Written by John Campbell, Andi Gladwin
Work of Scott Robinson
304 pages (Hardcover), published by Vanishing Inc.
Illustrated with photographs
Language: English
168 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Steve Beam Spoiler Alert foreword
Andi Gladwin The First Rule of Sleight Club… foreword
Scott Robinson The Toy two cards folded into a spaceship, spaceship changes directions back and forth (not a magic effect), one card is pushed through other and then it restores
Also published here 13
Scott Robinson The Willy Wonka Card Trick card is seen to dematerialize as it is inserted perpendicularly between two Kings, then reappears
Variations 17
Fake insertion card apparently inserted perpendicularly between two other cards, really goes beneath them
Related to 19
Scott Robinson, Ken Krenzel Perpendicular card vanish card is pushed in perpendicularly between two others and nothing is seen coming out the other end
Also published here 19
Gene Maze Gene Maze Unit Grip
Also published here 22
Scott Robinson Willy in Your Pocket signed card vanishes between two Kings and appears in pocket, then Kings vanish and appear in different pockets
Through-the-Fist Flourish
Scott Robinson Different Differences three silver coins in purse and copper coin on table, silver coins appear in three different parts of table and copper coin is in purse
David Roth Palm one coin from group
Also published here 34
Fake purse insertion coin loaded behind purse as coins are placed inside
Coin drop on table for instant appearance
Scott Robinson Sucker Monte multiple-phase three-card monte
Inspired by 37
Scott Robinson, William Goodwin Backward Alignment Move
Also published here 37
Small-packet bottom Double Lift
Theodore Annemann, Dai Vernon Alignment Move
Diagonal insertion to side-jog
Frank Ward Cloyes Paintbrush Change
Also published here
  • “A New Colour Change” (Frank W. Cloyes, Stanyon’s Serial Lessons in Conjuring: New Card Tricks, No. 20, Third Series, 1910)
Double Deal Turnover
Scott Robinson Loose Change penny in closed fist visually changes places with nickel
Fake take penny sliding behind nickel as it is apparently taken in other hand
Coin change fingers briefly wipe front of coin to effect change, one-handed
L'Homme Masqué L’Homme Masque coin load uncredited
Scott Robinson The Queen Thing selection vanishes from among the Queens, Queens surprisingly appear in pocket and selection is only card in hand
  • variation: see “The Mystery Thing” (p. 55)
Inspired byAlso published here 50
Elmer Biddle Biddle Steal brief
Charles T. Jordan Jordan Count slightly modified to display four cards as five
Display subtlety appear to show the faces and backs of four cards, really hiding one face
Scott Robinson The Mystery Thing mystery card in case, a signed card vanishes from between Queens, mystery card is shown to be signed card
Inspired by 55
Scott Robinson Visual Retentive Vanish can be used as a vanish, switch or change
Inspired by
  • "The Ramsay Coin Vanish" (John Ramsay, The Ramsay Legend, 1975, p. 4)
Also published here
Scott Robinson Slide Load coin(s) secretly transferred from right hand to left as right hand takes coin from left, also see p. 111
Related to 61
Scott Robinson Quick Kings and Aces Kings and Aces, one card of each is openly exchanged for one another, all three others change places as well, also see "Trading Spaces" (p. 69)
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition see reference (the second variation of the original technique, p. 34), also see p. 71 for a subtle variation of the original technique
Also published here 65
Displacement with packets bottom cards of right hand’s packet are loaded beneath left hand’s packet as they are placed on top, also see p. 71
Scott Robinson Trading Spaces Aces reversed in four different parts of deck, Kings change into Aces and Kings are found reversed and distributed throughout deck
Inspired byAlso published here 69
Lee Asher Pulp Friction to move an out-jogged card in spread to bottom, brief
Related toAlso published here 74
Scott Robinson Toss addition packet that is held side-jogged beneath deck is tossed into other hand, card(s) added from bottom of deck onto tossed packet
Scott Robinson Color change deck rubbed across face of packet and face card changes, face card getting loaded into deck
Scott Robinson Carpal Tunnel coin penetrates through hand from inside fist, three phases
  • “Three-Coin Version” (see p. 83)
Reverse Thumb Palm coin placed directly in during an open transfer
Ramsay Subtlety brief
Scott Robinson Carpal Tunnel (“Three-Coin Version”) three coins placed into fist and one at a time they penetrate out
Scott Robinson Sliding Scale production of jogged face-up card in deck as vertical spread is squared, multiple ideas/applications:
  • Original Handling (p. 86)
    • Two-Card Production (p. 88)
    • Three-Card Production (p. 88)
  • Modern Handling (p. 89, using Nuzzo move, see reference), also see slight variant on p. 100
    • Four-Card Production (p. 90)
also see application in “Just One Move” (p. 91)
Related to
  • "Palm Reverse" (Jimmy Nuzzo, Art and Ardor at the Card Table, 2003, p. 45) and in The New Tops
Scott Robinson Just One Move selection rises to top of deck, its mate turns face up in middle, the mates then sandwich their third and fourth mate in middle of deck
  • variation: “Really Just One Move” (p. 96)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Force cards peeled through singly, stopped-at card is forced, also see p. 96
Also published here 93
Stewart Judah Stewart Judah displacement move also see p. 279
Also published here 94
Edward Marlo, Dai Vernon Tilt
Out-jogged cull displacement out-jogged card in spread is displaced into left pinky break, also see p. 121 and p. 238
Scott Robinson Really Just One Move same effect as “Just One Move” (p. 91) using double-backed card
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Force also see p. 93 and reference there
Scott Robinson, Chris Sage Who's Counting number between five and twenty is named, that number of cards is plucked from the deck and the final card of the count is selection
Inspired by 99
Corner crimp multiple cards, applied in real time
Scott Robinson Sliding Scale – Modern Handling variant slight variant of “Modern Handling” (p. 89)
Scott Robinson Bill Me dollar bill in coin purse changes places with four quarters in hands
Purse extraction folded bill is secretly extracted from purse immediately after openly placing it inside
Wesley James, Scott Robinson Twisting with Victor variation stack of coins changes into folded bill, also see p. 286
Inspired by 105
Scott Robinson Over the Hills and Back Again three coins vanish at the fingertips one at a time, then reappear
Geoffrey Latta, Scott Robinson Latta coin-fan false take with Scott Robinson’s finesse
Edge grip direct placement into edge grip and then vanish the coin, done with multiple coins
Palm transfer edge grip to thumb palm with multiple coins
Scott Robinson Slide Load also see p. 61
Heel grip coin openly placed into fist is transferred into heel grip along with other coins
Hand-to-hand transfer coins from left heel grip to right thumb palm
Hand-to-hand transfer coins from right thumb palm to left finger palm
Related to 114
Shuttle Pass while keeping an additional coin concealed in the “receiving” hand
Scott Robinson 100% Probability Sandwich two Kings on top of deck, one travels one-third down into deck, then another third, then to bottom of deck, deck is tossed and selection is left sandwiched between Kings
Edward Marlo Slip cut secretly slipping face-up card into middle, bottom of deck turned toward audience to hide action, see "Delicate Marlo Slip Cut" in reference
Also published here 118
Larry Jennings Circle Shift deck turned in a circle end for end as cover
Also published here 119
Automatic out-jogged cull out-jogged card in spread is culled to bottom of deck, also see p. 95 and p. 238
Reinhard Müller Three-Card Catch
Scott Robinson Severance Pay selected card penetrates folded dollar bill, extra quarter of card (see reference, mistakenly credited to Tony Miller there), see simplified version on p. 128
Inspired by
  • Timothy Wenk’s marketed item, “Misled” (ca. 1980s?)
Also published here
Scott Robinson Severance Pay (simplified version) alternate handling with easier setup and no clean-up necessary at end
Also published here 128
Scott Robinson Automated Teller Card four coins appear from under card on different parts of table, also see “Big Bang” (p. 135) and “Different Differences” (p. 30) for similar choreography of coin appearances
Dropping Coins from Classic Palm one by one to fingertip rest, brief
Al Schneider Schneider Twirl Load
Also published here 131
Scott Robinson Big Bang four-coin matrix with one card, first coin vanishes and joins other beneath card, card split into two, last two coins join them one at a time, backfire finish, good follow-up for “Automated Teller Card” (p. 130)
Albert Goshman, Paul Harris Toss vanish used as false transfer, coins already in hand clink together as it closes to get “click pass” effect
Also published here 136
Scott Robinson Boss Toss coin displayed on one palm is secretly tossed into the other as it turns palm down on the table, also see slight variant on p. 140
Related to 137
Miracle Card change splitting apart double-card (adhesive) and stealing face card
Card production
Scott Robinson Boss Toss also see p. 137 (and references there), slight variation here
Coin steal steal coin(s) beneath card as another card is set down apparently on top of them
Classic palm vanish directly from classic palm, no false transfer
Scott Robinson A Buttery Spread card buried in middle is controlled to top via casual spreading of cards
Scott Robinson Manifold red-backed Ace of Spades sandwiched between two red Kings transposes with selection, ending up at the designated position that selection occupied in deck
Inspired by 148
Jay Sankey Wichita Slip card touched in spread is switched for bottom card via bottom-deal type of action
Also published here 150
Scott Robinson Sprite a coin vanishes and reappears in deck three times, each time locating a selection, Breather Crimp
Inspired by 155
Breather Crimp how to put it in
Angle-jog to finger break having a card returned and angle-jogged into deck to obtain break beneath it
Coin transfer beneath deck coin in right hand is secretly transferred into left hand below deck (also see p. 302, done with cup), then right hand mimes pushing coin into top of deck
Coin vanish from deck coin on top of packet is made to vanish, secretly being transferred beneath packet
Larry Jennings Coin load into deck coin loaded from classic palm onto lower half of deck as deck is cut, see reference on p. 155
Lateral Palm brief
Scott Robinson Repackaged Prediction spectator inserts envelope into deck and builds Poker hand by selecting any five cards next to it, envelope is inserted again and another hand is created, both hands consist of same values, inside envelope is prediction of the total of the cards’ values
Inspired by
  • "Package Deal" (Stewart James, The James File Vol. 1, 2000)
Bill Simon Simon Prophecy Move in the hands
Scott Robinson Triple Crown three different coins begin in purse, one by one they appear on table, they all vanish and reappear inside purse
John Benzais Friction pass uncredited
Heel clip and transfer coin transferred from hand to hand
Scott Robinson, David Roth Roth Pop-out move variant coin appears on table beneath pointing fingertip
Related to 172
Click Pass
Heel clip steal from left heel clip to right finger palm, different technique than on p. 171
Purse dump addition coin from outside purse is dumped together with coins inside purse creating illusion they were all inside
Scott Robinson Top Slop Gag performer discovers card face up in deck, he rights it but another is found face up, he rights it but then a few more are face up, then many more scattered throughout deck
Inspired by 177
Larry Jennings Larreverse
Scott Robinson Changing Hands spectator A holds English penny, spectator B holds Chinese coin, performer cause half dollar to transpose with A’s English penny, then performer makes his (now) English penny transpose with B’s Chinese coin
Palm-to-Palm Change
Copper/Silver reversal C/S coin is reversed as it is picked up and waved to effect that change
Scott Robinson H. G.'s Pocket two signed cards are openly placed into different pockets and openly removed, then they magically travel back to pockets, time-travel theme
Scott Robinson Riding the Wave named card is the only face-down card in deck
Inspired byVariations 191
Half-pass lower half of deck is reversed in action of spreading deck in hands,
Other Handlings:
  • lower half is reversed as roughly-spread deck is set down on table (p. 194)
  • lower half is reversed as both halves of deck are spread on table (p. 195)
Scott Robinson Sponge Coin coin is squeezed so small until it vanishes
Inspired by 197
Heel clip to wrist coin transferred from heel clip to wrist on palm-up hand
Scott Robinson Changing A Fan Belt card selected and returned to lower half of deck, lower half penetrates through fanned upper half, leaving selection reversed in fan
Edward Marlo Convincing Control switching out lower card of a face-down double, spread cards above it are face up
Fan hide-out reversed card in fan is positioned so it is unseen on either side of fan
Packet vanish with fan manipulator’s vanish of packet by waving fan over it
Scott Robinson Daley Double red Aces and black Aces change places
Card displacement red Aces apparently set onto black Aces, one red Ace is loaded between black
Derek Dingle DD Double Lift brief
Also published here 208
Double unload face card of double is loaded beneath packet without going completely under, also see p. 212
Scott Robinson Daley Double Change four Jokers change into four Kings
Quadruple unload the three lowermost cards of a quadruple lift are unloaded beneath packet, also see p. 208
Scott Robinson, Stuart Gordon Stuart Gordon Lift variant slightly modified here to accommodate a triple
Scott Robinson Changeling Coin half-dollar, English Penny and Chinese coin, English penny and Chinese coin both change into half dollars when they are touched to it, they change back, then half dollar and Chinese coin change into English pennies
Inspired by 218
Jackie Fantasio Fantastic Chip Turnover coin apparently turned over as it is set on table, really same side is shown twice
Also published here 219
Fingertip coin change two coins “fanned” at fingertips, one is brought out of view as a third is brought into view, apparently one has changed
Coin(s) reverse coins rotate in air as they are dropped into other hand, effecting change
Coin hand transfer from right classic palm to left finger palm as coins are taken from left fingers
Coin false display three coins are apparently individually shown front and back, surfaces remain hidden
Coin hand transfer from right fingertip rest to left finger palm as left hand’s coins are adjusted to its fingertips
Scott Robinson Da Vinci Coins mug with Chinese symbol drawn on it, three half dollars change into Chinese coins and are dropped into mug, symbol is erased from mug and coins change back to half dollars
Coin shell unnesting
Richard Kaufman Spellmell Change
Scott Robinson Dragnet Jacks red Jack placed near top and other red Jack near bottom, card is named and Jacks sandwich it
Variations 238
Out-jogged cull also see p. 95 and p. 121
Tenkai Ishida Book-break Turnover
Block lift face-up card on deck is lifted up with a block secretly below it
Scott Robinson The Tooth Fairy kids pretend to pull a tooth from their mouths and each “tooth” is changed into a coin, Miser's Dream style without bucket
L'Homme Masqué Masque coin load uncredited
Coin vanish on leg with one hand, transferred to classic palm as fingers are rubbed on leg
Scott Robinson Money Changers four indifferent cards wrapped in dollar bill change places with four Kings on table, indifferent cards’ faces visible throughout, shortened double-ender card gaff
Le Temps Switch done without deck
Scott Robinson Card change in bill face card of packet inside bill changes as packet is pushed back and forth through bill, using card gaff
Scott Robinson SACC (Semi Automatic Cascade Control) card inserted into fan is controlled to back (i. e. top) as fan is squared
Inspired by 257
Scott Robinson Coins, By Golly two silver coins in one hand transpose with Chinese coin in other, as finale the two silver coins merge into one and the Chinese coin is split into two
Inspired by 261
John Riggs Golly Pitch two coins from one hand are secretly tossed into other
David Roth Scoop Addunder coin added to stack as it is picked up off table, also see p. 299
Geoffrey Latta Ultimate Han Ping Chien
Scott Robinson Home Wrecker Royal Marriages plot, Queens and Kings pair up with each other (usually by suit) three times, in third phase spectator mixes and holds cards
Inspired by 267
Gambler's cop bottom card of packet set directly into position
Small-packet Second Deal
Small-packet Side-Steal bottom to top
Scott Robinson Count Me selection is lost in deck, a second card is chosen and turned face up in deck, its value indicates how far away selection is
Corner crimp putting in the crimp on bottom card of deck
Stewart Judah Stewart Judah displacement also see p. 94 (and references there)
Scott Robinson Heavy Metal silver coin changes to copper coin, then to Chinese, to copper, to Chinese, finally back to silver
Inspired by 281
Spellbound Change standard
Michael Rubinstein, Scott Robinson Edge Grip Spellbound variation inspired by Michael Rubinstein's move (see reference on p. 281)
Edge grip coin displayed at fingertips with open hand, with another hidden in edge grip
Scott Robinson, Wesley James Twisting with Victor variation also see p. 105 (and reference there)
Scott Robinson Totally Under Control four Aces inserted in separate parts of deck are controlled to bottom
Inspired by 290
Cliff Green Cliff Green Multiple Lift
Lee Asher Pulp Friction
Scott Robinson The Sound of Silence three coins vanish and then silently reappear one by one in a cup
Geoffrey Latta Coin false take coin slid behind coin fan
David Roth Scoop Addunder also see p. 264
Edge grip placement coin in left hand taken directly into right edge grip, then mimed being placed into left hand
Coin transfer from right hand to left hand beneath cup, also see p. 158 (done with deck)
Data entered by Yehuda Rauch, April 2022.