Written by Tomoya Horiki
Work of Tomoya Horiki
83 pages (Paperback), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with photographs
Language: Japanese
21 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Tomoya Horiki まえがき (Foreword)
Tomoya Horiki Toss Vanish 2.0 Introduction with credits for Toss Vanish 2.0
Tomoya Horiki Toss Vanish (Downward) Toss coin to other hand downwards, seems to see the coin be tossed over, optical illusion
Related to 10
Tomoya Horiki Toss Vanish (Sideways) Toss coin to other hand sideways, seems to see the coin be tossed over, optical illusion
Related to 14
Tomoya Horiki Toss Vanish (Upward) Toss coin to other hand upwards, seems to see the coin be tossed over, optical illusion
Related to 16
Tomoya Horiki Toss Into Breast Pocket Fake toss of coin into shirt pocket
Tomoya Horiki Fake Coin Roll Vanish Using coin roll action to mimic a coin, make it "vanish", slight optical illusion
Tomoya Horiki Time and again Single coin is apparently tossed into other hand multiple times, keep seeing the coin being tossed over and over again
Inspired by 20
Tomoya Horiki Open Palm Subtlety Subtlety to show palm empty while palming coin, similar to Ramsay Subtlety
Tomoya Horiki New French Pop One handed French Drop Vanish, visually disappear
Inspired by 27
Tomoya Horiki Isolation Vanish Coin held between fingers, seem to "float" and remain isolated as hands move around it (something like contact juggling), then coin vanishes, inspired by Jerry Andrus and Troy Hooser
Tomoya Horiki Electric Sheep One Chinese coin in each hand, five half dollars distributed amongst two hands. End with Chinese coins in one hand, five coins in the other.
Inspired by 35
Tomoya Horiki Play It Sprout Triumph Standard Triumph effect, deck cut into eight packets and shuffled face up and down
Tomoya Horiki Imaginary Thread Coin animation, tied by imaginary thread, balancing coin
Inspired by 50
Tomoya Horiki Another Colorful Wild Wild Coin, four different coins and a purse, coins all change into spectator's chosen coin
Inspired by 54
Tomoya Horiki Stand-up Coin Through the Table Four coins pass through table one by one, done standing at table
Michael Ammar False Count With Coins Overcount
Tomoya Horiki Finger Palm Position Pass
Tomoya Horiki Coin to Pocket Four coins travel to shirt breast pocket one by one
Akira Fujii Squeeze Shot Shoot coin out of fist
Tomoya Horiki あとがき (Epilogue)
Data entered by Harapan Ong, January 2019.