Written by Wayne Dobson
Work of Wayne Dobson
18 pages (Stapled), published by DTrik
No illustrations
Language: English
16 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Roy Johnson Introduction
Wayne Dobson Missing Think? one of twelve cards chosen and pocketed, then it is put back into the packet and travels to pocket
Wayne Dobson 4 Seen four cards chosen, prediction "card" shown as first card, unfolded for second, and so on for all four cards
Wayne Dobson Conjuror's Choice six magicians depicted on cards, one chosen, it is the performer and all other magicians are dead ones
Wayne Dobson X-Change four coins travel from box to another corner of close-up mat or handkerchief
Inspired by 8
Wayne Dobson Teach a Card Trick spectator performs trick to verbal instructions by performer
Inspired by 9
Wayne Dobson Switch card chosen, wrong card found and put in case, transposes with correct card twice, then deck changes in duplicates of wrong card
Related to 11
Wayne Dobson Sweet with initials on stickers
David Roth Kick Vanish flicked under napkin
Wayne Dobson I Swear spelling a swear word
Inspired by 12
Wayne Dobson TLC "Think, Look, Choose", mental epic type effect, last item is a forced card
Also published here 13
Wayne Dobson Spell Check card chosen from one deck, then spelled to in another deck
Wayne Dobson Janus open prediction shown, face-down card chosen and dropped on top, they match, rest of deck shown to be all alike but a different card, SBS card
Wayne Dobson Unique Prediction three coins on table, one card chosen, outcome predicted, "Free Will"
Related to
  • "Physiological Coin" (Peter Nardi)
Wayne Dobson Invisible named card appears folded in invisible purse frame, one of thirteen, with verbal suit force
Wayne Dobson Man Eaters "Bonus Effect", card from sandwich to reversed in deck
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2020.