Written by Hervé Pigny
Work of Claude Rix
144 pages (Hardcover), published by Mayette Magie Moderne
Illustrated with drawings by Hervé Pigny
Language: French
78 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Dominique Duvivier Note de l'éditeur
Gaëtan Bloom L'Arme Fatale... ou Bonjour les "Amis"!!!
Gaëtan Bloom "L'Opticien Aux P'tits Soins" Le Fruit D'Or de Montaneuf
Claude Rix Introduction
Hervé Pigny Préambule
Claude Rix Constitution d'un chapelet on different memorized decks
Claude Rix Le chapelet de référence Claude Rix memorized deck
Claude Rix Propriétés du chapelet modèle methods to go from Claude Rix stack into Vernon's Poker Demonstration, a spelling routine, a sucker trick and Guy Lammertyn's oil and water
  • Adaption de la routine de Dai Vernon
  • Routine de cartes épelées
  • L'erreur réparée
  • La routine de l'huile et l'eau de Guy Lammertyn
Inspired by 15
Louis Gombert Le chapelet numéroté on memorizing a deck with 32 cards
Also published here
  • in "Le Prestidigitateur" February 1929.
Claude Rix Comment s'entrainer? how to learn a memorized deck
Louis Gombert Le chapelet numéroté (suite)
  • "Classement" (method to stack deck in the hands)
Louis Gombert Divination packet is removed, amount of cards and card identities are divined
Louis Gombert La carte au nombre
Louis Gombert Les cartes en poche cards placed in various pockets, named cards are quickly produced
Louis Gombert Les cartes à la commande producing named cards, cards on demand
Louis Gombert Les cartes au chapeau spectator rings ball at moment when named card is placed inside a hat
Claude Rix Comment apprendre son chapelet on how to learn a memorized deck
Claude Rix Chapelet et mnémotechnique learning a memorized deck with mnemotechnique
Claude Rix Légende
Claude Rix Le Tour inexpliqué two decks, two cards at same position
Related to 26
Claude Rix Carte au nombre with two decks, stack and force
Claude Rix Le tour impossible - jeu normal two cards are divined
Claude Rix La poignée de cartes - 1ère variante packet is removed, amount of cards and card identities are divined
Claude Rix La partie de cartes imaginaire packet is cut and card remembered, all cards from packet are divined ending with selection
Claude Rix La Poignée de cartes... en couleur packet is removed from deck, performer names all cards from chosen color
Claude Rix La poignée de cartes pour 2 spectateurs two packets are removed, identities are divined
Related to 35
Claude Rix Le jeu marqué marking system for memorized deck
Claude Rix Le tour impossible avec jeu marqué divination of selection
Claude Rix Le tour impossible jeu rouge jeu bleu two spectators select the same card from two decks
Claude Rix Le tour impossible avec 4 paquets spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined
Related to 41
Claude Rix Le tour impossible avec 4 paquets sans connaitre l'ordre des cartes spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined, without memorized deck
Claude Rix Le tour indescriptible spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined by apparently looking through table, fourth card is divined by spectator who sees card under the table
Claude Rix Epelinternationale marking system for spelling cards of memorized deck
Claude Rix, Edouard-Joseph Raynaly Les 6 cartes ou le tour de Raynaly pack is divided in six groups and six people think of a card in each packet, deck placed inside pocket and when first card is named performer removes it from pocket, other cards are divined à la Princess Card Trick
Inspired by
  • trick by Raynaly in "L'Illusioniste" March & April 1910.
Claude Rix Les 6 cartes sans change de jeu using deck with duplicates
Claude Rix Les 6 cartes troisième version ou le "Claude Rix Invisible Gimmick" pack is divided in six groups and six people think of a card in each packet, cards are divined
Claude Rix Cartes à la commande named cards are produced from deck, various methods
Related to 57
Claude Rix Les cartes en poche cards from shuffled deck are placed in various pockets and named cards are removed quickly
Claude Rix 4ème... effet et 4ème prédiction predictions written on nested envelopes, in last envelope is odd card
Inspired by
  • Richard Vollmer's "Topsy Turvy" in "Tours de cartes automatiques - Tome 1"
Claude Rix Vous êtes formidables! using a deck with numbers, numbers chosen match condition of shuffled deck
Claude Rix Je suis formidable! deck is memorized and named numbers or cards are known by performer
Claude Rix Le chapelet au nombre cards with numbers on backs
Claude Rix, Medjid Kan Rezvani Le chapelet aux dessins picture stack based on memorized stack
Claude Rix Les cloches de Nuremberg glass attached to string produces sound and divines position of named number, and is used to divine chosen card, calendar and second deck used for additional phase
Claude Rix CarteS auX nombreS two decks and three cards
Claude Rix, Hervé Pigny La coupe inversée various ideas with the inverse stack placement
Related to 74
Claude Rix Le réveil cards are dealt on table, alarm clock starts when named card is dealt
Claude Rix Encore le réveil! cards are dealt on table, alarm clock starts when named card is dealt, with additional prediction, Fred
Inspired by 77
Hervé Pigny Le dernier réveil! cards are dealt on table, alarm clock starts when chosen card is dealt, with two decks
Claude Rix Téléphone card is divined using a fake mobile phone, multiple phases
Claude Rix Triumphallaieux triumph using a memorized deck, variation where triumph and birthday book are combined
Claude Rix Tarot/Faces all backs change to all faces then to normal deck
Claude Rix Le jeu qui change de couleur
Claude Rix, Guy Lammertyn Plus qu'un change de jeu cased deck secured with rubber bands, chosen card appears in balloon
Hervé Pigny Biseaux-futés sandwich routine with several shuffles, ends in stacked deck
Claude Rix, Hervé Pigny Le jeu qui disparait all cards but thought of selection turn blank
Hervé Pigny Le jeu Hautes Phréquences! long-short deck with pairs that fit together
Inspired by 97
Dr. Zina Bennett Stabbing 1 carte with named card, deck in paper
Related to 99
Claude Rix Subtilité pour magiciens et profanes stabbing routine repeated, using memorized deck and faro shuffle
Claude Rix Stabbing suite. ou le tour qui trompa stabbing two selections, half forcing stack and memorized deck
Claude Rix Mutus
Claude Rix Les rouges et les noires - 1ère version - 1ère méthode performer is blindfolded, separates red and black cards
Claude Rix Les rouges et les noires - 1ère version - 2ème méthode reference to Curry's Out of This World as follow-up to previous routine, without explanation
Claude Rix, Maurice Gauthron Les rouges et les noires - 2ème version card to pocket with shuffled deck, then performer separates red and black cards
Claude Rix Challenge... spectator shuffles, chains
Claude Rix Challenge variante spectator shuffles
Claude Rix Subtilités avec Faro notes on faro an memorized deck
Claude Rix Pour magiciens et profanes with stooge
Hervé Pigny Rain man card is removed and with a quick look through the cards named by the performer
Also published here 113
Claude Rix Et avec une partenaire name of chosen card appears on arm of assistant
Claude Rix Toujours avec une partenaire... assistant predicts three cards, deck is cut to select cards
Claude Rix Adaption d'une routine de Marlo-Cornélius four spectator cut to card and remember it, three divined by performer and one by spectator
Inspired by 121
Claude Rix Variante en rouge et bleu with two decks, three chosen cards are divined
Claude Rix Le tour "estoupouflant..." three packets cut, cards are divined
Claude Rix La sibylle des salons... mixture of different routines, Fred, birthday book and other coincidences
Claude Rix Idées en vrac ideas with the memorized deck
Claude Rix Le Joker têtu with two spectators, one is able to spell values other is not
Claude Rix Bibliographie
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, June 2021.