the "pass" again \n bottom cover pass \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The "Pass" Again
the kings and tens \n transpo of kings in middle of deck and tens on top, joker on bottom as convincer of no manipulation, uses above pass \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The Kings and Tens
the e. v. semi-circular color change \n card stolen from back of deck into gambler’s flat palm type of grip and deposited on face \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The E. V. Semi-Circular Color Change
a colour change card effect \n three selections, indifferent card is changed into first selection which is changed into second and then third \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
A Colour Change Card Effect
reverse back-slip \n card is slipped off bottom onto face of top half, used to make top half’s face card change, delayed change and instantaneous change \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Reverse Back-slip
method of reversing the bottom card \n as deck is placed into left hand, for application see reference \n edward victor \n “face to face” pack effects (first method) \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Method of Reversing the Bottom Card
Related to
a move for the “rising cards” (sleight of hand method) \n wrong card rises from deck changes into selection, finger pushes cards up from back, for applications see references \n edward victor \n “face to face” pack effects (first method) \n edward victor \n “face to face” pack effects (second method) \n edward victor \n the cards and handkerchief effect \n edward victor \n visual change no. 1 - the sweep change \n jack carpenter \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
A Move for the “Rising Cards” (Sleight of Hand Method)
Related toVariations
“face to face” pack effects (first method) \n deck is openly “faced,” card rises out of deck, magician reinserts it reversed and it slowly lowers back into deck, deck is all facing same way, (note: fig. 9 is audience’s view) \n edward victor \n method of reversing the bottom card \n edward victor \n a move for the “rising cards” (sleight of hand method) \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
“Face to Face” Pack Effects (First Method)
Related to
“face to face” pack effects (second method) \n deck is “faced” in telescoped condition, face cards of each half are noted, one half reverses to face same way as other half, face cards verified as still the same \n edward victor \n a move for the “rising cards” (sleight of hand method) \n edward victor \n the static vector change \n jon racherbaumer
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
“Face to Face” Pack Effects (Second Method)
Related toVariations
a "fan" card change \n wrong card found is changed into selection \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
A "Fan" Card Change
key card – spring glimpse \n top half is squeezed to be sprung and bottom card is sighted \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Key Card – Spring Glimpse
spread switch \n card isolated in spread is pulled by fingers to the right and left thumb pushes out next card, see next trick for another application \n edward victor \n the alpha control \n larry jennings \n spread switch \n bobby bernard \n justin higham
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Spread Switch
Related toVariations
a “quick” reversed card trick \n selection reverses itself in deck twice \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
A “Quick” Reversed Card Trick
one-handed top card reverse \n under cover \n unknown
1940 ca.
One-handed Top Card Reverse
face-up spread switch \n switch a face-down card in face-up spread, related to "spread switch" p. 23 \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Face-up Spread Switch
a false “riffle shuffle” \n \n unknown \n second method \n unknown \n victor's false shuffle \n edward victor
1940 ca.
A False “Riffle Shuffle”
Related toAlso published here
the cards and handkerchief effect \n two selections rise through handkerchief, two selections “shaken” through as in standard \n edward victor \n a move for the “rising cards” (sleight of hand method) \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The Cards and Handkerchief Effect
Related to
multiple card palm behind handkerchief \n brief, palm covered by handkerchief being shaken by both hands \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Multiple Card Palm Behind Handkerchief
card through handkerchief – two cards \n setup to allow two cards to pass through one at a time \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Card Through Handkerchief – Two Cards
rising card gag \n card retreats back down into deck because spectator “stopped think of his card” \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Rising Card Gag
the four mental cards \n spectator thinks of one of four cards that are returned to deck, whichever one he names, magician can produce it (top, bottom, reversed or pocket) \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The Four Mental Cards
side-jog to break \n left thumb pushes over top card of lower half so break can be taken beneath it when top half is replaced \n unknown
1940 ca.
Side-jog to Break
back-slip cut \n brief \n unknown
1940 ca.
Back-slip Cut
card reverse in middle \n bold, under cover of body turn \n unknown
1940 ca.
Card Reverse in Middle
memory tips \n a few tips to easily memorize four cards instantly \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Memory Tips
the sense of touch \n magician divines card by merely touching the packet \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The Sense of Touch
”sighting” a card in the pack \n selection is second from bottom, bottom card is glided back to get glimpse, bottom cover card is “convincer” for audience \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
”Sighting” A Card in the Pack
control card to second from bottom \n obtain break below top card of left spread, selection on bottom of right spread, square deck and pass to break \n unknown
1940 ca.
Control Card to Second from Bottom
the magnetized cards (sleight of hand method) \n 24 cards are built into giant fan in one hand and stick, un-gimmicked \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The Magnetized Cards (Sleight of Hand Method)
a restored tape and ring effect \n borrowed ring tied to end of ribbon, ribbon cut in center and tied back together, knot vanishes and ribbon is restored while spectator is wearing ring, “introducing a novel principle” \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
A Restored Tape and Ring Effect
the chinese rings - author’s original method of presentation \n eight-ring routine,
“two advantages in the method here described are:
- (1) that each ring is examined by the audience as the effect proceeds, before it is linked on to another.
- (2) that the first half of the effect is performed without making use of the “key” ring, thus permitting the handing out of every ring for examination at a point half way through the trick.” \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
The Chinese Rings - Author’s original method of presentation
move 1. (linking two rings.) \n single ring is lowered to stack of rings in hand and in continuous motion is swapped for ring that is already linked to another \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 1. (Linking two rings.)
move 2. (linking three rings.) \n similar to move 1, but ring appears to link onto bottom ring of two-ring chain \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 2. (Linking three rings.)
move 3. (unlinking three rings.) \n - chain of three is swapped for single ring and chain of two
- subtlety that it is still linked, then show unlink
- chain of two swapped for two singles, then unlink \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 3. (Unlinking three rings.)
move 4. (“matter through matter”.) \n false knot tied around ring with handkerchief \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 4. (“Matter through matter”.)
move 5. (“do as i do.”) \n classic “rotary”-movement link \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 5. (“Do as I do.”)
move 6. (linking five rings.) \n two linked rings in hand are linked to three-ring chain in other \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 6. (Linking five rings.)
move 7. (the travelling ring.) \n top ring of chain is dragged down through all rings and is unlinked at bottom \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 7. (The travelling ring.)
move 8. (a bunch of keys.) \n all rings linked onto one ring, all rings are apparently shown separate to end \n edward victor
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Move 8. (A bunch of keys.)
note (on routine) \n closing thoughts about routine, refers to reference \n edward victor \n the chinese rings \n mademoiselle patrice
1940 ca.
Edward Victor
Note (on routine)
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