publisher's foreword \n \n percy abbott
1941 ca.
Percy Abbott
Publisher's Foreword
dedication \n to harlan tarbell \n unknown
1941 ca.
chapter 1 - knots \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 1 - Knots
g. w. hunter's puzzle knot \n making a knot without letting go of ends, with ring on rope as addition \n g. w. hunter \n variation on the hunter knot \n bert allerton
1941 ca.
G. W. Hunter
G. W. Hunter's Puzzle Knot
Related to
the one hand knot \n \n unknown \n one hand and one knot \n unknown
1941 ca.
The One Hand Knot
Also published here
the flip knot \n knot appears in end of rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Flip Knot
the lightning knot \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Lightning Knot
two at a time \n making a knot with each hand, with one rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Two at a Time
the knot of enchantment \n rope tied on wrists of performer, knot is made on middle of rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Knot of Enchantment
any number of knots \n appearance of multiple knots, with variations \n unknown
1941 ca.
Any Number of Knots
guarding the line \n rope tied on wrists of two spectators, knots appear when light is turned out \n unknown
1941 ca.
Guarding the Line
adolph ferber's spectre tie \n knot appears on tube on rope, under handkerchief \n adolph ferber
1941 ca.
Adolph Ferber
Adolph Ferber's Spectre Tie
the vanishing square knot \n square knot to slip knot, two ropes \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Vanishing Square Knot
ralph hull's famous vanishing knot \n \n ralph w. hull
1941 ca.
Ralph W. Hull
Ralph Hull's Famous Vanishing Knot
chefalo's vanishing knot \n double knot vanish \n chefalo \n martin gardner's chefalo release \n martin gardner \n loe's chafalo developments \n gerry loe
1941 ca.
Chefalo's Vanishing Knot
Related to
the captive knot \n knot in center of rope vanishes under handkerchief, knot on the ends of rope to make it more difficult \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Captive Knot
the magic shoe laces \n hull's presentation for the g. w. hunter knot \n g. w. hunter \n ralph w. hull \n loe's "shoelace" variations \n gerry loe \n g. w. hunter
1941 ca.
G. W. Hunter, Ralph W. Hull
The Magic Shoe Laces
Related to
john braun combination knot \n double knot, mixture of shoe laces and chefalo knot \n john braun
1941 ca.
John Braun
John Braun Combination Knot
wholesale knot removal \n knots in two ropes are removed under handkerchief while ends are held, ropes are tied together with thread \n unknown
1941 ca.
Wholesale Knot Removal
gone again \n vanish of multiple knots in a rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Gone Again
visibly \n knot slides of rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
c. t. jordan's mystifying knot trick \n ring knotted on cord, released under handkerchief \n charles t. jordan \n the acme ring release \n charles t. jordan
1941 ca.
Charles T. Jordan
C. T. Jordan's Mystifying Knot Trick
Also published here
chapter 2 - penetrations (two ropes) \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 2 - Penetrations (Two Ropes)
ropes through the neck \n two ropes, tied with thread \n unknown
1941 ca.
Ropes Through the Neck
venable's improved ropes through neck \n two ropes, forming a loop \n henry venable
1941 ca.
Henry Venable
Venable's Improved Ropes Through Neck
the ropes and rings mystery \n rings released from ropes, through sleeves of jacket, tied with thread \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Ropes and Rings Mystery
stanley collins' new ropes and rings release \n rings released from ropes, through sleeves of jacket \n stanley collins
1941 ca.
Stanley Collins
Stanley Collins' New Ropes and Rings Release
relue's ropes and cups \n two tin and two ceramic cups knotted on ropes with a wand, only tin cups penetrate ropes and fall on the floor \n unknown
1941 ca.
Relue's Ropes and Cups
oriental or simplicity rope release \n silks knotted on ropes and fan, silks penetrate ropes \n unknown
1941 ca.
Oriental or Simplicity Rope Release
walking through ropes \n ropes tied around body of person \n unknown
1941 ca.
Walking Through Ropes
the 3-in-1 ropes \n preparation in two ropes for grandmother's necklace, walking through rope etc, with snap fasteners \n alvin c. thompson
1941 ca.
Alvin C. Thompson
The 3-In-1 Ropes
mimi-cords \n two ropes, through block of wood \n adolph ferber
1941 ca.
Adolph Ferber
chapter 3 - penetrations (one rope) \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 3 - Penetrations (One Rope)
loop the loop \n puzzle, removing loop of rope on arm while hand is in west pocket \n unknown
1941 ca.
Loop the Loop
the leg tie \n rope through leg, loop formed under leg \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Leg Tie
nevil maseklyne's leg tie \n rope through leg, \n nevil maskelyne
1941 ca.
Nevil Maskelyne
Nevil Maseklyne's Leg Tie
tenkai rope through neck \n loop formed behind neck \n tenkai ishida \n noose-thru \n marcelo contento
1941 ca.
Tenkai Ishida
Tenkai Rope Through Neck
new rope through neck \n rope tied to loop, penetrates neck \n unknown
1941 ca.
New Rope Through Neck
the handkerchief release \n hands of performer tied together with handkerchief, rope penetrates handkerchief while held by spectator \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Handkerchief Release
jay-bee's undisturbed knot \n handkerchief knotted on rope penetrates rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Jay-Bee's Undisturbed Knot
the vest turning trick \n turning vest inside out while ends of ropes are tied to wrists \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Vest Turning Trick
the ring on the rope \n wrists tied with ends of ropes, ring on rope, extra ring \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Ring on the Rope
the ring knotted on the rope \n wrists tied with ends of ropes, ring tied on rope, extra ring \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Ring Knotted on the Rope
puzzling ring on the rope \n wrists tied with ends of ropes, ring on rope, extra ring \n oscar s. teale
1941 ca.
Oscar S. Teale
Puzzling Ring on the Rope
the new ring on rope \n wrists tied with ends of ropes, ring on rope, with flexible wire bracelet \n unknown
1941 ca.
The New Ring on Rope
slater's ring on the rope \n wrists of spectator tied behind back with ends of ropes, performer's wrists are tied as well, ring on rope of spectator, on both ropes and finally on performer's rope, three rings used \n rupert slater
1941 ca.
Rupert Slater
Slater's Ring on the Rope
borrowed ring on rope \n wrists tied with ends of ropes, ring knotted on rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Borrowed Ring on Rope
the "cheeky" rope and ring trick \n ring off rope under handkerchief, using extra piece \n unknown
1941 ca.
The "Cheeky" Rope and Ring Trick
edward smith's rope and ring trick \n ring on rope is released, rope tied with knot and ends sealed with wax, brass bolt used \n edward smith
1941 ca.
Edward Smith
Edward Smith's Rope and Ring Trick
the dropping ring \n two loops knotted in rope, ring travels from one loop to other \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Dropping Ring
wholesale ring removal \n ring knotted on rope, penetrates rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Wholesale Ring Removal
charles leedy's ropo ring \n ring ends up knotted in two ropes held by spectators, covered with handkerchief \n charles a. leedy
1941 ca.
Charles A. Leedy
Charles Leedy's Ropo Ring
charles t. jordan's psychic ring release \n through sleeves of coat, extra ring \n charles t. jordan \n the psychic ring release \n charles t. jordan
1941 ca.
Charles T. Jordan
Charles T. Jordan's Psychic Ring Release
Also published here
eddie joseph's ringed \n ring ends up knotted on rope held by spectators, behind screen \n eddie joseph
1941 ca.
Eddie Joseph
Eddie Joseph's Ringed
graham adams' rope and ring experiment \n penetration of ring and body of assistant \n graham adams
1941 ca.
Graham Adams
Graham Adams' Rope and Ring Experiment
the rope through the stick \n rope wrapped around stick or knife \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Rope Through the Stick
u. f. grant's witch's broom \n assistant stands against post and wis wrapped with rope \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
U. F. Grant's Witch's Broom
cutting a woman in half \n assistant wrapped with rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Cutting a Woman in Half
chapter 4 - cut and restored cord \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 4 - Cut and Restored Cord
the famous kellar string trick \n waxed ends, with string \n harry kellar
1941 ca.
Harry Kellar
The Famous Kellar String Trick
karl germaine's string restoration \n waxed ends in the beginning of routine, with string knotted to a loop \n karl germain
1941 ca.
Karl Germain
Karl Germaine's String Restoration
joe berg's japanese paper string restoration \n twisting two fake ends from middle, with string \n joe berg
1941 ca.
Joe Berg
Joe Berg's Japanese Paper String Restoration
figure "8" string restoration \n loop of string is cut and restored when put in mouth \n unknown \n figure "8" rope restoration \n unknown
1941 ca.
Figure "8" String Restoration
Related to
simple string restoration \n cut and restored string \n unknown
1941 ca.
Simple String Restoration
twyno \n cut and restored string \n unknown
1941 ca.
impromptu string restoration \n cut and restored string \n unknown \n carl brema's knotted rope \n carl brema
1941 ca.
Impromptu String Restoration
eddie joseph's restored string \n cut and restored string \n eddie joseph
1941 ca.
Eddie Joseph
Eddie Joseph's Restored String
ovette's supreme string mystery \n cut and restored string \n joseph ovette
1941 ca.
Joseph Ovette
Ovette's Supreme String Mystery
louis f. christianer's favorite string trick \n cut and restored string, pieces placed inside glass of water and fished out with pencil \n louis f. christianer
1941 ca.
Louis F. Christianer
Louis F. Christianer's Favorite String Trick
the master cut and restored string \n loop on pull, cut and restored string \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Master Cut and Restored String
s. b. blodgett's double restoration \n two strings are cut and restored at the same time \n s.s. blodgett
1941 ca.
S.S. Blodgett
S. B. Blodgett's Double Restoration
l. w. package cord mystery \n cut and restored string, extra loop attached to scissors \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Package Cord Mystery
le-roy's hindoo yarn mystery \n cut and restored string, twisting ends back together \n unknown
1941 ca.
Le-Roy's Hindoo Yarn Mystery
ellis stanyon's string restoration \n cut and restored string, threaded through envelope \n ellis stanyon
1941 ca.
Ellis Stanyon
Ellis Stanyon's String Restoration
t. page wright's variation \n cut and restored string, threaded through envelope \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
T. Page Wright
T. Page Wright's Variation
rupert slater's variation \n cut and restored string, threaded through packet of cigarettes \n rupert slater
1941 ca.
Rupert Slater
Rupert Slater's Variation
baffling string restoration \n cut and restored string, threaded through envelope \n unknown \n the bisected queen \n charles t. jordan
1941 ca.
Baffling String Restoration
Inspired by
wiesenheimer string restoration \n cut and restored string, threaded through envelope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Wiesenheimer String Restoration
joseph kolar's straw and string trick \n string in straw is cut and restored, with effect variations \n joseph j. kolar
1941 ca.
Joseph J. Kolar
Joseph Kolar's Straw and String Trick
nelson hahne's variation \n variation of kolar's cut and restored string trick \n nelson hahne
1941 ca.
Nelson Hahne
Nelson Hahne's Variation
floyd thayer's wizzo \n cut and restored string, in folded paper \n floyd g. thayer
1941 ca.
Floyd G. Thayer
Floyd Thayer's Wizzo
l. w. restoring the string \n cut and restored string, extra pieces added with pen knife \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Restoring the String
chapter 5 - cut and restored rope (impromptu) \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 5 - Cut and Restored Rope (Impromptu)
figure "8" rope restoration \n loop of rope is cut and restored when put in mouth \n unknown \n figure "8" string restoration \n unknown
1941 ca.
Figure "8" Rope Restoration
Related to
the "hindoo" rope restoration \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
The "Hindoo" Rope Restoration
bluey-bluey's method \n \n bluey-bluey \n interesting cut and restored rope move \n jack avis
1941 ca.
Bluey-Bluey's Method
Related to
eric impey's impromptu method \n \n eric f. impey
1941 ca.
Eric F. Impey
Eric Impey's Impromptu Method
dr. ervin's rope restoration \n \n dr. edward g. ervin
1941 ca.
Dr. Edward G. Ervin
Dr. Ervin's Rope Restoration
the short and long rope mystery \n comedy routine with two children, two ropes are never the same size even though ends are trimmed multiple times, rope is restored as climax, stage-whispering \n harold sterling
1941 ca.
Harold Sterling
The Short and Long Rope Mystery
r. w. hull's stretching rope \n rope is cut in middle but pieces are of different lengths, performer stretches ropes to same lengths and restores it \n ralph w. hull
1941 ca.
Ralph W. Hull
R. W. Hull's Stretching Rope
s. h. sharpe's a rope repaired \n extra piece is cut in process to form false loop \n sam h. sharpe
1941 ca.
Sam H. Sharpe
S. H. Sharpe's A Rope Repaired
john goodrum's sleight of hand method \n \n john goodrum \n a sleight of hand rope method \n john goodrum
1941 ca.
John Goodrum
John Goodrum's Sleight of Hand Method
Also published here
graham adam's cut and restored rope \n \n graham adams
1941 ca.
Graham Adams
Graham Adam's Cut and Restored Rope
fernand verheyden's method \n \n fernand verheyden
1941 ca.
Fernand Verheyden
Fernand Verheyden's Method
harlan tarbell's "many-cut" rope mystery \n \n harlan tarbell \n the many-cut rope mystery \n harlan tarbell
1941 ca.
Harlan Tarbell
Harlan Tarbell's "Many-Cut" Rope Mystery
Also published here
zenith rope restoration (method two) \n \n t. page wright \n william larsen \n zenith rope trick \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
T. Page Wright, William Larsen
Zenith Rope Restoration (Method Two)
Related to
u. f. grant's 1933 rope trick \n \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
U. F. Grant's 1933 Rope Trick
carl brema's knotted rope \n \n carl brema \n impromptu string restoration \n unknown
1941 ca.
Carl Brema
Carl Brema's Knotted Rope
Inspired by
u. f. grant's sleight-of-hand rope trick \n \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
U. F. Grant's Sleight-Of-Hand Rope Trick
heisey's hindu rope trick \n \n heisey \n interesting cut and restored rope move \n jack avis
1941 ca.
Heisey's Hindu Rope Trick
Related to
chapter 6 - cut and restored (unprepared rope) \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 6 - Cut and Restored (Unprepared Rope)
the l. w. simplicity rope restoration \n adding extra piece \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
The L. W. Simplicity Rope Restoration
l. w. tug o' war \n spectators pull at each end of the rope, after rope is cut, they expect to fall but rope is restored again \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Tug O' War
l. w. vinculum \n \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Vinculum
the l. w. gloved deception \n wearing gloves to hide loop \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
The L. W. Gloved Deception
l. w. restoring the rope \n loop hidden in hollow handle of knife \n william larsen \n t. page wright \n knot unexpected \n jim steinmeyer
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Restoring the Rope
Related to
bert douglas' magic skipping rope \n \n bert douglas
1941 ca.
Bert Douglas
Bert Douglas' Magic Skipping Rope
ringing the bull \n rings on rope, rope is cut to release rings and rope is restored again \n unknown
1941 ca.
Ringing the Bull
r. m. jamison's severed rope \n two ropes are cut at the same time and restored, loop \n r. m. jamison
1941 ca.
R. M. Jamison
R. M. Jamison's Severed Rope
baffleso! \n \n baffles brush
1941 ca.
Baffles Brush
u. f. grant's stage rope restoration \n black art, black tube on rope looks like rope is cut \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
U. F. Grant's Stage Rope Restoration
scotty lang's sucker rope trick \n sucker routine, second and cut rope can be seen hanging from pocket, this rope is then restored too \n scotty lang
1941 ca.
Scotty Lang
Scotty Lang's Sucker Rope Trick
the l. w. lost chord \n cut rope placed inside changing bag, knotted rope is removed and eventually restored \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
The L. W. Lost Chord
will brema's convincing rope trick \n rope is cut twice and restored, using gimmick \n will brema
1941 ca.
Will Brema
Will Brema's Convincing Rope Trick
the aladdin oriental gimmick by winston freer \n rubber tube to hold ends together \n winston freer
1941 ca.
Winston Freer
The Aladdin Oriental Gimmick by Winston Freer
k. w. liddle's phenomenal rope trick \n loop on pull \n keith liddle \n fast cut & restoration \n h. fernandes
1941 ca.
Keith Liddle
K. W. Liddle's Phenomenal Rope Trick
Related to
l. w. chased \n doing a cut and restored rope in a department store, loops \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Chased
chapter 7 - cut and restored rope (prepared rope) \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 7 - Cut and Restored Rope (Prepared Rope)
l. w. marking the center \n \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Marking the Center
r. w. hull's marked rope and the thumb tack \n marked rope. is cut and restored \n ralph w. hull
1941 ca.
Ralph W. Hull
R. W. Hull's Marked Rope and the Thumb Tack
u. f. grant's super rope trick \n with extra piece \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
U. F. Grant's Super Rope Trick
waldo clarke's little rhody rope trick \n with extra piece \n waldo clarke
1941 ca.
Waldo Clarke
Waldo Clarke's Little Rhody Rope Trick
the tarbell rope mystery \n several methods, using rope gimmick \n harlan tarbell
1941 ca.
Harlan Tarbell
The Tarbell Rope Mystery
captain jones' rope trick \n \n capt. jones
1941 ca.
Capt. Jones
Captain Jones' Rope Trick
minocher nowroji's restoration \n ball or bead on rope, rope is cut to release ball and then restored \n minocher nowroji
1941 ca.
Minocher Nowroji
Minocher Nowroji's Restoration
ball them up \n two balls on rope, rope is cut and restored \n unknown
1941 ca.
Ball them Up
nu-cut rope trick by eldon nichols \n glued ends \n eldon nichols
1941 ca.
Eldon Nichols
Nu-Cut Rope Trick by Eldon Nichols
doc nixon's rope mystery \n connection device made from toothpick \n w.j. nixon
1941 ca.
W.J. Nixon
Doc Nixon's Rope Mystery
the encore rope trick \n \n unknown \n p. c. sorcar's restored again \n p. c. sorcar
1941 ca.
The Encore Rope Trick
Related to
additional encore rope methods by bert douglas \n \n bert douglas \n ned absury's variation \n ned absury
1941 ca.
Bert Douglas
Additional Encore Rope Methods by Bert Douglas
ned absury's variation \n \n ned absury \n additional encore rope methods by bert douglas \n bert douglas
1941 ca.
Ned Absury
Ned Absury's Variation
Inspired by
dr. clyde cairy's follow me rope routine \n spectator also cuts a piece of rope but only performer's rope ends up restored \n clyde cairy \n winston freer's suggestion \n winston freer
1941 ca.
Clyde Cairy
Dr. Clyde Cairy's Follow Me Rope Routine
Related to
winston freer's suggestion \n variation for cairy's routine, both ropes end up restored \n winston freer \n dr. clyde cairy's follow me rope routine \n clyde cairy
1941 ca.
Winston Freer
Winston Freer's Suggestion
Related to
s. reilly's rope trick \n ends are in a different color \n syl reilly
1941 ca.
Syl Reilly
S. Reilly's Rope Trick
eddie clever's triple rope routine \n \n eddie clever
1941 ca.
Eddie Clever
Eddie Clever's Triple Rope Routine
f. h. jeudevine's rope routine \n \n f. h. jeudevine
1941 ca.
F. H. Jeudevine
F. H. Jeudevine's Rope Routine
the baker takes a cut \n rope through loaf of bread is cut and restored \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Baker Takes a Cut
the l. w. great divide \n rope through two wooden blocks is cut and restored \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
The L. W. Great Divide
the gessing-gordon rope trick \n cut ends visually move together and restore, rope and invisible thread \n mr. gessing \n alec gordon
1941 ca.
Mr. Gessing, Alec Gordon
The Gessing-Gordon Rope Trick
the slow motion restoration by harry bjorklund \n \n harry c. bjorklund \n the slow motion restoration \n harry c. bjorklund
1941 ca.
Harry C. Bjorklund
The Slow Motion Restoration by Harry Bjorklund
Also published here
the marvel cut and restored rope \n with extra piece \n unknown
1941 ca.
The Marvel Cut and Restored Rope
the "j. m." rope trick \n with metal ring \n jack mcmillen
1941 ca.
Jack McMillen
The "J. M." Rope Trick
burling hull's "miracle" rope restoration \n - alternative conclusion
- presenting the rope to the audience \n burling hull
1941 ca.
Burling Hull
Burling Hull's "Miracle" Rope Restoration
"cut yourself a piece of rope" \n with do as i do interlude, using fleming's liquid rope gimmic, two routines \n caryl s. fleming
1941 ca.
Caryl S. Fleming
"Cut Yourself a Piece of Rope"
l. w. double restoration \n three ropes with different colors, two are cut and restored \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
L. W. Double Restoration
the l. w. zenith rope restoration \n loop knotted to ring is cut twice and restored \n william larsen \n t. page wright
1941 ca.
William Larsen, T. Page Wright
The L. W. Zenith Rope Restoration
the "maxam" triple cut rope trick \n using special rope devised by winston freer \n unknown \n winston freer's alagen rope \n winston freer
1941 ca.
The "Maxam" Triple Cut Rope Trick
Related to
chapter 8 - miscellaneous rope tricks \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 8 - Miscellaneous Rope Tricks
stabbing the loop \n endless chain, figure eight game, using a rope \n unknown
1941 ca.
Stabbing the Loop
the bachelor's needle \n rope is wind around thumb, threading end through loop \n unknown \n needless threeading \n george sands \n alan sands
1941 ca.
The Bachelor's Needle
Related to
same ring - same finger \n performer is tied to chair with hands behind back and holds ring between lips, behind screen ring travels to selected finger \n unknown
1941 ca.
Same Ring - Same Finger
seymour davis' "sinbad's rope" \n rope is measured and piece cut off, when measured again it is still the same length \n seymour davis
1941 ca.
Seymour Davis
Seymour Davis' "Sinbad's Rope"
h. berson's miracle rope growth \n with tag on rope \n h. berson
1941 ca.
H. Berson
H. Berson's Miracle Rope Growth
winston freer's alagen rope \n using same special rope as in maxam-routine, variation where ropes stretches and changes color at same time \n winston freer \n the "maxam" triple cut rope trick \n unknown
1941 ca.
Winston Freer
Winston Freer's Alagen Rope
Related to
winston freer's master muscle \n tearing a rope apart \n winston freer
1941 ca.
Winston Freer
Winston Freer's Master Muscle
winston freer's "tug-of-war" rope \n \n winston freer
1941 ca.
Winston Freer
Winston Freer's "Tug-Of-War" Rope
the hypnotized rope \n rope stands still horizontally \n john lippy, jr.
1941 ca.
John Lippy, Jr.
The Hypnotized Rope
grant and maillow's ropes of bengal \n two ropes in paper tube, prediction if spectator selects long or short rope \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
Grant and Maillow's Ropes of Bengal
herman hanson's climax rope trick \n rope cut and restored when placed inside rolled magazine \n herman hanson
1941 ca.
Herman Hanson
Herman Hanson's Climax Rope Trick
percy abbott's "easy-do" rope trick \n with paper bag \n percy abbott
1941 ca.
Percy Abbott
Percy Abbott's "Easy-Do" Rope Trick
u. f. grant's amazing rope trick \n black art method, in front of body \n u. f. grant
1941 ca.
U. F. Grant
U. F. Grant's Amazing Rope Trick
chapter 9 - the hindoo rope trick \n \n unknown
1941 ca.
Chapter 9 - The Hindoo Rope Trick
rupert slater's moth and rope \n moth climbs up rope, indian rope trick presentation \n rupert slater
1941 ca.
Rupert Slater
Rupert Slater's Moth and Rope
the pocket hindoo rope trick \n rope vanishes, indian rope trick presentation, flash rope \n sid lorraine
1941 ca.
Sid Lorraine
The Pocket Hindoo Rope Trick
the vanishing boy \n stage method for indian rope trick \n collins pentz
1941 ca.
Collins Pentz
The Vanishing Boy
dunninger's east indian rope trick \n stage method \n joseph dunninger
1941 ca.
Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger's East Indian Rope Trick
svengali's rope climbing trick of india \n \n w. t. lawhead
1941 ca.
W. T. Lawhead
Svengali's Rope Climbing Trick of India
j. k. wright's indian rope trick \n \n j. k. wright
1941 ca.
J. K. Wright
J. K. Wright's Indian Rope Trick
david devant's hindoo rope trick \n \n david devant
1941 ca.
David Devant
David Devant's Hindoo Rope Trick