Written by Lorenz Schär
Work of Lorenz Schär
164 pages (Hardcover), published by Beat & Roy Books
Illustrated with drawings by Florian Aeschlimann
Language: English
32 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Pit Hartling, Denis Behr Lorenz Who? - An Adulation
Lorenz Schär Preface
Lorenz Schär Longitudinal Slide Shift
  • Covers for the Longitudinal Slide Shift
  • The Longitudinal Slide Shift as a Stand-Up Control
Also published here 17
Lorenz Schär Longitudinal Slide Shift - As a Top-Cover Pass
Also published here 28
Lorenz Schär Sinky brief, using the Longitudinal Slide Shift, outjogged card sinks down
Inspired by 30
Lorenz Schär Longitudinal Slide Shift - As a Bottom-Cover Pass
Lorenz Schär Longitudinal Slide Shift - As a Top- and Bottom-Cover Pass
Lorenz Schär Longitudinal Slide Shift - As a Color Change
Lorenz Schär Satisfriction chapter on jog controls using the Plunger Principle
  • Satisfriction
  • Second from Top/Bottom
  • Satisfriction with two Cards
Related to 35
Lorenz Schär Satisfriction as a Multiple Shift
Related to 44
Lorenz Schär Satisfriction in a Fan controlled to the top
Lorenz Schär Sidejogged Satisfriction on the Table
Lorenz Schär Satisfriction on the Table with several Cards
Inspired by 52
Lorenz Schär The Merrow-Shuffle combination of the Zarrow and the Jack Merlin shuffle
Lorenz Schär Practical Concept 1: The Private Pocket
Lorenz Schär One for Mr. Mayhew Mayhew Poker Deal variation, selected suit is dealt from the deck
Inspired byRelated to 69
Lorenz Schär An Overhand Shuffle Variation delayed injog
  • Bottom Stock Shuffle
  • Top Stock Shuffle
Lorenz Schär Flipover Hideout hiding cards in ribbon spread
Lorenz Schär Go-Stop spectator deals through deck, psychological stop
Inspired by 87
Lorenz Schär Stabbing Force Variation
Lorenz Schär All Bags off-beat prediction written on a bag, 51 cards selected
Lorenz Schär Hide-and-seek hiding half the deck, while cards are pushed from hand to hand
Lorenz Schär Kool and the Gang ten red and ten black cards, with entire deck ending
Lorenz Schär Variation on Trueba's Bocadillo Invisible similar to switching cards using a cull
Inspired by 113
Giancarlo Scalia Delight Switch Variation
Inspired byAlso published here 118
Lorenz Schär Coincidencia Banal Total Coincidence routine using one deck, three phases, bluff
Inspired byRelated to 123
Lorenz Schär Practical Concept 2: The Close-Up Stage on using a special mat while table hopping, first paragraph on page 133
Lorenz Schär Roto-Knife transformation while knife is twirled on table
Lorenz Schär Clap-Lap two coins slapped together, one vanishes, also to switch coins with other objects, basically the same move as Steve Spill's Clap Vanish, see reference
Related to 145
Lorenz Schär El Caracol coin from pen cap
Lorenz Schär Postface
Lorenz Schär Bibliography
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, December 2019.