Written by Alexander de Cova
Work of Alexander de Cova
321 pages (Hardcover), published by DeCovaMagic
Illustrated with photographs
Language: German
85 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Alexander de Cova Ein paar Worte zuvor
  • Über das Handwerk
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Vorwort von JORO
Alexander de Cova Ich wußte, dass du zurück kommen wirst... story about the card magic table used in the photographs
Kapitel I: Salonzauberei
Alexander de Cova Münzenfang einfach coin production gimmick and sound gimmick in bucket
  • Der Sektkühler
Also published here 17
Alexander de Cova Ringomatic ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 21
Alexander de Cova Himberring-Routine using two Himber rings
Also published here 27
Alexander de Cova Geldschein in Zitrone bill put into envelope unfolded, secretly folded and extracted as envelope is handled and closed
Alexander de Cova Seilzerschneiden – richtig handling for classic cut and restored rope
Alexander de Cova Billard Queue Stechen card caught by stabbing it with a billiard cue out of card shower
Also published here 44
Kapitel II: Close-up
Alexander de Cova Chink-A-Chink with bottle caps
Also published here 49
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here 57
Alexander de Cova Ringflight detailed handling for Bloom's method
Inspired by
  • Gaeton Bloom's Ring Flight method
Alexander de Cova One Coin Killer jumbo coin production as end of one-coin routine
Alexander de Cova Back Pocket Magnet Holder
Alexander de Cova Domino transposition routine with dominoes, jumbo domino production as finale, double-facer
Inspired by
  • "Dotty Spots" (Ken Brooke)
Alexander de Cova Scottish Coin Routine multi-phase coin routine, see following items, hand-to-hand coins across routine starting with eight and ending with one coin, intro
Inspired byRelated to 80
Alexander de Cova Phase I: Chinese Money Mystery two rows of four plus penny
Inspired byRelated to 81
Alexander de Cova Phase II: Münzwanderung nach Daryl three coins in each hand
Inspired byRelated to 86
Alexander de Cova Phase III: Travelling Coins with fist transfer
Inspired by 90
Alexander de Cova Fist Transfer Handling
Alexander de Cova Phase IV: Gallo Pitch one coin in each hand, they travel into one hand
Lou Gallo Gallo Pitch
Alexander de Cova Phase V: Die Riesenmünze jumbo coin production, coin changes into jumbo coin
Kapitel III: Kartenzauberei
Alexander de Cova Der Twirl Change Pivot Change handling
Related to
  • "Pivot Color Change" (Noel Stanton, The Gen, June 1964)
Also published here
Dai Vernon Vernon Transfer Move
Alexander de Cova Eckenforce glide stop force, bottom card is missing one corner, card to lemon or anything application, simulated corner tear
Alexander de Cova Corner Switch after simulated corner tear
Alexander de Cova Flash-Restauration card torn into quarters which are placed on tabled deck, flat hand hits deck and card is restored instantly
Inspired by
  • "Ocular T&R" (Dan Huffman, Linking Ring, Vol. 66 No. 2, Feb. 1986, p. 76)
Also published here
Alexander de Cova Female spectator's name on back of named card, combined with birthday book
Inspired by 113
Alexander de Cova The (W)Hole Trick signed card appears visibly between two sandwich cards, the top of which has a hole, twirl change
Inspired by
  • "Holes" (Dave Forrest, marketed)
Also published here
Alexander de Cova Vier Ecken unknown card torn into four pieces, those pieces turn out to belong to four different cards which have one corner missing each, basically the same effect and method as Joshua Jay's
Inspired by
  • "Hitchcock" (Joshua Jay)
Also published here
Torn Pieces Switch with Case magnetic
Also published here 124
Alexander de Cova King Transpo
Alexander de Cova Hangman Plus stick figure on cardboard vanishes and appears on back of signed selection
Inspired byAlso published here 132
Alexander de Cova Blanko-Vorhersage prediction on blank card in glass, free selection put with it into glass, both match
  • Bonus-Routine (repeat with clean-up)
Also published here 137
Alexander de Cova Verkettete Karten Handhabung using only one card, making one loop out of each half
Inspired byAlso published here 140
Kapitel IV: Mentalmagie
Alexander de Cova Die Bierflieger–Tafel paper plane tossed into audience, named number is printed in large numbers on the paper when unfolded, range force and index, updated index design
Also published here 149
Alexander de Cova 16 Digits sum prediction with slate
Inspired byAlso published here 158
Alexander de Cova Ballet Billet Switch as billet is dropped into a glass
Inspired byAlso published here 162
Alexander de Cova Beancounter III predicting the number of beans or peanuts in a large bowl, with cloth pin switch
  • Der Avalon-Umschlag
Also published here 164
Alexander de Cova Königsgambit chosen chess figure is predicted, red circle in a chess book around figure, with a letter
  • Die Waage (using hidden scale to find out which chess figure is missing from box)
Inspired by 171
Alexander de Cova Die unsterbliche Partie chess game layouts from chess book are in bag as cut outs, one chosen, performer recreates it on chess board
Alexander de Cova Rosediction price of rose predicted on its price tag
Also published here 178
Kapitel V: Kleinigkeiten
Alexander de Cova Gipsy Switch coin application for gypsy switch
  • Feinheiten
  • Variationen
Alexander de Cova Voyager
Also published here 193
Alexander de Cova Gipsy Switch with silk and glued block
Also published here 194
Alexander de Cova Bill Simon Vanish coin put in one hand, a small coin placed on fist, coin inside hand vanishes
Inspired by
  • Bill Simon coin vanish in The Gen
Also published here
Alexander de Cova Revolver Vanish coin vanish, starts by turning coin over between fingers of both hands multiple times
Also published here 203
Alexander de Cova Ringtuch Handhabung handling for silk with sewn-in ring
Also published here 206
Alexander de Cova Unsichtbarer Bühnenfaden tips on invisible thread on stage
  • Der Faden
  • Einfärben
  • Das Fixieren
  • Noch ein Tipp
Alexander de Cova Gaelic Switch
Also published here 212
Sol Stone Der Sol Stone Austausch Sol Stone Switch
Alexander de Cova Verbesserte Hinduforce demonstrating first that bottom card changes
Alexander de Cova Ballstehlen ball on left fingers, right hand puts cup over ball and drags it onto table, steal
Also published here 219
Alexander de Cova Tipp zum Doublieren
  • Das Doublieren
Alexander de Cova Geldscheine zu Karten stack of bills transforms into deck of playing cards, incomplete faro
Also published here 224
Alexander de Cova Benson Bowl Move holding a sponge ball out under edge of bowl
Also published here 228
Alexander de Cova Das Spirit-Etui nach Al Koran two blank cards are put into leather sleeve with transparent plastic top, one card initialed by spectator, later selection appears written on one of the blank cards
Inspired by
  • Al Koran idea from The Gen
Also published here
Kapitel VI: Bastelarbeit
Alexander de Cova Das Geldglas glass full with coins, coins transform into any other object, printed inside sleeve simulates coins
Also published here 235
Alexander de Cova Der Universalhalter holder for body loads
Also published here 239
Alexander de Cova Cardbox Supreme box for folded card to box which allows special switch handling
Alexander de Cova Zaubertische und Ablagen on table designs
  • Was ist Design?
Alexander de Cova Dieter Rams Thesen über gutes Design nine design thoughts by Dieter Rams
Also published here 248
Alexander de Cova Der Goldene Schnitt on the golden ratio and design
  • Die Berechnung des Goldenen Schnitts
  • Beispiel: ein Strassentisch
Also published here 249
Alexander de Cova Die Fibonacci- Spirale on visual design concepts
  • Bühnenaufbau
Also published here 252
Alexander de Cova Zaubertisch mit einer Table Base table with base
Also published here 253
Alexander de Cova Die Farbgebung colors and design
  • Vorschläge zur Auswahl der Farben
  • Material und Rohstoffe
Also published here 254
Alexander de Cova Koffer, Ablagen & Tische on table designs
  • Aufnahme und Dump
  • Centrepieces
  • Die konische Ablage
  • Beispielhaftes Design (Paul Daniels's clear chop cup table)
  • Klassisches Design
Also published here 259
Alexander de Cova Der Praktiker-Tisch table design
  • Praktiker-Tisch Variante
Also published here 265
Alexander de Cova Das Pult table design
Also published here 269
Alexander de Cova Das Taschensystem system to organize props in table
Related to 270
Alexander de Cova Milleniums-Tisch table design
Also published here 273
Kapitel VII: Theorie
Alexander de Cova (reviewer) Der Tarbell Course by Harlan Tarbell
on the Tarbell Course in Magic
Alexander de Cova Kreativität in der Zauberei on creativity
  • Nihil novi sub sole
  • Ideensammler
  • Wo gehören die Ideen hin?
  • Klauen ist gut!
  • Die Ahnentafel
  • Die Werkzeuge
  • Lesen, lesen und nochmals lesen!
  • Händlerkataloge
  • Was wäre wenn?
  • Die sieben Zwergenhüte
  • Brute Force Attack
  • Die Osborne Liste
  • Der Gestaltungsprozess
  • Sind weniger Griffe besser?
  • Hofzinser vs. Youtube
  • Der Traum vom Blockbuster
  • K.I.S.S.
  • Prinzipien bei der Gestaltung von Tricks und Routinen
  • Beispiel einer Checkliste
  • Meine 15 besten Tipps für mehr Kreativität
Also published here 284
Alexander de Cova Die Kopfstandmethode creativity method
Alexander de Cova Wild Bending Coins coins bend one by one à la wild coin
Alexander de Cova Regie in der Zauberei on working with a director
  • Das Drehbuch
  • Die Theatercrew
  • Die Inszenierung
  • Regisseur - ja oder nein?
    • Der Regisseur nimmt einem die Arbeit ab
    • Die eigene Sichtweise verändert sich
    • Regisseure kosten Geld
    • Disziplin ist angesagt und Vertrauen
    • Ein Regisseur ist kein Zauberer
  • Der Titel des Stücks - Das Drehbuch
    • Der Plot
    • Zuschauer wollen Emotionen
    • Konflikt
  • Drehbuchsoftware Celtx
  • zur Trickgestaltung
    • Die fünf Schritte der Täuschung
    • Den Effekt betonen
  • Grundausstattung für Requisiten
    • Der generische Fundus
    • Was sind „generische“ Requisiten?
    • Die schwarzen Schachteln
  • Checkliste: Fitzkee Audience Appeals
  • Checkliste: Erfolg des Stücks
  • Literaturtipp
Also published here 303
Alexander de Cova Drei Sekunden Schweben deck balances on fingertip in an impossible way
Data entered by Denis Behr, September 2022.