Complete File (12 issues plus Epoptica Yearbook)
Written by Jeff Busby
Work of Various
574 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Don Albrecht
Language: English
506 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Jeff Busby (reviewer) About the Handling of Double Cards by Arturo de Ascanio 1 May 1982 9
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Five Points in Magic by Juan Tamariz 1 May 1982 10
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Audience Involvement...A Lecture by Eugene Burger 1 May 1982 14
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Fred Kaps Dancing and Floating Cork by Fred Kaps (written by Ken Brooke) 1 May 1982 15
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Sleights & Swindles by Jack McMillen 1 May 1982 16
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Best of Friends by Harry Lorayne 1 May 1982 18
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Deckalogue by Thomas Alan Waters 1 May 1982 21
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Grymwyr by Thomas Alan Waters 1 May 1982 22
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Octasm by Thomas Alan Waters 1 May 1982 24
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Something for Everyone by Daryl Martinez 1 May 1982 25
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Double-Dazzling Triumph by Daryl Martinez (written by Jon Racherbaumer) 1 May 1982 26
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Dice: Squares, Tops, and Shapes by Burton Williams 1 May 1982 26
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Taking the Edge by R. Martin Allen 1 May 1982 28
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Dealing Casino Blackjack by Thomas F. Hughes 1 May 1982 30
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Rich Marotta Magic Castle Lecture by Rich Marotta 1 May 1982 31
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tips on Table Hopping by Kirk Charles 1 May 1982 32
Jeff Busby (reviewer) "What can you do with this?" or Improv Magic by Kirk Charles 1 May 1982 33
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Professional Entertainer's Contracts: Manuscript and Forms by Ted Belante 1 May 1982 34
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Complete Walton - Volume 1 by Roy Walton 1 May 1982 35
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Gift from the Gods: The Story of Chung Ling Soo by Chung Ling Soo (written by Val Andrews) 1 May 1982 36
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Brema Brasses by Carl Brema (written by Richard Buffum) 1 May 1982 37
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Great Chess Automaton by Charles Michael Carroll 1 May 1982 38
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Card Finesse by Jon RacherbaumerRelated to 1 May 1982 38
Jeff Busby History of the Faro Shuffle
1 May 1982 41
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Dimensional Relativity by Ben Harris 1 May 1982 44
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic from witch Memories are Made by Ben Harris 1 May 1982 45
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Changing of the Cards by Steve Beam 1 May 1982 46
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Overhand Shuffle Action Palm by Bob Stencel (written by George Joseph) 1 May 1982 47
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Hand Mucking by George Joseph 1 May 1982 47
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Octet by Karl Fulves 1 May 1982 48
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fourcast by Karl Fulves 1 May 1982 49
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cards on Demand by Al SmithRelated to 1 May 1982 49
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cards at Bay by Al Smith 1 May 1982 50
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Professional Routines of Ron Fredrick by Ron Fredrick 1 May 1982 51
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Visual Artistry of Jeff White by Jeff White 1 May 1982 51
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Malini Egg Bag by Lynn Busby, Charlie Miller 1 May 1982 53
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Sterling Egg Bag by Lynn Busby, Jeff Busby 1 May 1982 54
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Paragon Nail Writer by Donald Wilson 1 May 1982 56
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Pinnacle Pad by John Cornelius 1 May 1982 57
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Ultra Board by Richard Osterlind 1 May 1982 58
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Sefalajia Number Two by Stewart James 2 Oct. 1982 69
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Tipnician by Bob Chesbro 2 Oct. 1982 71
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Lifetime of Joy by Ken Brooke 2 Oct. 1982 73
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Al Koran's Three Silver Rings/Ken Brooke on the Invisible Pack/ Fred Robinson's Ultimate Force by Ken Brooke (written by Various) 2 Oct. 1982 75
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Intimate Magic by Michael Skinner (written by Jeff Busby) 2 Oct. 1982 76
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Lecture Notes of Roger Klause by Roger Klause (written by Jay Evans) 2 Oct. 1982 79
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number One by Gaëtan Bloom 2 Oct. 1982 80
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1982 Lecture Notes by Gaëtan Bloom 2 Oct. 1982 81
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Shadow and other Card Mysteries by Harry Anderson 2 Oct. 1982 82
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic with Giant Cards. An Overview by Reinhard Müller 2 Oct. 1982 84
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Gilbreath's Principles by Reinhard Müller 2 Oct. 1982 85
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 16th Card Book by Tom Craven 2 Oct. 1982 85
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Ovation by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) 2 Oct. 1982 86
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Jacks or Better by Martin A. Nash (written by Stephen Minch) 2 Oct. 1982 87
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fork Full of F.F.F.F. Appetizers by William P. Miesel 2 Oct. 1982 88
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Thunday by Philip T. Goldstein 2 Oct. 1982 89
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Exile by Philip T. Goldstein 2 Oct. 1982 90
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Modern Art Of Coin Manipulation by MacMillan (written by Walt Lees) 2 Oct. 1982 90
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1884 Will & Finck Gambling Catalog Reproduction by GBC Press 2 Oct. 1982 92
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 1896 Will & Finck Gambler's Cheating Catalog Reprint with Explanatory Text and Illustrations by Bernard Levine 2 Oct. 1982 92
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Book Test by Thomas Alan Waters, James Swain 2 Oct. 1982 93
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Newspaper Test by Thomas Alan Waters 2 Oct. 1982 94
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Symbol Test by Thomas Alan Waters 2 Oct. 1982 95
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Jack Hughes World of Magic by Jack Hughes (written by Derek Lever) 2 Oct. 1982 96
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Eight Brass Monkeys by Leslie Anderson 2 Oct. 1982 97
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Daemon's Diary by Masklyn ye Mage 2 Oct. 1982 98
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Legendary Scroll of Masklyn ye Mage by Masklyn ye Mage 2 Oct. 1982 99
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Incredible Close-Up Magic by Meir Yedid (written by Gary Ouellet) 2 Oct. 1982 100
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Close-Up Hallucinations by Meir Yedid (written by George Schindler) 2 Oct. 1982 102
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Complete Works of Derek Dingle by Derek Dingle (written by Richard Kaufman) 2 Oct. 1982 103
Jeff Busby (reviewer) What's Your E.S.P. Quotient? by Ted Belante 2 Oct. 1982 104
Jeff Busby (reviewer) For Your Entertainment Pleasure by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) 2 Oct. 1982 105
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Visit with Larry Jennings by Larry Jennings (written by Jim Patton) 2 Oct. 1982 106
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Half in the Bottle Plus by Johnny Thompson 2 Oct. 1982 108
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Linking Razor Blades by Petrick 2 Oct. 1982 109
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Improved Norm Nielsen Vanishing Dove Cage by Norm Nielsen 2 Oct. 1982 110
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Duplex Paragon Nail Writer by David Wilson 2 Oct. 1982 112
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Wallet Wallop Plus by Hen Fetsch 2 Oct. 1982 113
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Pair-A-Gone Ropes: The "Lost" Rope Miracle by Hen Fetsch 2 Oct. 1982 114
Harry Riser, Jeff Busby, Shigeo Takagi Presentation of Shigeo Takagi's Miracle Monte
2 Oct. 1982 114
Peter Kane Queens of Jazz odd backed
2 Oct. 1982 116
Peter Kane One-Two-One Load for the Cups and Balls loading sequence
2 Oct. 1982 118
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Alternative Card Magic by Peter Duffie (written by Jerry Sadowitz) 3 Jan. 1983 132
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Some Manuscriptricks by Flip Hallema 3 Jan. 1983 134
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Impromptu Reverse Matrix by Aurelio Paviato 3 Jan. 1983 137
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Tahoe File by Bruce Florek (written by Terry LaGerould) 3 Jan. 1983 137
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Magic with Giant Cards by Fred Castle 3 Jan. 1983 138
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tell-Tale Timepiece by Arthur Emerson 3 Jan. 1983 140
Jeff Busby (reviewer) All the World's a Stage by Curtis Kam 3 Jan. 1983 142
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Treasury of Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards by Robert Byrne 3 Jan. 1983 144
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Miracles of my Friends by Burton S. Sperber 3 Jan. 1983 144
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Cut Card by Jerry Mentzer 3 Jan. 1983 148
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Forcing a Card by Jerry Mentzer 3 Jan. 1983 148
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Packet Tricks by Jerry Mentzer 3 Jan. 1983 149
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Simple Yet Effective Tricks with Cards by Jerry Mentzer 3 Jan. 1983 149
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The New York Magic Symposium - Collection 1 by Richard Kaufman 3 Jan. 1983 149
Jeff Busby (reviewer) How to Make Big Money Selling Magic by Walt Lees 3 Jan. 1983 151
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Intermediate and Advanced Coin Technique by Michael Rubinstein 3 Jan. 1983 151
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Steve Beam On Coins - Volume II by Steve Beam 3 Jan. 1983 153
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tricky Stuff by Roger Sherman 3 Jan. 1983 155
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fingers Don't Entertain, People Do by Phillip Young 3 Jan. 1983 156
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Silentwe by Philip T. Goldstein 3 Jan. 1983 158
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Factory Marked E.S.P. Decks by Theo. Timmerman 3 Jan. 1983 160
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Holiday Adventure by Fred Castle 3 Jan. 1983 161
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Möby-Zyp by Ed Eckl 3 Jan. 1983 162
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Saw-Buck by Rick Johnsson 3 Jan. 1983 163
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Vanishing Schlitz Quart Beer Bottle by Gene Nielsen 3 Jan. 1983 163
Jeff Busby (reviewer) 21st Century Card Magic by Edward Marlo, Dr. James Nuzzo 3 Jan. 1983 164
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Marlo's Unforgetable Wild Card by Edward Marlo, Dr. James Nuzzo 3 Jan. 1983 166
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Mental Secret by Edward Marlo 3 Jan. 1983 167
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Missing Hour by Edward Marlo 3 Jan. 1983 167
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Good Number by Edward Marlo 3 Jan. 1983 168
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Personalized Wild Card by Edward Marlo 3 Jan. 1983 168
Edward Marlo The Knoxville Aces four piles, Ace on each, packets assembled, Aces travel to top
Related toVariations 3 Jan. 1983 168
Bob Farmer Jadoo telephone book test with specially composed telephone directory
3 Jan. 1983 170
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tommy Wonder Entertains by Tommy Wonder (written by Gene Matsuura) 4 June 1983 188
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Psychology of Palming by Arturo de Ascanio 4 June 1983 190
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Effects and Presentations by José Carroll 4 June 1983 193
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Eugene Burger on Matt Schulien's Fabulous Card Discoveries by Eugene Burger 4 June 1983 195
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Talk about Patter: Write Yourself by Sid Lorraine 4 June 1983 197
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number Two: Gaetan on Cards by Gaëtan Bloom (written by Paul Stone) 4 June 1983 202
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Geatan Bloom Series - Number Three: Potty Bicycle Pumps by Gaëtan Bloom (written by Paul Stone) 4 June 1983 202
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Finn Jon Zombie Routine/Roy Johnson's Cent/The Malcolm Davison Book Test by Ken Brooke 4 June 1983 203
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Visible Coins to Glass by John Kennedy 4 June 1983 204
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Re-Entry by Tom Gagnon 4 June 1983 205
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Book of Shadows by Randy L. Clower 4 June 1983 206
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Pun-ny Routines of Magic by Don Morris 4 June 1983 207
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Ring Routine by Richard Ross 4 June 1983 208
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Super Stack - The One Second Poker Stack by Steve Beam 4 June 1983 210
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Marlo without Tears by Edward Marlo (written by Jon Racherbaumer) 4 June 1983 211
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Card Sharpers. Their Tricks Exposed by Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin 4 June 1983 214
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Sessions by Simon Aronson (written by David Solomon) 4 June 1983 214
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A Close-Up Kinda Guy by Paul Harris 4 June 1983 216
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Topit Book by Michael Ammar 4 June 1983 217
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Killer Klose-Up by Ben Harris 4 June 1983 220
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Table-Side Manners by Ben Harris 4 June 1983 221
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Improved Track Record by Larry Becker 4 June 1983 223
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Auto-Test by Theo. Timmerman 4 June 1983 223
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Telepato by Theo. Timmerman, Jeff Busby 4 June 1983 224
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Epic Flight by Ben Harris 4 June 1983 226
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Falstaff Book Test by Rich Bloch 4 June 1983 226
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Recalcitrant by Tommy Wonder 4 June 1983 227
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Clairvoyant Concept by Richard Mark 4 June 1983 228
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Witch Demon!??? by Richard Mark 4 June 1983 228
Larry Jennings Duffer's Two Cards to Pocket two thought-of cards from small packet to pocket, no palming, double backer
Also published here 4 June 1983 229
Martin Gardner Rotating Die optical illusion with hollow die
4 June 1983 230
Manjunath M. Hegde Chair, Rope, and Finger Ring Puzzle a puzzle with a rope and a finger ring on it that has to be moved from knot to knot
4 June 1983 231
R. C. H. Cheng A New Sucker Bet non-transitive dice
4 June 1983 232
John Carney Simple Coins Across four coins, no extra
4 June 1983 232
Purse Palm
4 June 1983 232
Pop-Up Move
4 June 1983 233
John Carney Back Clip Handling
4 June 1983 234
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Two Perfected Professional Routines by Richard Osterlind 5 Jan. 1984 244
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Breakthrough Card System by Richard Osterlind 5 Jan. 1984 245
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A History of the Brainwave Principle by Karl Fulves 5 Jan. 1984 245
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cardiac Pacemakers by Stephen Tucker 5 Jan. 1984 246
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Immaculate Connection by Paul Harris 5 Jan. 1984 247
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Owen Moore's Almanack: Comedy Card Magic by Bob Moore 5 Jan. 1984 247
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Complete Course in Pick Pocketing by Pierre Jacques 5 Jan. 1984 248
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Grimoire of the Mages by Masklyn ye Mage 5 Jan. 1984 249
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cardopolis by David Britland (written by Marc Russell) 5 Jan. 1984 251
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The New York Magic Symposium - Collection 2 by Richard Kaufman 5 Jan. 1984 251
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Mendoza Portfolio One by John F. Mendoza 5 Jan. 1984 252
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Card Sharp on Duty - Please Wait to be Cheated by Allan Hayden 5 Jan. 1984 254
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Fancy Ring Routine by Allan Hayden 5 Jan. 1984 255
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Cheating by J. Bowyer Bell (written by Bart Whaley) 5 Jan. 1984 255
Jeff Busby (reviewer) John Kennedy Lecture III by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 256
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Collected Works of J. Stewart Smith by J. Stewart Smith 5 Jan. 1984 257
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Aces: Practical Card Routines by Walt Maddison 5 Jan. 1984 258
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Intimate Power by Eugene Burger 5 Jan. 1984 258
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Secret of Restaurant Magic by Eugene Burger 5 Jan. 1984 259
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Modern Close-Up Problems by Joseph K. Schmidt 5 Jan. 1984 260
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Card Puzzle by Jon Racherbaumer 5 Jan. 1984 260
Jeff Busby (reviewer) MajorMinor by Philip T. Goldstein 5 Jan. 1984 261
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Powerful Magic by Michael Powers 5 Jan. 1984 261
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The War Magician by David Fisher 5 Jan. 1984 262
Jeff Busby (reviewer) I Can See Your Lips Moving by Valentine Vox 5 Jan. 1984 263
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Ganson Book by Lewis Ganson 5 Jan. 1984 264
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Change of Mind by Richard Osterlind 5 Jan. 1984 265
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Marlo's Plus Package by Edward Marlo 5 Jan. 1984 265
Jeff Busby (reviewer) T.N.T. Cigarette Vanish by John Cornelius 5 Jan. 1984 266
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Animated Self-Lighting Cigarette by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 267
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Impossible Matrix by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 267
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Magic Flashlight by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 267
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Coin and Die Divination by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 268
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Mid-Air Card Stab by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 268
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Motorized Reel by John Kennedy 5 Jan. 1984 268
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Abdul's Fez by Gene Nielsen 5 Jan. 1984 268
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Wooden Egg by Gene Nielsen 5 Jan. 1984 269
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Vanishing Quart Seven-Up Bottle by Gene Nielsen 5 Jan. 1984 269
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Improved Lighter to Matchbox by Tommy Wonder 5 Jan. 1984 269
Bart Whaley Towards a General Theory of Deception
5 Jan. 1984 270
Stewart James, P. Howard Lyons An Obvious Card thought of card to wallet, twice, Bombshell wallet
Variations 5 Jan. 1984 277
Stewart James The Gnikool Device a duplicate of a thought of card is added to a deck
5 Jan. 1984 277
Allan Slaight "1984" Card Trick story trick with spelling and selection
Also published here Yearbook 1984 280
Ten-Twenty Force
Yearbook 1984 280
Stewart James Doublethink spelling trick with story line, works with Si Stebbins
Yearbook 1984 282
Michael Close, Stewart James Derby Downs "Waltz Time Stewart James - Three Variations by Michael Close", two selections found by 10D, using automatic placement variation, faro shuffle, based on "Place and Show" from New Tops
Yearbook 1984 283
Michael Close, Stewart James Prose Duplex based on "Inverse Duplex" from New Tops, strange prediction effect involving numbers, automatic placement for two selections
Yearbook 1984 285
Michael Close, Stewart James Coda Chrome based on "Chronothot" from New Tops, prediction from odd-backed deck is put on table and matched named card, gaffed decks and double backer
Yearbook 1984 286
Mitsunobu Matsuyama, Martin Gardner Chronometer Cards cards of one suit are laid out and elimination process is used to arrive at two cards, those coincide with current time
Related to Yearbook 1984 288
Larry Jennings, Jeff Busby The Return of the Future Gambler variation of Jennings' "Future Gambler" , overhand stacking demo, riffle stacking demo, triumph finish
Related to Yearbook 1984 289
Ken Beale Adverse Condition Aces aces are really laid out without switch in beginning
Yearbook 1984 291
Ken Beale K.B. False Cut Number One double cut substitute to table
Yearbook 1984 291
Ken Beale K.B. False Cut Number Two double cut substitute to table
Yearbook 1984 291
Dr. Jacob Daley, Ken Beale Daley Switch Variation away from the pack with secret unloading onto tabled deck
Yearbook 1984 291
Dai Vernon, Vagrant's Challenge Location punching a card through clothing with pin in wallet
Related to Yearbook 1984 292
Paul Curry, Howard A. Adams Matchmaker five ESP cards, torn in half, matching routine, see also following item, for credit information see reference
Also published here Yearbook 1984 294
Paul Curry Matchmaker - Telephone Version version of previous item over the telephone, five ESP cards are torn in half, matching routine
Also published here Yearbook 1984 295
Hans E. Trixer Everyplace all blank finish
Yearbook 1984 297
Hans E. Trixer H.E.T. - Highly Erratic Twisting ace to 4 turn over and fronts and backs change
Yearbook 1984 299
Tom Gagnon The Fan Square-Up Pass top card cover pass from one-handed fan
Inspired by
  • Eddie Fechter's Fan Glimpse (Magic of Eddie Fechter, p. 185)
Also published here
Yearbook 1984 301
Edward Marlo Poor Man's Prediction one of five, duplicates
Also published here Yearbook 1984 302
Edward Marlo Interlaced Vanish and Collection three selections travel from between one quartet to another
Yearbook 1984 304
Neal Elias Spectator Cuts the Aces as a Prelude
Inspired by Yearbook 1984 307
Neal Elias Hold Out Aces
Yearbook 1984 307
Neal Elias Swing Cut to Break
Yearbook 1984 308
Neal Elias Swing Cut Multiple Shift
Yearbook 1984 308
Milton Kort Following Elias
Inspired by Yearbook 1984 308
Gustave Southall The One Armed Bridge Player a quarter of the deck is put on every ace
Inspired by Yearbook 1984 309
James Swain Encapsulated Accumulation interlaced transposition, three selections from between one quartet to another
Yearbook 1984 310
Dai Vernon Interlocked Unload
Yearbook 1984 310
Ray Grismer Quickee Cards to Pocket seven cards
Yearbook 1984 311
Tommy Wonder Himber Ring Set-Up
Yearbook 1984 311
David Ben Ringing in the Gaff matrix effect with dice or sugar cubes
Yearbook 1984 314
Bob Farmer Wild Card Monte wild card routine with monte presentation
Yearbook 1984 316
William P. Miesel Stand-Up Wild Card two methods
Yearbook 1984 317
Acrobatic Card how to make it
Yearbook 1984 318
Fake Index Card
Yearbook 1984 319
Johnny Thompson Polish-ing Koran's Medallion
Inspired by Yearbook 1984 320
Don Albrecht Chroma-Sign matching routine, six cards marked with various crimps
Yearbook 1984 324
Jon Charles, Mitsunobu Matsuyama Inflation Bite topological puzzle with bill
Inspired by Yearbook 1984 327
Jon Charles, Gordon Bruce I.O.U.2.
Inspired by Yearbook 1984 328
Stewart James A Class By Itself off-beat prediction by lexicon deck, which was also used to determin page number
Related toVariationsAlso published here Yearbook 1984 330
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A World of Clocks by Roy Johnson 6 Aug. 1984 344
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Wonder Material & Lecture Notes by Tommy Wonder 6 Aug. 1984 345
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Magic of Al Koran by Al Koran (written by Martin Breese) 6 Aug. 1984 347
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Contemporary Card Magic by Peter Duffie (written by Jerry Sadowitz) 6 Aug. 1984 348
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Hustle, Hustle: Making Magic Pay by Joel Bauer 6 Aug. 1984 350
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Roy Johnson's Flawless/Ken Brooke on the Hamman Count by Ken Brooke 6 Aug. 1984 351
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Ring and Stick Routine/The Backwards Card Trick by Ken Brooke 6 Aug. 1984 352
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Beam Shot/The Koornwinder Kar/Edelweiss by Ken Brooke 6 Aug. 1984 353
John Holland (reviewer) The Berg Book by Joe Berg 6 Aug. 1984 354
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Borrowed Bill Routine: The Hundred Dollar Manuscript by John Cornelius 6 Aug. 1984 355
John Holland (reviewer) The Magic Hedonsits Brainstorm in the Bahamas by Adam Fleischer 6 Aug. 1984 356
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Moore the Merrier by Bob Moore 6 Aug. 1984 357
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Tearing a Lady in Two by David Britland 6 Aug. 1984 358
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Eddie Joseph on Cups and Balls by Eddie Joseph 6 Aug. 1984 358
John Holland (reviewer) Scalbert's Selected Secrets by Leslie Scalbert 6 Aug. 1984 359
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Robert Harbin Book by Robert Harbin (written by Martin Breese) 6 Aug. 1984 360
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2008.