Written by Jean Garance
Work of Jean Garance
38 pages (Stapled), published by the magic hands editions
Illustrated with drawings by James Hodges
Language: German
10 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Manfred Thumm Vorwort
Jean Garance Einleitung
Jean Garance Rose verwandelt sich in ein Seidentuch rose from jacket turns into handkerchief, method to roll handkerchief
Jean Garance Eine Routine mit Seidenbändern und einem Changierbeutel ribbons in bag become ribbon rings, then they link, form a large ring and disappear at the end, with child assistant
Jean Garance Variationen zu den fünf Donnerkarten von Frank Garcia black card vanishes among four red cards and appears in pocket, trick is repeated with less cards
Jean Garance Es ist wunderbar (Version Jean Garance) four Jumbo cards with blue packs and colors on the front, backs and faces change
Inspired by
  • André Robert & Jean Clement's "Mirifique" in "Card's Selection"
Brother John Hamman Hamman Count actually Flushtration Count
Jean Garance Eine zauberhafte Bedruckung three blank cards become backs and faces and turn blank again
Jean Garance Die magische Wäsche (Soft Soap) three dirty handkerchiefs are places in a tube and become clean again, washing presentation, sucker element
Jean Garance Eine Seidentücher-Routine handkerchief routine
  • color change
  • cut and restored
  • Twentieth Century Silks
  • Blendo
  • production of object / animal
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2019.