From July 1941 to December 1942, La Baguette Magique collaborated with Hokus Pokus for eighteen issues. See that listing for the content of this period.
Written by Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty
Work of Various
496 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: German, French
272 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page Categories
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Editorial
1 Jan. 1941 1
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Cadeau à nos Abonnés
1 Jan. 1941 1
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Boulle D'Or ball placed on stand vanishes inside tubes
1 Jan. 1941 2
Bloodson Table et... Tapis thoughts on tables and tablecloths, what to use for stage
1 Jan. 1941 3
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Jack Stanley on Stanley Jaks
1 Jan. 1941 3
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Perfectionnement du Sac a L'Oeuf different model
1 Jan. 1941 4
Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin on the founding of Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin in Geneva
1 Jan. 1941 4
Rémy Degeneve Un Tour de Cartes reversed card leads to selection
1 Jan. 1941 5
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Robelly, Borosko, Harry Bertall, Mayette, Léon Schiffmann
1 Jan. 1941 5
Livres à Vendre list of books for sale
1 Jan. 1941 5
(reviewer) Les Galas du Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin as L.V., on the public shows of the Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin in Geneva, Magicas, Dikalo, Bob Harry, Rogellys, Jackson, Harlox, Anderson, Uty-Clown, Sauty, Bloodson, Nil'Ebu, Les Dicksonn, Les Freddys 1 Jan. 1941 6
Le Noël des Houdinistes on a christmas event of the Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin
1 Jan. 1941 6
Dr. Stanley Jaks Ein Ton fällt in ein Glas? fork to make sound, sound placed inside a glass
1 Jan. 1941 7
Magisches aus Amerika on Dante, Okito, Fu Manchu, Fleming, Harold Lloyd, Houdini, John Booth, Earl Rybolt, Annemann
1 Jan. 1941 7
Comment devenir Ventriloque? on how to become a ventriloquist
Related to 1 Jan. 1941 8
Les Etablissements Uty S.A.
1 Jan. 1941 8
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Boite Fantastique production of silks and flowers from box without bottom
Related to 2 Feb. 1941 1
Au Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin
2 Feb. 1941 2
Alban's La Montre Pilée spectator's watch is destroyed and pestled with mortar, rest is shot with pistol and watch found repaired in bag
2 Feb. 1941 3
Dr. Stanley Jaks La Boule de Cristal name of card appears in crystal ball
2 Feb. 1941 4
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Alban's on Alban's
2 Feb. 1941 4
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Le Dé Obéissant the obedient die, model
2 Feb. 1941 5
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on M. Denice, G. Gloria, A. Vantur, Alban's. Rousseau, Mayette, Veno, Ceillier, D'Hotel, picture of Oscar Rey
2 Feb. 1941 6
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Der magische Ring der Schweiz on the magic circle Switzerland
Also published here 2 Feb. 1941 7
Comment devenir Ventriloque? on how to become a ventriloquist, second part
Related to 2 Feb. 1941 8
Robert "Robelly" Rouet, H. Hardy La boite fantastique transformé variations on box and loading technique
Related to 3 Mar. 1941 1
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty A propos du Sac à L'Oeuf with zipper
3 Mar. 1941 2
Nil' Ebu Mon Jeu de Boulettes aux Chapeaux cups and balls type, using hats and balls rolled from bread
3 Mar. 1941 3
Dr. Stanley Jaks La Boule Fantôme ball vanishes in handkerchief and appears in mouth, rubber band method
3 Mar. 1941 3
Harry Bertall Papier déchiré et raccommodé
3 Mar. 1941 4
Harry Bertall Une attrape gag, asking spectator how his watch is designed, arabic or roman numbers, how does number four look like
3 Mar. 1941 4
Harry Bertall Tours de main pour les manipulations de Cartes maintenance of the cards
3 Mar. 1941 4
Au Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin on Prof. Bloodson, Uty-Clowns, Charles-Emile, Nil'Ebu, Stanley Jaks, with picture of Bloodson
3 Mar. 1941 5
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Comment on écrit l'histoire on a book by M. A. de Monigon calles "Robert Houdin"
3 Mar. 1941 5
Ce qu'on pense de La Baguette Magique thoughts on the magazine by Gloria, Viatte, Luigi Giovenzana, Rothbart, Lötscher, Gilly, Demont, Vantur, Dokoty, Foscola
3 Mar. 1941 6
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Hardy, Teyssier, Alfred Demont, Stanley Jaks, Arno Black, Rosky, Mano, Seldov Vantur, Denice, Gali, Bertman, Nil'Ebu, Thot, Harlox
3 Mar. 1941 6
Foscola Die "zersägte" Dame klagt 25'000 Dollar für den Schrecken anecdote of american magician getting sued because of performing sawing a lady in half
3 Mar. 1941 7
Foscola Ein Streichholzscherz how to hold a burning match upside down for thirty seconds
3 Mar. 1941 7
Comment devenir Ventriloque? on how to become a ventriloquist, third and last part
Related to 3 Mar. 1941 8
Petites Annonces products for sale
3 Mar. 1941 8
Harry Bertall, Adolphe "Magicus" Blind La Carte Clef extra pips glued on card
Related to
  • Léopold Figner's "Die Detektivkarte" in "Offenbarungen aus dem Reiche der Kartenkunst"
4 Apr. 1941 1
Harry Bertall Les Couleurs Magiques water changes color when poured in glasses
4 Apr. 1941 2
Harry Bertall Les Cartes épelées packet of eight cards, spelling each value to locate matching card
4 Apr. 1941 2
Harry Bertall Pour solidifier des oeufs how to make solid eggs
4 Apr. 1941 2
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Nouvelle Boite Fantastique production of silks and flowers from box without bottom, box standing on reversed glasses
4 Apr. 1941 3
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Faux-pouce et Faux-doigt how to change color of thumb tips etc.
4 Apr. 1941 4
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Nos Collaborateurs on A. Vantur / César Ventura, with picture
4 Apr. 1941 4
Le fabricant vous parle products for sale by Uty S.A.
4 Apr. 1941 4
A. Vantur Métamorphose de Confettis bowl of confetti changes to water, water turns into fire and into flowers, uses the Substitution Principle
4 Apr. 1941 5
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty (reviewer) Schweiz. Zauberer-Kongress on Swiss magic convention in Berne, Oscarelli, Minelli, Paul Schwab, Münch, Max Well, Wipf, Borosko, Magnus, Leist-Bernini, Jack Stanley, Uty 4 Apr. 1941 6
Nous avons reçu on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Beilletin de la S.I.A.M., Rothbart, Magie, Robelly
4 Apr. 1941 7
Kermann St-Etienne - Amicale R. Houdin on Charlix, Hervel, Aldem, Alfred Demont, Hardy, Lucy Polgy, Steph, Barellon
4 Apr. 1941 7
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Gloria, Seldow, Bertmann, Sauty, Marteret, Carrington, D'Hotel, Maurier, Enox, Sanas, Louis Hérel, Rémi Ceillier, Vénot, Mayette
4 Apr. 1941 8
Ce qu'on pense de La Baguette Magique thoughts on the magazine by Hardy, Paul Monti, Borosko, Drioux, Odin, Bichsel
4 Apr. 1941 8
Une finale pour la Chasse aux pièces finale for miser's dream, production of fake rabbits, followed by french translation "Finale zur Münzenjagd"
5 May 1941 1
A. Vantur Nouvelle Boite inépuisable production box, followed by german translation "Neue unerschöpfliche Schachtel"
5 May 1941 3
Harry Bertall Eureka rant on magicians who don't take magic seriously
5 May 1941 4
Harry Bertall Truc inédit pout les manipulations de cartes concave cut cards, tip for manipulation
5 May 1941 4
Harry Bertall, Steens Attaches Spirite two methods to escape from rope
5 May 1941 4
Robert "Robelly" Rouet Foulard changeant de couleurs with wand
Also published here
  • Robelly's "Trucs et Secrets"
5 May 1941 5
G. Gloria Ruban de Soie coupé er réparé ribbon is pulled through coin with two slits, cut and restored
5 May 1941 6
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Une Nouvelle Présentation de la Boite à la Carte different model and presentation for card box
5 May 1941 7
Ce qu'on pense de La Baguette Magique thoughts on the magazine by Weyeneth, Vitrey, Harlox, D'Hotel, Hervel, Mystix
5 May 1941 8
Au Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin on Paul Berney, Dokoly, Marc Sauty, Uty-Clowns, Bloodson
5 May 1941 8
Le Fabricant vous parle... promotion of products by Uty S.A.
5 May 1941 8
Voici 70 ans qu'est décédé le Maitre Robert-Houdin 70th death anniversary of Robert-Houdin, Méliès
6 June 1941 2
Harry Bertall Tour de foulards silks travel from one glass to another, Chevalier Ernst Torn
6 June 1941 3
Harry Bertall Deuxième procédé pour le papier déchiré et raccommodé
6 June 1941 3
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty M. G. Gloria biography with picture of G. Gloria
6 June 1941 4
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Ihre Chance selection is found at position of number made by removed matches from matchbox
6 June 1941 4
Hervel Apparition d'un bocal à poissons production of a fish bowl
6 June 1941 5
La mort du fakir on Carlos Garcias
6 June 1941 5
Dr. William Weyeneth Un de mes Trucs followed by german translation "Einer meiner Tricks", torn card is found restored between two coasters
6 June 1941 6
Alban's L'écriture de la parole named words appear on paper in envelope, presentation apparently using modern technique, wires etc.
6 June 1941 7
Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin on Odin, Zara, Bloodson, Marc Sauty, Jackson, Magicas, Nil'Ebu, Dikalo, Anderon's, Weyeneth, Saut, Bob Harry, picture of Zara
6 June 1941 8
La Baguette aux Nouvelles on Hervel, Enox, Stanley Jaks, Mayette, Harlox, Harry Bertall, A. Vantur, Seldow, Denice
6 June 1941 8
Dr. William Weyeneth Eureka, ich habs! Die Cigarettenschachtel als changieretui oder die Schachtel mit zwei Deckeln cigar box as switching device, followed by french translation "Eureka, j'ai trouvé! La boite à cigarettes pour échange ou une nouvelle boite à double fonds"
Related to 1 Jan. 1945 1
Lucky, Dr. William Weyeneth Neue Méthode eine Ladung in eine leere Kiste zu praktizieren loading a box without table, thread system from under jacket, followed by french translation "Nouvelle méthode pratique pour charger facilement une caissette"
1 Jan. 1945 3
Dr. William Weyeneth Vorwort intro to new series of La Baguette Magique / Der Zauberstab, followed by french translation "Editorial"
1 Jan. 1945 4
Ein seltenes Dokument on the first Swiss magic magazine "Cagliostro" by Adolphe Blind from 1879, followed by french translation "Un document rare"
1 Jan. 1945 5
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Schach den Wachsuggestoren on a book by Paul Heuzé "Fakirwesen, Charlatane und Aufschneider"
1 Jan. 1945 6
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty De Latorre biography of De Latorre, with more detailed french translation
1 Jan. 1945 7
Die, die uns verlassen Obituary of Emile Zemp, Noe, see page 16 for french version
1 Jan. 1945 9
La Baguette Magique on Bagret / Magus, Robelly, Bertall, Gaultier, followed by french translation
1 Jan. 1945 9
Der dubiose Fakir on Krikor Tahra-Bey, followed by french translation "Coucou, revoilà le fakir!"
1 Jan. 1945 10
Antonio Diavolo, le trapèziste with drawing of Robert-Houdin's Antonio Diavolo
1 Jan. 1945 11
Bengalis Manipulationas' Ecke on the size to use for billiard ball routines, followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs"
1 Jan. 1945 12
Lucky Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin on a public show in Geneva, Askaro, Boulens, Harry Bertall Sohn, Bengalis, Jan Nostran, Barbey, Trucks, Bodies, followed by french translation
1 Jan. 1945 13
Lucky Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin new board, followed by french translation
1 Jan. 1945 14
Bibliographie Magique
1 Jan. 1945 15
Dr. William Weyeneth Einige Original Tricks on tricks with magnets, followed by french translation "Quelques trucs originaux"
2 Mar. 1945 1
Dr. William Weyeneth Die Geldrolle finding marked coin among others in hat, followed by french translation "Le rouleau d'argent"
2 Mar. 1945 1
Dr. William Weyeneth Das verschwindende Geldstück coin vanishes on table, with handkerchief, followed by french translation "La pièce envolée"
2 Mar. 1945 2
Dr. William Weyeneth Anitras Tanz wooden doll starts to dance on plate, followed by french translation "Anitra, la danseuse"
2 Mar. 1945 3
Dr. William Weyeneth, Sala-Schnetzer Der magische Schlüssel drawn hook on paper is used to hang a key, followed by french translation "La clé magique"
Also published here 2 Mar. 1945 4
Dr. William Weyeneth Zündholzschachtel und Geldstück coin penetrates matchbox, followed by french translation "La boite d'allumettes et la pièce"
2 Mar. 1945 4
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty, Dr. William Weyeneth Fluidum coins and cigarette cling to deck of cards, followed by french translation "Fluide"
2 Mar. 1945 5
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Das magische Portrait von Rob. Houdin wand and ball cling on picture, followed by french translation "Le portrait magique de Robert-Houdin"
2 Mar. 1945 6
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Schach dem Wachsuggestoren on hypnotism
2 Mar. 1945 8
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty René Dante followed by french translation
2 Mar. 1945 9
Bengalis Manipulation's Ecke - Servanten und Fallöcher followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs - Les trappes et servantes"
2 Mar. 1945 11
Ein General als Zauberkünstler on Miles C. Dempsey, followed by french translation "Un géneral prestidigitateur"
2 Mar. 1945 12
Antonio Diavolo on Robert-Houdin's Antonio Diavolo, followed by french translation
2 Mar. 1945 13
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstab on A. Vantur, D'Hotel, Bovet, Bengalis, S'eigam, Paulus II, Prof. Harris, Ben Hit, Magirus, Rollys, Flow, Quarz, Kha Dna, Sauty, followed by french translation "La Baguette aux nouvelles"
2 Mar. 1945 14
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Les autorités de Suisse allemande commencent à se... réveiller! on public hypnotism shows in Switzerland, followed by french translation "Die Glaubwürdigkeiten vom deutscher Schweiz anfangen sich zu wecken!"
2 Mar. 1945 16
Dr. William Weyeneth Befreiung eines Ringes aus einem Seil ring penetrates rope, rope through jacket, hook, followed by french translation "Évasion d'un anneau noué sur une corde"
3 May 1945 1
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Die Tutenchamon Vase production of silks and vase from tubes, followed by french translation "La potiche de Tutankamon"
3 May 1945 3
Kope des Briefes des Generaljutanten der Armee an die Polizeidirektion on hypnotism in the army, Sabrenno and Weyeneth
3 May 1945 4
Gross Illusionen - Die zersägte Dame in der Kiste sawing a lady in half, followed by french translation "Les grandes illusions - La femme sciée dans une caisse"
3 May 1945 5
Tauben Dressur on how to train doves, followed by french translation "Dressage de pigeons"
3 May 1945 7
Dr. William Weyeneth Servanten und Fallöcher servante in table, followed by french translation "Les trappes et servantes"
3 May 1945 8
Bengalis Manipulation's Ecke card on face changes and card palmed in process, similar to Cardini change,followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs - La chiquenaude"
3 May 1945 9
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Schach dem Wachsuggestoren on pseudo-hypnotism, part three
  • Meine Vorträge
3 May 1945 10
Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie on Fridolini, Rex-Sauty, Blind, Onofrof, Latorre, Carlo Antonio. Harry Bertall Sohn, Robelly
3 May 1945 12
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstab on Harry Bertall, Agosta Meynier, André Bovet, Bengalis, S'cigam, Jonny, Gitina, Harlox, Dante, followed by french translation "La Baguette aux nouvelles"
3 May 1945 13
Lucky Cercle Suisse Robert Houdin on a public show in Geneva, with picture of the board March 1945
3 May 1945 14
A. Vantur Blitzartiges Verschwinden einer Blumenvase vase of flowers vanishes on table, followed by french translation "Disparition d'un vase de fleurs"
4 July 1945 2
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty, Dr. William Weyeneth Der Cigarettenspuck production of cigarettes in box, with idea by Weyeneth to vanish several cigarettes from cup under handkerchieffollowed by french translation "Tours de cigarettes
4 July 1945 4
Dr. William Weyeneth Kaertenkunststücke bold glimpse of bottom card during fan production from behind spectator's ear, followed by french translation "Tours de cartes"
Also published here 4 July 1945 6
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces, followed by french translation
Also published here 4 July 1945 7
Jean Nostram Die Bastel-Ecke - Ein moderner Zaubertisch design of table, followed by french translation "Le coin du constructeur - Un guéridon moderne"
4 July 1945 9
Clement de Lion, Bengalis Manipulation's Ecke interlocked production of ball, followed by french translation "Le coin des manipulateurs"
4 July 1945 10
Neuigkeiten des Zauberstabes on Conradi-Horster, Willy Widmann, Harry Job, Harry Bertall, Ben-Hit, Bujard, Moser, Stanley Jaks, Bovet, Bujard, Portus, Magirus, Great Marcel, Emile Isola, followed by french translation "La baguette aux nouvelles"
4 July 1945 11
Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Le Magicien, Louis Lam, Bengalis
4 July 1945 12
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Schach dem Wachsuggestoren on pseudo-hypnotists, Donato, Alberti, Jean Pickman
4 July 1945 14
Cercle Suisse Robert-Houdin
4 July 1945 15
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Ein unvergängliches Monumental-Werk by Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty
on Jules D'Hotel's "La Prestidigitation sans Bagages", followed by french translation "Un monument qui restera"
5 Sep. 1945 2
Wait Komisches Entree mit einem Kartenspiel deck rises from card case as gag, followed by french translation "Une nouvelle entrée pour un tour de cartes"
5 Sep. 1945 4
Dr. William Weyeneth Der Austausch-Becher cup with slit to steal billet, followed by french translation "Le gobelet magique"
5 Sep. 1945 5
A. Vantur Das drollige Seidentuch silk vanishes from paper cone and appears on back of spectator, using wand, followed by french translation "Le foulard facétieux"
5 Sep. 1945 7
La baguette aux nouvelles on Thot, Ben Aga, Sala, Johny-Darly, Hermano, Marseno, Sabrenno, german translation on p. 11.
5 Sep. 1945 9
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Die Blitz-Tüte making a paper cone with a zipper, followed by french translation "Le Cornet éclair"
5 Sep. 1945 10
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie on Méliès, Horace Hurm, Le Magicien, Bulletin Trimestriel du Club des Magiciens Bibliophiles", Le Journal de la Prestidigitation, Mayette
5 Sep. 1945 11
A. Vantur, G. Gloria Der Würfel als Chamöleon silk is placed on large die, silk and die change color several times, followed by french translation "Le dé caméléon"
6 Nov. 1945 2
Dr. Stanley Jaks Hellsehen mit einer Puderdose divination of word written on paper and sealed in box, followed by french translation "Clairvoyance d'une boite à poudre"
6 Nov. 1945 5
Der Taschenspieler on cover image of L'Escamoteur
6 Nov. 1945 6
Hervel Ein Verfahren zur Tücherfärbung silks change color in paper tube, using a chair servante, followed by french translation "Une teinture de foulards"
6 Nov. 1945 7
Dr. William Weyeneth Mit "Genial" using silk wonder, followed by french translation "Avec 'Genial'"
6 Nov. 1945 9
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Für den Barkeeper des Mephisto bottle to pour different drinks, followed by french translation "Pour le barman de Satan"
6 Nov. 1945 10
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty (reviewer) In Paris - Ein Phantastischer Gala-Abend on a show in Paris, October 19th 1945, Alma, Charly Carts, Marcalbert, Illusio, Geo Teros, Andreas, Roger Perrin, Mireldo, Al Carthy, Sana, Menito, Freddy Fah, Die Waltons, followed by french translation "A Paris - Un gala fantastique" 6 Nov. 1945 11
Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Annales de L'Illusion, G.R.M.T.C., Henk Vermeyden, Triks, Bujard, Sauty, D'Hotel
6 Nov. 1945 13
Kleine Nachrichten - Petites nouvelles on Max Mayette, Magirus, Jaks, Sauty, Josyl, Magirus, Nesty, Miltour, Jeandix, Caroly, D'Hotel, Méliès
6 Nov. 1945 15
Ehrentafel - Tableau d'honneur magicians who died or suffered in WWII, Miss Blanche, Louis Lam, Dr. Leonhard, Jacques Bombert, André Tallet
6 Nov. 1945 16
Dr. William Weyeneth Apparition spontanée d'une souris vivante dans la main production of living mouse, with paper tube, followed by german translation "Die lebendige Maus in der Freien Hand"
7 Jan. 1946 2
Dr. William Weyeneth Fabrication d'une cigarette dans la main paper and tabac transform into cigarette in fist, using pen, followed by german translation "Fabrikation einer Zigarette, frei in der Hand"
7 Jan. 1946 4
A. Vantur Divination d'une carte pensée divination of chosen King, using jumbo cards and gimmicked card, followed by german translation "Erraten einer gedachten Karte"
7 Jan. 1946 6
A. Vantur Disparition d'un verre plein de liquide filled glas vanishes under handkerchief, with assistant, followed by german translation "Verschwinden eines mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Glases"
7 Jan. 1946 8
Erix Claudius Odin on meeting Odin in Paris
7 Jan. 1946 10
Dr Vilmos Lénard with picture of Lénard, magicians in Germany during the war
7 Jan. 1946 11
Bibliographie Magique - Magische Bibliographie on Journal de la Prestidigitation, Le Magicien, Bulletin du Club des Magiciens Bibliophiles, Mac's Monthly, Triks, The Magic Wand, G.R.M.T., Annuaire Espagnol de Prestidigitation
7 Jan. 1946 13
Petites nouvelles - Kleine Nachrichten on Maxime Fulbert, Mayette, M. Alyett
7 Jan. 1946 14
Dr. William Weyeneth Un joli tour de cartes medium in other room finds three selection, lipstick used as daub, followed by german translation "Ein hübscher Kartentrick"
7 Jan. 1946 15
Dr. William Weyeneth Un truc de transmission de pensée signaling a playing card using a match, medium in other room, followed by german translation "Ein Kunstück der Gedankenübertragung"
8 Mar. 1946 2
Dr. William Weyeneth Disparition mystérieuse d'une carte dans une enveloppe card vanishes from envelope, followed by german translation "Geheimnisvolles verschwinden einer Karte aus einen Briefumschlag"
8 Mar. 1946 3
Alyett Le grand supplice illusion act, person is beheaded and interchanges with executioner, followed by german translation "Die grosse Qual"
8 Mar. 1946 5
Petites nouvelles - Kleine Nachrichten on Paulus, Charles Léonard, Erix, Hoepli
8 Mar. 1946 7
A. Vantur Apparition et passe-passe d'une colombe production of dove with paper cone and vanish in box, followed by german translation "Erscheinung und verschwinden einer Taube"
8 Mar. 1946 8
G. Gloria L'omelette au chapeau baking in a a hat, using pan, followed by german translation "Die Omelette mit dem Hut"
8 Mar. 1946 10
Bibliographie Magique on Robelly, Sauty, Mayette
8 Mar. 1946 15
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty La fée des frontièrs appearance of a person, two boxes designed as luggage, followed by german translation "Verbotene Zollpassage"
9 May 1946 2
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Dr. W. Weyeneth with front cover picture
9 May 1946 4
L'activité des sociétés suisse brief news of Swiss magic clubs, followed by german translation "Die Tätigkeit der Schweizer Gesellschaften"
9 May 1946 4
A. Vantur La carte imprimée sur le foulard silk in tube, chosen card turns blank in envelope, followed by german translation "Das Seidentuch mit aufgedruckter Karte"
Also published here 9 May 1946 5
Hervel Un tour amusant pour les petits et... les grands! rabbit, fruits and silks vanish and appear in box, followed by german translation "Ein unterhaltendes Kunststück für die kleinen... u. die Grossen!"
9 May 1946 7
Le radiotélephone de poche on the Walkie-Talkie, followed by german translation "Das Taschen-Radiotelephon"
9 May 1946 10
Alyett biography of Alyett / Alfred Auzet, with picture
9 May 1946 11
Bibliographie Magique on various magazines, Jean Joseph-Renaud's "Comment on devient illusioniste"
9 May 1946 13
Erix Remise du Livre d'Or de la "Prestidigitation sans Bagages" au Docteur DHotel on honoring Jules D'Hotel, Mayette, followed by german translation "Übergabe des Goldenen Buches der "Zauberkunst ohne Gepäck" an Doktor DHotel"
9 May 1946 14
Félicitations on A. Vantur, followed by german translation "Glückwünsche"
9 May 1946 15
Une exposition à Genève on a magic exhibition in Geneva by Rex-Sauty, followed by german translation "Eine Ausstellung in Genf"
9 May 1946 15
En Suisse on Paulus II, Andre Bovet, followed by german translation "In der Schweiz"
9 May 1946 15
Un congrès international de magie à Amsterdam announcement of magic convention in Amsterdam
9 May 1946 15
Dr. William Weyeneth Aussi fort qu'Inaudi multiplying a number with 16 digits, followed by german translation "So stark wie Inaudi"
Also published here 10 July 1946 2
A. Vantur La cabine spirite en miniature small spirit cabinet, different experiments with bell, slate etc., followed by german translation "Die spiritistische Kammer im Kleinen"
10 July 1946 4
Dr. William Weyeneth La carte choisie percée à travers un journal avec un couteau deck spread on table, covered with sheet of newspaper, followed by german translation "Der Paini-Trick in neuer Aufmachung"
10 July 1946 6
Dr. William Weyeneth, Hans "Severus" Ernst Disparition d'un petit foulard dans la main three knotted silks, silk in center vanishes from hand, followed by german translation "Neuer Tuchverschwindungs-Trick"
10 July 1946 8
Robert "Robelly" Rouet L'ombrelle aux foulards followed by german translation "Der Sonnenschirm mit den Seidentüchern"
10 July 1946 9
Victor Farelli Le Filage Grec ou la donne de la 2me main followed by german translation "Die griechische Filage der zweiten Karte"
  • First Exercise: Moving a Pair
  • Second Exercise: The Withdrawal
Also published here 10 July 1946 12
A. Vantur La vieux tour de dé au chapeau large die travels to hat, followed by german translation "Der alte Trick des Würfels im Hut"
11 Sep. 1946 2
Alyett Evasion d'une caisse emballage non truquée escape from box, followed by german translation "Flucht aus einer Packkiste die nicht vorbereitet ist"
11 Sep. 1946 4
Victor Farelli Le Filage Grec ou la donne de la 2me main followed by german translation "Die griechische Filage der zweiten Karte"
  • Third Exercise: Seizing the Second Card
  • Fourth Exercise: The "Swing"
Also published here 11 Sep. 1946 7
Oscar Niels A Amsterdam - Le Congrès International de Magie on the international convention in Amsterdam 1946, Vermeyden, Dr. Mannoury, van Wieringen, Ricardy, Willy Albert, Cardon, James Austin, Mystica (Fred Kaps), Marius & Mariette, Bizarro, Oorschot, Peter Piekos, Jean Valton, John Ramsay, Fleszky's, followed by german translation "In Amsterdam - Der internationale Kongress"
11 Sep. 1946 9
Bibliographie Magique on Robelly, Sardina, Rezvani, french magicians in Geneva
11 Sep. 1946 11
Dr. William Weyeneth Jack Stanley on Stanley Jaks moving to the USA
11 Sep. 1946 12
Genève s'inscrit pour organiser en 1948 le congrès international de magie on Geneva hosting the international magic convention in 1948, followed by german translation "Genf hat sich bereit erklärt in 1948 den internationalen Zauberkongress zu veranstalten"
11 Sep. 1946 12
Jean La Coquille (reviewer) A Genève critic on show by the Cercle Suisse des Prestidigitatuers from Geneva, Scigam, Bob Harry, G. D. Trucs, Hixe, Nostram, Pinsonnet 11 Sep. 1946 13
On Proteste on a radio show explaining tricks, followed by german translation "Man protestiert"
11 Sep. 1946 14
Ogé (reviewer) À l'Académie Suisse de Magie on a public show by Rex-Sauty, Bengalis, Roger Perrin, Rama & Ravana, Lucky, followed by german translation "In der Schweizer Zauber-Akademie" 11 Sep. 1946 15
Dr. William Weyeneth Petits Trucs tips on grip, followed by german translation "Kleine Winke!"
11 Sep. 1946 16
A. Vantur Le crâne mystérieux skull answers questions on table, then it floats under handkerchief and vanishes, followed by german translation "Der mysteriöse Totenkopf"
12 Nov. 1946 2
A Genève on Leopold II visiting L'Académie Suisse de Magie, german translation on p. 8.
12 Nov. 1946 3
Alyett Le Mystère de Brahme two person transposition, one behind curtain other with costume, followed by german translation "Das Geheimnis von Brahmanen"
12 Nov. 1946 4
De Passage on Miss Madge, Rama & Ravana performing in Switzerland
12 Nov. 1946 5
Le Voila! note on the Walkie-Talkie, german translation on p. 8.
12 Nov. 1946 5
Jack Miltour La boite d'allumettes magnétisée matchbox balanced on back of hand, opens and closes by itself, different model, followed by german translation "Die magnetisierte Zündholzschachtel"
12 Nov. 1946 6
G. Gloria Le ruban de papier déchiré et raccommodé torn and restored paper ribbon, with production of doves climax, several methods, followed by german translation "Das Seidenpapierband zerrissen und wieder hergestellt"
Related to 12 Nov. 1946 9
A. Vantur La pièce qui disparait au pli du pantalon coin vanishes in fold of trouser followed by german translation "Das Geldstück welches in der Falte der Hose verschwindet"
12 Nov. 1946 14
1947 Congrès International de Magie à Paris announcement of international convention in Paris, followed by german translation "1947 Internationalen magischen Kongress in Paris"
12 Nov. 1946 15
Dr. William Weyeneth La carte dans la pomme de terre miniature card of freely chosen selection is found in potato, followed by german translation "Die Karte in der Kartoffel"
13 Jan. 1947 2
Jack Miltour La Roue fan flourish, cards move in circular motion, followed by german translation "Das Rad"
13 Jan. 1947 4
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty La cigarette imperméable cigarette placed in water can still be smoked, followed by german translation "Die wasserdichte Zigarette"
13 Jan. 1947 6
A Lausanne on Harris Clavel, Jeandix, Paulus I, Paulus II, Magirus, Cornu, Robelly, Sauty
13 Jan. 1947 6
G. Gloria Le ruban de papier déchiré et raccommodé torn and restored paper ribbon, several more methods (two from "The Tops", followed by german translation "Das Seidenpapierband zerrissen und wieder hergestellt"
Related to 13 Jan. 1947 7
Jack Miltour (reviewer) A l'Académie suisse de magie on a show with Freddy Fah in Geneva, Sauty, Akira, Ben Aria, Portus. followed by german translation "In der Académie suisse de magie" 13 Jan. 1947 13
Jack Miltour (reviewer) Le jeu de Gobelets by Alma 13 Jan. 1947 15
Dr. William Weyeneth Présentation nouvelle et humoristique d'une carte choisie selection is found using wooden snake, followed by german translation "Neue und humoristische Art eine gewählte Karte zu finden"
Also published here 14 Mar. 1947 2
G. Gloria Une Entrée - Comment je présente le tour de la canne aux foulards routine with vanishing cane, cane changes to silks and when placed in hat silks change into flowers, followed by german translation "Ein Auftritt - Wie ich den Trick mit dem Stock und den Tüchern vorführe"
14 Mar. 1947 4
D'Amérique on a note by Stanley Jaks, performing for President Truman, followed by german translation "von Amerika
14 Mar. 1947 5
Jack Miltour Parlons muscades on making balls for cups and balls, followed by german translation "Etwas über die Kügelchen"
14 Mar. 1947 6
La psychologie de la prestidigitation newspaper clipping from 1893 on the psychology of magic, Binet, Méliès, Arnould, Raynaly, followed by german translation "Die Psychologie der Zauberkunst"
14 Mar. 1947 7
Dr. William Weyeneth Un nouveau filage card switch, card picked up from table, followed by german translation "Ein neues auswechseln einer Karte"
14 Mar. 1947 9
Ottokar Fischer Le point d'interrogation card on stand changes to five cards with numbers, sum of chosen numbers, followed by german translation "Das Fragezeichen"
14 Mar. 1947 11
Jack Miltour La carte retournée entre deux cartes choisies spectator revolves one card behind back, chosen cards by spectator and performer are found next to reversed card, followed by german translation "Die umgekehrte Karte zwischen zwei gewählten Karten"
Inspired by
  • Jules D'Hotel "La Prestidigitation sans Bagages" trick nr. 339.
14 Mar. 1947 13
Congrès magique international de Paris announcement of international convention in Paris, followed by german translation "Internationaler magischer Kongress in Paris"
14 Mar. 1947 15
Un miracle? newspaper article from "La Suisse" on Mirin Dajo, followed by german translation "Das Wunder"
15 May 1947 2
A. Vantur Voyage de balles balls vanish from aquarium and appear in hat, balls with spring, followed by german translation "Wandernde Bälle"
15 May 1947 4
A. Vantur La fée des fleurs flowers and person appear in large vase, mirror illusion, followed by german translation "Die Blumenfee"
15 May 1947 6
Jack Olten La bague s'enfilant sur un crayon à travers un mouchoir ring on pencil under handkerchief, followed by german translation "Ein Ring wird durch ein Taschentuch über einen Bleistift gestülpt"
Also published here 15 May 1947 9
Jack Miltour L'artiste suisse Sandoz rend une femme invisible on a newspaper article from "Ici, Paris Hebdo" abou Edouard-Marcel Sandoz and his productions of phantasmagorias, followed by german translation "Der schweizer Künstler Sandoz macht eine Frau unsichtbar"
15 May 1947 11
Chung Ling Soo on a bad newspaper article about Soo
15 May 1947 14
Jack Miltour (reviewer) Bibliographie Magique by Lambda
on Lambda's "Illusions et Désillusions"
15 May 1947 15
A. Vantur Les trois boules équilibristes balancing three balls on a wand, followed by german translation "Die drei gleichgewichthaltenden Kugeln"
16 1947 2
Tréborix Divination de pions checkers with numbers on one side, checkers are moved and number is divined, followed by german translation "Altes Trick in neuer Fassung"
16 1947 4
Dr. William Weyeneth Tour de clairvoyance four cards wrapped in pieces of paper, performer finds selection, marking system for paper, followed by german translation "Hellsehtrick"
16 1947 6
Dr. William Weyeneth Un drôle de calcul mathematical procedure, total tells amount of siblings etc., same calculation as "Ein interessantes Problem", followed by german translation "Ein eigenartiges Rechenbeispiel"
Related to 16 1947 7
Jack Miltour La bague et la pièce prisonnières coin in handkerchief penetrates finger ring, followed by german translation "Der Ring und das gefangene Geldstück"
16 1947 8
Dr. William Weyeneth La bague qui passe à travers le doigt ring penetrates finger under handkerchief, with gaff, followed by german translation "Der Fingerring der den Finger durchdringt"
16 1947 10
Dr. William Weyeneth (reviewer) Une soirée avec Valentino Graziadei on a performance by Graziadei, followed by german translation "Ein Abend bei Valentino Graziadei" 16 1947 11
Jean La Coquille A Paris - Le congrès international des prestidigitateurs on the international convention in Paris 1947, Niberco, Jean Valton, Rogello, Borosko, Zano, D'Hotel, Alfred Chapuis, Mayette, Miltour, Crosa, Magirus, Nesty, Paulus, followed by german translation "Der internationale Kongress in Paris 1947"
17 Oct. 1947 2
Mirin Dajo n'est pas invulnérable... on Mirin Dajo, followed by german translation "Das Geheimnis der Klinge"
17 Oct. 1947 6
Roger Perrin Les as... censeurs Aces on table travel up ands down in the deck, followed by german translation "Die wandernden Asse"
17 Oct. 1947 8
Jean Plaine Un prestidigitateur oublié on Talamas, followed by german translation "Vergessene Grössen der Zauberkunst"
17 Oct. 1947 9
Jack Miltour (reviewer) Les "erreurs" de Harry-Houdini by Maurice Sardina 17 Oct. 1947 11
Jack Miltour (reviewer) Toto, Corbeau savant, Comment je l'ai dressé by Barini 17 Oct. 1947 11
Harry Lançon Buatier de Kolta
18 Dec. 1947 2
Dr. William Weyeneth Amélioration d'un vieux truc two methods to apply alcohol on envelope to glimpse card, followed by german translation "Verbesserung eines alten Trick"
18 Dec. 1947 7
Jack Miltour (reviewer) Cours Magica. La prestidigitation pour tous by Robert Veno 18 Dec. 1947 9
Alyett Un grand truc des Folies-Bergères à Paris stage illusion, large pool with water where people enter and exit
18 Dec. 1947 10
Petites nouvelles on Lucky, Miltour
18 Dec. 1947 11
Dr. William Weyeneth Comment le fait-il? cards placed inside hat are divined, followed by german translation "Wie macht er das?
19 Jan. 1948 2
Lausnane 1948 on the international convention 1948 in Lausanne, first news
19 Jan. 1948 3
Dr. William Weyeneth Gagnez vos paris coin in bottle filled with water is removed under handkerchief without spilling, followed by german translation "Um Ihre Wette zu gewinnen"
19 Jan. 1948 5
Jack Miltour Apparition d'un verre de lait milk appears in glass, using two tubes, followed by german translation "Erscheinung eines Milchglases"
19 Jan. 1948 6
Dr. William Weyeneth La Momie voltigeante mummy floats in little box and vanishes, followed by german translation "Das Geheimnis der Mumie"
Also published here 19 Jan. 1948 7
Robert "Robelly" Rouet Le Bol de Fleurs flowers appear in bowl, followed by german translation "Der Blumentopf"
19 Jan. 1948 10
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli, F. de Rambouillet Magie two poems on magic
19 Jan. 1948 11
Alois Birrer La physique au service de la magie tricks using physical principles, followed by german translation "Neue physikalische Erkenntnisse im Dienste der Magie"
  • Apparition d'une carte choisie
  • Radar
  • La cuisine dans un carton
  • Cuire des oeufs au plat sur de la glace
20 Mar. 1948 2
Alfred Chapuis Les automates dans les oeuvres d'imagination
20 Mar. 1948 7
Jack Miltour Roger Perrin with picture on cover
20 Mar. 1948 8
Michel Francis La Baguette élastique wand appears in mouth of assistant, followed by german translation "Der elastische Zauberstab"
20 Mar. 1948 9
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2021.