Written by Steven Hamilton
Work of Various
216 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by R. Paul Wilson, Chris Power
Language: English
211 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Steven Hamilton Coins to Glass four coins, different grip on glass
Related toAlso published here 1 Apr. 1991 1
Mid-Air Han Ping Chien into glass
1 Apr. 1991 2
Lewis Ganson All Four at Once four coins apparently poured into hand from glass
1 Apr. 1991 3
Steven Hamilton Editorial "Pro-File"
1 Apr. 1991 5
Douglas Cameron (reviewer) Carney Knowledge by John Carney 1 Apr. 1991 6
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 1 "Making it Happen"
1 Apr. 1991 7
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces Aces vanish one by one from hand and reappear face-up in center of deck, shown one-by one, deck of double backers
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1 Apr. 1991 8
Packet Cut Force
1 Apr. 1991 8
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Dan Garret - Mixed Routines by Dan Garrett 1 Apr. 1991 9
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Richard Kaufman - Cards by Richard Kaufman 1 Apr. 1991 9
Ken Hawes Something Afoot gag with small hand and foot
1 Apr. 1991 10
Gag File lines
1 Apr. 1991 10
Steven Hamilton Ken Hawes in Profile
1 Apr. 1991 11
Jackie McClements The Move "An ace cutting display", as John McClements, optionally with "Turnover Palm Addition Move" (Roy Walton)
Also published here 2 June 1991 1
Gag File lines
2 June 1991 2
Steven Hamilton Editorial on Jackie McClements, Chap's Scrapbook, tip for Gary Kurtz's "Cigar"
Related to 2 June 1991 3
Steven Hamilton Nocturnal Gambler Aces vanish one by one and reappear together reversed in center
Inspired byAlso published here 2 June 1991 4
Steven Hamilton Competition on the Genii competition about the ten best close-up tricks
Related to 2 June 1991 5
Steven Hamilton Dave Campbell in profile
2 June 1991 6
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 2 "The First Night"
2 June 1991 7
Steven Hamilton Lightning Aces (The cleanup) twisting sequence
Related toAlso published here 2 June 1991 8
Peter Duffie (reviewer) The Devil's Playthings by Roy Walton 2 June 1991 9
Steven Hamilton Clearly Vanished signed card in clear plastic envelope which is sandwiched between Aces, card vanishes and is found in wallet
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2 June 1991 10
Roy Walton The Plot Thickens selection appears at sum of three values after dealing piles, faro
Inspired byVariations 3 Aug. 1991 1
Steven Hamilton, Scott Nelson Competition Update Scott Nelson's list of top ten close-up tricks
Related to 3 Aug. 1991 2
Steven Hamilton Editorial on wands by Harold Voit's ZZM, David Williamson, Gary Kurtz, Arthur Day silhouette
3 Aug. 1991 3
R. Paul Wilson (reviewer) The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings by Larry Jennings (written by Mike Maxwell) 3 Aug. 1991 4
Steven Hamilton Scotland's First Close-Up Convention convention report, Magic Bob, Mark Leveridge, Patrick Page, Gordon Bruce, Bob Read
3 Aug. 1991 5
Peter Duffie Centrepoint pseudo explanation/teaching, card in center of packet rises to top after counting the packet, pass and alternate top/bottom deals
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 3 Aug. 1991 8
Peter Duffie Cardtell
Inspired byAlso published here 3 Aug. 1991 9
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 3 "The Effect and Structure"
3 Aug. 1991 10
Steven Hamilton Gary Kurtz in Profile
3 Aug. 1991 11
Steven Hamilton A 4 Coin Production
Also published here 3 Aug. 1991 12
Gag File lines
3 Aug. 1991 12
Jerry Sadowitz Trick Three three cards cut to and remembered, they end up together after a faro
Inspired by 4 Oct. 1991 1
Gag File (Openers)
4 Oct. 1991 2
Dave Robertson Top Ten Close-up Tricks
Related to 4 Oct. 1991 2
Steven Hamilton Editorial "Robert and his magic world" on tv, BBC
4 Oct. 1991 3
Neil Smith Oscillation red Aces find selected King, another one found and Aces change into Kings
4 Oct. 1991 4
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 4 "Lines, Gags and all the rest"
4 Oct. 1991 5
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) video video by Dai Vernon
review of the thirteen Vernon Revelation tapes
4 Oct. 1991 6
Steven Hamilton Six Card Repeat Climax last cards produced with backhand production
4 Oct. 1991 6
R. Paul Wilson Randall Flag calculation with three cards used to count to selection
Inspired byAlso published here 4 Oct. 1991 7
Lawrence Frame (reviewer) The Close Up Magician by Bert Allerton (written by Robert Parrish) 4 Oct. 1991 9
Douglas Cameron Check It Out mentioning lost tricks in the literature
Related to 4 Oct. 1991 10
Douglas Cameron (reviewer) Laughter and Legerdemain by Fred Culpitt 4 Oct. 1991 10
Paul Brignall Another Card to Wallet (And do we really need one)
4 Oct. 1991 11
Arthur Day Johnny Paul 1912-1991
4 Oct. 1991 12
Roy Walton School Daze two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byVariations 5 Dec. 1991 1
Steven Hamilton Editorial Peter Duffie, Arthur Day, Ed Marlo's death
5 Dec. 1991 2
Jackie McClements (reviewer) The New Modern Coin Magic by J. B. Bobo 5 Dec. 1991 3
Gag File lines
5 Dec. 1991 4
George McBride Blending Bullets Four and Six spot become Ten spot in sandwich
Inspired by 5 Dec. 1991 5
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 5 "Q&A Session"
5 Dec. 1991 6
Peter Duffie The Lucky Ten two piles dealt, top card of one pile is thought-of number, top card of other pile selection
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 5 Dec. 1991 7
Douglas Cameron Check It Out mentioning lost tricks in the literature
Related to 5 Dec. 1991 8
Douglas Cameron (reviewer) Square One by Philip T. Goldstein
5 Dec. 1991 8
Arthur Day Paper Magic about magic with paper and some ideas
5 Dec. 1991 9
Jon Tremaine Torn Wallpaper Gag apparently a corner is torn off wallpaper
5 Dec. 1991 10
A Paper Fold
5 Dec. 1991 10
Toshie Takahama Shirt Fold folding a shirt out of a bill
5 Dec. 1991 11
Gary Kurtz Smoker routine with cigarettes and a lighter, cigarette rises from pack, lighter appears and changes into squirting lighter, finally lit cigarette turns into chewing gum
Also published here 6 Feb. 1992 1
Steven Hamilton Editorial on Richard Kaufman, exposure and Jerry Sadowitz, Paul Daniels live show,
6 Feb. 1992 3
George McBride In Case You Visit card travel from sandwich to cased sandwich
6 Feb. 1992 4
Gag File lines
6 Feb. 1992 4
Steven Hamilton Professional Close-Up - Part 6
6 Feb. 1992 5
Douglas Cameron Check It Out mentioning lost tricks in the literature
Related to 6 Feb. 1992 5
Neil Smith Quicksilver coin penetrates into balloon, can be handed out
6 Feb. 1992 6
Steven Hamilton Richard Kaufman in Profile
6 Feb. 1992 7
Steven Hamilton Think of a Card spectator looks at fan and thinks of a card
Also published here 6 Feb. 1992 9
Steven Hamilton An Open Letter to All Magicians from W. Hoisch-Eating parody complaint about exposure in Open Travelers
6 Feb. 1992 10
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) The Card Magic of Le Paul by Paul LePaul 6 Feb. 1992 11
Jerry Sadowitz Addendum to Think of a Card verbal force for Three of Clubs or at least a Three or Club
6 Feb. 1992 12
Douglas Cameron The State of the Art of Magic on Television
6 Feb. 1992 12
Andrew Galloway Reflected Thoughts card thought of in fan, its value used to select another card, both found, interlocking chain principle
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 7 Apr. 1992 1
Andrew Galloway Suit Fishing
7 Apr. 1992 2
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Tom Mullica (Stevens Emporium) by Tom Mullica 7 Apr. 1992 3
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Revelations Vol. 1 by Dai Vernon 7 Apr. 1992 3
Bill "Dusty" Miller (reviewer) The Magic of Michael Ammar by Michael Ammar 7 Apr. 1992 4
Roy Walton Doppelganger spectator counts to any position and remembers next card, card found and position divined
Inspired byVariations 7 Apr. 1992 5
Ian Keable-Elliott Starting Out in Cabaret
  • How Do I Practice Cabaret Tricks
  • How Do I Get My Lines
  • How Do I Find Original Presentations For My Tricks
  • How Can I Persuade People to Help Me
  • How Do I Handle My Helpers
  • How Do I Dal With Heckling
  • How Do I Learn To Use A Microphone
  • How Much PA Equipment Do I Have To Buy
  • How Do I Get Work
  • Ho do I Learn To Be Funny
  • And Finally
7 Apr. 1992 6
Peter Duffie Deliberation card thought of, another one selected by counting down value of thought-of card, both found
Inspired by 7 Apr. 1992 9
Steven Hamilton A Card Problem deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates, posed as problem
Variations 7 Apr. 1992 9
Douglas Cameron Check It Out
7 Apr. 1992 10
Hubert T. Brill The Spirit's Right borrowed business card in envelope, writing of selected card appears on it, stamp on card case
Also published here
  • Genii, Feb. 1939
7 Apr. 1992 10
Steven Hamilton Professional Routines - Wild Card author unclear
7 Apr. 1992 11
Steven Hamilton Editorial
7 Apr. 1992 12
Peter Kane Full Circle full deck version, twenty-six double facers
Inspired by
  • "Watch the Ace!" (Peter Kane, Hugard's Magic Monthly, Vol. 19 No. 8)
8 June 1992 1
Bert Allerton The Allerton Turnover wild card move, Hofzinser
8 June 1992 2
Steven Hamilton Editorial on Douglas Cameron, Glasgow, The Crimp magazine, The New Sorcerer
8 June 1992 3
Gavin Ross Self Portrait business card appears in deck, name on it spelled to locate selection, selection also predicted on back of business card
Variations 8 June 1992 4
Peter Duffie Variation "or Savings" two cards found by using the value and spelling the name of the performer's lucky card (Seven of Diamonds)
Inspired byAlso published here 8 June 1992 4
Neil Smith (reviewer) "But Not To Play" by Wilfrid Jonson 8 June 1992 5
Douglas Cameron Check It Out
8 June 1992 6
Philip T. Goldstein Some Indifference two cards chosen, sum and difference of those values, number of cards as prediction
Inspired byRelated toVariations 8 June 1992 7
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Vernon Revelations Vol. 2 by Dai Vernon 8 June 1992 8
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Tommy Wonder Lecture Video by Tommy Wonder 8 June 1992 9
Douglas Cameron Ring of Fire "Professional Routines"
ring appears on chain, with flash paper
Inspired by 8 June 1992 10
Gene Lawton Cheaters Solution to "A Card Problem" deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates, mate SBS
Inspired by 8 June 1992 12
Gag File lines
8 June 1992 12
Roy Walton, Peter Duffie, Steven Hamilton Dai Vernon three short articles
9 Aug. 1992 1
Peter Duffie Problematic Offshoot one card chosen from face-up half and one from face-down half, they match
Inspired by 9 Aug. 1992 3
W. P. James Paul Brignall's Second Close Up and Comedy Convention convention report
9 Aug. 1992 4
Steven Hamilton Silk and Sponge "Professional Routines"
silk vanishes, appear in rolled-up bill, changes into sponge ball which splits in two, sponge routine
Also published here 9 Aug. 1992 5
Steven Hamilton Editorial
9 Aug. 1992 7
Roger Curzon Miracle Card in Envelope window envelope, clean extraction
Related to 9 Aug. 1992 8
Bob Ostin The Lucifer Load dice stacking with match box cover, here only final load of many matches
Also published here 9 Aug. 1992 10
Lewis Jones Sweeter Cider
Inspired byAlso published here 9 Aug. 1992 11
R. Paul Wilson (reviewer) The Card Clip about Joe Porper's card clip and one by The Mississippi Card Company 9 Aug. 1992 12
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) A Life Among Secrets by Eddie Fields (written by Stephen Minch) 9 Aug. 1992 12
Dominic Twose The Ghost Jacks four Aces and Jacks used, one quartet on top of the other, two hands dealt and a quartet shown in each hand, repeat, Three Jacks Deal
Variations 10 Oct. 1992 1
Roy Walton A Note from Roy Walton idea
Inspired by 10 Oct. 1992 2
Steven Hamilton Editorial on stealing lines, Gordon Bruce
Related to 10 Oct. 1992 3
Jerry Sadowitz Magic Hands four Kings transpose with four indifferent cards, two pairs of pseudo duplicates
Inspired by 10 Oct. 1992 4
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Vernon Vol. 3 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
10 Oct. 1992 5
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) "He Fooled Houdini" by Dai Vernon (written by Keith Burns)
Vernon Chronicles Vol. 4, see also p. 7
10 Oct. 1992 5
Neil Smith Mental Resistance five ESP cards, one chosen, predicted as sponge ball, another one chosen, ball changes into cube
10 Oct. 1992 6
Douglas Cameron Check It Out
Related to
  • "Ultimate Phone Miracle" (Norman Gilbreath, Linking Ring Vol. 46 No. 6)
10 Oct. 1992 7
Douglas Cameron (reviewer) A Life Among Secrets by Eddie Fields (written by Stephen Minch) 10 Oct. 1992 7
Douglas Cameron Wax Steal from Shoe
10 Oct. 1992 7
David Carré Sympathetic Reverse selection turns over three times, then full suit of selection as well
10 Oct. 1992 8
Delayed Braue Reverse
10 Oct. 1992 8
David Carré Carreverse card in spread apparently rightened again, sleight not named in description
10 Oct. 1992 9
Steven Hamilton Thoughts and Reflections introduction to anonymously contributed article, see next item
10 Oct. 1992 11
ID by "D.T.A."
strengthening effects by enhancing the "mental image" that the spectator has of the initial situation
10 Oct. 1992 11
Aldo Colombini Crazy Horse two cards chosen from twenty-card packet, two packets eventually formed, one all red with black selection and vice versa
Inspired by
  • Ron Ferris
Also published here
  • Spaghetti Magic lecture notes
11 Dec. 1992 1
Steven Hamilton Editorial Bit on Annemann credits in Daley's Notebooks (according to Dai Vernon), publishing too soon
11 Dec. 1992 3
Kuniyasu Fujiwara The Appearing Deck flat empty case is removed from wallet and folded in case shape, deck is removed
Also published here 11 Dec. 1992 4
Amrik Sandhu ATFUS and a Stranger mental reverse type effect with color-changing back kicker
11 Dec. 1992 7
George McBride Must Be Middles fake center deal
Inspired byVariations 11 Dec. 1992 8
Davide Costi A Click Pass
Also published here 11 Dec. 1992 9
Davide Costi Coins Through Table Phase using click pass
11 Dec. 1992 10
Richard James A Problem Solved? deck faced and spread on table, face-up and face-down card pushed out of spread, they are mates
Inspired by 11 Dec. 1992 11
Val Le-Val Torn Card Revealed card "thought of" from a few, all torn into quarters and put in paper bag, four pieces removed, they match and make up selected card
Related to 11 Dec. 1992 12
David Avadon Avadon vs. the Gambler
12 Feb. 1993 1
The Giovanni False Cut top stock, overhand shuffle position
Variations 12 Feb. 1993 2
David Avadon The Giovanni-Avadon Slip Cut
Inspired by 12 Feb. 1993 2
Steven Hamilton Editors Bit on Bill Miller, The Crimp, next volume
12 Feb. 1993 5
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Card-Toon by Dan Harlan 12 Feb. 1993 5
Stephen Tucker The Penultimate Truth
Inspired by 12 Feb. 1993 6
Noel Stanton 1-2-3-4-5 original, credit information
VariationsAlso published here
  • The Gen, 1965
12 Feb. 1993 7
Peter Duffie Additional Comments
Inspired by 12 Feb. 1993 8
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Vol. 4 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
12 Feb. 1993 8
Douglas Cameron Check It Out on Albert Goshman, Dan Garret, Michael Weber, Joe Givan
12 Feb. 1993 9
Jack Carpenter No Table Aces Aces face up at different positions, all travel to top one by one, then distribute back to original positions
Also published here 12 Feb. 1993 10
Bluff Spacing Fan Distribution
12 Feb. 1993 10
Jerry K. Hartman Odd End two packets shuffled, two suits spelled out and last card is of that suit, packets themselves are all from another suit in both cases
Inspired byAlso published here 13 Apr. 1993 1
Jerry K. Hartman Drop Transfer from right-hand end grip packet onto left hand packet
13 Apr. 1993 2
Jerry K. Hartman The Covered Cop Transfer two packets exchanged openly, card(s) transferred by copping them temporarily
13 Apr. 1993 3
Steven Hamilton Editors Bit on Milton Kort, Pallbearers Review reprint, Dave Campbell, Peter Duffie
13 Apr. 1993 4
Iain Girdwood Con-Sequence cards change suit in second phase
Inspired by 13 Apr. 1993 5
Roy Walton Dominic Twose - Two four Jacks and four other cards used, Jacks on top of the other, two hands dealt and Jacks shown in one hand, Aces in other, Three Jacks Deal
Inspired byAlso published here 13 Apr. 1993 7
Peter Duffie (reviewer) Endless Possibilities by Steve Pressley 13 Apr. 1993 8
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Dai Vernon Vol. 5 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
13 Apr. 1993 9
Philip T. Goldstein Jacket a Jack is located, it travels from bottom to top, cut reversed in center, now all Jacks are face up with selection between
Inspired by 13 Apr. 1993 10
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Look Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 1"
  • The Gilbreath Principle
  • Gilbreath's "Second" Principle
Related toVariations 13 Apr. 1993 11
Steven Hamilton Special Issue - Dave Campbell
14 June 1993 1
Dave Campbell Auto-Matic Speller three cards cut into packets and spelled to, banks of cards with the same number of letters
Also published here 14 June 1993 2
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Dai Vernon Vol. 6 by Dai Vernon
Revelations series
14 June 1993 3
Dave Campbell Fred
Also published here
  • The Thistle, Vol. 21 No. 2, Dec. 1976, p. 11
14 June 1993 4
Peter Duffie Fred - Credit Information
14 June 1993 4
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Look Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 2"
  • The Gilbreath Principle (Continued)
  • Gilbreath Without the Shuffle
Related to 14 June 1993 6
Peter Duffie Straight Shuffle Variation twenty-card packet, spectator cuts and removes five cards from top or bottom as he pleases, repeated two more times, all have royal flushes
Inspired by 14 June 1993 7
Dave Campbell The Defectors four Jokers "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byAlso published here 14 June 1993 8
Simon Dixon (reviewer) Kane by Peter Kane 14 June 1993 9
Dave Campbell Reversomatic card reverses five times, color-changing back kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 14 June 1993 10
Dave Campbell Houdini Escapes card to wallet, using card with Houdini figure on it
Also published here 14 June 1993 11
Mike Rogers Card to Pocket Notebook with repeat
Inspired by
  • "Simplex Card to Wallet" (Mike Rogers, Genii)
15 Aug. 1993 1
Mike Rogers Some Brief Opinions list of bullet points
Also published here
  • "Opinions" lecture notes
15 Aug. 1993 2
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit on Jerry Sadowitz, new publications and books
15 Aug. 1993 3
R. Paul Wilson Wild With The Ladies four Jokers change one by one into chosen card, then into Queens, ungaffed
Also published here 15 Aug. 1993 4
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 3"
  • The Rusduck Stay Stack Principle
Variations 15 Aug. 1993 6
David Worthington Self Centered three-handed deal, pseudo centers
Inspired by 15 Aug. 1993 7
Steven Hamilton Paul Brignall's Third Comedy and Magic Convention convention report
15 Aug. 1993 8
Jerry Sadowitz (reviewer) The Royal Road to Card Magic by Jean Hugard (written by Frederick Braue) 15 Aug. 1993 9
Ernest Earick A Little Bit Patter presentation for restacking the deck when a player leaves
Also published here 15 Aug. 1993 10
Robert E. Neale Soul Survivor all cards eliminated except the Ace of Spades which represents the plague, epidemic story presentation, using Roy Baker's PATEO Force
VariationsAlso published here 16 Oct. 1993 1
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit on Piet Forton, The Crimp #17, new books, Ray Grismer
16 Oct. 1993 3
Bill "Dusty" Miller The Watch sponge routine cover for watch steal
Inspired by
  • Johnny Paul performance at Blackpool 1991
16 Oct. 1993 4
Steven Hamilton A Poker Problem spectator deals five hands and turns all face up, takes any five cards for a strong hand, rest dealt out again into four hands, every hand beats the spectator's choice, posed as a problem
16 Oct. 1993 5
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 4"
  • Two Unique Principles of Bob Hummer
  • Principle One
  • Principle Two (CATO)
16 Oct. 1993 6
Peter Duffie Card Count-Down card thought-of from twelve-card packet, suit spelled, pairs dealt, value counted down in rest of the deck to find mate
16 Oct. 1993 6
Peter Duffie Hummer of a Trick Variation some cards mixed face-up/face-down by spectator, performer takes one section under the table briefly, in the end there are the same number of face-up cards in two piles
Inspired byRelated to 16 Oct. 1993 6
Graham Richards A Safe Bet five envelopes, one with question mark, after instructions with performer's back turned only the marked one remains and contains the money
Inspired by 16 Oct. 1993 8
Paul Hallas Pointed combination padlock and number cards
Inspired byAlso published here 16 Oct. 1993 10
Walter "Sonny" Day Imagination three-card trick ends with three examinable blank cards
16 Oct. 1993 11
Philip T. Goldstein Spellastic Aces lost, one thought-of, Jack of Clubs appears reversed in deck and thought-of Ace is spelled from there
17 Dec. 1993 1
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit
17 Dec. 1993 3
Steven Hamilton Gags for Cut & Restored Rope
17 Dec. 1993 3
Steven Hamilton Clippo Presentation
17 Dec. 1993 3
Stephen Tucker Limitations cards chosen from two piles, one for suit and one for value, resulting card predicted, sucker element
VariationsAlso published here 17 Dec. 1993 4
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 5"
  • The Free Cut Principle
17 Dec. 1993 5
Peter Duffie Card Prediction face-up cards after CATO mixing added, card at that position in rest of deck predicted
17 Dec. 1993 5
Peter Duffie Everything under Control color separation climax
Inspired by 17 Dec. 1993 6
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Trick-a-Tape No. 3 (Original Magic Routines) by Patrick Page 17 Dec. 1993 7
Walt Lees A Spectator Cuts the Aces
17 Dec. 1993 8
Paul Weir Collision Course Aces in envelopes with hole in them
Inspired by 17 Dec. 1993 9
Jack Avis Eight Bites is Enough thought card revealed with eight-card-packet as computer
Inspired byAlso published here 17 Dec. 1993 11
Keith Bennett Express Triumph
17 Dec. 1993 12
Keith Bennett Zarrow Action Reverse half the deck during riffle shuffle
Related to 17 Dec. 1993 12
Melvin Lehair The Gloving Touch card values and indices on glove, ideas with this prop like using it for the free selection of a card
18 Feb. 1994 1
Steven Hamilton (reviewer) Alan Shaxon, Routine Magic, Vol. 1 by Alan Shaxon 18 Feb. 1994 2
Steven Hamilton The Editor's Bit on Dave Campbell's death, old magazines, next issue (which never appeared)
18 Feb. 1994 3
Jerry K. Hartman Made to Order two four-card packets end up in the same order
Also published here 18 Feb. 1994 4
Ray Grismer Focal Point spectator removes odd number of cards and remembers center one, packet replaced, performer can name card
18 Feb. 1994 6
Push-Over Glimpse second face-up card glimpsed by pushing top card over with thumb
18 Feb. 1994 7
Aldo Colombini Las Vegas three cards end up reversed, suit, value and card itself
Related toAlso published here
  • Colombini's "Top Ten" lecture notes
18 Feb. 1994 8
Dance With The Devil "Profile Extra" (no creator given)
in the end, all pairs add up to fourteen
Inspired by 18 Feb. 1994 9
Roy Walton Suitcase four-card groups made after shuffling procedure, they all contain one of each suit
Inspired byRelated to 18 Feb. 1994 10
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 6"
additions and corrections by Jeff Busby and Max Maven on previous columns, idea of cutting between a red or black pair in Gilbreath tricks
Related to 18 Feb. 1994 11
Roy Walton Some Useful Information calculating which card ends up after down-under deal
18 Feb. 1994 12
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2019.