Written by Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent
Work of Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent
200 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: German
66 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Vorwort
1 1985 2
Mark Vincent Sessions with Mark Vincent paddle move routine with arrow on match, then match turns into matchbook
1 1985 5
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Theorie - Natürlichkeit short essay on being natural
1 1985 7
Pedro Eine Kartenroutine mit der Dove Pan (Taubenkasserolle) card appears with rabbit in dove pan, corner fits
1 1985 9
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Magischer Kalender calendar of magical events
1 1985 11
Michael Weber Linking Rubber Bands examinable in linked condition
Also published here 1 1985 12
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Writes... bill from torn coaster / beer mat
1 1985 15
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Wettbewerb contest
1 1985 17
Vanished card vanishes from deck
1 1985 18
Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent, Pedro Inserate
1 1985 20
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Vorwort
2 1986 2
Pedro Eine humorvolle Routine mit dem Changierbeutel handkerchief penetration, then they knot inside a changing bag
2 1986 4
Der Falsche Knoten
2 1986 6
Pedro, Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent Magic Breakfast announcement for event
2 1986 8
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Wrties... bill to bill tube, with handkerchief
2 1986 9
Jay Sankey Jay Sankey coin penetrates bill
2 1986 11
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Magischer Kalender calendar of magical events
2 1986 14
Mark Vincent Easy Coin Switch
2 1986 15
Mark Vincent Sessions with Mark Vincent center pip is really picked off
Inspired by 2 1986 17
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Inserate
2 1986 20
Pedro, Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent Vorwort with short article on Swiss national convention in Baden
3 1986 1
Pedro Pedro in Magic spectator thinks of a card, performer divines it and places is on his lap
3 1986 3
Lapping of Single Card
3 1986 4
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Writes... some tips and rules on performing and promotion
3 1986 6
Mark Vincent The KM Spectator Card Change under second card from top, deck face-up
3 1986 9
Mark Vincent Take and Leave Load Move taking ball under cup while loading another ball
3 1986 15
Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent, Pedro Vorwort
4 1986 2
Pedro Pedro in Magic
4 1986 3
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Theorie template for a contract
4 1986 5
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Writes... five cards are torn in halves, phrase is spelled and spectator is allowed to say where the cards are changed, after each spelled word on top of the halves are the matching parts, spelling "Will the cards match"
Related to 4 1986 7
Mark Vincent Sessions with Mark Vincent broken and restored toothpick, with salt shaker
4 1986 9
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Magischer Kalender calendar of magical events
4 1986 13
Aldo Colombini Autostop with two rings, different sizes
4 1986 14
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Inserate
4 1986 20
Manuel Muerte Visuell Bill Switch as Guido Schmalriede, visual bill change
5 1986 2
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Inserate
5 1986 15
Steve Bryan Vorwort on the Las Vegas Dessert Seminar
6 1986 2
Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan, Pedro Arbeiten mit Tauben on magic with doves, training etc.
6 1986 5
Pedro Pedro in Magic cigarette vanishes and appears again, then ashtray is produced in smoke
6 1986 10
Mark Vincent Quick Trip
6 1986 14
Kick Move
6 1986 14
Steve Bryan Steve Bryan Writes... stand for menu (halter) is produced with business cards, selected card travel between cards, duplicate
6 1986 21
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Gimmick Meeting
6 1986 23
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Inserate
6 1986 24
Steve Bryan, Pedro, Mark Vincent Vorwort
7 1986 1
Walter "Waltini" Schällebaum 4 As Produktion reversed card as indicator, four aces production as kicker
7 1986 2
Gordon penetration of two wrapped around straws
7 1986 3
Richard Sanders Richard Sanders bill vanishes and appears in cap of pen which was lying on the table
7 1986 7
Mark Vincent H.P.C. - Switch han ping chien with cards
7 1986 12
Mark Vincent The "First-Wrong-then-Wright" Prediction prediction changes into correct card
7 1986 12
Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan, Pedro Vorwort
8 1987 2
Steve Bryan, Mark Vincent, Pedro Theorie on finding new material and working it in
8 1987 4
Mark Vincent Theo - Philius short introduction on Philius
8 1987 7
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann "Living or Dead" - Test
8 1987 8
Theophil "Philius" Weidmann Die Auto-Karte corner of selection is found under selected wheel of his car
8 1987 11
Mark Vincent The New York Magic Symposium 1986 on the convention in Tokyo, Adam Fleischer, Max Maven, Curtis Kam, Jay Sankey, Maki Kitami, Bill Spooner, Gene Matsura, Tommy Wonder, David Roth, John Kennedy, Hiroshi Sawa, Jeff McBride, Lisa Menna
8 1987 14
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Inserate
8 1987 18
Pedro, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan Vorwort
9 1987 2
Mark Vincent Card Manipulation multi-phase routine with silk and cards
9 1987 3
Fan Production
9 1987 8
Packet Vanish behind fan
9 1987 11
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Inserate
9 1987 16
Mark Vincent, Pedro, Steve Bryan Hank Moorehouse outlook of the upcoming Hank Moorehouse lecture
10 1987 2
Michael Allport, Mark Vincent, Steve Bryan, Pedro Interview mit Michael Allport
10 1987 6
Mark Vincent Mark Vincent based on a routine by Richard Sanders, performer places card next to selection in spread
10 1987 14
Mark Vincent Mexican Turnover Force to turnover part of spread, forcing a position or unloading a card
10 1987 14
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2019.