Written by Tom Stone
Work of Tom Stone
11 pages (E-book), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Tom Stone
Language: English
29 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Tom Stone Foreword contains notebook ideas
Tom Stone Cylinder and Gosh idea for combining Cylinder & Coins with coin under salt shaker type intro
Tom Stone The Annoying Four
Tom Stone Magic for Magicians
Tom Stone Open Cards to Pocket pocket ripped out and placed on table, cards still travel into it
Inspired byAlso published here 2
Tom Stone Prov.31.6 glass appears in hand when performer turns around, quickie for bar
Tom Stone Orange Osmosis on making burning a bill and reproducing it again believable
Tom Stone Imaginary Spectator or Real Artist?
Tom Stone Incompetent Cards to Pocket idea for cards up the sleeve routine where cards appear in pockets and places where they should not go to
Tom Stone Roomtone idea for subtle sound effect during magical moment
Tom Stone derringer cards at two named numbers are predicted, stooge
Also published here 4
Tom Stone A thought on identification on requiring proof that something that travels is the same object and no duplicate
Tom Stone Ten Cards to Pocket thoughts thoughts on the ending of those routines
Tom Stone Wooden Sign "signed card" with isolated card stapled to piece of wood
Also published here 5
Tom Stone Flying Fruit apple and inside of orange transpose
Tom Stone Math vs. Magic four spectators with a fourth of the deck do some dealing/spelling procedure and end up with an Ace on top, based on Jim Steinmeyer's "Nine Card Problem"
Also published here 6
Tom Stone Micro-Macro WOW card to miniature card in Masuda's WOW prop, as part of Micro Macro
Tom Stone Twisting the WOW card turns visually over in Masuda's WOW prop
Tom Stone Cinderella mentalism 1 "mentalist’s version of 'Sam the Bellhop'", story told with props in bags in random order
Tom Stone Cinderella Mentalism 2 page torn from book, spectator finds the book it was torn from
Tom Stone White Death blank cards are laid out on table, spectator moves around with marker, later it is shown that he avoided the cards with "crack" written on their underside, Himber Wallet
Also published here 7
Tom Stone White Death (method 2) blank cards are laid out on glass sheet, spectator moves around with marker, later it is shown that he avoided the cards with "crack" written on their underside
Tom Stone Knee Servante for lapping while standing behind a table
Tom Stone Mental Sports coincidence with different types of sports ball that are matched with the sport equipment
Inspired by
  • Ed Mellon's "Quantimental"
Tom Stone Celastic replacement material to make prop prototypes with
Tom Stone Mating for Life four couples, marriage matching routine, rest of cards shown to be all Queens for performer
Tom Stone Misunderstanding Meaningful Magic
Tom Stone Effect classifications
Tom Stone Camera Gag film is pulled out of camera
Also published here 10
Data entered by Denis Behr, February 2023.