Written by Jochen Zmeck
Work of Jochen Zmeck
32 pages (Stapled), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: German
14 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Jochen Zmeck Liebe Freunde!
Jochen Zmeck, Ward the Wizard Die Blumen-Eröffnung feather flower bouquet produced, choreography with wand, sleeve load
Jochen Zmeck Rot-Grün-Überraschung card chosen from red-backed deck, same card reversed in green-backed deck, then cards are shown to have transposed
Jochen Zmeck Doppelte Drehung two selections turn over one by one
Inspired by
  • Orville Meyer routine
Jochen Zmeck Sie lügen three chips and girls with different hair color on them, three spectators choose them, divined who has which chip with lie detector presentation
Inspired byRelated to 7
Jochen Zmeck Fünfzig Mark
Jochen Zmeck Dreifache Übereinstimmung symbol cards, one chosen by counting to it, one from a different set with numbers on their backs by naming a number, both match a previous prediction
Inspired by
  • idea from Max "Arcanus" Schybol
Jochen Zmeck Ein guter Wurf performer holds plate in front of his face, spectator throws deck on plate, all cards drop, card found on forehead behind plate
Inspired by
  • Reinhold Woda routine
Jochen Zmeck Eingefangen card found with mouse trap
Jochen Zmeck Die verdrehten Flaschen full glass of beer as climax
Jochen Zmeck Buchstabieren picture cards are spelled out with story, always "Falsch" shows up
Related to 19
Jochen Zmeck Der Damaszener Dolch selection lost, spectator locates four cards by stabbing a knife in the deck, they are the selection and its three mates
Inspired by 23
Jochen Zmeck Stabbing Henry Christ Force card stabbed to with knife as get-into for Henry Christ force
Jochen Zmeck Wilson-Krawatten traveling tie from box with selection of ties to collar, free choice
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2023.