Written by Philip T. Goldstein
Work of Philip T. Goldstein
10 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Philip T. Goldstein, Chris Kenner
Language: English
7 entries
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Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Philip T. Goldstein Suspencil pencil sticks to hand, loops
Philip T. Goldstein Psi-Con Ruse double ended cards are placed in book (instead of apparatus)
Philip T. Goldstein Shinkansen cards across with four red and four blue cards, chosen card travels
Also published here 5
Philip T. Goldstein Dowsing for Dollars three pennies and a half dollar in four envelopes, spectator finds the silver with dowsing device
Also published here 7
Philip T. Goldstein Psign prediction of a sign, eight different symbols on a paper
Philip T. Goldstein Strung-Out card is selected and signed from a deck with hole drilled through it, deck threaded with a cord and selection removed under silk, duplicate
Philip T. Goldstein Currency Exchange five envelopes in wallet, one contains money, with prediction
Also published here 10
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, August 2019.