Written by Karl Fulves
Work of Various
437 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
366 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Steffi Scarne The Many Careers of John Scarne
8 2003 282
John Scarne Quick Pick Up snatching coins out of spectator's hand before he can close it, variation in which a small coin is sandwiched between two coins and only the large coins are snatched
Related to 8 2003 286
Jerry K. Hartman Catch and Carry "Two Impromptu Card Tricks"
red Aces placed in different parts of deck but backjogged, pulled out, sandwiched selection is between them
Inspired byAlso published here 8 2003 287
Norman Osborn Trick of the Day "Two Impromptu Card Tricks"
current date spelled to find selection
8 2003 287
Karl Fulves Square Spell value of card is squared and result spelled to find selection, not sure
8 2003 288
Karl Fulves Placement Control to a position near top
8 2003 288
Number Puzzle see p. 333 for solution
Inspired by
  • "Satan, Cantor, and Infinity" (Smullyan)
8 2003 289
Jerry K. Hartman, Bob Ostin, Mel Bennett, Chris King, Bob Graham, Rob Wood, Dr. Edi Brum, Leonard Cohen Letters on Tony Bartolotta
Related to 8 2003 290
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Karl Fulves The Words Of Jaks two selections from word cards predicted
Inspired byRelated to 8 2003 292
Dr. Stanley Jaks This Way Out three person think of number, city and animal, all predicted, written up by Bill Miesel
Related toAlso published here
  • "Mental-Wise #1" (Ed Mellon)
8 2003 294
Cardini Name-O-Card cutting to any named card
Related to 8 2003 296
Karl Fulves Two Timed
8 2003 297
Philip T. Goldstein A Cannonball Tale credit information on the effect of a cannonball changing to a balloon and vice versa
Related to 8 2003 298
S. H. Robinson The Robinson Coin Change with piece of paper
8 2003 300
Sam Schwartz On The Square "A Magic Square Routine"
spectator takes any row or column of a 4x4 cards layout, values added, matched number of cut-off cards
Inspired by
  • Ted Lesley Magic Square routine
Related to
8 2003 301
Charles Waller, Karl Fulves Knockout card placed reversed at bottom of deck, dropped on table, it appears on top, air pressure turnover
8 2003 304
Tony Bartolotta Joker Jump two Jokers apparently transpose (gag), then a big One and Two appears on their backs
8 2003 304
Karl Fulves Mental Fone with idea to use cell phone to code and send picture of spectator
Inspired by
  • Fitch Cheney trick in Math Miracles (Wallace Lee)
8 2003 305
Rob Wood Watch Test pulling stem out only one click
Related to 8 2003 306
Karl Fulves Notebook on psychic phenomena, Morris Young's death, young sensations in the magic scene
8 2003 307
David Goldman Gambler's Ghost story about cheating and gambling, out-of-focus marks
8 2003 308
Karl Fulves Hypnot key card principle explained, key card removed without one spectator seeing it, he still locates selection
8 2003 312
Karl Fulves Deja Two "Problems"
flap from empty case torn off and stuck into a deck, second deck removed from inside deck, posed as a problem
8 2003 314
Karl Fulves No Joke "Problems"
Joker always comes up when performer spells value, it is always placed aside, at the end no Joker is there, posed as a problem
8 2003 314
Karl Fulves Roll Up "Problems"
papers on table are rolled up as group, when unrolled they change place, posed as a problem
8 2003 315
Karl Fulves Notebook on spiritualists, fournier cards
8 2003 316
Karl Fulves (reviewer) The Magic Mirror by Robert E. Neale 8 2003 316
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Ahead of the Pack by Jack Avis (written by Lewis Jones) 8 2003 316
Richard Himber Double Cut Rope "An Impromptu Rope Trick"
reprinted instructions, illustrated by Joseph K. Schmidt
8 2003 317
Crap Game Puzzle see p. 333 for solution
8 2003 322
Karl Fulves Diminishing Squares magic square in which four numbers can be removed and a magic square remains, applications
  • Paycheck Poker
  • The Collins Square
  • Square Notes (fragmented magic squares)
Inspired by
  • Judah-Guest "Bi Color Cut"
8 2003 323
Vent Mental ventriloquism, see p. 333 for solution
Inspired by
  • "Satan, Cantor, and Infinity" (Smullyan)
Related to
8 2003 324
Martin Gardner Prediction number named, card at that position openly crimped, crimped card turns out to be prediction, with handling by Karl Fulves
Related toAlso published here
  • Conjuror's magazine
8 2003 327
Martin Gardner End-for-End Reversal
8 2003 327
Latch Bottle Bar Bet
Also published here
  • The Boy Mechanic (1915)
8 2003 328
Karl Fulves Deep Secrets section intro
8 2003 329
Karl Fulves Overthrow cut deeper force applied to red/black alternating set-up
Related to 8 2003 329
Karl Fulves Cut Shallow "cut shallow force" as opposite of "cut deeper force"
8 2003 331
Karl Fulves Deep Cut Note after some cutting procedure the Aces are only odd-colored cards in two packets
8 2003 333
Karl Fulves Introduction Siegfried & Roy accident, David Blaine's glass cage stunt, Bill Bennett, World Series of Poker, stage illusions, Charles Dickens Christmas story, Rufus Steele,
9 2004 334
Karl Fulves Unsolved Illusion performer and spectator walk in different elevators on same floor and come out transposed, signed arms, posed as a problem
Also published here 9 2004 336
Karl Fulves Write Stuff mirror writing ideas, actual mirror, exercises, writing different words with both hands simultaneously
9 2004 338
Karl Fulves Sobriety Test challenge in which one spins on a chair and has to move hands and foot in a certain way
9 2004 341
Aldo Colombini It's A Small World using about half the deck
Inspired by
  • "World Class" (J. K. Hartman)
  • "Tomorroworld" (Ron Ferris)
Related toAlso published here
9 2004 342
Karl Fulves FT Done Twice "Cut & Clip"
repeat version of Thompson Cut
Inspired by 9 2004 344
Karl Fulves Clip Fed "Cut & Clip"
paper clip appears at selection
9 2004 344
Joseph K. Schmidt Trapdoor Coin stream of rice produced from hole in Chinese coin
Related to 9 2004 345
Yoshi Akiyama, Harvey Rosenthal Three Coin Divination nickel, dime, penny and handful of change, some instructions given, divination about amount of change left in hand and coins on table
9 2004 346
Ryan Matney The Whitechapel Solution cards in a packet turned face down one by one by counting sequence, remaining card that is face up has odd back, uses prime principle by George Sands, story presentation
Inspired by 9 2004 349
Karl Fulves Just Think spectator and performer show each other five cards, one thought of, shuffled back in half a deck each, groups of five cards shown, coincidence and cards found
Inspired by
  • "Just Think Do As I Do" (Kenneth Lang, The Magic Wand)
9 2004 351
Robin Robertson Remarcoble
  • Phase I: A Puzzling Match
  • Phase II: Matched Again
  • Phase III: Gemini Twins
  • Phase IV: Pairs, Pairs Wherever You Like
Inspired by 9 2004 352
Charles Waller On the Rising Card Effect
Also published here
  • "Up His Sleeve"
9 2004 354
Karl Fulves Doggerel electronic dog translator gadget, dog divines choice of word card
9 2004 354
J. W. Sarles Calling The Wiz bit of business for classic telephone trick
9 2004 355
Steffi Scarne Notes On The Sting Switch on John Scarne doubling Paul Newman in The Sting
Related to 9 2004 356
C. L. Boarde Character Reading mentalism anecdote about question written in Chinese
Also published here
  • Conjurors' (Oct. 1948)
9 2004 357
Karl Fulves Helen O'Ploy card chosen, Queen of same suit turns over, other three Queens change into same value as selection, face-down card is selection
Inspired byRelated to 9 2004 358
Karl Fulves Hofzinser's Ghost spectator finds only three Aces in deck, fourth one is invisible, it can be heard, changes into selection
9 2004 360
Karl Fulves Up Cup two cups nested, wand pushed in from below, it seems to penetrate lower cup and lift upper cup
9 2004 361
Bob Coyne, Bruce Fricker, Jason Willette, Mike Bordeck Letters on John Scarne's Schaefer beer commercial
Related to 9 2004 362
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Remains To Be Seen spectator cuts off some cards, remembers bottom card and puts pile in card case, after some calculation instructions the performer knows card and number of cards in case, Kraitchik
Related to 9 2004 363
Karl Fulves Psychic News on psychic phenomena in the news
9 2004 365
Ken De Courcy Continental Coin Trick "The Original Triple Change Spellbound"
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Mac's Monthly, Vol. 3 No. 3, January 1947
9 2004 366
Karl Fulves In Re Hofzinser section intro
9 2004 371
Richard Hatch Richard Hatch on how the translation of "The Magic of Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser" (1985) came to be
9 2004 371
Reinhard Müller Reinhard Müller translation correction of Sharpe's version in case the gaze force misses
9 2004 372
Karl Fulves False Count Note credit information on holding the last two cards together
Related to
  • "Magic and Its Professors" (1902, Evans)
9 2004 372
Karl Fulves Clear Channel performer and spectator both deal through half the deck and leave one card face-down, both cards divined/predicted
Variations 9 2004 373
Robert Byrne Ring From Pocket curtain ring dropped into breast pocket jumps to center of rope
9 2004 374
Karl Fulves Mail Order "Problems"
presentation for card in envelope, posed as a problem
9 2004 377
Karl Fulves Maximum Malini "Problems"
button turn off, then button hole disappears, posed as a problem
9 2004 377
Karl Fulves Happy Meal "Problems"
card rises from within a single other card, posed as a problem
Related to 9 2004 377
Karl Fulves Steel Ambition "Problems"
involving a steel ball that appears under pop-up card, posed as a problem
9 2004 378
Karl Fulves Fragmented Flush "Problems"
kind of a slow-motion collectors with a Royal Flush, posed as a problem
9 2004 378
Karl Fulves Custom Cuts "Problems"
four cards turned over while cutting four piles, cards next to the reversed cards are Aces, posed as a problem
9 2004 378
Karl Fulves Matchbox Monte "Problems"
borrowed coin travels from openly exposed sound gimmick matchbox in sleeve to tabled matchbox, posed as a problem
9 2004 379
Karl Fulves Knifed "Problems"
large blade comes out of small Swiss army knife, posed as a problem
9 2004 379
Karl Fulves Fax Finding "Problems"
design duplication via fax, posed as a problem
9 2004 379
Karl Fulves Rug Rise "Problems"
performer floats over carpet which is pulled out, posed as a problem
9 2004 379
Cardini Card Rise From Envelope "Repeat Rising Card Mystery"
multi-phase routine with three cards in an envelope, one rises, envelope rises, and so on
9 2004 380
On Cardini quotes from newspapers
9 2004 381
Karl Fulves When Psychics Play Poker psychic vs. gambler, spectator riffle shuffles, psychic gets seven cards, gambler five, psychic finds two Aces and moves around some cards and wins
Related toAlso published here 9 2004 386
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Vent Mental
Related to 9 2004 388
Karl Fulves Introduction on Derek Dingle, Jack Avis, Dover books, Robert Byrne, Kenneth Hense's passing
10 2005 389
Karl Fulves Psychic News psychic phenomena in the news
10 2005 392
Martin Gardner William Tell bent card stands upright on table, it is "shot" over with mime gun or rubber band around box
10 2005 393
Martin Gardner Band Box rubber band around box, can be instantly released
Variations 10 2005 394
Karl Fulves Asides various quotes and jokes
10 2005 396
James Kenn Over Easy spectator and performer both cut to a card, Triumph, only one reversed card, they picked the same card
10 2005 397
Karl Fulves Crushed filling plastic bottle with hot water, emptying it and capping it, it deforms, variation with special brand
10 2005 398
Gary Ruiz Crime Seen crime story, six glasses with items, spectators call medium via cell phone who in the end describes the items
10 2005 399
Richard Feynman Watch Calculation offset on watch to apparently give complicated answers to time queries
10 2005 400
Paul Fine Silent Partner one of three objects and ESP card chosen, medium reveals both
Inspired by 10 2005 401
W/Sponges kitchen sponge hinged open to reveal compartment, sponge ball intro
10 2005 402
Burling Hull, Karl Fulves Mid-Nite Marvel performer finds a four-of-a-kind below table, those transpose with some card in the deck, changed from dark room effect to below table
  • Second Approach (involving the location of a selection)
Inspired by
  • "Mid-Nite Marvel" (Burling Hull, Clever Card Collection of 1932)
10 2005 403
Sam Schwartz Simplex Square birthday square
Variations 10 2005 405
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Alphabet Square 5x5 square, numbers are converted to letters to spell out names
Inspired by 10 2005 409
J. W. Sarles Prompt Impromptu "Telepathy On The Spot"
card chosen and replaced, spectator looks at fan of cards, meanwhile a spectator on other side of room names selection
10 2005 413
Don Nielsen Supercharged Silver ring changes to coin, involving a magnetic coin that is moved from sleeve to hand with magnetic pen
Related to 10 2005 414
Tony Bartolotta T-Bills three pennies and three different bills, three people take a penny and bill each and close their hands around it, performer then tell who has which and in which hand
10 2005 415
Carlos Mauro South American Notes about the magic scene in Buenos Aries and South America
10 2005 416
Karl Fulves Men In Black (and red) two decks separated in red and black, a spectator choses any black card from one deck and any black from the other, they are the only odd-backed card in the deck, two versions, second version makes it a traveling effect form deck to deck
Variations 10 2005 418
Karl Fulves Final Cut deck immune to cutting, somewhat a presentation for ambitious card
10 2005 420
Bob Ostin, James Kenn, George Valerie Letters
Related to 10 2005 423
Karl Fulves Self-Made Trap card chosen from face-up deck with Ten-Twenty force, turns out to be sandwiched by odd-backed cards
10 2005 424
Mel Bennett Metamorphosis layout puzzle with coins
10 2005 425
Karl Fulves Last Place "Problems"
six envelopes, the last one chosen contains $100 note, posed as a problem
10 2005 427
Kellar's Ring "Problems"
finger ring thrown out of window reappears in envelope, posed as a problem
Related to
  • Kolar's column, Conjuror's, July 1948
10 2005 427
Karl Fulves Counterfeit Call "Problems"
conditions for a medium phone effect, posed as a problem
Related to 10 2005 428
Karl Fulves Whacked "Problems"
piece of paper is crumpled and thrown on someone, it changes into snowball, posed as a problem
10 2005 428
Joseph K. Schmidt Computer Virus Killer "A Novel Revelation of Two Thought Cards"
two spectators think cards from a five-card and six-card group, involving virus gag card
  • The History (credit information and references)
Inspired byVariations 10 2005 429
Karl Fulves Virus Variation
Inspired by 10 2005 431
Karl Fulves Stretching The Truth word written on wide rubber band when stretched is no longer readable when collapsed, instant stooge application
Related to 10 2005 432
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 10 2005 433
Karl Fulves Card Speller credit information on spelling to cards
10 2005 433
Vernon Winiecke Packet Shuffle Pass packets cut between the hands, the roll back and forth
Related to 10 2005 436
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2018.