Written by W. F. "Rufus" Steele
Work of Various
63 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
No illustrations
Language: English
58 entries
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W. F. "Rufus" Steele Other Books by Rufus Steele
Frances Ireland Marshall Introduction
W. F. "Rufus" Steele Foreword
Edward Marlo Affinity two spectators deal down, stop at a card and place rest on top, deck dealt into two piles and they then in unison, selections are in same position
Related toVariations 6
Eddie Joseph The Halo card selected with counting and shuffling procedure, found within circle (halo) layout of cards on the table
W. F. "Rufus" Steele The Great Rufus Steele cut-off half is counted and digits added to arrive at a card, 9-principle, it is spelled to with some fun phrase
Inspired by
  • "Hocus Pocus Card Tricks"
Related to
Hocus Pocus, Miss Jones cut-off half is counted and digits added to arrive at a card, 9-principle, it is spelled to with some fun phrase
  • First Presentation
  • Second Presentation
Inspired by
  • "Hocus Pocus Card Tricks"
Al Leech Hocus Soapus different presentation, cut-off half is counted and digits added to arrive at a card, 9-principle, it is spelled to with some fun phrase
Related to 10
John Snyder Time Card
Robert Lotz Red and Blue (Improved)
Related to 11
Dai Vernon A Real Prediction spectator stops at any time, then choses one half and the top card of that pile is used to count to a card in the other half, that card is predicted
Bill Simon Spell Anything random phrase can be used to spell to selection
Queens three cards chosen, one card spelled to, all are Queens
Think of Any Card card thought of and its position in one half remembered by spectator, some dealing to locate it
Al Leech Wild Deuces Twos are lost and found
Also published here 18
Robert Parrish Accordion Reverse every other card openly reversed, spectator remembers one face-to-face pair which is replaced, performer separates cards behind his back except selections
Accordion Flourish every other card reversed after strong bend, deck blows up in accordion fashion
Don Alan Surprise Quickie deck with selection is cased and held by spectator, performer removes it and card remains in spectator's grip
Also published here 21
Mike Kanter "U-Find-Our-Cards" spectator and performer remember a card, spectator pushes a reversed card between them behind his back
Lu Brent Autographic Minds performer chooses card from half the deck and spectator as well, cards are signed and found by the other one
Related to 23
Stewart Judah Not There spectator gives color of his card, performer takes out five of opposite color and changes one of them in selection
Stewart Judah Five-as-Five Count hiding one card
"Senator" Clarke Crandall An Impossible Transposition gag description of impossible effect, Lester Overton
Eddie Fields The Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Related toAlso published here 28
Cupid King of Hearts placed face-up in middle, Queen on top, a Jack is pushed in center, then found back on top and Queen and Kings are together in center, see Vernon Chronicles reference for credit information
Related to 30
W. F. "Rufus" Steele They Tell You Nothing spectator pockets some cards and remembers a card at the same position as the number of pocketed cards, card ends up at named number
W. F. "Rufus" Steele You Tell Them Everything spectator pockets some cards and remembers a card at the same position as the number of pocketed cards, performer stops dealing at selection and names number of pocketed cards
W. F. "Rufus" Steele, Robert Parrish Tell and Spell one spectator pockets some cards and two spectators remember a card at a number, both cards are found and number of pocketed cards named
Variations 34
Oscar Weigle The Weigle Version one spectator pockets some cards and two spectators remember a card at a number, both cards are found
Inspired by 36
Oscar Weigle Double Duty two cards in two halves chosen by performer and spectator by removing some cards, counting them and remembering a card at that position, later both halves are dealt in unison and reversed cards show up at the position of the selections
Back in Place spectator remembers card and its position and places that many more cards on top, performer returns card to original position below table
Audley Walsh "Dammit" wrong card is tossed onto deck and changes into correct one, back-to-back double
Memorizing the Deck apparently whole deck memorized, card at any position is named, cards at positions ten, twenty, .. fifty are memorized
Al Leech Get Set, Stop!
Also published here 40
John Platt Which Is Which? card under spectator's hand transposes with card in performer's hand, but under spectator's hand shows up a card with a gag message instead
Audley Walsh Name And Place phrase given by spectator is used to spell to selection
Right Hand, Left Hand packet cut off, counted and digits added, spectator ends up with some cards in either hand and performer gives both numbers, 9-force
Lu Brent A Prediction Supreme face-up card placed in face-down spread, used to count/spell to random card, which is predicted, The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
VariationsAlso published here 44
Mike Kanter A Location Supreme same impro procedure used to find a selection
Inspired by 45
Bert Allerton, Robert Parrish The Magic Card Square packet cut off, magic square with some cards with the number of cut-off cards
Related toVariations 46
The Garter Trick card ends up in garter, duplicate, gag
Marty Williams Four Four Four sixteen cards and four piles
Number Seven three spectators find their own card in a packet via down-under deal
Al Leech Easy Does It
Also published here 49
The Buried Card
Variations 50
Straight Cut Placement
Related toAlso published here 50
Charles "Chic" Schoke, Bert Allerton On the Phone as a phone trick
Inspired by 51
Shuffle Location one suit on top, two honest riffle shuffles
Also published here 52
The Slap Trick uncredited LePaul production
Related to 52
Moe and Sam
Al Leech The Descending Cards cards are cased with a block sticking out, all cards slide down except selection in spectator's hand
Related toVariations 54
Bob Nelson Simplicity Discovery two cards on either side of a selection turn over
Royal H. Brin, Jr. Call Your Hand
Bob Hummer Five Card Baffle one of five cards is divined, off-beat method
VariationsAlso published here 57
W. F. "Rufus" Steele The Baffle Follow-Up one of five cards is divined
Inspired by 58
Dr. Jacob Daley Triple Thought three key cards, hindu shuffle placements
George Boston The Do Nothing Miracle spectator cuts deck behind back and removes top three cards, performer does the same with a second deck and the cards match
W. F. "Rufus" Steele A Lecture With a Cold Deck
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2022.