Written by Louis F. Christianer
Work of Louis F. Christianer
40 pages (Stapled), published by A. M. Wilson, M. D.
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
24 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Louis F. Christianer Preface
Louis F. Christianer The Candle, Die and Handkerchief multiple transpositions/travel effects with candle, handkerchief and large Die with a glass sheet, hat, tube
Louis F. Christianer The Flower Box novel flower loading method into a box
Louis F. Christianer The New Ring and Egg Trick finger ring travels into egg
Inspired by
  • method in Magical Bulletin
Louis F. Christianer The Handkerchief and Decanter silk is shot onto a decanter in a paper bag and appears inside
Louis F. Christianer The Die and Apple apple in box transposes with large die
Louis F. Christianer The Card in the Pocket spectator remembers card and its position, performer removes it and puts it in his pocket
Inspired by 13
Louis F. Christianer The Orange, Ring and String empty box with string through it, orange and ring vanish and are found inside box with string through them, ring inside fruit
Louis F. Christianer The Six-Coin Trick six coins in two rows of three, they travel across one by one, no extra coin
Inspired by
  • "Another Invisible Journey" (David Devant, Magic Made Easy)
Louis F. Christianer The Clock Production large table clock appears under handkerchief
Louis F. Christianer Where's the King? two spot cards and a King, King changes into another spot card, King found in pocket, suggestion by John E. Fowler
Inspired by
  • "The Disappearing Queen" (Magicians' Trick, Hatton & Plate)
Louis F. Christianer The Spots Stick flat small stick with spots
Paddle Move
Louis F. Christianer Use for the Card Windlass using rising card windlass prop for torn and restored paper napkin
Dr. John M. Lee The Coffee Canister metal vase filled with cotton wool, changes into coffee, prop
Louis F. Christianer Your Trick spectator cuts deck, removes a few cards and remembers next one, self-force
Floyd G. Thayer Gestalt False Cut deck quickly cut and placed together the same way, brief
Louis F. Christianer A Card Detection cards new deck order, spectator removes any card and puts it in center of cased deck, performer estimates its position, cuts there and looks what it is for later revelation
Re-Sealing a Deck brief
Louis F. Christianer The Vanishing Chimes under handkerchief, nesting chimes
Louis F. Christianer The Wandering Card and Envelope signed empty envelope placed on easel, selected card travels inside envelope, black art gaff
Louis F. Christianer The Handkerchief and Die silks put in tube, die vanishes and appears in tube, silks found in paper cone
Louis F. Christianer A Tissue Paper Mystery red and white sheet of tissue paper, centers are torn out and restored mis-made into the wrong papers (white has red center and vice versa), then restored correctly, snow storm finale
Louis F. Christianer Moves with the Ball and Vase
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2024.