Written by Scott Cram
Work of Terry LaGerould
60 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
25 entries
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Terry LaGerould Dedication
Terry LaGerould Acknowledgements
Scott Cram Introduction
Terry LaGerould Foreword
Terry LaGerould Unexpected four cards chosen face-down, they are center-dealt from face-up deck, then shown to be Aces
Terry LaGerould Royal Victory royal flush production, pivot revelation
Inspired byVariations 8
Terry LaGerould Ace Shuttle space shuttle constructed from deck, wings shown to be Aces, previous selection from pocket
Terry LaGerould Up the Down Staircase performer cuts to Queens, face-up and face-down packets shuffled together, all one way except Queens
Terry LaGerould It's All in Your Mind spectator thinks of highest card in five-card packet, then vanishes from another five-card packet, then all other cards vanish except selection from packet
Terry LaGerould The Fool's Count cards counted from top to bottom, rotation
Terry LaGerould Stepped-Deck Biddle Steal
Terry LaGerould Mental Photography unknown card placed aside, card lost, unknown card placed between black Aces, they become red Aces and unknown card is selection
Terry LaGerould The Tell-A-Pathic Gypsies three Queens change to value of selected cards, spectator then cuts to Queens
Terry LaGerould Unforgettable Triumph with red/black separation climax
Slop Shuffle Separation
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Keyboard spectator cuts deck in four piles, top cards shown, those top cards then change to Aces
Inspired byVariations 34
Terry LaGerould The Traveling Man King between red Queens rubber banded onto half the deck, King travels to between black Queens and back, Visitor
Inspired by 36
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Sobriety Test picture cards and Aces removed, one chosen, eventually the three matching cards are brought from pocket and other cards shown in order
Terry LaGerould Jewel Thief weird switch in which a spectator does a down-under deal under the table to switch a sandwiched card
Terry LaGerould Instantane-e-Ace-ly spectator cuts deck in four piles, bottom cards shown indifferent, they then change to Aces
Terry LaGerould The Illusive Cocktail Gals Queen put on top of four packets, they assemble on top of one packet
Related to 47
Rising Crime Display
Terry LaGerould Cardboard Lie Detector with packet, Nine Card Problem
Terry LaGerould Impromptu Invisible Deck named card from a group is shown reversed, bold switch as reversed card is apparently cut to top
Terry LaGerould The Incredible Cardboard Acrobat
Inspired by 56
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2021.