496 issues
Written by Bascom Jones
Work of Various
2,482 pages (Loose-leave collection), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
2,250 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Frederick M. Shields Lilith drawing appears on canvas, postcards with famous places and sights
109 1974 542
Ray Cox Odd Cards Out four cards in a envelope, suit is chosen and card turns blank, gag
109 1974 543
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on I.B.M and S.A.M convention, Jeff Busby, Ken Beale, Senator Crandall
109 1974 544
Scorpio Addendum to the Hypnotic Act
  • How to Start
  • Some Basic Rules
  • Pacing Your Routine
  • Subjects
  • Types of Tests
  • Group Test
  • Amnesia Test
  • Cigarette Test
  • Nose Test
Related to 109 1974 545
David Douglas For Your Eyes Only ESP symbol and personal information is revealed, method to read torn piece
110 1974 547
Steve Skomp Sure Bet! two phases, last outcome is predicted
110 1974 548
North Bigbee Cast a Mis-Spell Jumbo ESP cards, all symbols spelled
110 1974 549
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
110 1974 550
Jack Kent Tillar The Pill! super memory presentation, memory pill, letters, numbers and order of playing cards
111 1974 551
Jack Kent Tillar Card Memo Plus behind back, entire deck
111 1974 553
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the passing of Bascom Jones dog Rocco
111 1974 554
Jack Kent Tillar Develop a 'Powerhouse' Memory
111 1974 555
Edward Marlo Predict-a-Mania Plus double prediction, cutting cards
Variations 112 1974 557
Edward Marlo Cut Deeper Force Variation with two cards
112 1974 558
Dr. Barlow Wagman Blind Spot! reading method, in sealed envelope
112 1974 558
Dick Madden 10-to-1 Shot ten cards, spectator selects one with odd symbol
Variations 112 1974 559
Brother John Hamman Hamman Count
112 1974 559
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Sid Lorraine and the history of the center tear, Jules Lenier
112 1974 560
Zorka Acid Test russian roullette with six glasses, acid, blindfolded
113 1974 561
Al Mann Mind Cloud making a cloud disappear
Also published here 113 1974 562
Dr. Dan J. Alessini, Marvin Berman Neighbors! pile of business cards, spectator places prediction next to his own card
113 1974 563
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Milt Larsen's "It's Magic", Falkenstein, Walter Blaney, Marvyn Roy, Bob Brown and Blenda
113 1974 564
Raymond Hafler Mentalism Can Be Entertaining on mentalism
113 1974 565
Vic Perry The Last Miracle divination of total from calculator, misplaced buttons
Inspired by 114 1974 567
Felix Snipes Eylet prediction in envelope, card stolen from deck, impromptu version of Raven's trick
Inspired by 114 1974 568
North Bigbee ESPell Mental using Jumbo ESP cards, in envelopes, spelling and down-under deal
Inspired by
  • Paul Siegel's "Colorspell" in "Mentalism a la Mode"
114 1974 569
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Uri Geller, memories
114 1974 570
Calvin Thompson The Mentaplant volt meter attached to plant, movement when spectator's card is shown
115 1974 571
Frederick M. Shields Past, Present, and Tarot! Tarot cards in envelopes, pseudo psychometry combined with readings
115 1974 572
Larry Becker They Match! ESP deck, forcing three cards
Inspired byRelated to 115 1974 573
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
115 1974 574
Bob Brown How to Successfully Work Abroad
115 1974 575
Sam Dalal Women Can Tell... ESP deck, card selected and sealed in envelope, spectator divines symbol by looking into crystal ball
Related to 116 1974 577
John A. Novak Incalculable forcing a number with a calculator
Related to 116 1974 578
Dr. Barlow Wagman Private Reader one ahead prediction / divination in a reading, objects from wallet
116 1974 579
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
116 1974 580
Nathan Stark Past, Present & Future with roman numbers I, II and III
Also published here 117 1974 581
Fredric Kolb ... And the Last Word on perfect calculator model for Novak's Calcu-Total
Inspired by 117 1974 582
North Bigbee Legacy Jumbo ESP cards
117 1974 583
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Sam Dalal's "Swami"
117 1974 584
David Douglas ESP - What It's All About! on Mentalism phenomenas
117 1974 585
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Murder, He Said! cards with different people, prediction, murder theme
118 1975 587
Vic Perry The Perry Pen! x made in book, force, special two-sided pen
118 1975 588
Christopher Rogers Smoke Ring ashes on arm, zodiac, cigar tube becomes hot
118 1975 589
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Richard Buffum
118 1975 590
Richard Lyn Name Dropper! name is selected from clear plastic forcing bag, divined and appears on soot
Related to 119 1975 591
Dr. Spencer Thornton In the Bag... pseudo-psychometry with paper bags, apparently same marking system was also used by Dr. Jaks
119 1975 592
Frederick Wingfield Thought Waves II spectator remember cards and position, card appears at number thought by another spectator, faced deck
Variations 119 1975 593
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on mentalism, Invocation, Tony Raven
119 1975 594
Vic Perry Judge and Jury on promotion and promotional material
119 1975 595
Nathan Stark The Bill of Belphegor bill folded and put under rubber band of a banded stack of index cards
120 1975 597
Steve Spillman PSI Mate cards dealt face up, stopped card is predicted in pocket or face-up in deck
120 1975 598
John A. Novak Color-Mental! two boxes of waxes crayons, two crayons are selected by two spectators and match
120 1975 599
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
120 1975 600
E. Leslie May Tri-Mental three ESP cards selected from a deck, divined
121 1975 601
Edward Marlo Color Sense seeing with fingertips, red / black, shuffled deck in case, reflection on card case
Related to 121 1975 602
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle Mind Warp! add-a-number pad, clever handling
121 1975 603
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Senator Crandall, Maurice Fogel
121 1975 604
Charles J. Pecor Get Your Head Right for Improvement on presentation, I-F-D Pattern, originality
121 1975 605
Vic Perry The Man From Tomorrow deck cut by spectators, card is named and position in deck revealed
Variations 122 1975 607
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Gold... coin changes from silver to gold
122 1975 608
Gerald Kosky Jaysonism 2 based in a Eddie Joseph trick, thought of number to select card, cards dealt from top to bottom and performer stops at correct card
Also published here 122 1975 609
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on women in mentalism, Aldini, Charlie Miller, Ron Wilson
122 1975 610
Joseph Dunninger Destiny's Disciple waiter in restaurant writes number on paper, which is later divined
VariationsAlso published here 123 1975 611
John A. Novak Last Man on Earth
Related to 123 1975 612
Dennis Marks The Scarne Challenge peeked card is found
123 1975 613
Dennis Marks Glimpse and Transfer card on bottom of pushed out packet is glimpsed and transferred on top, key card
123 1975 613
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on women in mentalism, Dunninger's death
123 1975 614
John A. Novak Doing Magic for Children
  • Getting Bookings
  • "What Do You Do?"
  • Birthday Box
  • Relate to the Kids
  • Types of Tricks that Work
  • Setting Up and Shutting Down
123 1975 615
Nathan Stark One-Man Private Readings q&a for one person, reading of index card in box
124 1975 617
Frederick M. Shields The Eyes Have It reading torn piece while removing glasses
124 1975 618
North Bigbee Anticipated with two ESP decks
124 1975 619
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
124 1975 620
Arthur Emerson Mind Burn two people initial half of a business card, spectator selects right half and other is burnt, ash on hand with initials
125 1975 621
Delwyn Acupuncture! in bag with needle
125 1975 622
North Bigbee Center Tear different methods to read the torn piece
125 1975 623
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Eric Levinson, Bob Brown, Vic Perry, promotional material
125 1975 624
Bascom Jones The Anatomy of a Cold Reading
  • The Psychic Reading
  • In the Beginning
  • Delivery
  • Subconscious Insight
  • And Don't Overlook the Future
  • Areas to Avoid
  • Getting Specific
125 1975 625
Robert Schwarz The Mystic Sums of Glossolalia! sum divination
126 1975 627
John A. Novak Budget Saver substitute for Himber wallet, checkbook
126 1975 628
Robert Van Justus Oracle Z number divination of die, bizzar presentation
126 1975 629
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Spencer Thornton
126 1975 630
B.C. Milnov The Mind Benders nail / spike bending
127 1975 631
North Bigbee Fillman Re-Visited ideas for the Fillman principle
Related to 127 1975 632
Roy Miller Psy-Clops several drawings in envelopes, one is chosen and duplicated
127 1975 633
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Jim Richardson, Bob Brown
127 1975 634
Bascom Jones Psychologists and the Personality Reading
  • Something for Everybody
  • The Personality Reading
  • People Want to Be Unique
  • And They Tend to Accentuate the Positive
  • Two Other Observations
  • What Can it Mean to the Mentalist?
  • How to Use the Reading
127 1975 635
Anthony Raven Powers of the Unknown! billet with question of sitter is burnt and secretly read
128 1975 637
Richard Lyn Stock Answer stock prediction from newspaper, spectator encircles any part of page with eyes closed
128 1975 638
David "Fu Manchu" Bamberg, Charlie Miller Fu Manchu's Time Capsule prediction in tube, humidor, thumb tip switch
128 1975 639
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Uri Geller
128 1975 640
Fredric Broder Fortune's Cookies prediction of message from fortune cookies, lot of cookies in a box, several are selected
129 1975 641
Tieneblas Eye Level with pad
129 1975 642
Gene Nielsen Psychic Touch signed card is located blindfolded
129 1975 643
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Uri Geller, Milbourne Christopher, Lloyd Jones, Mike Rogers
129 1975 644
John A. Novak On Being Prepared being prepared for preparing anytime
129 1975 645
Joseph Dunninger Mind Power needle pin through page of book, last name and city are predicted
130 1975 647
Gerald Kosky Strike Out! using only one spectator, list
130 1975 648
Martin Lewis X Factor number named and card at position marked, matches prediction
130 1975 649
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the passing of Senator Clark Crandall
130 1975 650
Gene Nielsen NuAge Prediction mailed before, Himber wallet
131 1975 651
Sid Fleischman, Robert "Bob" J. Gunther 'Test' Conditions number on poker chip is divined, in rattle box
131 1975 652
John A. Novak Notice to Call a Window prediction in wallet, post office presentation
131 1975 653
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on wallets, Uri Geller, Ray Carter, key bending method described
Related to 131 1975 654
Walter B. Graham The Mentalist's Lecturn box to store material, looks like lectern
131 1975 655
Lady Valerie Mental Silks prediction of a color, handkerchief with knot
132 1975 657
Dr. J. Konstantin Garmisch Dowser! business cards with the names sand and one with water, dowser / rod made from paper moves over water card
132 1975 658
North Bigbee Matched! two ESP decks
Related to 132 1975 659
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Karl Fulves, Uri Geller, Cicardi, with comments on key bending methods
132 1975 660
Charles "Cicardi" Scott The Phantini Phenomena prediction of three named letters, inside stapled envelope
133 1975 661
Alex Redans Swindled Two two decks, card selected matches face-down prediction in other deck
133 1975 662
B.C. Milnov Rest in Peace! number divination
133 1975 663
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Charlie Miller
133 1975 664
B.C. Milnov A Mental Frame of Mind on performing mentalism
133 1975 665
James Auer, Gene Nielsen Mental Masquerade five men on stage, names written down on cards and one selected, same man is selected by other spectator by covering him with a covering sheet
Also published here 134 1975 667
Tom Fitzgerald 16c Mental X-per-a-ment three coins in a cup, turned over and only one drops out, repeated
134 1975 668
John A. Novak Sven Stebbins svengali deck meets Si Stebbins, paired deck
Related to 134 1975 669
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
134 1975 670
R. W. Grosholz From Beyond! five business cards withy symbols, spectator choses correct one
135 1975 671
Philip T. Goldstein A Hunch... or What? thirteen cards of one suit, chosen one is only not from this suit
Inspired by 135 1975 672
North Bigbee Astro-lepathy! zodiac cards, stack
135 1975 673
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on magic
135 1975 674
David Douglas Predicta-Miracle Book Test prediction of gist of a chosen sentence in a book, three books
Related to 135 1975 675
Ronnie Gann Tele-kin-'easy' chosen ESP card falls over, selection with second set in envelopes
136 1975 677
Gene Nielsen Centearefinement center tear, routining
136 1975 678
David Calhoun Vegas Fling! dice, roulette and cards, triple prediction
Variations 136 1975 679
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Martin Gardner, James Randi, Uri Geller
136 1975 680
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle No-Touch Sealed Prediction mailed prediction, color, card, number, and vague headline
137 1975 681
B.C. Milnov Mind Mirror single card divination, one out of a group is touched, tv as mirror
137 1975 682
Gene Nielsen The Collector prediction of a chosen brand, brands in envelopes
137 1975 683
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
137 1975 684
David Douglas Predicta-Miracle Book Test - Part Two
Related to 137 1975 685
Marshall Weinstein Witch's Coin marked coin among other coins is found in bag
Related to 138 1975 687
Jim Alfredson Mind Flare flash in hand, with lighter
138 1975 688
Anthony Raven Number, Please apparently telephone number is divined, 'my number'
138 1975 689
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
138 1975 690
Edward Marlo Unknown! numbers are named and added, page number missing, torn out in envelope, pegasus
139 1975 691
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Match several matchbooks, spectator removes a match from one and performer divines which matchbook
139 1975 692
Sydney Bergson 81-Cent Mystery cards with numbers, one is selected, prediction in form of coins
139 1975 693
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Milt Larsen's 'It's Magic', Dai Vernon, Jan Torell, Mark Kalin, James Randi, Uri Geller
139 1975 694
Bascom Jones Magic Versus Mentalism
139 1975 695
Philip T. Goldstein Twice-Dealt Tale Esp deck, re-dealing
140 1975 697
Chester "Dr. DeMille" Miller, Gene Nielsen Money in Mind classic, three coins, prediction on business card
140 1975 698
B.C. Milnov Ouija Principle selection signed on the back is located by perfomer
Related to 140 1975 699
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Steve Baker, Eric Lewis, amateurs
140 1975 700
Jack Bridwell Tell-Tale Tea! tea bag is ignited and vanishes, the tea leaves fall on piece of paper, some stick and form the word love
141 1975 701
Marvin Miller Credit in Mind prediction of one out of three credit cards
Inspired by 141 1975 702
Tieneblas Parity Coin coins on table, spectator can turn several coins over and covers one, performer divines if head or tails is up
Related to 141 1975 703
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Michael Albright, The Conjurer, Don Alan
141 1975 704
V. Robert Allen The Toad and the Witch toad is hypnotized and vanishes
141 1975 705
Basil Horwitz The Burning Question bill in one of five envelopes, spectator names a number and finds bill, other envelopes are burnt
Variations 142 1975 707
Philip T. Goldstein Symbol Set-Up! stacked
Variations 142 1975 708
David Douglas Palladino Lift table sticks to hand, with ring
142 1975 709
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on exposure, Stephen Minch, Pete Biro
142 1975 710
Dan Tong Peek-A-Book prepared book, flashback principle
Related toVariations 143 1975 711
B.C. Milnov See Hear! tips on sound reading
143 1975 712
Vic Perry, Al Koran Envelope Switch prediction of coin in envelope, envelope to switch coin
143 1975 713
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Tony Shiels and psychokinesis
143 1975 714
Tony "Doc" Shiels You Can be a Super-Psychic on becoming the next Uri Geller, performance of mentalism
143 1975 715
Orville Wayne Meyer The Pineal Senses playing card, serial number of bill and a name are divined, clever pre-show handling
144 1976 717
Dr. J. Konstantin Garmisch Paper Mate as Garmish, torn and restored tissue, from tissue box
144 1976 718
Dan Tong Empathy "3" cards, a word from a book and a geometrical design are divined blindfolded
Related to 144 1976 719
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Harry Blackstone Jr., Uri Geller
144 1976 720
Richard M. Hunt Peek-A-Book Impromptu! impromptu, glimpsing page number
Inspired byRelated to 145 1976 721
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Four-Oh! prediction of single card, one of seven, Himber wallet
145 1976 722
Jack Bridwell The Door! ten numbered cards in envelope, one is selected and placed in a bag, number is divined
145 1976 723
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Orville Meyer, Nathan Stark, Cicardi, Bob Schwarz, Gene Nielsen, Hugh Riley, David Hoy
145 1976 724
Anthony Raven On the Presentation of Magick
  • The Dictionary
  • A Need for Magick
  • Things that Go Bump in the Night
  • Good Theater
  • How to Go about It
  • Mood and Atmosphere
  • Your Props Should Look the Part
  • Know More than Your Audience
145 1976 725
Philip T. Goldstein The Dowser matching ESP card is found with dowsing rod
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Si Stebbins Kink" (Theodore Annemann, Linking Ring, Oct. 1924)
146 1976 727
Dr. Barlow Wagman Alarm! time is set of two watches is turned face down, they match
146 1976 728
Frederick M. Shields Rear-Vision Mirror name of card appears on pocket mirror
146 1976 729
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on John Novak, Bill Larsen, Genii
146 1976 730
Raymond Hafler Window to the Mind six symbols on a board, one is selected and divined by performer
Related to
  • "The Direct Look" (Hugard's Magic Monthly, May 1960)
147 1976 731
Jack Bridwell Sealed billet switch in transparent vial, combined with tarot reading
147 1976 732
Ronnie Gann It's About Time! time is set behind back and put in envelope, time is divined
147 1976 733
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on mentalism, superstitions and the occult
147 1976 734
Anthony Raven On the Presentation of Mentalism
  • Create an Image
  • Not Supernatural
  • Audience Impact
  • What to Do
  • What Types of Effects
  • The Method Behind the Effect
  • Memorize your Patter
  • Master your Audience
147 1976 735
Erwin Schussel Mood Magic chosen audience member is divined with a mood ring, changes color
148 1976 737
Jack Bridwell Flash-Mental cards with simple math problems, selected one is divined
148 1976 738
Tieneblas Pair-Cognition prediction of single card with mate, re-deal force
148 1976 739
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Gene Marvin, Psychic Entertainers Association
148 1976 740
Chandler Mason Calcu-Mental stripes of paper with numbers, number is formed and divined by performer
149 1976 741
Gene Nielsen, Bascom Jones Psychic Lady person divines in which matchbox is her ring, mental version of bean monte
149 1976 742
Gene Nielsen Matchless Guile prediction in signed matchbox
149 1976 743
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on David Hoy, Uri Geller, Milbourne Christopher
149 1976 744
Bascom Jones 10 Tips on Getting Bookings
  • Who is Your Audience?
  • Walk before you Run
  • Printed Material
  • What you Need
  • A Brochure
  • Photographs
  • Sales Letter
  • Writing the Sales Letter
  • Telephone Follow-Up
149 1976 745
Gerald Kosky Mystic Eyes name written on disk and sealed in pillbox, divined, Okito Box
Related to 150 1976 747
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Bank Night four envelopes, with Himber Wallet
150 1976 748
Gene Nielsen Check Mate checkers in bag, spectator choses only checker with different color, forcing bag with flap
Related to 150 1976 749
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on James Randi, Gene Marvin, Ken Weber
150 1976 750
Erwin Schussel Mind Freeze as Edwin Schussel, Magazine test with TV-Guide
151 1976 751
Gene Nielsen Congruence card is stabbed next to mate, slip force
151 1976 752
Carl Herron Phenomenon! triple prediction of number, coins and card, presentation idea
151 1976 753
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Gene Marvin, Ronnie Gann
151 1976 754
Bascom Jones More Tips on Booking Yourself
  • Booking Agents
  • Wistful Thinking
  • It Takes Work
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Watch for Opportunities
  • Capitalize on the Media
  • Centers of Influence
  • Free Shows aren't All Bad
  • What It's All About
151 1976 755
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Brain Shock billet reading, billet put in pocket, reversed
Related toVariations 152 1976 757
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Up, Up, and Away... lifting someone up who is sitting on a chair, four people with two fingers
152 1976 758
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Mind Boggler with ten symbol cards, testing spectators abilities of precognition three times
152 1976 759
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
152 1976 760
Sandy Spillman Psychic Minds spectator divines ESP symbol by looking into crystal ball
Also published here 153 1976 761
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle Nail Writer tips on using a nail writer
153 1976 762
Hugh Riley Psychological Force different probability forces and presentation ideas
153 1976 763
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Anthony Raven, mentalism
153 1976 764
Bascom Jones 12 Tips on Presentation
  • Showmanship
  • Image
  • Stage Fright
  • Stage Entry
  • What You Say
  • Stage Movement
  • Voice
153 1976 765
Philip T. Goldstein ESP spectator writes down name of a card and second spectator selects the card from deck, locking card box
154 1976 767
Marvin Miller Cop-Out! center tear, billet in envelope
154 1976 768
Paul Rylander Psi Traveler bills in envelopes, performer finds only envelope containing foreign currency
Related to 154 1976 769
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
154 1976 770
Jack Kent Tillar Impromptu Pseudo-Psychology slips of paper, several spectators write down pieces of information, all billets are correctly allocated, information of last billet is divined
155 1976 771
Charles Cameron Thought Foretold prediction card in envelope
155 1976 772
Orville Wayne Meyer Psychic Paper chosen ESP symbol appears in chosen color on cigarette paper
155 1976 773
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
155 1976 774
Bascom Jones The Cold Reading - What It's All About
  • The Foundation
  • Springboard
  • Tell-Tale Indicators
  • Fail Safe
  • Areas of Interest
  • All Things Change
155 1976 775
Dan Tong Quick and Easy three numbers are divined by audience / predicted by performer, on business cards
156 1976 777
David Kaput Mental Mood mood ring placed in box changes color
156 1976 778
Larry Becker World Power dictionary book test, three named numbers to form a page number
156 1976 779
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Charlie Miller, James Randi
156 1976 780
Charles "Cicardi" Scott 'Super' Mental Image five ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by drawing the symbols on the envelopes
Inspired byRelated toVariations 157 1976 781
Paul Rylander Psi Traveler... Revisited follow up for Psi Traveler, serial number divination
Related to 157 1976 782
Robert Schwarz Coincidence two decks, presentation for the brainwave deck
157 1976 783
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
157 1976 784
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Handwriting - A Diagram of the Unconscious
  • No Short Cuts
  • What's It All About?
  • Analysis
  • Examine the Slant
  • Size of Writing
  • The Capital I
  • Ambition
  • Self Confidence
  • Imagination
  • Sex and Age
Related to 157 1976 785
Erwin Schussel Pandora's Box of the Future prediction of events happening during the show, in locked box, several pieces of paper
158 1976 787
Stan Blumenthal 98-Cent Divination ESP symbol appears on business card, invisible ink
158 1976 788
Richard Webster Hermetica Tarot card off-beat prediction
158 1976 789
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on using blindfolds, Kuda Bux, Glen Falkenstein
158 1976 790
Danton Century 21 Prediction predicting a chosen headline from newspaper, Koran's binary prediction
Related toVariations 159 1976 791
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Choice ten cards, card with odd colored sticker is selected
Variations 159 1976 792
Brother John Hamman Hamman Count without credit
159 1976 792
Jack Bridwell Psychokinesis! magic tricks in mentalism context, psychokinesis
  • golf ball moves on table
  • pendulum in bottle
  • U. F. Grant's Light and Heavy Glass
159 1976 793
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
159 1976 794
Charles "Cicardi" Scott More about Handwriting
  • Quick Indicators
  • The Signature
  • The Capital "I"
  • The Tell-Tale "T" Bars
  • The Small "I"
  • Three Zones
  • How to Use the Indicators
Related to 159 1976 795
Anthony Raven The Tarot Touch A Poker Player's Picnic with Tarot cards
Inspired by 160 1976 797
Jack Bridwell PSI-Q lead of pencil in crumpled paper, named number appears, paper moves
160 1976 798
Allan Slaight Fource of Hearts Vernon's Five Card Mental Force combined with prediction in envelope, Himber Wallet
Inspired by 160 1976 799
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
160 1976 800
B.C. Milnov Design Duplication triangle in circle
161 1976 801
Clayton Rawson, Walter B. Gibson, Jerry Ross Date Sense coins in handkerchief, one with specific date is found, several versions
161 1976 802
Chip Cotton Sixty Seconds... into the Past Q&A with one person, Himber Wallet
161 1976 803
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Gene Marvin, Vic Perry
161 1976 804
Bascom Jones Sell the Sizzle - Not the Steak
  • You've Got to Sell Yourself
  • You are More Important than the Effects
  • Rubber-Stamp Syndrome
  • What Audience See...
  • ... and what the Hear
161 1976 805
Stephen Minch Mind-Link! object in box makes rapping sound, microphone used
162 1976 807
Sandy Spillman It's a Date calendar card, performer circles thought of date
Also published here 162 1976 808
Glenn Falkenstein Target '3' with three pieces of cardboard, Mental Epic variation
162 1976 809
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Tony Shiels, Cicardi, Orville Meyer
162 1976 810
Nathan Stark Ultimate Phone Test card is divined, clever method
163 1976 811
Fredric Broder Mind over Matter Hurst / Goergia wonder presentation, arm can be pushed down of spectator
163 1976 812
Dr. John Nichols Devil Coin several coins in handkerchief, date of selected coin is divined
163 1976 813
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on J. G. Thompson jr., Falkenstein, Liz and Tom Tucker
163 1976 814
Sandy Spillman There are no Silent Mental Acts on speaking abilities
  • Powerful Tool
  • Vocal Signature
  • Let Your Voice Relax
  • Voice Quality
  • Work at It
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Some Quick Tips
163 1976 815
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, April 2018.