167 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
124 entries
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Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Preface
Dai Vernon Interlocked Principle IP
with credit information
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Final Control Set-Up getting into interlock configuration
Related to 3
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Christ/Annemann Alignment Set-Up getting into interlock configuration
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Christ/Annemann Alignment Force & Set-Up
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Topmost using Jog Switch to get in interlock configuration, with short ambitious phase
  • Variant Techniques
  • Hidden Card Jog Switch
  • Face-Down Jog Switch
Related to 5
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Blackjack Aces black Jacks change to Aces, other two Aces also show up
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Between 2 Worlds two cards chosen from two decks transpose
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Jog Switch JS
card downjogged during in-the-hands spread and packet with downjogged card as bottom card tabled, card secretly added underneath
  • Variations
Related to 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Producers pairs of cards pushed through deck and a composite (suit-value) card emerges
Inspired by
  • "Autoplunger 5" (Gavin Ross, Auto-Plunger, 1994)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson JS Ace Production
Inspired by 13
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Rags to Riches
Variations 14
Gerald Kosky Kosky Switch
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Compression Agents two cards compressed into one composite (suit of one, value of other) card in sandwich, repeat
Inspired by
  • "Pair Dance" (Roy Walton, Connoisseur Conjuring website, 27th July 2000)
  • "Co-Sign" (Duffie/Robertson, Abracadabra)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Compression Agents Revisited four Twos compressed into two Fours, then one Eight, then into nothing, in sandwich
Inspired by 20
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bold Empty Kosky Switch
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Fan Dancing Queens half the deck fanned over other half, Queens appear face-up on top with three selections between them
Flip-Over Fan Change one-handed fan with half the deck waved over the other half
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Infallible Foolable Kings after an apparent mistake, the two black Kings find two selections
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Self-Correcting Sandwich wrong card between two black Jacks becomes right card after a push-through the deck (Auto-Plunger)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Self-Correcting Jackpot Sandwich wrong card between two black Jacks, then two red Jacks between them which then find the selection
Related to 28
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Self-Correcting Jackpot Sandwich-2
Related to 28
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Self-Correcting Jackpot Sandwich-3
Related to 29
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Tiered Display for Self-Correcting Sandwich
Related to 30
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Non-Self-Correcting Sandwich Kosky Switch variation with cutting of deck
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Leipzig Self-Correcting Sandwich
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Miscellaneous Tricks without Set-Ups chapter intro
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bottom-Biddle "Following Orders" Ace through Five of Hearts and Spades
Inspired by 34
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Change-Over Queens sandwiched cards transpose
Inspired by 35
Dai Vernon Separation Move
Related to 35
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Clockwise
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Con-Found
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Piston top card shown and slid under top card
  • Ambitious Card Variation
Inspired by
  • "The Windmill Move" (Lennart Green)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shiftless Royalty ten cards taken from deck and every second card turned over, suddenly only selection is reversed
Related to 42
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Simple Shift Variation here with small packet
Inspired by 43
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Impaired Royalty another method, small packet triumph
Related to 44
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Impaired Count face-up/face-down group is shown and separated secretly, Biddle with right hand turning over multiple times
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Ringmaster Ace to Three are move around, then they change around to original order again
Inspired by
  • "Triple Change" (Robin Robertson's website)
Related to
Back-Spread Double Lift
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Return to Sender different method for Ringmaster
Related to 48
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Traveling Queen four red red-backed spot cards, four black blue-backed cards and Queen of Spades, transposition
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Vollmer Variant seven cards end up in sandwich, those lead to selection eventually
Inspired byVariations 52
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Ambitious and Overworked
Inspired by 55
Robin Robertson Lift Shuffle Control
Also published here
  • "Shuffle Control" (Robin Robertson, Handle with Care, 1964)
Frederick Braue Push-In Ambitious Card Phase often started with double and push-in change, credit information
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Miscellaneous Trick - Set-Ups chapter intro
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flexible Choice number chosen with four back-to-back pairs, credits George Sands's "One to Eight" principle (really the Hummer Addition Principle)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Harvey's Harvest four cards removed, none is the selection, they change into four-of-a-kind of selection
Inspired by
  • "Hofzinser for a Change" (Steve Hamilton, Shades of Close-up, lecture notes)
Harvey Rosenthal Overload Move Precursor
Related to 62
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Domino Effect domino chain made with cards, end and beginning predicted
Variations 64
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Gilbreath Plays Dominoes after a riffle shuffle domino chain made with cards, end and beginning predicted
Inspired by 66
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Slight Slant on Slaight two dice, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Inspired by
  • "Nice Dice" (Allan Slaight, Precursor #72, 1999)
Related toVariations
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Another Slant on Slaight two dice, chosen values lie at reversed chosen numbers
Inspired by 68
Iain Girdwood Unicycle Stack values recycle after one shuffle
  • The 16 Card Unicycle Stack
  • The 30 Card Unicycle Stack
Inspired by 68
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Accidental Diary sixteen-card Unicycle Stack, credits George Sands's "One to Eight" principle (really Hummer Addition Principle)
Variations 70
George Sands Prime Number Principle p cards, any number smaller than p counted to and card turned over, repeated from there until one card remains not turned over, it's forced
  • Why it Works
Related to
  • Card Concepts (Arthur MacTier)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Co-Prime Number Principle extension of prime number principle
Inspired by 73
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Last Card Standing thirteen-card packet, packet cut off, that number used to count through other packet a few times and turn over all cards except one which is selection, co-prime number principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Last Card Standing Predictor thirteen cards, packet cut off, a number shows up that matches the number of cut-off cards, co-prime number principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Gold Star small packet, cards eliminated, last one has gold star stuck to it, co-prime number principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson X Marks the Spot small packet, cards eliminated, last one has an X drawn on it, co-prime number principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Back to Sands packet cut off, all cards except one eliminated, last one is selection, (co-)prime number principle
Iain Girdwood Prime Deal dealing cards on table, sometimes pairs, spectator stops and a the amount of cards on the table is always prime
  • Eliminating the Non-Prime Stopping Points
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Phake Dyce Trique two sets of Ace through Six given to two spectators, both end up with three cards, combined one of each value is present, prime number principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Principle of Nine adding digits and subtracting from original number always is a multiple of nine
  • The basic estimation principle
  • The Count-Back Force
  • The Less-counting principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Fate, Chance and Science using count-back force and anti-faro elimination process
Inspired by 80
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Witch Watch card located by spelling a Queen, count-back force as placement
Inspired by 82
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Teenwork prediction and location, principle of nine
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle Control RSC
one or two cards chosen from incomplete riffle shuffle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson For Christ's Sake! double location with Riffle Shuffle Control and Christ's Sum and Difference principle
Inspired by 86
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Murder Mystery! clock layout, murder presentation
Inspired by
  • "Time and Again" (Robin Robertson, Card Modes, 1983)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Mode 2 Order 2 using spelling and Riffle Shuffle Control with the Diamond suit
Inspired by
  • "Mode to Order" (Duffie/Robertson, Linking Ring, July, 2000)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Pokerevelation card chosen, spectator deals five four-card hands, selection found and hands shown to be quartets from Tens to Aces
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Synchronicity two cards chosen from incomplete Riffle Shuffle position with smaller packets, in the end cards dealt from two piles and selections turn up at same position
Inspired byVariations 93
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson RSC Multiple Shift Riffle Shuffle Control as multiple shift replacement
  • Variations
Inspired byVariations 95
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson RSC-MS Casual Cull
Inspired by 97
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson RSC-MS Reversal
Inspired by 98
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Double Reversal using RSC-MS Reversal
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Four Wrongs Make a Right four wrong cards come together to sandwich selection
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Odd Men Out two cards chosen, they turn to be odd-backed cards in color-separated deck
Robin Robertson Robverse as reversed card is rightened in in-the-hands spread
  • Multiple RV
  • Straddle RV
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Card Modes, 1983
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Card Between Aces four Aces turn over, they're turned back, selection turns over and is between Aces
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Contrary Toss-In invisible card tossed into deck by spectator, a card appears sticking out between two selections
Eddie Taytelbaum Taytelbaum Production Move bottom half slapped on top half in hindu shuffle position, one card appears outjogged between halves
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Data Collectors one selection lost, Aces collect three cards, one with value, suit and selection itself
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Double Oreo Collectors two selection appear between Aces on top of deck
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Street-Wise Collectors weird effect combination
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Focalized Aces red and black Aces in packet transpose and turn over, three phases
Inspired by 111
Jamie Badman Mr. Memory Man missing card named by looking through the rest, then three mates found face down, they're the wrong cards but change into the right ones
Inspired byRelated to 113
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Psychicardtric two spectators stop at wrong cards, their selections then appear face up
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson RV Visitor
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Intruder indifferent card placed between Ace through Ten of a suit, after some counting it is found in the packet
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Turning Tricks two halves placed face-to-face after remembering the facing cards, they vanish, one reversed in deck and other one spelled to
Inspired byRelated to 119
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Twisting the Connected Kings
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Spread Double Lift in-the-hands spread, some credit information
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Jumping Jack Flash chosen card jumps to another pile at chosen position
Variations 124
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Jumping Jack Flash Returns
Inspired by 125
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Pathfinders three cards chosen and lost (similar to Free Cut Principle procedure without using it), they come back to the top of three piles, then they all come to top of deck
  • Phase 1: Identifying the Pathfinders
  • Phase 2: The Pathfinders Form a Team
  • Final Phase: Send Out the Search Party
Related to
  • "Spectator Cuts to the Aces" (Frank Garcia lecture notes)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Spread Half-Pass revolving opposite to Roy Walton's method
Related to 131
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Back-Flip Half-Pass opposite direction than usual
Related to 132
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Dribble Half-Pass
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Double Reversal one at a time two selections reverse
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Well, Look at That! invisible card becomes visible and is first spectator's selection, it is completed to a Royal Flush
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Stripout Reverse Switch
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Over Flush four Aces show up reversed one by one and locate four Royal Flush cards
Edward Marlo, Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Reverse Double Undercut as Production
Inspired by 138
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Over Couples Kings show up reversed one by one during cutting, and locate Queens
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Near Miss four cards touched in a spread, they are three Kings and a Five which is used to count to last King
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson From Rags to Royalty five indifferent cards change into a Royal Flush, no set-up
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Guys in Disguise four indifferent cards change into four Kings
  • Alternative No-Pass Handling for Ending
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Ahoy Matey! three mate pairs found by spectator
Reinhard Müller, Harvey Rosenthal 3-Card Catch
Also published here 146
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I'm So Confused three-way transposition between red Aces, black Aces and two selections
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Mathemagicians small number of cards cut off, same value is supposed to be produced but it is one off and changes into right number, prediction says "off by one"
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Collective Unconscious using three-card catch
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Express Aces Ace production one by one, using three-card catch
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Concealed Allerton Control card controlled to near top while apparently turned over in middle of deck
Also published here 154
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson End-Over-End DDT
Also published here 155
Robin Robertson Final Control buckled under top half, see Vol. 1 for credit information
Also published here 156
Max Maven Notes & Corrections
Related to 158
Max Maven Just a Little Off the Top, Please - Bonus Effect with location of second selection
Inspired by 158
Reinhard Müller Blackjack & Black Jacks correction of last phase
Inspired by 159
Aldo Colombini Little Arrows with No Arrows five envelopes, all chosen except one, all lose except last one, George Sands's Prime Number Principle
Inspired by 160
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Index thorough index for both volumes
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2019.