Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Various
148 pages (Paperback), published by Dover Publications
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
83 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Karl Fulves Foreword
Karl Fulves The Preliminaries what rope to use, how to prepare it, presentational ideas (rope as suspenders or phone cord)
Karl Fulves The Overhand Knot chapter intro
The Basic Overhand Knot No. 1, no effect
Slide Off No. 2, knot vanishes
Betcha Knot No. 3, spectator cannot tie a knot the same way the magician can
Karl Fulves, Milbourne Christopher Triple Knots No. 4, three knots appear in rope
Also published here 8
Dissolving Double Knot No. 5, two ropes tied together, spectator pulls tight, yet ropes are separated by performer
The Captive Knot No. 6, knot tied in rope, then ends tied together, performer can still untie first knot
Related to 10
Horace E. Bennett Ghost Knot No. 7, slip knot transformed into overhand knot, then rope becomes linked to performer's jacket buttonhole
Also published here 13
Karl Fulves The Slip Knot chapter intro
Quick Slip Knot No. 8
Slippery Knot No. 9, slip knot transformed into overhand knot while spectator holds ends
Ringo No. 10, ring threaded on rope penetrates rope and table
Name a Number No. 11, rope coiled in hand, spectator names small number, that number of knots appear in rope
Convertible Knot No. 12, slip knot that can convert into overhand knot
Soap on a Rope No. 13, soap with hole threaded on rope, it penetrates, extra piece
Jack Miller Miller's Sliding Knots No. 14, knot slides from one end to the other
Also published here 28
Karl Fulves The Square Knot chapter intro
Basic Square Knot No. 15, square knot (double knot) which can be opened easily
The Granny Knot No. 16, square knot (double knot) which can be opened easily
Time in a Knot No. 17, wrist watch tied onto rope, is quickly removed behind back
Half a Square No. 18, knot appears in rope under impossible conditions with the ends tied
Enough Rope No. 19, cut and restored rope with story presentation of releasing tied-on rings
Eddie Joseph Siberian Rope Release No. 20, cut and restored rope with story presentation
Milbourne Christopher Square-Knot Paradox No. 21, square knot dissolves when pulled, repeated
Related to 44
Karl Fulves Special Effects chapter intro, knot effect
Pop-Off Knot No. 22, knot flies off rope when pulled
The Fake Knot No. 23, knot slid off rope, shown and pocketed
Sliding Knot No. 24, two ropes knotted, knot slides to one side, ropes unknotted and now of different length
Karl Fulves Here, Spot! No. 25, lose knot tied, loop/circle comes off rope
Also published here 51
Karl Fulves Flourish Knots chapter intro
Throw Knot No. 26
One-Hand Knot No. 27
Karl Fulves Self-Taught Ropes No. 28, two ropes put over shoulders of spectator, a knot appears behind his back on each rope, secret one-handed knotting
Karl Fulves One-Hand Figure 8 No. 29, different one-handed knot
Related to 57
Fake Unknot No. 30, knot apparently untied, but still there
C. D. Oeloff The Double Knot No. 31, two knots appear in rope
Also published here 60
Dr. Zina Bennett, Senor Charles Mardo, Stewart Judah, John Braun Double-Ring Ceremony No. 32, two borrowed finger-rings put on rope, a knot appears around each
Related to 61
Karl Fulves Dissolving Knots chapter intro
Not Knot No. 33, knot vanishes when pulled tight
Dissolve No. 34, dissolving knot
Related to 66
Pull-Away Knot No. 35, knot tightens and dissolves
Posi-Negative Knots No. 36, two knots made, rope shaken, both vanish
Pretzel Knot No. 37, knot vanishes when pulled tight
Milbourne Christopher, Dr. Zina Bennett, Karl Fulves Triplicity No. 38, routine, three knots appear, one vanishes, one is untied and one is pulled off
Roger Penrose The Penrose Knot No. 39, several knots in rope, spectator choses one, rope is pulled and all vanish except chosen one
Karl Fulves Cut-and-Restored Rope chapter intro
Bob Ellis Vishnu Rope Mystery No. 40
Also published here 77
Eric F. Impey, Karl Fulves Impey's Impromptu No. 41
Inspired by 81
Karl Germain Karl Germaine's Method No. 42
J. W. Sarles Hindu Turban Mystery No. 43, long rope
Martin Gardner Scissorcut No. 44, scissors threaded onto rope, released "magically" by cutting rope, rope restored
Dr. Weiner, Karl Fulves Knot at All No. 45, knot tied in rope, spectator cuts knot off, restoration, knot reappears
Edward Victor Victor Rope Trick No. 46
Related to 92
Karl Fulves The Hunter Knot chapter intro
G. W. Hunter A Possible Impossibility No. 47, knot without letting go of the ends
Fooling the Expert No. 48, giving the ends to spectator in the middle of Hunter knot
Robert E. Neale Neale's Knot No. 49, Hunter knot variation
Also published here 102
Double Cross No. 50, Hunter knot variation in which ends are secretly switched
Hunter Killer No. 51, knot without letting go of ends, preparation
Karl Fulves Ropes That Think chapter intro, mental rope magic
Karl Fulves, U. F. Grant Liar's Ropes No. 52, two ropes, one with knot, spectator thinks of rope with or without knot, one of the ropes stretches to expose lie
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz Thought Knots No. 53, spectators tie knots, they are counted and that many words counted down in this book, that word is forced and "of", force book
Wishing Rings No. 54, two rings threaded onto two ropes, chosen one penetrates and is free
Karl Fulves Spirit Knots No. 55, rope and ring put in paper bag, three knots appear in rope and ring is tied in chosen knot
Séance No. 56, rope tied into loop, borrowed rings penetrate onto it, extra piece
Robert E. Neale The Hanging No. 57, one spectator is murderer, chosen with cards, noose tied from rope, it tightens only at guilty spectator
Karl Fulves Miracle Move chapter intro
Jack Miller Miller's Move No. 58, ring onto rope with tied ends
Variations 123
Bob Hummer Hummering I No. 59, ring onto rope
Also published here 125
Bob Hummer Hummering II No. 60, ring onto rope
Karl Fulves, Peter Warlock Releaso No. 61, ring onto rope
Inspired byRelated to 127
Karl Fulves Psychic Rope Ties chapter intro
Telekinetic Ring No. 62, performer's wrist tied, other end through keyhole, borrowed ring onto rope behind door
Fourth-Dimension Knot No. 63, rope tied between both wrists of performer, he makes a knot when out of sight
Related to 132
Locked in Place No. 64, rope tied between both wrists of performer, ribbon around it through keyhole, penetration
Watch the Watch No. 65, borrowed watch appears on wrist of performer despite him being tied up
Robert Gysel Gysel Spirit Tie No. 66
Also published here 140
Amazing James Randi Spirit Music No. 67, accordion plays despite performer being tied up
Harry Kellar The Kellar Tie No. 68
Also published here 143
Six Glasses No. 69, six glasses, three filled, they have to be alternated by switching adjacent glasses, puzzle
Also published here 146
Bruce Elliott Adam's Apple No. 70, wrists of performer tied, apple travels from one hand to the other
Related to 147
Data entered by Denis Behr, May 2018.