Written by Christoph Borer
Work of Christoph Borer
90 pages (Hardcover), published by Spellcaster Verlag
Illustrated with photographs
Language: German
21 entries
Cover photograph
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Christoph Borer Einleitung
Christoph Borer Das vierfache Mirakel performer fans through cards and four spectators think of a card, one of each suit, all are divined
Also published here 8
Christoph Borer Das freie Geschenk objects with magnets attached are covered with tube, spectator fishes one with magnetic fishing-rod, for anniversaries or when a present has to be submitted magically
Also published here 14
Christoph Borer Pure Magie psychokinetic touches, one person with (vibration) blindfold sits on chair, feather
Christoph Borer Auf die Stirn gebrannt ashes on forehead, name of chosen card appears
Also published here 28
Christoph Borer Psychological Riffle force bank of duplicates
Also published here 28
Christoph Borer Super Memory apparently knowing content of a book by heart
Also published here 32
Christoph Borer, Hans-Christian Solka Der mathematische Geburtstag magic square for birthday, number generated of day and month
Also published here 37
Christoph Borer Mit Scheren spielen Russian roulette, standing open scissors under last bag
Also published here 45
Christoph Borer Das Kalenderwunder seven spectators choose a key, one opens a box and inside is a calendar which has his name printed in the correct month, humorous presentation
Related to 49
Christoph Borer A String of Pearls prediction of chosen song, using album covers
Christoph Borer The sky is the limit letters written on the back of playing cards, chosen cards form a message
Christoph Borer Wofür Zauberei gut ist button is removed and reattached to shirt
Related to 68
Christoph Borer Zum Kartendegen on the card sword
  • Der klassische Kartendegen
Christoph Borer Klarinamici card sword using a clarinet
Christoph Borer Der Auto-Staubsauger card sword using a vacuum cleaner
Christoph Borer Baloo(n) card sword using a balloon sword
Christoph Borer, Pavel Geschickte Hände catching a card when deck is thrown into the air, two methods
Christoph Borer Auf dem Finger aufgespiesst Karate card, card is stabbed with forefinger from shower of cards
Related to 81
Christoph Borer Thrill Drill card sword using a drill
Christoph Borer Nachwort
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, March 2022.