Written by 殷欣 (Sion)
Work of 殷欣 (Sion)
109 pages (Paperback), published by unknown publisher
No illustrations
Language: Chinese
24 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
殷欣 (Sion) 前言 (Preface)
殷欣 (Sion) 动画师 (Animator) Completely propless drawing duplication, spectator visualizes famous painting and a warm/cool color, magician divines both
殷欣 (Sion) 暧昧 (Ambiguous) Magician correctly divines spectator's birthdate and astrological sign, propless
Related to 12
殷欣 (Sion) 很暧昧 (Very Ambiguous) Magician divines three numbers thought of by three spectators, propless
Related to 18
殷欣 (Sion) 都格 Magician correctly divines spectator's thought of animal, propless
Related to 22
殷欣 (Sion) 都格格 Magician correctly divines spectator's thought of famous landmark around the world, propless
Related to 27
殷欣 (Sion) 背叛 (Betrayal) Spectator imagines three different coins, places one in pocket, the other two in each hand. Magician divines the specific positions of all three imaginary coins while also detecting if spectator is lying or telling the truth (propless)
殷欣 (Sion) 殷果 Magician correctly divines the fruit the spectator is thinking of, propless
Inspired byRelated to 37
殷欣 (Sion) 殷果儿 Magician correctly divines the name of a famous person spectator is thinking of, propless
Related to 41
殷欣 (Sion) 欣机 Magician correctly predicts which everyday object spectator is thinking of (propless, only prediction written)
殷欣 (Sion) 杯杯 (Cup Cup) Magician correctly divines the card spectator is thinking of, propless
Related to 50
殷欣 (Sion) 杯杯杯 (Cup Cup Cup) Magician predicts the card the spectator is thinking of, inspired by Kolossal Killer
Related to 58
殷欣 (Sion) 结语 (Final Words)
殷欣 (Sion) 塔尼卡 Magician correct divines tarot card that spectator is thinking of (from pictures taken on a phone)
Zee J. Yan 花非花 Magician correctly divines name of spectator's lover
殷欣 (Sion) 馒头羊 Magician correctly divines thought of item from a list of items by the magician
张多多 阿修罗 Magician correctly predicts the final word in a word association game (game is in Chinese)
殷欣 (Sion) 钞时代 Magician plays three rounds of Which Hand with a dollar bill, correctly predicts outcome
殷欣 (Sion) 记忆碎片 (Fragments of Memory) Magician apparently alters the memory of a spectator about which country he/she wrote down
殷欣 (Sion) 可爱 (Adorable) Magician correctly divines symbol that spectator thinks of from a collection of symbols
殷欣 (Sion) 无我
殷欣 (Sion) 鸣谢 (Acknowledgements)
殷欣 (Sion) 鸣谢 (Acknowledgements)
殷欣 (Sion) 后记 (Epilogue)
Data entered by Harapan Ong, February 2018.