Written by Eric F. Impey
Work of Eric F. Impey
8 pages (Loose-leave collection), published by Cecil E. Griffin
No illustrations
Language: English
10 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Eric F. Impey Introduction
Eric F. Impey The Flyaway Card selection placed reversed in deck, it changes into another card, selection no longer in deck, reappears reversed
Eric F. Impey Display Rightening cleaning up bottom reversed card by removing it quickly and showing it
Eric F. Impey Turno selection cleanly turns over in deck
Eric F. Impey One Ahead deck from blue deck put out as prediction, matches card that spectator choses from red deck, red/blue double backer
Eric F. Impey Synchrono - A Mechanical Pack stacked peek deck
  • To gain knowledge of any card freely selected
  • To name the cards one after the other
  • To reverse the positions of the two uppermost cards
  • A further effect (card to case)
Eric F. Impey The Amazing Memory removed cards are divined, basic Stay Stack use
Eric F. Impey In Reverse center reversal during Charlier Cut
Also published here 6
Eric F. Impey Tone Control four piles, two key cards on top, selection lost and found apparently via spectator's voice during him reading off all cards
Eric F. Impey Double-Faced Cards how to split cards and make double facers or backers
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2020.