Written by Charly Eperny
Work of Dr. Stanley Jaks
164 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Dr. Stanley Jaks
Language: German
57 entries
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Charly Eperny Vorwort
Charly Eperny Mein Freund Dr. Siegmund Jaks-Stanley on Stanley Jaks
Dr. Stanley Jaks Lektion in Magie on close-up magic, his book of mysteries, beautiful props appealing to women
Also published here 10
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Schaumgummibälle three sponges two in spectator's hand, third vanishes and when spectator opens his hand, fifty small ones appear
Also published here 18
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die vier schwarzen Karten image of selection appears on black plastic card
Also published here 20
Double Lift
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Münzenwunder copper silver are covered with walnut shell, one penetrates one of two slates held by spectator
Also published here 26
Dr. Stanley Jaks Im Ring spectator sees selection from an other spectator in a finger ring
Also published here 28
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Banknotenröhre handkerchief is ripped out of locked tube, bill tube
Also published here 30
Force Under Handkerchief
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Börsenmysterium signed card folded to purse, using token and wand
Also published here 32
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Markierungstrick divination of year and name, both written down by performer and spectator on cards, with card stand, glimpse with mirror
Also published here 36
Dr. Stanley Jaks Sie machen das, was ich auch machen werde spectator and performer make a cross on a page in a book with the same title, it's the same page
Also published here 38
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Totenkopfexperiment name of card appears on piece of flash paper, with miniature skull
Also published here 42
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein unerklärliches Hellsehen ripped page from magazine is pinned, word is divined
Also published here 44
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der mysteriöse Scarabäus card is selected with scarab and same card is reversed in second deck, with different colored back
Related toVariationsAlso published here 47
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Pendel with male/ female and a pendulum
Also published here 49
Dr. Stanley Jaks Billetdeux billet in glass, covered by handkerchief is divined
Also published here 53
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Fischen von Karten nach Jaks cards shuffled and placed in hat, selection is fished out
Also published here 56
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks geistreichstes Geheimnis word is encircled on clipboard and divined
Also published here 59
Dr. Stanley Jaks Röntgenaugen selected objects, one selected and put in a pill box which is attached to an index card with scotch tape, object is divined
Also published here 60
Dr. Stanley Jaks Gedankenblitze triple prediction, huge cards with numbers from 1-3 predictions are written on the back of the cards
Also published here 62
Dr. Stanley Jaks Astro-Prediktion triple prediction with with zodiac, birthday and playing card
Also published here 64
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks "Karte an die Wand" card is unseen an put in pocket, second deck is thrown at a wall and same card as selection is found pinned on the wall
Also published here 67
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der Block von "Lefcadio" blocks with letters are moved, without looking performer divines amount of moves
Inspired by
  • Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein's "Der Name des Freundes" in Charly Eperny's "Das Rohnsteinbuch 4", 1959
Also published here
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kuvert-Mysterium several spectators get an envelope, three cards are added and total written on a fourth card, those cards are put in one envelope along with a ribbon, color of ribbon, total, fourth card and person holding the cards are divined
Also published here 71
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Miniaturklopfhand rapping noise from a small box
Also published here 74
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Puderdosentrick secret billet reading using powder case or compact
Also published here 75
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Brieftasche zum Hellsehtrick prediction of a card in envelope in wallet, magnetic wallet
Related to 78
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks bester Mentaltrick classic one ahead routine, three billets, card selected at last
Related to 80
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks neuster Hellsehtrick message on performer's forehead is divined
Related to 83
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Buchstabenmysterium card is divined with a set of letter cards
Also published here 86
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der schwarze Brand wrong card transforms into card with picture of performer with card on forehead
Also published here 88
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Hutnadel billet switch with hat pin, then secret reading of information
Also published here 90
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks magische Kraft six ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by writing them on the envelopes with chalk
Related toVariations 92
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein traumhafte Übereinstimmung with three decks, third deck selection matches by spelling name
Also published here 94
Dr. Helmut Teumer, Dr. Stanley Jaks Der südamerikanische Kürbistrick message appears on pumpkin
Also published here 98
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein entzückender Karteneffekt spectator marks one card behind back, it is the only card with a different back color
Also published here 101
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die unglaubliche Voraussage Jaks Billet Knife, loading a billet in an envelope
Related to 103
Dr. Stanley Jaks Tituba multiphase magazine test with Pegasus Page climax
Also published here 108
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Codetelegramm word from text selected with role of dice, use of progressive anagrams
Also published here 112
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der Schlüsseltrick four keys in envelopes, routines for stage and close-up
Also published here 115
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Brieftaschentrick wallet, impression device, carbon paper
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein reizender Kartenscherz card is found with down-under deal
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card version of the selection
Related to 126
Dr. Stanley Jaks Der improvisierte Mentaltrick book test with any book, card to define page number
Also published here 127
Dr. Stanley Jaks Extrasensibilität ten cards are shuffled in ten other cards face up into face down, behind back performer is able to divide cards so amount of face up cards is the same in both packets
Also published here 129
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Kristallsehen chosen card divined in crystal ball first by performer, then spectator
Also published here 130
Dr. Stanley Jaks Das Erbe von Tibet two routines with one-way picture/symbol cards
Also published here 134
Larette Seiltrick
Also published here 140
Dr. Stanley Jaks Eine Reincarnation signed piece of paper is burnt and later found in nest of envelopes
Also published here 142
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Howard Albright Albrights Duplex Spelling Trick
Also published here 148
Dr. Stanley Jaks Eine wunderbare Übereinstimmung four cards in envelopes
Also published here 149
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks unheimliches Hellsehschreiben writing duplication, blindfolded on blackboard
Related to 154
Charly Eperny Nachwort
Charly Eperny Nachtrag
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks Fingerhutmysterium six thimbles covering six objects, performer knows which thimble was lifted
Also published here 160
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, September 2017.