Written by Glenn G. Gravatt, Jean Hugard
Work of Various
403 pages (Hardcover), published by D. Robbins & Co., Inc.
Illustrated with drawings by Nelson Hahne
Language: English
732 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann Rider Back One-Way Feature probably for older runs
A Thought Card Prodigy spectator takes three cards and thinks of one of them which is found, one-way backs, OOSOOM
The Five Senses five card location, one-way backs
Charles T. Jordan Premo Detection one-way backs, alternating
Related toVariationsAlso published here 143
Theodore Annemann Thought in Person one of five, one-way backs, OOSOOM
Theodore Annemann Think Stop one-way backs
The Deck That Isn't for insiders, one-way backs with red in one way and black the other
Charles T. Jordan Twentieth Century Sorcery exploiting special feature on back of Bicycle Blue Thistle Backs
Also published here 145
Theodore Annemann The Four Pile Location one-way backs
Theodore Annemann The Cut Pack Location one-way backs
Theodore Annemann A Card is Found Once More one-way backs
Related to 147
Theodore Annemann Odd or Even knowing whether a packet has an odd or even number of cards, alternating one-way backs
Related to 148
Theodore Annemann The Alternate Detection alternating one-way backs
Also published here 148
Theodore Annemann A New Kink method for reversing selection in one-way deck
Theodore Annemann Eight in a Row location from a packet, one-way backs
Garender's Unique Principle - One-Way Locations one-way decks with marks near edge
Second Card Location edge one-way backs
Long Distance Location edge one-way backs
The Super Spread edge one-way backs
U. F. Grant Simple Triple Location one-way backs
U. F. Grant No Dice removing cards from packet with certain values wins game, one-way backs
U. F. Grant The Vanishing Mirror Aces are found without looking at faces, apparently with mirror that vanishes, one-way backs
U. F. Grant The Marked Deck finding Aces in one-way deck, apparently marked
U. F. Grant The Fingerprint Discovery one-way backs
U. F. Grant Living and Dead Test with one-way playing cards
U. F. Grant A Count Down Discovery one-way backs
U. F. Grant Siamese Twins two selections come together in deck
Your Card, Your Number slip back count, one way deck
Slip Back Count
Elimination Extraordinary no-touch elimination process, card marked on back (one-way)
C. O. Williams Reading the Cards stacked one-way deck is riffle shuffled, yet order called out
Si Stebbins Si Stebbins Order
Wimborough Ne Plus Ultra Location divided one-way backs
Theodore Annemann One in Ten Detection performer finds out small thought-of number, one-way backs
Howard Albright Uni-Mentality free choice, but spectator takes out five cards with his selection, one-way backs
Theodore Annemann Challenge of the Year long distance location, one-way backs
Related toAlso published here 157
Card Location Supreme one-way backs that must not be set in one direction
Charles T. Jordan Hummer Detection one-way backs that must not be set in one direction, sorting during performance as deck is dealt into two piles
VariationsAlso published here 159
Instant Mindreading
A Counter Location any card the spectator upjogs can be found, one-way key cards at intervals
Harry Vosburgh A Principle in Disguise divided one-way backs
Inspired by 160
William Larsen The Perfect Guesser performer knows whether cut-to card is red or black, one-way alternating
Related toAlso published here 160
Theodore Annemann Red or Black one-way backs
Related to 161
Charles T. Jordan Transcendental Vision stacked, one-way backs, "do you see a card of the same value in this pile?"
Also published here 161
U. F. Grant Find the Lady one-way backs
U. F. Grant Call Me Up Sometime four cards are placed next to Queens
Theodore Annemann A Miracle out-of hand selection, one-way back
U. F. Grant Thought Transference assistant names selection when he returns into room, code with one-way cards
U. F. Grant Say When three cards at three numbers in fifteen-card packet, using hat, one-way backs
Howard Albright The Drunk Plays Bridge you get all spades, one-way backs
Also published here 164
Charles T. Jordan Incomprehendo stacked, one-way backs
Tom Sellers The One-Way Key
One-Way Decks some information dated
  • Rider Backs
  • Emblem Backs
  • Wheel Backs
  • League Backs
  • Bank Not Back
Walter B. Gibson Simplified Reverse
Wimborough Upside Down mentally selected card of four turns over in deck
Variations 167
U. F. Grant U Bite oops control
Louis Haley The Haley Reversed Card
Also published here 169
U. F. Grant Sure Locator locator card turns over
In the Dark divining card through handkerchief
Behind the Back card located behind back, reversed key card
Variations 170
Under Cover card rises under handkerchief
Coincidence two cards turned over, in second deck same two cards are found turned over
The Reverse "Count-Down" Trick faced deck, banded deck
French's Extraordinary Aces faced deck, banded deck
Charles T. Jordan Weirdo spectator names number, card at that position is predicted, repeated, for credit information see reference, mis-spelled "Wierdo"
Related toAlso published here 173
A Prediction mathematical procedure
Charles T. Jordan Long Distance Mindreading stacked deck mailed to friend with selection procedure, crib sheet at home
William Larsen Two Card Location two selections come together in deck
Also published here 175
Walter B. Gibson Improved Super Memory apparently twenty selections and their positions are remembered
Variations 175
Stewart Judah Spectator's Choice Tantalizer deal with thirty-two cards, two selections by both spectator and performer, spectator choses which one remain after dealing procedure
Related toAlso published here 176
Mentalo card at random position is found at position twenty with bold miscounting
Related to 177
Knock Out Counting Trick selection via counting to a secret number and counting again later
A Card and A Number Automatic Placement procedure
Projected Thought matrix dealing with thought of card and prediction of card and its position with prediction index
Donald Holmes Ne Plus Ultra five cards controlled to known positions via dealing procedure
Howard Albright Uni-Mentality two methods
Easy Card Divination
Charles T. Jordan Hourglass Cards time on watch gives position of card, placement via dealing procedure and only performed at certain times
Also published here 181
Frank Lane Easy Card Discovery selection found via card counting
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Keystone Card Discovery two numbers named, predicted card is found at position equal to the difference between the two numbers after two failed count-downs, actually Jordan's?!
Related to 182
Assistance Card Trick card counting location
The 52 Card Trick thought-of card ends up at named number up to thirteen, matrix dealing elimination process
Charles T. Jordan The Magi's Detection card counting to divine missing selection, keeping track of values and also suits
Related toAlso published here 183
Charles T. Jordan The Flush Trick from underneath handkerchief performer removes any royal flush, mixing procedure
Also published here 184
Ralph W. Hull, Nelson Hahne Modernism in Mentalism crude OOSOOM, one of nine
Four to One Detection "which row is your card in?" with strange dealing pattern
A Psychic Card Feat after some calculations the spectator selects a card that the performer divines
Al Baker Out on Location
Also published here 186
Coincidence Extraordinary piles are made, number of cards in a pile is divined, mathematical
Related to 187
Rolland Hamblen Necromantic Calculation
Inspired by 187
Jean Hugard Presentation comments on handling a prearranged deck
Switching the Deck - 1. during trick in which cards are felt with fingertips in pocket
Switching the Deck - 2. during trick in which cards are felt with fingertips in pocket
Al Baker Switching the Deck - 3. Al Baker's Method No. 1 pocket work
Related to 190
Al Baker Switching the Deck - 4. Al Baker's Method No. 2 during trick in which cards are felt with fingertips in pocket
A Moving Revelation Row of Ten Cards
Also published here 190
Divining Deck chosen card indicates position of selection
Related to 191
Ziska The Transposed Cards number of cut off cards is divined by value of a card, set-up
Related to 192
Stewart Judah The Circle of Cards selection and number of counted cards are divined, set-up
Related to 192
Rolland Hamblen A Trick Without a Clue selection and number of counted cards are divined, set-up
Related toVariations 193
Al Baker Eyes All Round a selected card indicates the number of pocketed cards, repeat, set-up
Also published here 193
Count Your Cards some cards are counted down and then selection is found, set-up
Variations 194
Pythagoras number of cards transferred from top to bottom is divined, Row of Ten Cards, set-up
Arthur H. Buckley Knock 'Em Dead any card stopped at is predicted, alternating set-up and billet index
William Larsen Self Working Mystery spectator takes card and its value leads to previous selection, stripper deck
VariationsAlso published here 196
Charles T. Jordan Stop and Think odd/even system for divided deck
Also published here 196
Charles T. Jordan Novel Card Discovery odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
Also published here 197
Charles T. Jordan Improved Marvelous Prediction odd/even system for divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles, set-up in front of spectators by openly dealing into some heaps
Also published here 197
Charles T. Jordan Ready Reckoner spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many, divided deck
Also published here 198
Charles T. Jordan The Pair Detection spectator removes a pair from a packet, performer finds out which cards, card counting, Parallel Principle precursor
Also published here 198
Charles T. Jordan Dead Easy Location divided deck
Also published here 199
Charles T. Jordan Odd or Even spectator pockets any card of a chosen suit, gray code applied to odd-even in one suit
Charles T. Jordan The Wonder Force forcing the first red card in riffle shuffled deck, two methods
Related toAlso published here 200
Charles T. Jordan Psychic Prediction total of six selections predicted, stack that will force the number 27, riffle shuffle with chains
Also published here 200
Charles T. Jordan Prophesied Spot Total stack that will force the number 69
Also published here 201
Charles T. Jordan Cagliostro's Vision complicated key card placement with dealing of a chosen number of piles
Also published here 201
Charles T. Jordan Quadruple Deck Mystery odd-backed card lost in thick deck composed of three decks with dealing procedure, spectator reads off order and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 202
Charles T. Jordan Addition with Case cards dropped from under case onto deck
Also published here 202
Charles T. Jordan Mephistopheles' Touch divination with a stacked 32-card deck
VariationsAlso published here 203
Theodore Annemann Fair and Square suit rotation stack
Related to 203
Orville Wayne Meyer Your Card behind back you produce card of same suit and value as spectator's selection, Si Stebbins
Related to 204
Theodore Annemann One in Fourteen selection from cyclic set-up (Eight Kings, Si Stebbins, ...)
Charles T. Jordan The Fifteenth Card values of two selections are added and counted down, card predicted, half deck stack
Sensational Card Mystery spectators cut off piles and remember bottom card, all divined, full stack (here new deck order)
New X-Ray Trick full stack (here Eight Kings)
Shark Food stacked deck
Charles T. Jordan Thought Foretold a card of a chosen color is burnt unseen and then deck is examined - one card missing, it is predicted
VariationsAlso published here 207
Charles T. Jordan Mysterious Detective three spectators pocket cards, performer names them, stack that can be riffle shuffled once
Also published here 207
Dai Vernon Super Count Down thought-of number is dealt, performer finds it out, also with selection, red-black alternating set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 208
Charles T. Jordan Psycholia cards are chosen in different room and order is read aloud, card divined, secret second stacked deck
Also published here 209
Charles T. Jordan The Wizard's Dream free selection in riffle shuffled deck is found, full stack and interlocking chains
Also published here 210
Charles T. Jordan Diabolical Transposition two thought cards across with two decks, stacked
Also published here 210
Theodore Annemann Card Memory shuffled deck is memorized by performer
Related toAlso published here 211
Theodore Annemann Sensitive Thoughts deck divided in red and black, number named and card thought of from different halves, performer names card and position of them
Theodore Annemann Red and Blue Back Mixup two decks shuffled together and dropped in hat, six cards removed via named numbers, three matching pairs
Theodore Annemann Two Person Location two bottom cards code two selections to assistant in other room, stacked
Related to 213
Theodore Annemann Dual Sympathy one deck stacked
Related to 213
Theodore Annemann Another Sympathetic Mystery two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck, stacked, estimation, fishing
Related to 214
Theodore Annemann A Quaint Happening two decks, spectator selects card from one, performer finds duplicate in other deck by counting down value of selection
Related to 214
Theodore Annemann $1,000 Test Card Location stacked, risky
Related to 215
Howard Albright Seeing with the Finger Tips
  • No. 1 Lip Reading Test
  • No. 2 Here's Your Card
  • No. 3 The Master's Touch
three phases with stacked deck
Howard Albright Perfect Card Divination free thought of card, stacked, "has one of these the same value?"
Variations 217
Howard Albright Unique Telephone Test phone number and name of person are divined and respective cards with values found
Howard Albright Psychological Discernment method for presentation when you know card already
Another Impossibility one of ten, "is your card one of these?"
Charles T. Jordan Count the Cut spectator cuts off a packet, performer finds out how many by taking cards with the corresponding values from pocket, Si Stebbins
Also published here 219
Charles T. Jordan A Discard Trick two cards chosen by fair cuts, spectator deals into piles and left-over cards are keys for selections
Also published here 219
Charles T. Jordan Cremo Card Restoration card forced via spelling procedure, duplicate in deck
Charles T. Jordan Strange Coincidence coincidence with card values where two values add up to a third selection, stack that will force the number ten
Also published here 220
Theodore Annemann Premier Book Test using deck of cards to force page number, 14/15 stack
Related to 221
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines using deck of cards to force page number
Also published here 221
Theodore Annemann Fathomed Thought using deck of cards to force page number, Si Stebbins
Related to 223
Winning the Cut cutting the high card with spectator, stacked
Charles T. Jordan Wizard's Will using stacked deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 224
Dai Vernon Card Divination card thought of from twenty-six-card stack, multiple out location of card once it is named
Also published here 224
Charles T. Jordan Double Divino coincidences and mates with stacked hundred-card-deck, see also single deck version in reference
VariationsAlso published here 226
Charles T. Jordan The Missing Pair old new deck order (picture cards together, all others from Ace to Ten) deck dealt into four piles, spectator removes a value pair from any pile which is divined by performer
VariationsAlso published here 226
Charles T. Jordan Premier Card Discovery odd/even
Also published here 227
Frank Lane Location
A Simple Location thirteen cards of one suit together
William Larsen Out of Sight card chosen behind back from stacked deck, key card palmed and glimpsed
Also published here 228
William Larsen Prophesied Discovery using stack that forces number ten
Related toAlso published here 228
William Larsen From Another Pack forcing any King from set-up deck with counting procedure
Charles T. Jordan Divino various coincidences with mates, see also hundred-cards-deck version in reference
Related to 229
Williams' Card Trick card through handkerchief with fair selection and duplicate from index
Red or Black deck of all black cards becomes all red, face-up face-down alternating cards as impromptu rough-smooth principle
Excello Card Discovery suit rotation stack
Related to 231
Naming Chosen Card odd/even divided deck, spectator riffle shuffles
Theodore Annemann Psychic Card Test dressed up simple divination with two slates
Al Baker A Card and a Number number free, card forced from a second deck
Si Stebbins Mediumistic Stunt No. 1 stacked deck
Si Stebbins Mediumistic Stunt No. 2 several cards are divined, stacked deck
System finding card after 2 riffle shuffles, stacked deck
Clayton Brown The Knockout bottom cards code selections to assistant in other room, stacked
Related to 234
A Prearranged Pack of Cards that can be Shuffled long-short deck with pairs that fit together via Si Stebbins system
Variations 235
Theodore Annemann Amazing Memory naming missing card, stacked deck
Six Piles twelve card set-up
Mephisto's Message stack that will force the number twelve
Ralph W. Hull Name O' Card any named card is found/spelled-to, full stack and multiple out
Charles T. Jordan New Pack Detection divided deck principle with new deck order
Also published here 239
Four-Fold Sympathy multiple coincidences, two packs
Telepathic Control after shuffling and cutting, spectator deals deck in four piles, performer knows top cards
Also published here 240
Arthur H. Buckley Cards and Pockets number of cut off cards is divined, deck in pocket, any named card instantly produced
Also published here 241
William Larsen Count Down Detection partial stack and fishing
Namreh The Adventures of Diamond Jack
Jean Hugard The Svengali Deck introduction and history
Various Methods of Handling the Pack
Simple Effects 1. selection is divined, svengali deck
Simple Effects 2. svengali deck
Simple Effects 3. svengali deck
Simple Effects 4. svengali deck
Simple Effects 5. svengali deck as a force
Switching Packs seven methods with pockets, servantes, ...
The Three Heaps deck cut in heaps, top card jumps around, svengali deck
Cutting the Pack with a Knife svengali deck
The Wrapped Pack with knife, svengali deck
Related to 249
Any Heap svengali deck
Reversed Card svengali deck
The Unseen Card spectator pockets unseen card, later selection is this pocketed card, svengali deck
Think of a Card a selection travels next to another thought-of card, svengali deck
Variations 250
Card Stabbing svengali deck
Svengali Prediction force cards are switched out during trick
Charles T. Jordan The Mystery Problem position of selection is predicted, svengali deck with different finish on force cards, ending clean with switch-out
Also published here 251
The Cards and the Dice card located via number on die, svengali deck
Svengali Clairvoyance blindfolded assistant says stop to find selection, svengali deck
The Prize Winner two decks, one is a svengali deck
Ralph W. Hull The Mirage Principle svengali pack with rough-smooth principle and cards are short and also narrow
Ralph W. Hull Mirage Deck deck changes in duplicates of selection, svengali/mirage deck
Ralph W. Hull The Eye Popper svengali/mirage deck
Svengali Mindreading svengali deck
Lu Brent The Siamese Svengali Pack twenty-six glued pairs
Svengali Force a bit complicated, svengali deck
Jean Hugard The Mene Tekel Deck introduction, history and basic handling like controlling freely chosen card
The Mene Tekel Deck - 1. basic application
The Mene Tekel Deck - 2. basic application, air pressure turnover
The Mene Tekel Deck - 3. card through table
Back of the Hand Steal top card stolen off tabled deck with sticky/wet back of the hand
The Mene Tekel Deck - 4. basic application
The Mene Tekel Deck - 5. basic application, card travels from one pocket to another
The Mene Tekel Deck - 6. basic application
Controlling Several Cards with Menetekel Deck
Card Into Pocket. A Second Method Menetekel Deck
J. F. Orrin From a Hat finding cards with deck in hat, Menetekel Deck
J. F. Orrin Card and Number Menetekel Deck
J. F. Orrin One in Four Menetekel Deck
J. F. Orrin The Pocket Rising Card card rises from breast pocket, thread, Menetekel Deck
Glenn G. Gravatt Cards and Slates chosen card appears between two slates, Menetekel Deck
Glenn G. Gravatt Coincidence Mene Tekel two cards chosen from different decks match, Menetekel Deck
Jean Hugard The Stripper Deck introduction, history and basic handling like controlling freely chosen card
To Separate the Red Cards from the Black basic stripper deck application
The Four Ace Trick crude aces to pocket, basic application of stripper deck
Finding a Card in Any Position basic stripper deck application
Selected Cards Pass through a Handkerchief deck on table with handkerchief underneath, stripper deck
The Turned Card air pressure turnover, stripper deck
Finding any Number of Selected Cards at Once or Separately basic stripper deck application
Finding All but a Chosen Card all cards fall out of hand except selection, stripper deck
Companionable Kings Kings come together in middle after spectator's shuffling, stripper deck
Passing a Card Through a Table basic stripper deck application
The Animated Card card "walks" out of deck, thread and stripper deck
Cutting at a Chosen Card stripper deck
The Blown Card card is apparently blown out of deck, stripper deck
Card from Spectator's Pocket deck put in spectator's pocket, cards located therein, stripper deck
The "Cut" Count cutting exact number of cards, stripper deck
Out of the Room Discovery stripper deck
The Court Cards finding all court cards, stripper deck
Naming the Cards cutting to named cards (named by performer), stripper deck
Magnetized Card cards cling to finger and are dragged out of deck, stripper deck
At Any Number From Pocket stripper deck
Card Through Handkerchief stripper deck
Charles T. Jordan Just the Reverse card chosen and replaced, deck cased and dumped out again so the spectator can check it, card turns over, stripper card held back and then deck replaced reversed
Related toAlso published here 268
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2010.