313 pages (Paperback), published by Dover Publications
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
658 entries
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Karl Fulves Introduction material taken from "A Dictionary of Magical Effects" series in Stanyon's Magic magazine, 1912/1913, with comments by Fulves
Karl Fulves Chapter 1: Simple Methods of Discovering a Chosen Card chapter intro
Ellis Stanyon Reading the Index Pip No. 1, bending upper portion to get glimpse of its bottom card
  • Supplementary Note (clarification by Karl Fulves)
Ellis Stanyon The Bottom Card as "Key" No. 2, key card placement with reverse cull to upper section, or sticky key card to have the deck shuffled
Ellis Stanyon The Bent Corner No. 3, card replaced in spread and bottom corner bent with right fingers
Ellis Stanyon Drawing the Card from the Bottom No. 4, cards jogged back one by one until spectator says stop, the top jogged portion removed and bottom card shown
VariationsAlso published here 2
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note as four Ace production, or as key card placement
Inspired by 2
Ellis Stanyon The Thumbnail-Embossed Mark No. 5, impromptu punch mark
Ellis Stanyon The Twenty-one Cards No. 6
Ellis Stanyon The Silent Count - Top Card as "Key" No. 7, cards deal face up by performer and spectators remember cards and their positions
Ellis Stanyon Several Heaps on Table - Bottom Card as "Key" No. 8
Ellis Stanyon The Bridge at the End of the Pack No. 9, bridging deck while spectator remembers card
Variations 5
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note routine and riffle shuffle suggestion by Charles Jordan
Inspired by 5
Ellis Stanyon The Twenty-one Cards (Variations) No. 10, incorporating sleights
Ellis Stanyon The Direction of Gaze No. 11, four cards separated face up on table, spectator thinks of one, method is title
Variations 6
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note routine with outs in case the gaze method didn't work
Inspired by 6
Ellis Stanyon Discovering One Card Chosen from Seven or Eight No. 12, one thought from a packet, then groups shown and asked whether spectator sees his card among them
Variations 7
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note different way to have the card chosen and the groups formed
Inspired by 8
Ellis Stanyon Noting Position Where Drawn Card Is Replaced No. 13, approximate position of card noted, then groups shown and asked whether spectator sees his card among them
Ellis Stanyon The "Key" Card Obtained by the Index No. 14, sighting bottom card of top half as card is replaced
Ellis Stanyon Sighting the Index of the Drawn Card No. 15, index of injogged card bent up
Ellis Stanyon Pencil Line on the Edge of the Pack No. 16, impromptu one-way
Ellis Stanyon Three Effects with Wax No. 17
(a) two card location, stuck together offset to make wide card
(b) another location in which card (or cards) is waxed, found by riffling
(c) located by dealing through deck
Ellis Stanyon The Margin and Pip Discovery No. 18, "Houdin's Dream", one-way by margin or by one-way faces
  • Improved Version (Think Stop presentation)
Ellis Stanyon The "Reversed" Card No. 19, card replaced in secretly reversed deck with cover card, card not shown reversed but glimpsed as the deck is riffled
Related to 11
Ellis Stanyon Tinfoil on the Back of the Card No. 20, reflective surface used as mirror
Variations 11
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note credit information, idea of having a shiner behind stamp at bottom of stack of envelopes and glimpsing card that is put in top envelope, multiple cards put in separate envelopes, mixed and divined
Inspired byRelated to
  • Burling Hull, Sealed Mysteries, 1910
Ellis Stanyon The Step No. 21, spectator cuts, remembers bottom card and replaces, hopefully a step remains
Ellis Stanyon Marking the Card with a Pin No. 22, card punched with hidden pin through handkerchief on table, later found in deck
Variations 13
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note hiding punching needle at bottom of card case
Inspired by 14
Ellis Stanyon "X-ray" Cards No. 23
Ellis Stanyon The "Touched" Card No. 24, card touched in spread, bottom card dragged over becomes bottom card of top section, reverse cull/bottom deal
Also published here 15
Ellis Stanyon The "Portfolio" Card No. 25, two cards hinged together, selections put between them, spectator can shuffle
Related to 15
Ellis Stanyon The Glimpse No. 26, fourth finger under card, card glimpsed by looking in step
Variations 16
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note fourth finger under card, card glimpsed by looking in step, overhand shuffle cover
Inspired by 16
Ellis Stanyon Reflectors No. 27, discs
Ellis Stanyon The "Turned-Up" Card No. 28, circus card trick, sucker
  • Supplementary Note (reference given by Karl Fulves)
Related to 17
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle," How to Make it No. 29, riffling one or two handed, also for straightening out cards after bridge or palming
Ellis Stanyon The "Ruffle" Force No. 30, with thick card
Ellis Stanyon A Simple Method of Forcing a Card No. 31, number named, performer counts, re-count by spectator
Ellis Stanyon A Simple Trick Shuffle No. 32, for single card, keeping it on top or bringing it second from bottom by drawing off top and bottom simultaneously
Ellis Stanyon, Karl Fulves Chapter 2: Simple Methods of Revealing a Chosen Card chapter intro
  • Supplementary Note
Ellis Stanyon The Revolution No. 1, air pressure turnover
  • Supplementary Note (details and reference by Karl Fulves)
Related to 19
Ellis Stanyon The Revolution Change No. 2, back-to-back double turns over via air pressure turnover
Ellis Stanyon The Revolution Change Through the Pack No. 3, wrong card put on table, it penetrates upwards when deck is dropped onto it, changes into selection and turns over, air pressure turnover, also with selection and without transformation
Ellis Stanyon Hitting the Pack out of Hand No. 4
Ellis Stanyon Jerking the Pack Out of Hand No. 5, without hitting the deck, only hand jerks, in performer's hand
Ellis Stanyon Forcing the Choice with an Ordinary Die No. 6, asking to throw die again if wrong numbers show up
Ellis Stanyon Card Found at Any Number from the Top of the Pack No. 7, first counted and shown that card is not there, then re-counted
Ellis Stanyon Wrong Card Visibly Changed No. 8, snap-over change
Ellis Stanyon Person Sits on a Chosen Card No. 9
Variations 22
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note another routine for that plot, card travels from between spectator's hand to chair
Inspired by 22
Ellis Stanyon To "Cut" the Pack at the Chosen Card No. 10, riffle force, slipping bottom card along with thumb when cut at separation
Ellis Stanyon By Looking at Any Card No. 11, glimpsing top card while looking at bottom card of pile
Ellis Stanyon The Card Jumps Out of the Pack No. 12, card shoots up, purely manipulative
Ellis Stanyon Nailing Chosen Card to the Door No. 13
Variations 24
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note using tape
Inspired by 24
Ellis Stanyon The Card Found at Any Number No. 14, using glide, card starts second from bottom
Ellis Stanyon The Blindfold Stab No. 15
Ellis Stanyon The Pack "Cut" into Four Heaps No. 16, spectator eliminates piles and cards until selection remains
Ellis Stanyon The Card Reversed in the Pack No. 17, card replaced in secretly reversed deck with cover card
Related to 26
Ellis Stanyon On the Ceiling No. 18, wax
Ellis Stanyon Any Number from the Top of the Pack No. 19, re-counting after the card is not there the first time
Ellis Stanyon Catching Two Selected Cards No. 20, friction toss
Variations 27
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note four Ace revelation with extension of "3-Card Catch"
Inspired by 27
Ellis Stanyon At Any Number Chosen by the Audience No. 21, placing a card at any number with overhand injog shuffle
Ellis Stanyon Pretending to Be a Mind Reader No. 22, presentation for naming a glimpsed selection
Ellis Stanyon Revealing a Card by Its Weight No. 23, actually by punch mark
Ellis Stanyon One of Three Dealt on the Table No. 24, three wrong cards put on table, none is the selection, later it is one of the three
Ellis Stanyon Knocking the Pack Out of Hand No. 25, elaboration in which top two cards are lifted as one to show that the card is not on top or bottom, no details on double lift
Ellis Stanyon, Karl Fulves Chapter 3: Various Simple Tricks with Cards chapter intro
  • Supplementary Note
Ellis Stanyon The Four Robbers No. 1, three cards hidden behind top Jack
Variations 30
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note four Jacks lost, found with two friction tossed one with each hand
Inspired by 30
Ellis Stanyon The Three Robbers and the Constable No. 2, three Jacks and a King distributed in deck which is then cut, they are together again, one pseudo mate
Related to 32
Ellis Stanyon The Aces, Separated, Come Together No. 3, Ace of Hearts poses as Diamonds, distributed Aces are together after one cut
Ellis Stanyon The "Piano" Trick No. 4
Ellis Stanyon The False Count No. 5, card moved back
Ellis Stanyon The Card Jumps Out of the Envelope or the Pack No. 6, elastic between two cards
Variations 33
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note some red and some black cards put in card case, red cards them jump out
Inspired by 33
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards, Placed in the Centre of the Pack, Found on Top No. 7, pair of pseudo duplicates
  • Improvement (one pair starts clipped behind coat)
Ellis Stanyon Guessing Thought Cards No. 8, with 4x4 cards
Ellis Stanyon The Travelling Ace No. 9, Ace travels from deck into pocket, Nine poses as Ace
Ellis Stanyon Verbal Force of Suit
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note simplified Travellers with only one palm, four Aces are paper clipped and put in trouser pocket, then removed from different pockets
Ellis Stanyon The Simple Four Ace Trick No. 10, Conus Aces phase, then assembly
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note credit information on Ace Assemblies, then a self-working handling of the Drunken Shuffle deal, all other receive a mix of face-up/face-down cards
Ellis Stanyon Two Aces, Separated, Come Together No. 11, Aces lost on piles, spectator even puts some more cards on one Ace apparently without the performer noticing, they end up next to each other
  • Variation
Related to 40
Ellis Stanyon Putting the King and Queen to Bed No. 12, story presentation for previous trick
Related to 40
Ellis Stanyon A Card Thought of Discovers Another One Freely Chosen but Lost in the Pack No. 13, two selections end up next to each other
Ellis Stanyon Name of Selected Card in the Envelope No. 14, card chosen by pile-making and dealing, self-force
Ellis Stanyon Four Kings Change Places with Four Sevens No. 15, Eights pose as Sevens
Ellis Stanyon To Vanish One of Five Cards No. 16, saliva
Variations 42
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note more detailed routine for the vanish of one of five cards
Inspired by 42
Ellis Stanyon With the Half Card No. 17, face card shown, spectator holds deck at end, face card vanishes/changes
Ellis Stanyon To Distinguish the Colour of the Cards Under a Handkerchief No. 18, bridge
Ellis Stanyon Naming the Card on Top of Four (or More) Packets No. 19, top cards named one by one, but only shown at the end
  • Variation ("Compelling a person to draw certain cards.")
Ellis Stanyon Several Cards Pass Through a Book No. 20, packet counted and number named, book placed on packet and selected number of cards penetrate book from deck to join the counted packet
  • Variation
Ellis Stanyon To Slip the Top Card to the Bottom No. 21, left finger slip, also to center
Ellis Stanyon Inseparable Kings and Queens No. 22, Hotel Trick with just two quartets
Ellis Stanyon How to "Bridge" the Cards No. 23, one or multiple cards
Ellis Stanyon To Detect Which of Four Cards Has Been Turned Around No. 24, white margin on picture cards
Ellis Stanyon Naming a Card in One Packet by Looking at One in Another No. 25
Ellis Stanyon A Card Thought of Finds a Selected Card No. 26, selection is next to named card, glide
Ellis Stanyon An Eight Spot Put in the Centre Passes to the Top No. 27, Seven/Eight pseudo duplicate
Ellis Stanyon Sighting the Index of the Drawn Card No. 28, inner corner bent up as the card is replaced in spread
Ellis Stanyon The Half Card Combination No. 29, picture cards placed in envelopes by spectators, all spectators name Queen of Hearts as the card they placed in their envelope, but they are different when checked
Variations 47
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note spectator gets four Aces and performer indifferent cards, but when checked performer has the Aces
Inspired by 47
Ellis Stanyon The "Slip" Change No. 30, top card of bottom half remembered, card from top half secretly slipped onto it
Also published here 49
Ellis Stanyon The "Slip" Force No. 31, stabbing with knife
Ellis Stanyon Several Chosen Cards Reversed No. 32, deck secretly reversed under cover card
Ellis Stanyon The "Whispering" Trick No. 33, for one spectator, card named inaudibly, then performer comes closer and glimpses card behind spectator's back
Ellis Stanyon A Subtle Deal to Find the Chosen Card No. 34, excuse to spread through deck and glimpse card next to key
Ellis Stanyon To Distinguish Court Cards by Touch No. 35, blurred edges with knife
Ellis Stanyon To Distinguish Red from Black Cards by Their Backs No. 36, bridge
Ellis Stanyon Affectionate Kings No. 37, Four Robbers
Ellis Stanyon Inseparable Sevens No. 38, Sevens/Eights, Four Robbers
Ellis Stanyon The Old Mormon and His Three Wives No. 39, Robbers type effect
Related toAlso published here
  • Heather's "Cards and Card Tricks"
Ellis Stanyon Queens Digging for Diamonds No. 40, hotel trick with eight cards each and story presentation
Also published here 52
Ellis Stanyon The Roadside Inn No. 41, hotel trick
  • Another Version
Ellis Stanyon, Karl Fulves Chapter 4: Card Tricks - Calculation chapter intro
  • Supplementary Note
Ellis Stanyon The Transposed Cards No. 1
Variations 54
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note strange self-working handling of DCD
Inspired by 55
Ellis Stanyon The Card at Unknown Number from Bottom, Placed at Any Number from Top No. 2, card and its position remembered by spectator, strange procedure to bring it to the top eventually
Ellis Stanyon The Spots on Card Indicate Number of Cards Secretly Added to Pack No. 3, some cards cut off and a known amount replaced, card with same value produced
  • Variation
Ellis Stanyon A Numerical Shuffle No. 4, shuffle for small packet that after a certain amount of repeats restores the original order
Ellis Stanyon Any Number of Cards Dealt Face Upwards, to Discover One Chosen No. 5, cards dealt face-up by performer, spectator remembers card and its position
Ellis Stanyon To Produce a Card at Any Number No. 6, re-count after shown that card is not there the first time
Ellis Stanyon Alternate Method of Producing a Card at Any Number No. 7, "Improvement on No. 6", accidentally over-counting, then replacing and counting again
Related to 58
Ellis Stanyon The Selected Card Appears at Number Chosen by Another Person No. 8, card and its position remembered, bluff counting started with the wanted number
  • Variation
Related to 58
Karl Fulves, J. W. Sarles Supplementary Note spectator remembers card and its position, when check it is not there anymore and has moved to a predicted position
Ellis Stanyon The Twenty-seven Cards No. 9, selection ends up at named position, rules for collecting the piles
Variations 60
Ellis Stanyon A Reversed Count Brings Card to Any Position No. 10, card and its position remembered, cards counted onto table, located with some more counting
Ellis Stanyon To Name the Total Value of Several Chosen Cards No. 11
Variations 62
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note streamlined handling
Inspired by 62
Ellis Stanyon "Thirty-one" (Simple Version) No. 12, "A Cardsharp's Trick", game in which cards are drawn alternately and the sum of the values cannot exceed thirty-one
Related toVariations 63
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note version of the game with paper-clipped pairs, another version without a system given posed as problem
Inspired by 64
Ellis Stanyon The Clock No. 13
Ellis Stanyon The Clock - with Ten Cards No. 14
Ellis Stanyon To Detect Chosen Card Amongst Thirty-five No. 15, dealing seven rows of five each
Ellis Stanyon To Detect Chosen Card Amongst Fifty-two No. 16, thirteen rows of four each
Ellis Stanyon The Square of Twenty-five Cards No. 17
Ellis Stanyon The Pairs Re-Paired No. 18
Ellis Stanyon The Magic Triplets No. 19, with triplets instead of pairs
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Card Removed from Pack of Fifty-two No. 20, casting out thirteen
Karl Fulves, Satya Ranjan Roy Supplementary Note on Ranjan Roy's method that involved adding and subtracting, suit and value
Satya Ranjan Roy Another Method for No. 20 No. 21, suit and value with one count, adding and subtracting
Ellis Stanyon To Discover One of Two Cards Removed from Fifty-two No. 22, two cards removed, clocked, one card named by spectator, other one then known by performer
Ellis Stanyon The Capital Q No. 23, back-count force
  • Improvement (as divination with partial stack)
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Names of Three Cards Chosen by Three Different People No. 24, three cards, three spectators each take one and then distribute several counters according to rules, at the end the performer knows who has which card
  • Variation (cards instead of counters)
Related to 71
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Card (or Cards) Amongst Sixteen, After the Fourth Deal No. 25
Ellis Stanyon The Spots on Top Card Indicate Position of One Chosen No. 26, number between five and ten named, that value produced and card found at that number
Related to 72
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Value of Two Cards Drawn from the Pack of Fifty-two, Without Seeing Any Cards No. 27, mathematical calculation with two values
Ellis Stanyon The Thought Card Appears at Any Number No. 28, card apparently not found and spectator names it, then quickly controlled to eighth, number up to ten, gambling on seven or eight
Ellis Stanyon A Card Chosen at a Number from Bottom, Found in Pocket No. 29, card and its position remembered, card no longer there, produced from pocket, lazy man card to pocket with palm
Ellis Stanyon The Mysterious Addition No. 30, spectator cuts off any number of cards, then magician cuts off a number that makes spectator's amount odd if it was even or vice versa
Ellis Stanyon Odd or Even No. 31, spectator cuts off odd and even number of cards and holds both in the hands, after some calculation the performer knows which hand has the even and odd number of cards
Ellis Stanyon An Arithmetical Mystery No. 32, two piles made, spectator does some calculation with the amount in each pile and then performer names the amounts
Ellis Stanyon To Discover the Respective Holders of Three Cards or Objects No. 33, similar to reference
Related to 75
Ellis Stanyon At Any Number from the Top No. 34, selection on top, cards counted into other hand one by one, selection fed back
C. Briscoe The Numerical Shuffle No. 35, shuffling sequence with packet of cards that restores order after repeating it, Charlier type
Ellis Stanyon The Transposed Cards No. 36, deck spread on table, some cards moved from end to end, card with that amount is eventually selected
Ellis Stanyon The Transposed Cards and Mind-Reading No. 37
Related to 77
Ellis Stanyon The Card in Pocket No. 38, lazy man card to pocket with palm
Ellis Stanyon The Spots on Top Card Indicate Position of One Chosen No. 39, combining the two referenced tricks with one set-up
Related to 77
G. W. Hunter The Card Chosen Corresponds with Paper in Person's Pocket No. 40, re-deal force, motivated by having two cards chosen, one predicted and one divined
Ellis Stanyon The Card Secretly Chosen at a Number from the Top, Picket Out of the Pack in Person's Pocket No. 41, card and its position remembered, some moving around of cards, then performer locates card in pocket
Ellis Stanyon Naming Spots on a Card at Any Number in the Pack No. 42, stack for spot cards only, calculation method to know card at any number
Ellis Stanyon At Any Number from the Top No. 43, selection on top, top two cards counted as one at the beginning, later selection slipped back
Ellis Stanyon Forty Cards Dealt Faces Down, to Pick Up the One Named No. 44, cards dealt in square on table, any spot card named and performer knows where it is
Ellis Stanyon "Thirty-one" No. 45, "A Cardsharp's Trick", more elaborate version
Related to 80
Ellis Stanyon The Position of Card Amongst Ten No. 46, ten-card packet with one Ten in it, cut, then performer names position of Ten-spot
Ellis Stanyon Two Packs Shuffled and Card Found in Same Position in Each No. 47
Second Deal with Half-Moon Cut-Out
Ellis Stanyon A Card of Either Colour Found at Any Number No. 48
Ellis Stanyon To Give the Position of Any Card No. 49, calculation method for new deck order type stack
Ellis Stanyon Placing the Chosen Card at Any Number No. 50, secret cut and stack
Ellis Stanyon, Karl Fulves Chapter 5: Card Tricks - Arrangement chapter intro
  • Supplementary Note
Ellis Stanyon Arrangement of a Whist Pack No. 1, Eight Kings
Ellis Stanyon A Numerical Arrangement for a Whist Pack No. 2, "One of the best", Stebbins
Margery's Arrangement for a Piquet Pack No. 3, rhyme for thirty-two card deck
Also published here
  • "Magic", 1893
Ellis Stanyon Another Arrangement for a Piquet Pack No. 4, mathematical
Ellis Stanyon The Best False Shuffle No. 5, back and forth with lift
Ellis Stanyon Changing the Pack No. 6, as handkerchief is removed from pocket, or Stanyon's servante behind chair
Ellis Stanyon Discovering a Drawn Card No. 7, glimpsing next card in stack
Ellis Stanyon To Name All the Cards Without Seeing Them No. 8, stack
Ellis Stanyon To "Cut" an Odd or Even Number No. 9, divined whether a cut-off packet has an odd or even number of cards, alternating set-up
Ellis Stanyon To Deal Yourself All the Trumps No. 10, stack
Ellis Stanyon An Improved Whist Trick No. 11, all trumps dealt
Ellis Stanyon To Pick Out Any One or More Values No. 12, "The gathering of the Clans", quartets come together after dealing thirteen piles
Ellis Stanyon To Discover the Number of Cards Taken and to Name Each No. 13, packet cut off and performer divines number of cards and cards themselves
Related to 89
Ellis Stanyon A Perfect Whist Memory No. 14, shuffled deck switched behind back and order then named, bottom card shown before switch and it corresponds with last card named
Ellis Stanyon The Pack "Cut" into a Number of Heaps, to Name Cards in ANy Heap Placed in Person's Pocket No. 15, "Improvement on No. 13", packet wrapped up or pocketed
Related to 90
Ellis Stanyon The Number of Chosen Cards Are Passed into an Envelope in Full View No. 16, six cards selected via stabbing, card known to performer via glimpsing card above, predicted in envelope (or travel to envelope), assistant
Ellis Stanyon Rapit Memorization (?) of Half the Pack No. 17, half the deck switched, order known or cue sheet
Ellis Stanyon Naming the Card Secretly Placed in a Pocket No. 18
Ellis Stanyon The Greek Cross No. 19, thirteen four-card packets made, one selected, found after redistribution and another deal
Ellis Stanyon To Name a Card After Dealing Four Times No. 20, using the sixteen cards return to original order after four deals in two piles, position of a selection named
Related to 92
Ellis Stanyon To Discover a Card Chosen from Twenty-five No. 21, variation of referenced trick
Related to 93
Ellis Stanyon A Chart of the Arranged Pack No. 22, doing two deals backwards before performance and then dealing cards (as "shuffling") in performance and arriving back in stack, way home
Ellis Stanyon To Produce Any Card No. 23, after dealing into thirteen heaps all heaps have one quartet
Ellis Stanyon A Spelling "B" No. 24, spelling every value through the deck
Variations 94
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note selection made, spelling every value through the deck, at value of selection a Joker shows up, selection found
Inspired by 95
Ellis Stanyon To Discover the Number of Spots on Two Batches of Cards No. 25, two spectators cut off a few cards from top and bottom respectively, all cards named
Ellis Stanyon "The Revolution" to Discover Number of Cards Taken No. 26
Ellis Stanyon To Discover a Thought Card and Name It No. 27, with stack, selection divined at the end
Inspired byRelated to 96
Ellis Stanyon The "Twenty-seven" Card Trick without a "Key" No. 28
Ellis Stanyon Chapter 6: Card Tricks - Various Arrangements chapter intro
Ellis Stanyon Reversible "Spelling B" No. 1, spelling three chosen cards
Ellis Stanyon The Alternate Card Trick - Simple No. 2, spelling through all values in thirteen-card packet
Ellis Stanyon To Discover Two Consecutive Cards No. 3, two consecutive cards chosen, some number of cards added to top, card found
Ellis Stanyon Fifteen Consecutive Cards Indiscriminately Drawn from One Pack and One Secretly Chosen, to Produce It from Another Pack No. 4, card from packet chosen, found in second deck, both in same order
Adrian Plate A Trick at Poker No. 5,new deck opened and shuffled, seven hands dealt and performer wins
Related toAlso published here 102
Rell M. Woodward Poker Stack
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note correction and more details
Related to 103
Ellis Stanyon Special Arrangement of Whist Pack and Tricks with Same No. 6, similar to Stebbins
(a) To Discover the Top Card
(b) To Discover a Card Removed from Either of Two Portions
(c) To Discover the Bottom Card from Either Half of the Pack
(d) Reading the Whole Pack
(e) To Name Either or All of Four Cards Dealt in a Row
(f) To Discover a Card Freely Selected
Ellis Stanyon The Genuine Shuffle as Affecting the Above (No. 6) and Other Arranged Packs No. 7, letting a spectator overhand shuffle a stacked deck in the hope that enough of the set-up remains
Ellis Stanyon The Numerical Arrangement and Tricks with Same No. 8, Si Stebbins, see following items for tricks
Ellis Stanyon (a) To Name a Card Freely Chosen glimpsing next card
Ellis Stanyon (b) To Discover a Number of Cards batch taken by spectator, all named by performer
Ellis Stanyon (c) Card Selected by One Person Is Named by Another card tabled and verbally forced (no details) on another spectator with equivoque questions
Ellis Stanyon (d) Mind-Reading medium knows stack
Ellis Stanyon (e) Spectator Produces the Right Cards from a Pocket cards "as quickly as possible" take from pocketed deck by spectator
Clarence Hubbard (f) Cards from a Pocket six chosen cards produced from pocket by performer
Ellis Stanyon Any Card Noted in One Pack Found at a Given Number in Another No. 9, two decks in same order, number and card chosen, another number predicted, when counting to predicted number starting with named number the card is there
Ellis Stanyon The Pack Is "Cut" into Four and the Names of the Cards in Either Part Are Found in an Envelope No. 10, four piles made, one chosen, cards in that pile are predicted or divined, multiple out in envelope
Ellis Stanyon Chapter 7: Card Tricks Using Confederates chapter intro
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note two cards chosen and hidden somewhere, performer divines hiding place and identity of one card, the other is heard on answering machine when a phone number is called
Ellis Stanyon Two Cards Change in Envelopes - Comedy Trick No. 1, two known cards on top of deck, while performer does not look a spectator loses top card in center, both put in envelopes without looking again, performer makes them change back to where they should be
Ellis Stanyon To Tell Which Card of Fifty-two Is Touched in Your Absence No. 2, coding by assistant
Variations 112
Ellis Stanyon Alternate Method for No. 2 No. 3, verbal code
  • Variation
Inspired by 112
Ellis Stanyon Another Alternate Method for No. 2 No. 4, confederate names a card which codes the actual card
Inspired by 113
Ellis Stanyon To Conjure a Card Under a Flowerpot No. 5
Ellis Stanyon To Conjure a Card into Your Pocket No. 6, stooge names the card
Ellis Stanyon A Card Instantly Removed from a Pack in the Pocket No. 7, named card to pocket
Ellis Stanyon Chapter 8: Card Reading chapter intro
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note on reading cards in a shuffled deck, J. H. Green's shiner method, fiberoptics tube from breast pocket to behind back
Ellis Stanyon Arranged Pack No. 1, naming cards from behind back
Ellis Stanyon The Bottom Card - Simple No. 2, behind back, glimpsing one ahead in front of the body
Ellis Stanyon The Bottom Card and Palming No. 3, deck behind back, card brought forward with next one palmed and glimpsed
Ellis Stanyon Round Convex Mirror No. 4
  • Variations
Ellis Stanyon Reflection in the Eye (?) No. 5, three cards divined
Ellis Stanyon Tinfoil on the Back of the Card No. 6, naming cards of shuffled deck one by one
Ellis Stanyon Subtle Reading of the Index No. 7, glimpse when pulling up sleeve, then one ahead by glimpsing second card by lifting two and dropping bottom one after glimpse
Ellis Stanyon Two Halves of the Pack Face-to-Face No. 8, faced-deck, reading cards one by one
Ellis Stanyon Finger Ring Reflector No. 9
Ellis Stanyon Sighting the Index Under Cover of the Pack No. 10, spectator touches card in spread which is held upright, bottom corner bent and glimpsed
C. O. Williams Reading the Fifty-two Cards After a Genuine Shuffle No. 11, order of cards read after one riffle shuffle, interlocking chain principle and one-way backs
Variations 118
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note deck riffle shuffled, top thirteen cards dealt off and four spectators take the cards of one suit each, alls cards divined, interlocking chain principle
Inspired by 120
Ellis Stanyon The Index Removed from One End of the Pack No. 12, several cards selected and (after deck switch) replaced, then all named
Ellis Stanyon Chapter 9: Card Tricks Using Special Printed Cards chapter intro
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2019.