Written by John Lovick, Asi Wind
Work of Asi Wind
150 pages (Hardcover), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Asi Wind
Language: English
38 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page Categories
John Graham Foreword
Asi Wind Preface
Asi Wind Tamed Name spectator's name written on blank card multiplies on other blank cards
Inspired by 1
Flapless Envelope Switch
Asi Wind Mental Fan Force card thought of from fanned deck, with outs and strategies
Inspired by 15
Asi Wind XY Deck stripper deck in which the diagonally opposite corners are shortened, for divided deck, refined handlings
  • Preparing a XY Deck
  • Strip-out Method One
  • Strip-out Method Two
  • One-handed Strip-out
  • Learning the Strip-out
Inspired by 23
Asi Wind Reds and Blacks spectators shuffle deck, yet cards shown separated into red and black cards, rounders
Asi Wind Instant Shuffle-Bored rounders
Related to 34
Asi Wind Anybody and Nobody deck has scribblings on the edge, someone thinks of a person's name, spectator divides the deck into two sections with elimination process, not chosen cards spell NOBODY on the edges when cards are squared up, chosen cards spell the chosen name, rounders
  • Getting the Name (Three Methods)
    • 1. Pre-show
    • 2. With an Assistant (No Pre-show)
    • 3. iCurveball (No Pre-show, No Assistant)
Inspired by
  • "The Big Tiny" (Nimrod Harel, Paul Harris's True Astonishments box, 2009)
Also published here
Shimshi Multiple Card Location classic strategy of switching deck while the selections are out applied to two decks cut for XY Deck/rounders
Asi Wind Double-Digit Force forcing two one-digit numbers by riffling through cards and spectator names two values he sees
Also published here 47
Asi Wind Card to Box handling of Jim Krenz's card case load (odd crediting)
  • The Card Box Load
  • Fine-Tuning
Inspired by 53
Asi Wind, Allan Ackerman Perpendicular Cull card culled into perpendicular position
Inspired by 55
Asi Wind Stacked & Marked named card to card case
Asi Wind Ambitious Ending card to case as finale
Asi Wind Under & Inside named card appears under the card case, then inside it
Asi Wind Last Second card to case with roughed Mene-Tekel
Asi Wind Think Twice two named cards to case, one after the other, for when the spectator changes his mind
Asi Wind It All Adds Up number of cards chosen from top of deck is predicted via sum of playing card values in case
Inspired by 67
Asi Wind C2B Prediction four chosen cards placed in case, another card chosen and signed, cased packet contains card of same color, suit, value and also actual selection
Related to 69
Asi Wind Timing Force to Edge Mark nailnicked key
Asi Wind All In thought-of card to case, using risky fan force
Asi Wind Card to Wallet using Jim Krenz's card case load to load a wallet
Inspired by 74
Asi Wind Stage Handling doing Jim Krenz's card case load with case on spectator's hand
Inspired by 75
Asi Wind Noah spectator cuts to card and another one choses its mate, two spectators then count to a card in half the deck each under the table and they match, then two cards are mated in the deck at once, then whole deck
Also published here 79
Asi Wind Stay Stack Set-up Trick setting up a stay stack during a location
Also published here 81
Charles T. Jordan Divided Deck Overhand Shuffle
Alex Elmsley Faro Spread
Asi Wind Gang of Four slop shuffle triumph, in second phase a card is chosen from the face-down spread, when deck is gathered and re-spread, all mates turned over
Inspired byAlso published here 91
Count-Down Force forcing the seventh card, two methods, one using Curious Count
Also published here 96
Asi Wind Phoning it In two cards chosen with performer out of room and phoning the spectator, suit of one and value of other used to make up a card, that card is predicted in phone case
Asi Wind Ex Nihilo card chosen from an invisible deck is found folded under spectator's watch
Asi Wind Meant to Be card named with the help of several spectators that are selected by tossing a crumpled up ball around, card is the only odd-backed card in the deck, all other cards are blank, card is also predicted on crumpled up ball, index in back of table
Inspired by
  • "Killer Prediction" (Cody Fisher, marketed)
Asi Wind First Gimmicked Deck rough-smooth deck to show any picture card reversed and odd-backed with all other cards blank
Asi Wind Second Gimmicked Deck gaffed case with twelve-card index, card from index transferred to deck as it is removed
Asi Wind 3D Telepathy three spectators write on billets, one chosen and content divined, then other two divined
Inspired byAlso published here 137
Asi Wind Center Burn billet placed in clip and burned
Asi Wind Afterword
Data entered by Denis Behr, January 2025.