • 1.7 Das Stehlen (stealing a die)
  • 1.8 Die Würfel verschwinden lassen (disappearance of the dice)
  • 1.9 Ladungen (loads)
Christian Scherer Der Glücklose Würfelspieler - Eine Dice-Stacking Routine four phases
  • 1. three in the hands one in the pocket
  • 2. dice stacking and traveling of dice from hand to under cup
  • 3. spectator has to guess where the red die is and loses
  • 4. jumbo die production
Also published here 16
Christian Scherer Literatur
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2017.