With additional introductions from the 1987 reprint by Kaufman and Company.
Written by Bill Madsen
Work of Various
298 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
440 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Bill Madsen The New Jinx from 1987 Kaufman and Company reprint
1987 vii
Bill Madsen, Richard Kaufman Editorial written 1981 prior to Bill Madsen's death, from 1987 Kaufman and Company reprint
1987 viii
Tony Andruzzi Introduction from 1987 Kaufman and Company reprint
1987 ix
Arlecchino Editorial on The New Jinx
1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 1
Foreign Exchange coin transformation, with napkin
1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 1
Prediction De Luxe mailed prediction, using clipboard and bulldog clip
1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 2
Comedy Corner on comedy routines
1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 3
Ro-Pin cut pieces of rope placed inside bag, bag is blown up and smashed with loud bang, pieces of rope are found to be held together with safety pins
1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 3
Balancia ping pong ball caught on nose gag
1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 3
Clayton Rawson The Camel and the Needle's Eye apparently cigarette is pushed through eye of needle
Also published here 1 (Introductory Issue) 1962 3
Magic on The Korengos, Joe Korengo, Irma
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 1
Joe Korengo Moon Floght floating ball design, a la Sputnik
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 2
Everyman's Vanishing Cane building a vanishing cane from a roll of adding machine paper
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 2
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 3
Comedy Corner
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 4
Comedy Candle-to-Flower loud noice when handkerchief is thrown on the floor
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 4
The Creepy Hand handkerchief in breast pocket slowly withdraws into the pocket
Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 4
Jack Vosburgh Ten and One ten and one put on table, spectator puts two coins on top, coincidence, nail punch
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 1 May 1962 4
Card in the Soup card is torn and found restored inside can of soup, matching corner
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 5
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 6
Comedy Corner
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 6
Thimbleitis gag, sticking thimble on nose, rubber cement
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 6
The Twist Color Change
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 7
A Crooked Deck glued crooked deck gag
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 8
Idea for Snake Basket snake from turban
Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 8
Albert Sidney One Little Word chosen word found via dictionary directions
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 2 June 1962 8
Come Fill the Cup silk and dove appear from cocktail shaker
Vol. 1 No. 3 July 1962 9
Arlecchino Editorium on review by Max Underwood
Vol. 1 No. 3 July 1962 10
Comedy Corner gag with funnel
Vol. 1 No. 3 July 1962 10
Paul Rosini The Devil's Die Secret top number of die under cup correctly announced, two methods (one with simple cut-out in paper cup)
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 3 July 1962 11
Sacrifice apparently cutting into thumb, blood on handkerchief
Vol. 1 No. 3 July 1962 12
Torino - The Continental Deceptionist on Tony Kardyro and Faye
Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1962 13
Arlecchino Editorium - The Front Room on "magicians - nice guys or snobs"
Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1962 14
Theodore Annemann Parallel Thoughts one of four freely take cards is selected, medium finds out which one
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1962 15
Tony Kardyro The Ivisible Trip four matches on corners of handkerchief, covered by two matchbooks, matrix
Vol. 1 No. 4 Aug. 1962 16
Marty Lynn Rabbit Monte three bags on table, rabbit placed inside one bag, monte theme, in the end in every bag a cabbage is found
Vol. 1 No. 5 Sep. 1962 17
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 5 Sep. 1962 18
Kent Arthur Familiar Spirit twenty blank cards, each with a two-figure number by a spectator, then some cards are totaled and total divined
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 5 Sep. 1962 19
North Bigbee Dear Arlecchino
Vol. 1 No. 5 Sep. 1962 20
North Bigbee Cardivino name of card written on index card in envelope
Vol. 1 No. 5 Sep. 1962 20
Irv Weiner Food for thought using Playing Card Bonbons, two cards are selected and match cards of selected candy, clear forcing bag with candy bag
Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 21
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 22
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 22
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Irv Weiner
Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 24
Theodore Annemann The Impression Moderne wax coating on envelope as impression device
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 24
Irv Weiner Irv's Crimp Control crimping bottom card while doing one handed fan
Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 25
Irv Weiner, Ray Hyman The Prophet's Beard different beards on cards, one is chosen, performer wears exact beard
Related to Vol. 1 No. 6 Oct. 1962 26
Stewart James Bestop cards next to card stopped at turn out to be two selections
Vol. 1 No. 7 Nov. 1962 27
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 7 Nov. 1962 28
Arlecchino An Open Letter to Eddie Clever
Vol. 1 No. 7 Nov. 1962 28
Fred DeMuth A Divination with Matches number of remaining matches divined, see page 99 for improvement by Herbert R. Hood
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 7 Nov. 1962 29
Edward Marlo Copper & Silver copper silver transposition routine, six phases, using two copper/silver coins
Related toVariations Vol. 1 No. 7 Nov. 1962 30
Gene Maze Tribute
Vol. 1 No. 8 Dec. 1962 31
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 8 Dec. 1962 32
North Bigbee White Magic impression pad using Ko-Rec-Type
Vol. 1 No. 8 Dec. 1962 32
Monty Crowe Countdown prediction of card
Vol. 1 No. 8 Dec. 1962 33
Theodore Annemann The Jinx "Zipper" Cocktail recipe for cocktail
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 8 Dec. 1962 33
Arthur Monroe The Monroe Doctrine four coins travel under envelope
Vol. 1 No. 8 Dec. 1962 34
J. B. Bobo Bobo
Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 35
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on J. B. Bobo
Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 36
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 36
Change - In the Spectator's Hands
Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 37
J. B. Bobo Come and Go Coin coin appears from handkerchief, penetrates it and vanishes (originally from Gen)
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 38
J. B. Bobo Thru-Pocket Vanish coin through trouser to the inside pocket, then it vanishes
Related to Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 39
S. H. Wimbrough Wise Guy Catch everyone sees how it's done except spectator on stage
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 39
J. B. Bobo, Herman Yearger Ethereal Silk vanish and production of silk, finally produced from rolled up paper
Vol. 1 No. 9 Jan. 1963 40
North Bigbee Alphabet Telepathy divination of chosen Alphabet cards
Vol. 1 No. 10 Feb. 1963 41
Arlecchino Editorium on Max Holden's shop, Ronnie Gann, Gene Gordon
Vol. 1 No. 10 Feb. 1963 42
Herb Runge Applause Card flap card, changing message
Vol. 1 No. 10 Feb. 1963 43
Elwin T. Shaw Toss Off miniature of chosen card falls in glass
Vol. 1 No. 10 Feb. 1963 43
Hen Fetsch Lock & Key method for Keys to Baldpate
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 10 Feb. 1963 44
Dan Tong Tele Tact book test with magazine, flashback principle
Related to Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 45
Arlecchino Editorium on Steranko, Dan Tong, assistants
Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 46
Dan Tong Vari-Mental presentation for the invisible deck
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 46
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Dan Tong
Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 47
Dan Tong Tugudtoname bill to bill tube, color of rubber band around bill can be chosen freely, with torn corner
Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 47
Dan Tong Prognostica three businsess cards with number, word and design are sealed into envelopes and information is divined
Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 48
Dan Tong Commando! red backed card is placed inside blue deck, deck is shuffled and turned over, spectator touches one card which turns out to be the odd one
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 48
Russell Prunier The Mutilated Card card is "magically" restored with adhesive tape
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 49
Dan Tong Double-Back Doublecross two effects, selection turns over in the deck, then selection turns over and changes places with other card sticking out from the deck
Vol. 1 No. 11 Mar. 1963 50
Irv Weiner Crazy Huh? spectator reveals selection by starring at a board with strange design, information readable when board is held in an angle
Vol. 1 No. 12 Apr. 1963 51
Arlecchino Editorium on Al Forgione
Vol. 1 No. 12 Apr. 1963 52
Al Forgione Hypnosis: Performers Amateurs general remarks
Vol. 1 No. 12 Apr. 1963 52
Joseph Dunninger Nomenclature three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Also published here Vol. 1 No. 12 Apr. 1963 52
North Bigbee Dark Vision ESP cards inside envelopes, performer divines signs in the dark
Vol. 1 No. 12 Apr. 1963 53
Tony Kardyro X Change half Dollar and Quarter change places, then both penetrate hand
Vol. 1 No. 12 Apr. 1963 54
Ace Gorham Biblical Numbers number prediction using the Bible, Baker flap slate
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 55
Arlecchino Editorium on criticism
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 56
E. Leslie May Improvement three random names are spelled, selection found, automatic placement procedure
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 56
Ace Gorham Paying It Safe date of bill and serial number are divined
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 57
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Ace Gorham
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 57
Ace Gorham A Reverse Thought small packet, some cards are reversed and everything placed inside envelope, medium divines selection
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 58
Ace Gorham Three Way Mentalism several decks used, brainwave and forcing deck, card found reversed and other by stabbing knife next to it
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 58
Ace Gorham "Stop!" shuffled deck performer stops at selection, addition of seven cards behind back
Vol. 2 No. 13 May 1963 58
Felix Greenfield Witch Doctor's Ritual using a Gee-haw whammy diddle / hui-stick to find chosen ESP card
Vol. 2 No. 14 June 1963 59
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 2 No. 14 June 1963 60
Felix Greenfield Extra Special Prediction 4x4 square with different ESP symbols, forcing symbol using freely chosen number
Vol. 2 No. 14 June 1963 61
Theodore Annemann Annemann's 68c patent tip on patenting, see page 456
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 14 June 1963 61
Felix Greenfield Impossible Prediction sealed envelope, prediction for sports event is blank and writing is made appear by water or heat
Vol. 2 No. 14 June 1963 61
Felix Greenfield Read My Mind 35 cards always one to six cards have to be removed by players
Vol. 2 No. 14 June 1963 62
Edward Marlo Fortunatus seven phase routine, transposition of dime and penny with appearance of nine pennies at one point, magnetic shell and magnetic matchbox used
Vol. 2 No. 15 July 1963 63
Arlecchino Editorium on the Lou Tannen's 4th Jubilee in Fallsburg, Sam Schwartz, Tony Slydini, Sid Solomon, Jack Chanin, Clayton Rawson
Vol. 2 No. 15 July 1963 64
Gerald Kosky Card Gag card is seen attached to wrong card, both add up to value of selection
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 July 1963 64
Larry Weeks The Great Chain Robbery clipped, two paperclips on folded bill link and two rubber bands around wrists of spectator
Vol. 2 No. 15 July 1963 65
Arthur Monroe Hypocritical Memory deck switch in mirror glass
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 15 July 1963 66
Dan Tong Prediction in Balloon without title, balloon inside plastic bag with prediction inside
Vol. 2 No. 15 July 1963 66
Felix Greenfield True Love spectator writes name of partner on a business card and random names on other, calculation is made with the last digit of two phone numbers and number leads to business card with name of partner
Vol. 2 No. 16 Aug. 1963 67
Arlecchino Editorium
Vol. 2 No. 16 Aug. 1963 68
Felix Greenfield Bell Book & Candle outline of routine with spirit bell, book test and living and dead test, using fire and a candle
Vol. 2 No. 16 Aug. 1963 69
L. Vosburgh Lyons Fourth Dimensional Sewing
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 16 Aug. 1963 70
Ronnie Gann What The??? chosen card placed on top, pips penetrate table and card is shown to be blank
Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 71
Arlecchino Editorium on Silent Mora
Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 72
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Ronnie Gann
Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 72
Charles T. Jordan Duplex Date Reading naming dates on borrowed coins
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 73
Ronnie Gann Coin-a-matic coin vanish and production
Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 73
Ronnie Gann Matchic color changing knives ending, knife changes to match, pun
Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 74
Ronnie Gann Pentracig marked cigarette vanishes and appears inside folded handkerchief
Vol. 2 No. 17 Sep. 1963 74
Irv Weiner Beyond Belief seven cards placed face up on stand, card with different back is shown and and it matches card freely chosen from the selection on the stand
Vol. 2 No. 18 Oct. 1963 75
Arlecchino, Bill Madsen Editorium biographical, on Arlecchino being Madsen
Vol. 2 No. 18 Oct. 1963 76
Albert Sidney Dark Sorcery spectator signs card and selects number, light turned off, when back on the signed card traveled into sealed envelope numbered with number, luminous paint on back of cards
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 18 Oct. 1963 76
Dan Tong Novel Reading spectator marks page behind back with an X, vanishing ink
Vol. 2 No. 18 Oct. 1963 77
North Bigbee Jumbo Prediction prediction of Jumbo ESP card, on Slate inside bag
Vol. 2 No. 18 Oct. 1963 78
Reverse Fan Force
Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 77
E. Leslie May Person to Person spectator thinks of a card and deck is shuffled, second spectator takes deck and removes selection
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 79
Arlecchino Editorium on Milbourne Christopher, Lou Tannen
Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 80
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Leslie May
Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 81
E. Leslie May It's in the Book on Martin Gardner's "Mathematics, Magic and Mystery" as a forcing book
Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 81
Theodore Annemann The Jinx Five-Foot Shelf of Magic suggestion for magic books to read
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 81
E. Leslie May Lucky Lips lipstick kissed card by female spectator is found by using lipstick as pendulum
Inspired by Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 82
E. Leslie May This That Those any book opened and finger pointed to a section, word is divined
Vol. 2 No. 19 Nov. 1963 82
Arlecchino Editorium on IBM Magicana convention, Walter Zaney Blaney, Salvi Cavicchio, Ricco, Bob Munstedt, Cossary & Co., David Hoy, Dorothy, Rankin Marionettes
Vol. 2 No. 20 Dec. 1963 84
Theodore Annemann Jinx Blazer recipe for a drink
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 20 Dec. 1963 84
Arthur Monroe Hart Throbs Ace of Hearts and Kings lost in the deck, Kings appear and Ace in between, life guards story
Vol. 2 No. 20 Dec. 1963 85
A Look Into the Future
Vol. 2 No. 20 Dec. 1963 85
Arthur Monroe Little Theatre Jacks and Queens are put inside deck as couples, they all turn over, story trick
Vol. 2 No. 20 Dec. 1963 86
Milbourne Christopher Divining Rods using L-shaped divining rods, to find a Key, a hidden disk or a card
Vol. 2 No. 21 Jan. 1964 87
Bill Madsen Editorium on Stewart James
Vol. 2 No. 21 Jan. 1964 88
Bill Madsen, Larry Weeks CATnips ideas by Larry Weeks
  • using wet napkins for mentalism
  • shiner
  • false eggs
Vol. 2 No. 21 Jan. 1964 89
B. B. Low Tram Card card vanishes underneath handkerchief, reappears in pocket, using index
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 21 Jan. 1964 89
Tony Kardyro Behind my Back messages written on six cards, cards held behind back, reading with fingertips, for stage, using a table
Vol. 2 No. 21 Jan. 1964 90
Eddie Clever Lo! A Prophet mailed prediction
Vol. 2 No. 22 Feb. 1964 91
Bill Madsen Editorium on Mickey Hades, Eddie Clever
Vol. 2 No. 22 Feb. 1964 92
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Eddie Clever
Vol. 2 No. 22 Feb. 1964 92
Eddie Clever 7 + Psychic = Doubled three pieces of information are written down, sealed in envelopes and later divined
Inspired by
  • "Fourth Dimensional Telepathy" (Theodore Annemann, marketed 1930)
Vol. 2 No. 22 Feb. 1964 94
Jack Potter Figure Fantasy Fibonacci principle, number prediction
Inspired byRelated to Vol. 2 No. 23 Mar. 1964 95
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 2 No. 23 Mar. 1964 96
Eddie Clever Time, you and another objects places on the table, prediction of which object is touched, and prediction of coin on table as climax
Vol. 2 No. 23 Mar. 1964 96
Sid Lorraine Prediction method for sealed prediction envelope
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 23 Mar. 1964 97
Eddie Clever Shadows Before five Jumbo cards in stand, four are eliminated and remaining one is predicted
Vol. 2 No. 23 Mar. 1964 98
North Bigbee Prophesycic three cards chosen and placed and then one selected by cutting high to high card, winner's card matches prediction in envelope
Vol. 2 No. 24 Apr. 1964 99
North Bigbee Three-Way-Envelope
Vol. 2 No. 24 Apr. 1964 99
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 2 No. 24 Apr. 1964 100
Rudy Reimer Ribbon of Eurus
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 24 Apr. 1964 100
Milton Kort Kort's 4th Sympathetic Coins, on handkerchief with four cardboard covers, copper transformation kicker
Also published here Vol. 2 No. 24 Apr. 1964 101
Ronnie Gann It's About Time time set on pocket watch is predicted on card
Vol. 2 No. 24 Apr. 1964 102
Ace Gorham A Nest of Boxes Routine bill to nest of boxes
Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 103
Ace Gorham Thought Waiver spectator divines selection of other spectator, using big index to signal card
Related to Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 103
Bill Madsen Editorium on Senator Crandall, Lou Tannen, Boston Assembly #9's Magicale, Karrell Fox, Larry Weeks, Richard & Joanne Gustafson, Roy Benson, Huston and Company, Nardini & Nadyne, General Grant, Jack Bauer and Company
Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 104
Max Katz Addendum Fibonacci principle, number prediction
Inspired byRelated to Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 105
Ace Gorham Mental Chapeaugraphy divination of famous people using chapeaugraphy
Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 105
Ace Gorham From Ace Gorham three selections appear on coat lapels and on tie
Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 105
Henry Hardin Hindu Dream cards in hat, shaken and top card removed four times
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 105
Tony Kardyro A Cue For You & A Cue For Me spectator divines selection of other spectator, cuing spectator on stage and in audience
Vol. 3 No. 25 May 1964 106
David Hoy Paradiscophy using 45 pop records, DJ or medium divines chosen songs by playing music
Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 107
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 108
Martin Gardner Martin Gardner's Pen Kink borrowed pen is placed away and then produced again
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 108
David Hoy Apologia
Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 109
David Hoy ????? puzzle, writing Khrushchev
Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 109
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on David Hoy
Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 110
David Hoy Easy Way Out - Non Thumb Writer on pocket writing
Vol. 3 No. 26 June 1964 110
Irv Weiner Sly Max three paper balls to hat, large paper ball from hat as climax
Inspired by Vol. 3 No. 27 July 1964 111
Bill Madsen Editorium on Lou Tannen's 4th Magician's Jubilee, Amadeo, George Carolly, Senator Crandall, David Hoy, Frank Garcia, George Sands, The Crawfords, Bill Demar, Kent Richards & Dottie, Bob Fischer, The Raymonds, The Korengos
Vol. 3 No. 27 July 1964 112
Edward Bagshawe Bagshaw's Penetration silk through paper, new use for Phantom Tube
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 27 July 1964 113
Irv Weiner Uno fa otto cigar act, cigar produced, penetrates handkerchief and seven more cigars appear one by one
Vol. 3 No. 27 July 1964 114
Paul Siegel Spectra-Ception seeing colors with fingertips, colored cards under handkerchief
Vol. 3 No. 28 Aug. 1964 115
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 28 Aug. 1964 116
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 3 No. 28 Aug. 1964 117
Monty Crowe 2 Needles in a Haystack as Sen. Montgomery F. Crowe, deck cut in halves, two cards reversed and halves shuffled face up in face down, performer finds both cards
Vol. 3 No. 28 Aug. 1964 117
Paul Siegel Frame of Mind messages written on paper and sealed in envelopes are divined
Vol. 3 No. 28 Aug. 1964 118
North Bigbee Psychicolor seeing colors with fingertips
Vol. 3 No. 28 Aug. 1964 118
E. Leslie May Thoughts In Two Sizes two selections from jumbo deck match two selections from normal deck
Vol. 3 No. 29 Sep. 1964 119
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 3 No. 29 Sep. 1964 120
J. A. Sheterom Vanishing Wand Presentation
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 29 Sep. 1964 120
Mae Forgione Outer Limit recipe for a drink
Vol. 3 No. 29 Sep. 1964 121
Ken Krenzel Psychologia billet switching box, routine variation
Inspired by Vol. 3 No. 29 Sep. 1964 121
Arthur Monroe Lodestone reversed fan
Vol. 3 No. 29 Sep. 1964 122
James G. Thompson Jr. Norman's Ark Gilbreath Principle idea, shuffling face-up and face-down
Vol. 3 No. 30 Oct. 1964 123
Bill Madsen Editorium response to a letter by Walt Rollins
Vol. 3 No. 30 Oct. 1964 124
Dan Tong More On colored cards in envelopes are divines, seeing with fingertips
Vol. 3 No. 30 Oct. 1964 125
Ken De Courcy Witchwood sympathetic match, match in hand does the same as second match
Vol. 3 No. 30 Oct. 1964 125
Otto Waldmann Evaporato "Coin that gets Around", marked coin vanishes from sealed glass, reappears into spectator's breast pocket
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 30 Oct. 1964 125
C. A. George Newmann Letter to Eddie Clever on the Menetekel deck
Vol. 3 No. 30 Oct. 1964 126
John Benzais Transit Dime coin penetrates cellophane of card case or cigarette pack
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 127
John Benzais Transit Ring transposition of two borrowed rings, in the hands of performer
Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 127
Bill Madsen Editorium a letter by Robert Nelson
Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 128
Monty Crowe Your Life Your Phone as Sen. Montgomery F. Crowe, telephone number divination, using calculation
Inspired by
  • "Behind My Blackboard" in "The Gen" May, 1959
Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 129
Gerald Lynton Kaufman Poker Challenge bet/game in which performer and spectator openly draw cards
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 129
Max Katz Arithmetical Progression series of number, missing one has to be figured out
Related to Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 129
Ken Krenzel Super Numerary divination of two written numbers
Variations Vol. 3 No. 31 Nov. 1964 130
Arthur Monroe 3 Card Money monte, proposition bet with double backers (red-red, blue-blue, red-blue) shuffled in a bag and one is selected, bet on color of the other side.
Inspired by
  • item by Stanley Ogilvy in "Scientific American" September, 1950.
Vol. 3 No. 32 Dec. 1964 131
Bill Madsen (reviewer) Editorium on Max Katz, Jack Birman, IBM Ring 122 Magicana show, Dwight Damon, Bill DeMar, Coe Norton & Laura Lee, Tom Garey, Harger & Wanda, Senator Clarke Crandall, Bernard Whitman Vol. 3 No. 32 Dec. 1964 132
Bruce Elliott Elliott Humor cigarette falls apart when smoking, chemical
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 32 Dec. 1964 133
Max Katz Solution to Max Katz's Progression series of number, missing one has to be figured out
Related to Vol. 3 No. 32 Dec. 1964 133
North Bigbee Impromptu Mene-Tekel how to make a menetekel deck, overview of several effects possible
Vol. 3 No. 32 Dec. 1964 134
John Benzais J.B. Card in Wallet two handlings, first with lapping
Related to Vol. 3 No. 33 Jan. 1965 135
Bill Madsen Editorium on a letter by John Benzais
Vol. 3 No. 33 Jan. 1965 136
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on John Benzais
Vol. 3 No. 33 Jan. 1965 137
John Benzais 5c For Your Thoughts coin spun on table, performer knows which side is up
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 33 Jan. 1965 137
John Benzais 4-D Ball Trick three small balls become invisible one at a time and are then reproduced, seated
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 33 Jan. 1965 138
Paul Siegel Booknow circle made on page of magazine to select word, carbon
Vol. 3 No. 34 Feb. 1965 139
Bill Madsen Editorium
Vol. 3 No. 34 Feb. 1965 140
John Benzais Lapping Card in context of a sequence
Vol. 3 No. 34 Feb. 1965 141
John Benzais The Crimped Card Location selection crimped in middle of deck
Also published here Vol. 3 No. 34 Feb. 1965 141
E. Leslie May Extra Spectra Mental three cardboards with colors are arranged, matches prediction with knotted silks, Ed Mellon's Spectra-Mental used
Vol. 3 No. 34 Feb. 1965 142
Felix Greenfield Psychic Spell 50 picture cards, selection is found by spelling name and sentence
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 143
Felix Greenfield Telekinesis half of the deck shoots in other hand to reveal selection, one handed gag cut presented as telekinesis
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 143
Bill Madsen Editorium on Demon, David Hoy, The Amazing Maurice, Bob Nelson
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 144
Felix Greenfield Die-Abolical Concept number written on paper is burnt, four dice are stacked and numbers on top of each die correspond with written number
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 145
Felix Greenfield The Time Will Come when someone asked the time performer points to watch and a piece of paper is apparently printed with the exact time
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 145
Felix Greenfield One Finger - One Hand Right Hand Billet Switch
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 145
Bill Madsen The New Jinx Certificate for contributors
Vol. 3 No. 35 Mar. 1965 146
Paul Siegel Vates Sacer several stamps from stamp booklet are signed, correct allocation by performer
Vol. 3 No. 36 Apr. 1965 147
Bill Madsen Editorium on Tommy Windsor, Alvin Plough
Vol. 3 No. 36 Apr. 1965 148
Bill Madsen "Pro"file on Paul Siegel
Vol. 3 No. 36 Apr. 1965 148
Paul Siegel Mystery of Eleusis prediction in envelope in stand
Vol. 3 No. 36 Apr. 1965 149
Paul Siegel Talismans of Pelazon ten tags are places on stand by performer and spectator, designs on backs match
Vol. 3 No. 36 Apr. 1965 150
Harry Lorayne Out Of My Control standard psychological stop effect, with outs
Also published here Vol. 4 No. 37 May 1965 151
Bill Madsen (reviewer) Editorium on Boston Magirama, Herman Hanson, Evy & Everto, Crawford & Gloria, Dennis Haney, Ackero & Co, Ladd Lyons, Anverdi, The Keeners, Mike Caldwell, The Korengos, Max Katz Vol. 4 No. 37 May 1965 152
John Benzais The Real Secret of Peeling Cards
Related to Vol. 4 No. 37 May 1965 154
North Bigbee Stranger Interlude new card in old deck as stranger card, see p. 156 for corrections
Vol. 4 No. 37 May 1965 154
Max Katz Ydalir cutting and counting packet and remembering card at the position in remaining packet, see p. 176 for idea by Mark Jacobs
Vol. 4 No. 38 June 1965 155
Bill Madsen Editorium on Max Katz, Ed Turner, Don Lawton, Damon
Vol. 4 No. 38 June 1965 156
Jesse J. Langston Jr. Assassination prediction of murder weapon and where victim was hit, similar to voodoo doll
Vol. 4 No. 38 June 1965 157
John Benzais Sandstorm Die Hard 3 math puzzle, see p. 160 for solution
Vol. 4 No. 38 June 1965 157
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Propelled Lapping
Related toVariationsAlso published here Vol. 4 No. 38 June 1965 158
Edward Marlo, Carmen D'Amico Propelled Coincidence using two different colored decks, same cards chosen
Vol. 4 No. 38 June 1965 158
E. Leslie May ESPell spelling to ESP cards
Vol. 4 No. 39 July 1965 159
Bill Madsen Editorium on Lou Tannen, J.G. Thompson, Larry Weeks, Richard & Joan Gustafson, Howie Schwarzman, Peter Pit, Scalzo, Senator Crandall, Bob Nelson, Fu Manchu
Vol. 4 No. 39 July 1965 160
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
  • Preface
Vol. 4 No. 39 July 1965 161
Joseph M. White CATnips on Scotch Band Double Face Tape, various tips and tricks
  • #1 to make double facers
  • #2 to clean tuxedo
  • #3 torn and restored card inside bag
  • #4 card on ceiling
  • #5 faking headlines
  • #6 index envelope for six disc
  • #7 taping silk to table
  • #8 double side coin
Vol. 4 No. 39 July 1965 161
Damon, Paul Siegel, North Bigbee Silk-Sation through assistant, using silks, see p. 294 for credit info to Damon
Vol. 4 No. 39 July 1965 162
Milbourne Christopher Christopher on Blindfolds various blindfold ideas and routines
  • Design Duplication
  • Headline Vision
  • Walking the Chalkline
  • Sharpshooting
  • Blindfold Construction
Vol. 4 No. 40 Aug. 1965 163
Bill Madsen Editorium on Lou Tannen's Jubilee, Count Artell, Senator Crandall, Jerry Shane, Lucille & Eddie Roberts, Tom Palmer, Bob McAllister
Vol. 4 No. 40 Aug. 1965 164
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 40 Aug. 1965 165
Dick Koester Nuchromancy 3 spectator select cards, total and amount of red and black cards is predicted
Vol. 4 No. 40 Aug. 1965 166
Larry Weeks On the Mat card as prediction on mat, sucker element
Vol. 4 No. 40 Aug. 1965 166
Dan Tong ESP Mania - Where the Action Is using two combined ESP decks with red and blue backs, various ideas
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 167
Bill Madsen Editorium on Fu Manchu, Tommy Windsor, Senator Crandall
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 168
Bill Madsen Questioneer using business cards, easy glimpse
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 168
E. Leslie May "...to a memory" lecture series on Ted Annemann
Vol. 4 No. 41 Sep. 1965 169
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, November 2024.