Written by Nick Trost
Work of Nick Trost
16 pages (Stapled), published by Trik-Kard Specialties
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
18 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Nick Trost Introduction
Nick Trost Numerology simple ten-twenty force
Nick Trost Deuces Wild selection put between red Twos, it changes into another card and is found between black Twos in deck
Nick Trost Ace to Five - The Easy Method last card changes color
Also published here 3
Nick Trost Five in a Row
Also published here 4
Nick Trost Mystic Five selection found with number five, then five hands dealt and spectator receives four Fives
Nick Trost Significator Five-Spot Significator Five-Spotface-up five used to count to selection, counted cards are the four Aces
Also published here 6
Nick Trost Oil & Aces 4&4
Inspired by 7
Nick Trost Quick Vanishing Card card vanishes from small packet, Gardner like
Also published here 7
Charles Hudson Gathering of the Court Cards - Improved Version
Also published here 8
Nick Trost Four and One Trick mystic nine with five cards
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Four and One Trick" (Linking Ring, July 1957)
Nick Trost Pop-Up Card card pops out as deck is dropped into case
Nick Trost Double-Take Card Change simplified version
Inspired by 11
Nick Trost Saturday Aces
Nick Trost The Same Card unknown card is put reversed in deck, it turns out to be later selection
Nick Trost Significator Cards spectator cuts off a pile, remembers the bottom card and shuffles the pile reversed in the rest, four random cards are used to divine the selection
Also published here 14
Nick Trost Togetherness two cards chosen with poke, spectator's cut to the cards
Nick Trost Hamman's Aces and Kings transposition, then follow the leader
Inspired by 16
Data entered by Denis Behr, August 2021.