228 pages (Paperback), published by Neukomm & Zimmermann
Illustrated with drawings
Language: German
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Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Vorwort
I. Teil. Die magische Täuschung
I. Einleitung
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die mystische Magie overview on history of mysthics, superstition and magic
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die weisse Magie on the history of white magic, Philadelphia, Pinetti, Compars Hermann, Ludwig Döbler, Robert-Houdin
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Die moderne magische Kunst on the modern magic art
  • Definition
  • Einst und Jetzt
  • Ratschläge
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Die Elemente der Täuschung "the elements of deception"
  • Die physikalischen Hilfsmittel
  • Optische Täuschungen (optical)
  • Akustische Täuschungen (acoustic)
  • Gefühlstäuschung (touch)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die psychologischen Hilfsmittel "psychological aids"
  • Die Finte
  • Die Idee-Assoziation
  • Der Vortrag
  • Die gezwungene Wahl
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der fliegende Thaler coin in each closed fist and one put on finger
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Messerschlucken apparently swallowing knife, lapping
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Grundregeln seven rules of magic
II. Teil. Vor und hinter den Kulissen
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli I. Der Salon als Zauberbühne setting of the room
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Der Zaubertisch magician's table
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Der Zauberstab on the magic wand, construction
IV. Einige der wichtigsten Hilfsapparate
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 1. Die stabile Servanten various servantes
  • a) Die Tischservante
  • b) Die Stuhlservante
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 2. Die transportablen Servanten transportable servantes
  • a) Die Tütenservante
  • b) Der Hut als Servante
  • c) Weste und Frack als Servante
V. Unsichtbare Mechaniken
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 1. Der Verschwindungsapparat für Tücher methods to vanish silks, pulls, holdouts and false finger gimmick
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 2. Die Drahtschleife silk production, steal from body, with wire
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 3. Der Lichtanzünder transferring flame from candle to candle, held with the fingertips, special gimmick
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 4. Das Verschwindeglas bottomless glass design and applications
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 5. Das amerikanische Couvert neuster Fasson envelope to make billets or bills appear
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli 6. Die Manschette als Greifbecher und Servante method to vanish objects from a hat or a cub, holder connected to shirt cuff with a thread, that can be released into a servante
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VI. Der Regiezettel "director notes", systematically writing routines down to have to have a check sheet when preparing it (trick, props, preparation, help)
III. Teil. Magische Spiele
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli I. Mein Talisman magic wand is produced from little purse, it shrinks and becomes normal again, then it rises up and clings to the hand and fingers
  • 1. Der Zauberstab im Portemonnaie
  • 2. Der zusammenschiebbare Stab
  • 3. Der Zauberstab als Voltigeur
Related to 69
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Pêle-Mêle coin is produced from selection, then coin is marked, placed under handkerchief and dropped inside glass, coin travels to second glass which is covered with the deck, finally coin vanishes again and appears inside spectator's breast pocket
  • 1. Der Taler im Kartenblatt
  • 2. Der Fliegende Taler
  • 3. Der Lufttaler (hook is added to coin to form a temporary hooked coin)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli III. Aus dem papierenen Königreich card is balanced on hat, deck is divided into two glasses and card floats from glas to glas, two cards are placed under two plates and the cards change places, selection is placed inside a book and performer shows envelope with miniature duplicate with correct page number and part of the text on that page written on it
  • 1. Die Karten-Balance
  • 2. Die Karte als Königin der Luft (with assistant)
  • 3. Die Kartenwanderung
  • 4. Eine magische Hypnose
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli IV. Mimikry routine with tissue paper and hat
  • 1. Die Papierfabrik in der Hand (paper ball changes to confetti with fan, snow storm)
  • 2. Vergehen und Erstehen (paper ball travel to cone inside a hat)
  • 3. Die sich vermehrenden Bälle (ball multiplies under hat and inside balls are presents for spectators)
  • 4. Das japanische Schmetterlingsspiel (butterflies are formed from paper and they start to fly with the aid of a fan, thread on forehead)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Recipe for Flash Paper
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli V. Spiritistische Spiegelfechtereien
  • 1. Wanderung von Tinte und Wasser (ink and water transposition, glass and bottle)
  • 2. Die Macht der magischen Mixtur (silk vanish, one placed over candle vanishes in a flash, silk appears in small bottle)
  • 3. Feuer und Wasser (water starts to burn)
  • 4. Das verschwindende Wasserglas (glass filled with water vanishes under handkerchief)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VI. Ohne Karambolage billiard ball routine, ball appears, travels, changes color, second ball appears and balls transpose wrapped in paper, balls vanish again
  • 1. Der Zauberstab als Billardkugelmagazin
  • 2. Eine Tunnelfahrt
  • 3. Magische Färberei
  • 4. Erhaschen
  • 5. Platzwechsel
  • 6. Analyse (ball is dropped in glass of water and vanishes, under handkerchief, glass shell)
  • 7. Vermehrung, Verminderung & Vernichtung
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VII. Seltsam, seltsam, sonderbar!
  • 1. Das Loch im Taschentuch (hole is cut in handkerchief and restored)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Geldstück (coin disappears under glass, and appears again)
  • 3. Katalepsie eines Taschentuchs (Silk balances on corner)
  • 4. Das Taschentuch als Zuckerbäcker (candy production from silk)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli VIII. Täuschung, Schreck und Verwunderung tricks with eggs
  • 1. Tuch und Ei-Kunststück (egg in glass transpose with silk, three methods)
  • 2. Das verschwindende Ei (vanishing egg)
  • 3. Das japanische Eierspiel (egg production from silk, eggs change to flowers inside hat)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli IX. Colorado y maduro
  • 1. Metamorphose (cigarette changes to cigar)
  • 2. Ein Gleichgewichtsproblem (cigar is balanced on plate)
  • 3. Transformation (silk production from smoke of a match)
  • 4. Der gläserne Rauchfang (smoke appears in glass covered with silk)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli X. Heureka! (Wein- und Wasserkunststück), several glasses filled with water and red wine, water to wine and vice versa
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XI. Traum oder Wirklichkeit?
  • 1. Goldregen (coins are produced and placed inside a hat, Miser's Dream)
  • 2. Hellsehen (marked coin is found among others inside hat)
  • 3. Der Spiritisten-Taler (coin penetrates silk)
Classic Palm and Production
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XII. Weissagen wider Willen (Ein Kartenkunststück), spectator selects a card and writes name on paper, which is sealed in envelope, other spectator guesses card and selection vanishes from deck and appears in second envelope
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIII. Variatio Delectat
  • 1. Feuer in den Fingerspitzen (flame of candle is ignited again with fingers)
  • 2. Kerzen-Metamorphose (candle transforms into silk, wrapped in paper)
  • 3. Wanderschaft (Tuch- und Teller-Kunststück) (silk vanishes and appears under plate)
  • 4. Das Chamäleon-Tuch (silk changes color inside tube)
  • 5. Das verschwindende Seidentuch (silk vanishes in paper cone)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIV. Telepathie
  • 1. Die Geisterschrift (slates, multiple versions, total of chosen number appears)
  • 2. Die Fernschrift (message appears on paper sealed in envelope, remote writing)
  • 3. Die Rosenverwandlung (rose changes from red to white, red writing appears on paper)
  • 4. Das spiritistische Kartenspiel (deck appears under box and vanishes again, hollow card deck imitation)
b) Der Notizblock add-a-number pad, clever design, same method as in Conradi's Zauberspiegel
Related to 150
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Intermezzi
  • 1. Der Konzertmaler (performer paints picture very fast)
  • 2. Der Schnellzeichner ( performer draws pictures very fast)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XV. Was kostet der Spass?
  • 1. Die biegsame Taschenuhr (apparently bending a pocket watch)
  • 2. Der neue gordische Knoten (pocket watch penetrates ribbon)
  • 3. Die badende Taschenuhr (pocket watch vanishes from glass and appears in wallet)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
Slipknot with Silks
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVII. Ist es möglich!
  • 1. Der Ring am Stabe (finger ring moves up and down on wand)
  • 2. Der aus dem Glase verschwindende Ring (ring vanishes from glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Der Ring im Hühnerei (ring appears in egg)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVIII. Prädestination (Vorherbestimmung)
  • 1. Die Karten (prediction of chosen pile, cards can be divined, Koran type)
  • 2. Die Blumen (name of chosen flower appears on paper in sealed envelope, half forcing deck)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIX. Suggestion eines Obolus
  • 1. Ein Autodafé (coin folded in paper vanishes in a flash)
  • 2. Phönix (coin appears in glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Die wahrsagende Münze (coin in glass jumps, to answer questions, coding systems)
  • 4. Der Karzer (glass and coin are covered with silk and placed inside a box where they vanish)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XX. Ein anderes Bild
  • 1. Das magnetische Kartenspiel (cards cling to hand)
  • 2. Bibifax (hole cut into hat, hat is then fully restored)
  • 3. Sympathie (card penetrates hat visibly)
  • 4. Ein Meisterschuss (cards are torn and loaded into gun, they appear restored inside hat)
  • 5. Die verschwindenden Karten (cards vanish under silk)
Carl L. Curiel XXI. Das Gedächtnis im kommenden Jahrhundert thirty objects on blank cards memorized in order, two methods
Also published here 194
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXII. Eine Miniatur-Orangerie
  • 1. Die Rose im Knopfloch (rose appears on buttonhole)
  • 2. Der Hut als Warmhaus (flower starts to grow in bucket under hat, flowers appear in hat)
  • 3. "Maréchal Niel" (white rose changes to red, yellow and back to white, with a fan)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIII. Totentanz
  • 1. Das erscheinende Papp-Skelett (paper skeleton appears behind silk)
  • 2. Ein Ballett (skeleton starts to dance on table)
  • 3. Der zersprungene Spiegel (broken mirror is restored)
  • 4. Der Doppelgänger (mirror image from skeleton starts to become real and dances as well)
  • 5. Verwandlung von Milch in Tinte (glass of milk changes to ink, back to milk and then to water)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIV. Ein magisches Mirakel
  • 1. Die Puppentücher (silks change into ribbon)
  • 2. Eine gelungene Reparatur (ribbon vanishes and appears as normal silk in a glass)
  • 3. Der Flüchtling (silk placed back inside glass, both vanish unter handkerchief)
  • 4. Wiederkunft (glass filled with red wine appears under handkerchief)
  • 5. Farbenwechsel (red wine changes into white wine)
  • 6. Der unsichtbare Abfluss (liquid vanishes from bottle)
  • 7. Pariser Zuckerbäckerei (bran placed inside glass, changes into candy)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXV. Finale Der verschwindende Zauberstab (wand vanishes from newspaper)
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2020.