Written by Steve Beam
Work of Steve Beam
344 pages (Hardcover), published by Trapdoor Productions
Illustrated with drawings by Steve Beam
Language: English
160 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Steve Beam Introduction
Steve Beam How to Read this Book?
Steve Beam Eclectic chapter intro
Steve Beam The S-B Whoops Control card control to certain position
Inspired by 17
Steve Beam Questions spelling and forming a question mark, location of selection
  • Pushing the Envelope (spelling spectator's name as well)
Inspired by 19
Dani DaOrtiz Dual Reality two piles, cards are dealt, two cards remembered and lost again, one is turned over and other is found at same position in second pile
Pedro Bryce Ace Embly using seven cards
Inspired by 22
Slip Cut
Leo Reed The Psychic Prince of Nigeria humorous prediction of a number and a card, using a spam mail which is send to spectator
Howard Hamburg Dry Spell four Aces are placed in the deck and then spelled to, repeated, first with a Faro the with Free-Cut Principle
Variations 29
Steve Beam Spell Checker variation on Dry Spell, with additional phase
Inspired by 30
Steve Beam Shiftless aces apparently lost in the deck end up on top, four piles, way of taking cards together
Also published here 31
Giancarlo Scalia Daley Extra Delight Switch handling
Also published here 33
Michel Gammenthaler Intuition Test black card and red cards are separated and two cards are exchanged, prediction in form of mates
Dexter Cleveland Punchlines cards with jokes matching cards with punchlines, Ramasee Principle, same idea as Becker's Punch Lines
Also published here 37
Ricardo Sánchez Triple Do As I Do three cards in different pockets, all match
Pat Hazell, Ricardo Sánchez Down the Falls, Up the Back Variation to secretly add cards to the deck
Camilo Vázquez Don't Do As I Do group of cards is removed and spectator and magician build face up and face down pairs, face up cards of spectator turn out to be odd-backed cards
Also published here 44
Fred Kaps, Camilo Vázquez Over the Limit four cards total ten, one after the other is removed but cards still total ten, Visa card appears on back of last card
Inspired by 46
Derek Dingle Strip-Out Addition
Steve Beam Even Steven selection is found by down under dealing a random chosen number of cards
Inspired by 49
Steve Beam All-Acess Pass spectator forms a card by dealing cards from top to bottom, performer is turned away and in the end divines card and removes it from pocket
Inspired by 52
Steve Beam Nine Times One forcing a bunch of cards in a spread, similar to classic force
Steve Beam Progressive Mating Season multiphase routine
Also published here 57
Steve Beam The Charm Aces are inserted into a pile, they form Blackjack with card next to it, repeated and humorous last phase
Inspired byRelated to 62
Steve Beam Up with Milk bringing bottom card to the top using an overhand shuffle
Also published here 65
Steve Beam Predictions chapter intro
Steve Beam Full Stop performer remembers order of cards and deals them face down in multiple piles, spectator stops four times and cards are turned over, deck is separated into red black at the end with four mistakes
Inspired by 69
Steve Beam Stop, Drop, and Roll multiple card control, cards are dealt in four piles and spectators stop at cards to be remembered
Max Maven Hypothesystem packet of cards are formed into pairs by spectator, chosen pair is used to form a card which is found predicted in wallet
Steve Beam Little Known Facts About Magic History humorous article
Ryan Schlutz Equal Finality prediction placed inside card case, card is formed with two cards for value and suit
Doug Canning Free-Range Force forcing a color and an odd or even number
Related to 81
Steve Beam Free-Range Card Trick a packet is cut-off and used to form a card using the down under deal, card or its mate is produced from performer's pocket
Steve Beam Double Dipper spectator removes up to thirteen cards and remembers one, one card is used to determine the amount of cards and the card by counting and spelling the card's value and suit
Joe M. Turner Zarrowskill with three written prediction
Inspired by
  • Herb Zarrow's "Minimal Miraskill" in David Ben's "Zarrow: A Lifetime of Magic"
Steve Beam Two Die For prediction of a card on two business cards, spectator rolls a pair of dice and predicted card is found at that position
Steve Beam Not-Your-Mama's Nine Force
Steve Beam The Three-Strikes Out value and suit written on two business cards, three-way out
Steve Beam, James Grime Strata-Gem eight spot cards are arranged three times, each time a different calculation is used and final number predicted on business cards, with extra gag prediction as climax
Steve Beam Overheard at a recent Magic Convention humorous article
Steve Beam Diabolicool chapter intro
Steve Beam Diabolicool two freely selected cards end up at same positions in two piles
Inspired byRelated to 107
Steve Beam Too Diabolicool cut card appears at same position as chosen card in second pile
Inspired byVariations 112
Steve Beam Notes on Too Diabolicool more ideas for Too Diabolicool
  • Cards Are My Business
  • Stop the Show
Inspired by 115
Steve Beam Four-Way Diabolicool
Inspired by 116
Steve Beam Important Public Service Announcement humorous article, Last-Minute Convention Souvenirs for Beloved Spouse
Steve Beam Revisiting the Hindu Shuffle chapter intro
Steve Beam Flash Cards hindu shuffle force, showing various different cards at the bottom of the pack first
Bob Macey Looking Up hindu shuffle force convincer, face-up shuffle
Bob Macey, Steve Beam 52 Proof hindu shuffle forcing a card directly after Macey's Looking Up, two methods
Jeff Altman Hindu Shuffle Force Finesse
Steve Beam Force Multiplier hindu shuffle force for multiple cards
Related to 126
Steve Beam Cumulative Control multiple card control with hindu shuffle
Steve Beam Samaritan Shuffle hindu shuffle to prepare to halves for Gilbreath shuffle
Steve Beam Shufflicious finding mate of selection, using Ground Control procedure
Related to 131
Steve Beam The Doubly Discrepant Force procedure to control and force a number of cards, using the hidnu shuffle
Steve Beam Updated Calling Cards phone number of spectator is revealed
Inspired by 136
Jerry Andrus Drunken Shuffle
Steve Beam The Spring Roll packet mixed, yet order retained, but nor face-up/down orientation
Also published here 138
Steve Beam Stock-Out Shuffle cards are mixed face-up/face-down while retaining order
Also published here 138
Steve Beam The Joystick false shuffle for face-up/face-down deck from hands to table
Also published here 139
Steve Beam The Proper Way to Relocate Your Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Series humorous article
Steve Beam Ramón Riobóo chapter intro
Ramón Riobóo The Marrying Man group of cards shown to be mixed, then later all paired up by mates
Inspired byRelated to 143
Ramón Riobóo Flexible Force cutting three piles and adding values of top cards of one pile to get a number
Ramón Riobóo Mira-Thrill
Ramón Riobóo Mind Bender
Ramón Riobóo Dressed to the Nines using coins to get a number in the deck, card at position matches prediction
Ramón Riobóo Magnetic Force using eight coins, to form a two digit number, limited possibilities and multiple out
Ramón Riobóo Max Factor mathematics for dealing and re-dealing any amount of cards in several hands to end up in the same order
Ramón Riobóo Going Deep three mentally selected cards are quickly found in a pile of thirteen cards
Variations 156
Steve Beam Depth Finder multiple cards are mentally selected and found, with variation
  • Vertical Drop
Inspired by 157
Steve Beam The Cognac Killer die is thrown and number used to deal hands, repeated and cards on top end up to be Aces etc.
Steve Beam Hummer Time chapter intro
Jeff Pierce Solitary Rock, Paper, Scissors mathematical three card monte with rock, paper scissors theme, several phases
Inspired by 169
Lorenz Schär Rebuilding a Hummer prediction of number of reversed cards, combination of Hummer's The Magic Separation and Face-Up Prediction
Inspired by 171
Steve Beam Hummerless divination of reversed cards
Inspired by 173
Steve Beam Newcomer Hummer two cards are used to form a number, it matches reversed cards
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Steve Beam All the Weigh divination of reversed cards
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Reinhard Müller Baby Boom with four cards
Inspired by 179
Lorenz Schär Personality Quest face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards, minor variation of Hummer's Personality Test
Inspired by 180
Steve Beam Strike Out face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards
Inspired byRelated to 181
Steve Beam Personalized Personality Test face-up/face-down prediction of number of cards
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Steve Beam The Randomized Lie Detector face-up/face-down cards to form a number and to find selection
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Steve Beam Latest Addition spectator removes an Ace or a Two face down, then a Three or a Four and so on, total of added values is divined, several phases
Inspired byVariations 187
Steve Beam Atomic Weight same effect as Latest Addition, different method
Inspired by 191
Steve Beam Revelations chapter intro
Steve Beam X-Ray-Ted x-ray photo of hand and selection, with smart phone
Marty Kane Trickle-Down Theory card apparently flutters from the top to the bottom of a face-down fan
Alex Martinez San Juan The Cowboy Card Trick rope is wrapped around deck and four Aces appear one by one knotted on the rope
Reinhard Müller Forks and Power Outlets ten cards are used, every ninth is removed and performer ends with a Royal Flush
Marty Kane Ascend-Sation! dealing and spelling to end up at selection, over phone
Inspired by
  • Martti Siren's "Off-Center Bottom to Top Principle" in Colm Malucahy's "Mathematical Card Tricks"
Marty Kane Chemistery tantalizer deal from cut packet to find card, prediction
Related to
  • Temple C. Patton's "Cardiograph" in "Card Tricks Anyone Can Do" 1968
Steve Beam Raw Deal cards cut to table, stopped at selection / prediction
Steve Beam Menu humorous article
Steve Beam Giancarlo Scalia chapter intro
Giancarlo Scalia The Ninja selected card is sandwiched between two face-up Kings, deck dribbled on the table and selection removed
Fred Kaps The Spread Switch
Joshua Jay Fancy Find Flourish
Also published here 219
Giancarlo Scalia Triangulation several packets are formed with one reversed card on top, spectator selects some and adds up values, total leads to selection in the deck
Related to 220
Giancarlo Scalia By the Numbers two packets are cut, one spectator remembers a card other number of cards, performer places selection at position under table
Giancarlo Scalia The Rift whole deck ruse
Giancarlo Scalia The Box Move card apparently placed in card case
Giancarlo Scalia Box of Aces to Go Aces in card case
Dominique Duvivier French Tap False Cut
Giancarlo Scalia X Box card inside case transposes with other card
Giancarlo Scalia Loose Change four indifferent cards, leader card is chosen and cards change to mates, repeated
Giancarlo Scalia The Second Change on the deck, switching three of four cards
Giancarlo Scalia Pizzazz Aces
Dani DaOrtiz OBDA Count
Trevor Lewis, Ken Krenzel Monte Plus Plus
Steve Beam Magic Collecting 101 - Moderating Your Approach humorous article
Steve Beam Scotland chapter intro
R. Paul Wilson How We Met two decks, four cards are selected and values added, card at number in other deck is predicted
Steve Beam Irrational Numbers total of card values and four Aces are found
Jackie McClements Brexit three cards vanish under magician's hand
Gordon Bruce Anotherworldly
Gordon Bruce Fan Base cards inserted in fan
Eddie McColl Ambitious Charlie using Charlier Cut, same as Charlier's cut control
Related to 250
Eddie McColl Step Ladder triple false cut
Steve Beam Magician's Playing Checkers grid with cards, chosen one is predicted in form of mate
Inspired by 254
Steve Beam Predicting the Pips grid with cards, chosen one is predicted in form of mate
Steve Beam Magic Book Publishing - Lesson #3 humorous article
Steve Beam Lewis Jones chapter intro
Lewis Jones The Bookmark Force
Lewis Jones Brain Scan thought of card out of five cards is divined
Lewis Jones Birthday Girl chosen month and card are divined
Lewis Jones iOOTW
Lewis Jones Multi-Cuts
  • Top-and-bottom Control
  • Full-deck Control
  • Face-up Control
  • OOTW Special
Lewis Jones Personal Best cutting four packets, top cards equal birth year of spectator, with reverse faros
Lewis Jones I in the Sky spelling several words to find selection, GPS presentation
Lewis Jones Phishing password protection presentation, spelling to find card
Lewis Jones Hi Tiddly I Thai apparently picture of King changes
Also published here
  • Lewis Jones' "Hi Tiddly I Thai" in "Imp Romp 2" 1994.
Lewis Jones Wish List spectator choses a gift, several things are spelled and chosen card and gift are predicted
Related to
  • Lewis Jones' "Wish List" in "As if by Magic" 2017.
Steve Beam Why the Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Series Must End with Volume XII humorous article
Steve Beam Whizbangs chapter intro
Steve Beam About the Principle on Richard Bangs Suit Yourself and the principle behind it
Inspired by 289
Steve Beam Pick Pocket spectator puts four cards in four pockets, magician has same cards in same pockets as prediction
Inspired byRelated to 291
Steve Beam Out of Pocket Experience variation on Pick Pocket
Inspired byRelated to 293
Joe M. Turner Cross Promotion four words are written on blank cards, words spelled and cards placed on four different parts on the table, divination of location of the words
Inspired byRelated to 295
Steve Beam A Well-Read Mind four words written on cards are spelled and location divined
Inspired byRelated to 297
Doug Canning To Start With suits of four cards are spelled and location divined, using a die,
Inspired by 300
Steve Beam Vacation Helper five cards with different locations, locations are spelled and cards placed in order, message on back of cards
Steve Beam Visual Magic chapter intro
Yves Carbonnier Ace Inhibitors change of sandwiched card
Also published here 307
Dai Vernon, Theodore Annemann, Henry Christ VAC Alignment Move
Vic Trabucco The Flash deck slapped on table, selection is found sticking-out reversed in center
Arthur H. Buckley Buckley's Reverse from bottom to center, while riffle shuffling
Lorenz Schär Fan Fiction production of a card in a fan, also as a finish for an Ace Assembly
Inspired by 312
Steve Beam Tools chapter intro
Yves Carbonnier Stair Step Cut in the hands cut control, card to top
Inspired by 317
Doug Canning Zip Count method for clocking the deck
Steve Beam Choice Cut I spectator cuts several packets on table, to retain top portion
Steve Beam Choice Cut II spectator cuts several packets on table, to retain top portion
Steve Beam Speed Counter ways of counting cards, while spreading, different ways
Steve Beam Distribution Swing Cut four cards, two in the middle one on top and one on the bottom
Charlie Randall Jump Start using World's Greatest Magician to know 26th card for next trick
Related to 327
Steve Beam Thanksgiven
Steve Beam Routine Builder
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2020.