Written by Louis F. Christianer
Work of Louis F. Christianer
21 pages (Stapled), published by F. G. Thayer
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
18 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
Louis F. Christianer Die and Double Boxes large die vanishes from newspaper and is found in two nested boxes
Louis F. Christianer The Divining Cards card is tossed up and caught in deck between two selections
Louis F. Christianer Flowers and Doves basket with flowers is covered, flowers change to doves
Louis F. Christianer Correcting a Mistake card is selected and placed aside without looking, three more cards chosen, they are three Kings, first chosen card is an Ace and Kings have changed to Aces
Henry Hardin Under-the-Spread Force from bottom, card slipped into position when spread is separated
Also published here
  • Bulletin of Latest Sleights
Burn Card Strategy top two cards burned, then next card taken
Louis F. Christianer Double-Palm Change Handling
Inspired by 8
Louis F. Christianer A Clever Coin Move false transfer with back clip at end of coin roll
Louis F. Christianer Hit It Hard selection placed on top, deck hit by spectator, card is then shown on bottom, deck shuffled and hit again, card at named position
Overhand Shuffle Placement to specific position
Louis F. Christianer The Flying Handkerchief silk travels from hand into paper tube, silk bundle hangs on a loop
Louis F. Christianer Two Coin Moves
  • coin placed on fist, hand waved over it, it changes (sleeve clean-up)
  • coin sleeving from left fist as right hand rubs it
Louis F. Christianer An Effective Card Trick card chosen, it appears face up on the deck, is chosen again, face card changes into selection which is placed on floor, another chosen card is the same card, card on floor is an indifferent one
Louis F. Christianer Flying Ink and Silk ink travels from glass to glass
Louis F. Christianer The Four Aces Again three cards placed onto each Ace, rest of deck in glass, Aces vanish one by one and rise out of the deck
Ace Vanish with Double Facer
Louis F. Christianer Twenty-Five Cards with one selection
Surgeon Woodward Drop Revelation cards dropped onto table one by one, selection turns face up
Also published here
  • Sphinx
Data entered by Denis Behr, December 2024.