Written by Tomoya Horiki
Work of Tomoya Horiki
73 pages (Paperback), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with photographs
Language: Japanese
21 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Tomoya Horiki Introduction (はじめに)
Tomoya Horiki Air Coin (エアーコイン) Discussion and technique on how to create the illusion of a coin with your hands
Tomoya Horiki Toss Vanish (トス・バニッシュ) Toss coin to other hand, seems to see the coin be tossed over
Related to 12
Tomoya Horiki Air Coin Roll(エアーコイン・ロール) Creating illusion of a coin rolling down your fingers without any coins
Related to 17
Tomoya Horiki Air Coin Cut (エアーコイン・カット) Coin Cut routine with "invisible" coin
Inspired byRelated to 19
Tomoya Horiki Underload (アンダーロード) Four cards dealt on the table, four coins produced, one under each card
Inspired byAlso published here 28
Tomoya Horiki Floating Production (フローティング・プロダクション) Four coins produced singly under one card, as card is held above table and moved across
Inspired by 32
Tomoya Horiki Before Matrix (ビフォア・マトリックス) Four coins disappear with the help of a playing card, then backfire to four corners on the table
Kainoa Harbottle Edge Flip Move
Joaquín Navajas Catapulta Shooting coin from hand to hand secretly
Tomoya Horiki Unexpected Assembly (アンエクスペクテッド・アセンブリ) Four coins and two cards, travel from under one card to another
Tomoya Horiki Fake Beat Move (フェイク・ビート・ムーブ) Audio illusion
Inspired by 46
Tomoya Horiki 影武者(かげむしゃ) (Kagemusha/Shadow Warrior) Audio illusion for Coins through Table
Related to 48
Tomoya Horiki Simple Filtration (シンプル・フィルトレーション) Coin through Table
Inspired byRelated to 50
Tomoya Horiki 4 to 1 Transpo (4トゥ1・トランスポ) Four silver coins placed in shirt pocket, Chinese coin in hand transposes with the four silver coins, audio illusion
Tomoya Horiki Minimum Coin Box (ミニマム・コインボックス) Coin box routine, four coins travel to box one by one, then return to hand at once (uses a small box)
Inspired by 56
Vertical Thumb Palm Vanish
Kainoa Harbottle Stacked Coins Palm Transfer Transferring stack of coins from finger clip to clipped by thumb
Related to
  • "Pendulum Hanging Coins" (Kainoa Harbottle, New York Coin Magic Seminar Vol. 5, DVD)
Tomoya Horiki Standing Coin (スタンでィング・コイン) Coin standing up on edge on magician's palm
Inspired by 66
Tomoya Horiki Auto Vanish 2 (オート・バニッシュ2) Coin vanish by squeezing it with fingertips
Tomoya Horiki Acknowledgements (謝辞)
Data entered by Harapan Ong, February 2018.