Edited by Bruce Elliott, until issue 72, 1944, together with Walter B. Gibson.
Written by Bruce Elliott, Walter B. Gibson
Work of Various
207 pages (Hardcover), published by unknown publisher
Illustrated with drawings
Language: English
1,556 entries
This publication has been reviewed by
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Issue Year Page AA Categories
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on letters in a magazine about proofing psychic power, Ed Stoddard, credits in "Scarne's Magic Tricks", Dr. Jaks
241 Nov. 1951 965
H. K. Becker Your Flush gambling demonstration, royal flush finish
242 Nov. 1951 966
A New Glide à la Kelly Bottom Placement
242 Nov. 1951 966
Stylesmith Predictor tripple prediction, three envelopes on big black board, different colored crayons
Inspired by 242 Nov. 1951 967
Jack Avis The Jokers ten cards on table, selected one is predicted the others are jokers
242 Nov. 1951 968
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Al Baker's dead, Leslie Barrie, Willard Smith, Bill Simon, Herman Hansen
242 Nov. 1951 969
H. K. Becker Super Fillip back of card changes
Inspired by 242 Nov. 1951 969
Dick Piser Piser's Flaming Boutonniere handkerchief changes into boutonniere in a flash
Related to 242 Nov. 1951 969
Gerald Kosky Color-I-Tus on perceiving reality, colored dots on a cards change, coin seems to be made from rubber
Inspired by
  • Nixon's Chinese Coin Mistery
Also published here
243 Nov. 1951 970
John Hamilton The King two black kings, chosen king changes into selection
243 Nov. 1951 971
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Francis Carlyle, Dr. Jaks, Martin Gardner, Bob Orben, Frank Garcia, Lee Noble, Bill Simon
243 Nov. 1951 973
Dai Vernon, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bill Simon, Martin Gardner, Norman Jensen, Bruce Elliott The Ruler force with ruler with name of cards, ruler is balanced on two fingers and fingers brought together until fingers meet, see also p. 981 for ideas by John Hamilton
Variations 244 Dec. 1951 974
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Tele Teaser
Variations 244 Dec. 1951 975
John A. M. Howie To and Fro
244 Dec. 1951 975
Vern Schoneck A Few
  • adding cards to a deck, with a pencil
  • rising card (with rubber band)
244 Dec. 1951 976
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Gardner, Gershon Legman, John Thursday, Harry Opel, Jack Chanin
244 Dec. 1951 977
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Don Castello, Gen Grant, Audley Walsh, Martin Gardner, Frank Joglar, Fred Keating, Jay Marshall, Al Baker, Norman Jensen, Lou Tannen
245 Dec. 1951 978
Dr. Stanley Jaks You Cross As I Cross spectator and performer make a cross on a page in a book with the same title, it's the same page
Also published here 245 Dec. 1951 979
Frank Huck, John Hamilton Letters
245 Dec. 1951 980
Franklin V. Taylor Wet Dime! water drops fall from between two coins
245 Dec. 1951 980
Bill Nord Snakes Alive animals are written down and one billet selected, fake snake appears, snake pill
Also published here 245 Dec. 1951 981
Dr. William E. Belanger Belanger's Atom Smasher paper with an atom drawn on it, is torn and restored, drawing changes in the process
245 Dec. 1951 981
Paul Curry You're a Liar presentational idea
Related toAlso published here 246 Jan. 1952 982
Norman Jensen The Sticky Steal vanish of a bill in envelope / stealing something from an envelope
246 Jan. 1952 983
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Key key balanced on finger turns over
Related toVariationsAlso published here 246 Jan. 1952 984
Release! ring off rope
Related to 246 Jan. 1952 984
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Milbourne Christopher, Lee Noble, Don Alan, Carl Rosini, George Starke, Stars of Magic, Orson Welles, Cy Endfield, Charlie Miller, Jimmy Grippo, Cardini
246 Jan. 1952 985
Ernest Heldman Letter on Tricks from the Phoenix
Related to 246 Jan. 1952 985
Milbourne Christopher One Man's Opinion opening gag, paper makes some noise
Also published here 247 Jan. 1952 986
Dr. William Weyeneth Tisch-Trick coin is pushed through a small slit in a card, from "Hokuspokus" magazine, see p. 997 for idea by Gerald Kosky
Variations 247 Jan. 1952 987
Jack Chanin Folded sound is made shortly before paper is torn
247 Jan. 1952 988
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Al Wheatley, Mickey MacDougall, Tommy Hanlon, Jay Marshall
247 Jan. 1952 989
Harry Lorayne Saltless deck divides at chosen card when thrown, crimp, see p. 997 for credit details
Also published here 247 Jan. 1952 989
Bruce Elliott, Dai Vernon B.D.V. with hole deck in hand, spectator can decide on every card, without looking at it
Also published here 248 Feb. 1952 990
Dai Vernon Strip-Out Addition
248 Feb. 1952 990
Jack Harper Jack Harper's Letter to Hubert Lambert two person telepathy routine
248 Feb. 1952 991
Fred Fletcher The Circle or Pass the Cards ten people are standing in a circle, all are holding a playing card and while performer looks away, spectators can pass their cards along, divination of how many passes
248 Feb. 1952 992
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, The Friday Night Sodality, Bob Orben, Frank Joglar
248 Feb. 1952 993
Dr. Jacob Daley Motile! sympathetic coins, on handkerchief
Related toAlso published here 249 Feb. 1952 994
Sliding Steal
249 Feb. 1952 994
Oscar Weigle A Trick that Grows on You
249 Feb. 1952 996
George Schindler Torn Quartet stealing for centers, one bigger paper
249 Feb. 1952 996
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Ed Stoddard, Sid Lorraine, Ralph Read, Knights of Magic, Dai Vernon, Dr. Braude, Gerald Kosky, Gershon Legman
249 Feb. 1952 997
Martin Gardner, Charles "Chic" Schoke Easy Aces Aces in the deck stay in the same order after spectator riffle shuffled the deck three times
Related to 249 Feb. 1952 997
Bruce Elliott Dr. Elliott about Dr. James W. Elliott
250 Mar. 1952 998
Dr. James William Elliott Doctor Elliott's Aquitment hand washing
250 Mar. 1952 999
Bruce Elliott Elliott's Last Lethargy false second deal
250 Mar. 1952 1001
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Emlyn Williams, Cbarles Dickens, Bobo, Senator Crandall, Jimmy Drilling, Tommy Vanderschmidt, Wally Dean, Jay Marshall, Cardini, Dr. Jaks, Rezvani
251 Mar. 1952 1002
Gershon Legman Lotus and Bow-Tie bill folded to bow-tie and Lotus
Also published here 251 Mar. 1952 1003
Peter Warlock Pavane for a Pagan three balls of paper, red black and white, color of chosen card is named and the colored ball opened. Part is missing and forms the card on the white ball
251 Mar. 1952 1005
Hal M. Greenberg Hal's Halucination numbers written on billets, performer tries to find selection and removes two cards, one for suit other for value, card is found at number on selected billet
252 Apr. 1952 1006
Criss Cross Force
252 Apr. 1952 1007
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Will De Sieve, Jay Marshall, Leslie Barrie, Friday Night Sodality, Frank Joglar, Martin Gardner, Bill Larsen, Lou Tannen
252 Apr. 1952 1009
Paul Curry Fourth Dimensional Turning idea for S.S. Adams money printing machine, performer and spectator write names on both sides of a paper, when put in machine paper turns inside out and back
Also published here 252 Apr. 1952 1009
Martin Gardner Where Does the Easter Bunny Go? puzzle
252 Apr. 1952 1009
Dai Vernon The Unambitious Card card travels down from top one card at a time, for magicians
253 Apr. 1952 1010
Ronald B. Edwards Upsy Downsy
253 Apr. 1952 1011
Leg Reverse as double lift substitute
253 Apr. 1952 1011
Dr. Ben B. Braude It's the Humidity pips fall of from aces, leaving blank cards
253 Apr. 1952 1012
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ralph Read, Dr. Kayton, John Scarne, Cy Endfield, Lewis Ganson, Frank Garcia, Friday Night Sodality, Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller
253 Apr. 1952 1013
John Murray Murray's Muse
  • putting a bill tube into an ice cube
  • on glasses for the shrinking quarter to dime trick
  • on haunting a house
253 Apr. 1952 1013
Bill Simon Harnessed ring penetrates handkerchief
254 May 1952 1014
Hamid Sayani Wire-Less recorded prediction, radio
254 May 1952 1015
Martin Gardner Cubism sugar cubes travel from one hand to the other and back
254 May 1952 1016
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Larsen, pseudonyms an criticism
254 May 1952 1017
Walter Essman Matchic match book with two matches, match is broken and restored, then burnt and new again, the second match is found burnt in the match book eventually
255 May 1952 1018
Fred Fletcher Mentalexicon word is divined, with alphabet cards and a range of sixteen words
Related toVariations 255 May 1952 1019
Herb Runge Go! closing trick, spectator choses word "go" from a book and performer does just that
255 May 1952 1020
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Spades Hearts Clubs Diamonds variation on the Si Stebbins / Galasso Stack
255 May 1952 1020
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bob Orben, publishing books
255 May 1952 1021
Frank Garcia Garcia's Bow Geste using bow-tie to steal fake cigarettes for manipulation routines
256 May 1952 1022
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rotator prop to write down the order of a shuffled deck and use it as a memorized deck
Related to 256 May 1952 1023
Norman Jensen Date presentation idea for paper torn and restored, with sheet from a calendar
256 May 1952 1024
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Lewis Ganson, Rusduck, Orson Welles, Frances Ireland, hypnotism
256 May 1952 1025
Jack Miller Invisible Water glass of water appears behind wine list, see also p. 1097 for ideas by Jack Miller
257 June 1952 1026
Bill Simon Dope! card to wallet, off-beat, no-palm
Variations 257 June 1952 1028
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Hen Fetsch, Keith Clark, Stars of Magic, Dr. Jaks, Frank Garcia, Norman Jensen, Fred Keating, George Karger
257 June 1952 1029
Gustave Bollag Further Out of this World with rainbow deck
Also published here 257 June 1952 1029
Kirk Stiles Hard Way two dice are thrown, one has seven spots the other is blank, as Kirk Styles
257 June 1952 1029
Norman Jensen Cigarette on Flashpaper
Also published here 257 June 1952 1029
Frank Garcia Garcia's Clip It monte, card marked with paper clip
Also published here 258 June 1952 1030
George Blake Smoking Sailor sailor on picture smokes real cigarette
258 June 1952 1032
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Long Tack Sam, Robert Orben, Paul Le Paul, Jackie Flosso
258 June 1952 1033
Jackie Flosso The Easiest Monte card vanishes and appears face up in deck
258 June 1952 1033
Ricki Dunn The Juicy Card selection found in a can which was found in a grapefruit
258 June 1952 1033
John A. M. Howie P.R.P coins rolled on pool table obey the directions given by the performer
259 July 1952 1034
John Hamilton Force force of a color, several pieces of colored paper in different envelopes
259 July 1952 1035
Walter Essman Squashed coin appears and vanishes from two rubber suction cups
259 July 1952 1036
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Jay Marshall, Frank Garcia, Dilmer, Frank Taylor
259 July 1952 1037
William Larsen Peek Stab with napkin
260 July 1952 1038
Gerald Kosky Under-Hand Coin spectator puts some coins on the table and starts turning them over one by one then one coin is hidden and performer turns back, he reveals which side is up on the hidden coin
Inspired byRelated toVariations 260 July 1952 1039
Bruce Elliott Elliott on Ellis ring off handkerchief
Also published here 260 July 1952 1040
Bruce Elliott The Back Room discussion of Bruce Elliott and Fred Keating on the Friday Night Sodality, part 1
260 July 1952 1041
Hen Fetsch, Cy Keller Hexappeal pseudo psychometry with names of famous people
261 Aug. 1952 1042
Cy Keller, Hen Fetsch Hole the Coin coin transforms in process
Inspired by 261 Aug. 1952 1043
Cy Keller, Hen Fetsch Cheap Faro! ideas for Rusduck's Rotator
Inspired by 261 Aug. 1952 1043
Hen Fetsch, Cy Keller Mind Your Future! two decks, selection is divined and predicted
261 Aug. 1952 1044
Hen Fetsch, Cy Keller Double sequence, card is half red and half black
261 Aug. 1952 1044
Bruce Elliott The Back Room discussion of Bruce Elliott and Fred Keating on the Friday Night Sodality, part 2
261 Aug. 1952 1045
Lu Brent Out of Print cigarette steals from newspaper after torn and restored newspaper
262 Aug. 1952 1046
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Extra Sensory Prestidigitation three phase ESP routine, matching with ESP signs drawn on pieces of paper, mind reading of one as climax
262 Aug. 1952 1047
Bruce Elliott The Back Room discussion of Bruce Elliott and Fred Keating on the Friday Night Sodality, part 3
262 Aug. 1952 1049
Al Baker, Dai Vernon Al 'n Dai Again stranger card, sandwiched, see p. 1061 for more details
Related to 263 Sep. 1952 1050
Sandwich Switch
263 Sep. 1952 1051
Frank Garcia Garcia's Interlude sucker sequence, side slip fake
263 Sep. 1952 1051
James Torry Buttonholed string is tied on button hole of a jacket, ring penetrates string
263 Sep. 1952 1052
Bruce Elliott The Back Room discussion of Bruce Elliott and Fred Keating on the Friday Night Sodality, part 4
263 Sep. 1952 1053
Franklin V. Taylor Try-Fly with 15 cards each, separated in reds and blacks, three double facer
264 Sep. 1952 1054
Milton Tropp A Coin Tipp simplified version of Under-Hand Coin
Inspired by 264 Sep. 1952 1055
Clyde Cairy Cutting Reverse so-called Braue Reverse
Related to 264 Sep. 1952 1055
Walter Essman Light(er) lighter gag, with fake lighter
264 Sep. 1952 1056
Dick Piser Flash on the Glass piece of paper napkin bursts in flames and vanishes
264 Sep. 1952 1056
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on John Mulholland, Bob Lund, Eddie Joseph, Jay Marshall, Gen Grant, puzzle by Max Katz
264 Sep. 1952 1057
Hugh Carroll Solitaired! solitaire stacking
264 Sep. 1952 1057
John Hamilton Re V Eyes D
264 Sep. 1952 1057
Howard A. Adams Prescience prediction of card and sign
265 Oct. 1952 1058
Arthur Hastings D. F. C.
Inspired byRelated toVariations 265 Oct. 1952 1060
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Friday Night Sodality, Dai Vernon, Dr. Jaks, Ray Hyman, Keith Clark, J.B. Bobo
265 Oct. 1952 1061
Walter Essman It Floats match floats in front of hand
265 Oct. 1952 1061
Ray Hyman Concepts Never Die center tear handling
Variations 266 Oct. 1952 1062
John Murray Wired cigarette balanced on thumb
266 Oct. 1952 1064
John Murray Die-Lie dice on cards, idea
266 Oct. 1952 1064
John Hamilton Magnagrip coin is magnetized, gimmick
266 Oct. 1952 1064
Howard A. Adams Tri-Lie three peeked cards
266 Oct. 1952 1064
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Goodliffe, Stars of Magic, magic for magicians, silhouette cutting of Bruce Elliott's daughter by Dai Vernon
266 Oct. 1952 1065
Vic Koehler It's My Move chosen / poisoned glass is found
Inspired by 267 Oct. 1952 1066
Franklin V. Taylor Thumb Fun ring vanishes and appears on spectator's thumb which was covered by a handkerchief, see also p. 1093
Related toVariationsAlso published here 267 Oct. 1952 1068
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Friday Night Sodality, Gen Grant, Bill Simon, Maurice Zolotow
267 Oct. 1952 1069
John A. M. Howie Spirits in Camera
268 Nov. 1952 1070
Coin Flourish two coins are switched openly
268 Nov. 1952 1070
Kenneth H. Becker Fan It! reverse based on Barnhardt's Fan Steal
Inspired by 268 Nov. 1952 1072
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on John Scarne, Ade Duval, John Mulholland, Keith Clark's Encyclopedia of Cigarette Tricks
268 Nov. 1952 1073
Dai Vernon Vernon on Taylor on Ellis
Inspired by 268 Nov. 1952 1073
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Jinx-Ed eights and aces dealt in poker hand
Inspired by 269 Nov. 1952 1074
Kirk Stiles Slip Clip coin through table
269 Nov. 1952 1075
Frank Garcia Coin Vanish
269 Nov. 1952 1075
Dudley Fossum Tough Trough coin through handkerchief
Also published here 269 Nov. 1952 1076
John Scarne Scarne Puzzle logic puzzle, solution to puzzle from p. 1073
269 Nov. 1952 1076
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Arthur Godfrey, Fred Keating, Ed Becker, Friday Night Sodality
269 Nov. 1952 1077
John Murray Surrealistic Sorcery card with pin in center is spinned on table and transforms into selection
269 Nov. 1952 1077
Audley Walsh Audley's Best edge-marked deck, featuring Audley Walsh's memorized deck order with mnemonics
270 Dec. 1952 1078
Audley Walsh Snap-Aroo with a Die sleeving a die
270 Dec. 1952 1080
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Arthur Godfrey, Carl Rosini, Fred Keating
270 Dec. 1952 1081
Martin Gardner Fir You! making a christmas tree from paper
Related to 271 Dec. 1952 1082
Kirk Stiles Spun! coin transformation, coffee fumes apparently change color of a dime
271 Dec. 1952 1083
Paquette Paquette's Baguette! ring on wand, with handkerchief
VariationsAlso published here 271 Dec. 1952 1084
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Friday Night Sodality, performing in t.v.
271 Dec. 1952 1085
Wally Dean, Bruce Elliott The Miser's Dream Come True! in a wine glass
Also published here 272 Jan. 1953 1086
Downs Palm Production
272 Jan. 1953 1087
Bruce Elliott The Back Room reprint of chapter 25 of Martin Gardner's "In the Name of Science"
272 Jan. 1953 1089
Milbourne Christopher Bases Loaded selected name of a vip is divined, performer writes names on billets and one is selected, see also p. 1115 for ideas by Vin Carey
273 Jan. 1953 1090
Gershon Legman Lingam and Yoni origami figures
273 Jan. 1953 1091
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Okito
273 Jan. 1953 1093
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Conceit! ring travels under tube then penetrates wand
274 Feb. 1953 1094
Walter Essman S.R.S. prediction of two selected words, forcing device, paper with hole is moved on longer paper with words written on it
274 Feb. 1953 1095
Wally Dean Beerie full glass of beer on a tray covered with handkerchief vanishes
274 Feb. 1953 1096
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Friday Night Sodality
274 Feb. 1953 1097
Bruce Elliott Heat Transference two balls of tin foil, one touched by a cigarette, then heat is transferred to ball held by spectator
274 Feb. 1953 1097
Jack Avis Loops Entwined under handkerchief
Inspired byAlso published here 275 Feb. 1953 1098
Austin Dulin Dulin's Drink chosen / poisoned glass is found
275 Feb. 1953 1099
Vern Schoneck Personality Plus spelling gag, horse card ends up
275 Feb. 1953 1100
Jim Reneaux Tipped cigarette vanishes from burning napkin
275 Feb. 1953 1100
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on the Friday Night Sodality, Frank Garcia, Tommy Vanderschmidt, Martin Gardner, Bob Somerfeld, Audley Walsh, Jim Reneaux
275 Feb. 1953 1101
Jack Avis Demented Dice
275 Feb. 1953 1101
Martin Gardner Poker Problem open drawing of cards, solution on p. 1104
Related to 275 Feb. 1953 1101
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #1
  • miniature deck from sealed cigarette pack
  • selection rises from cigarette pack
  • card stabbing, wrapped in paper
276 Mar. 1953 1102
Gerald Kosky Tricky Mentalist thought-of card is spelled to
276 Mar. 1953 1103
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #2 paper placed in ashes, ash-writing appears on it, idea
276 Mar. 1953 1103
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #3 performer blindfolded, spectator writes things on blackboard which are divined, sound reading
276 Mar. 1953 1103
Walter Essman Clipped Thoughts impression device, clipboard
276 Mar. 1953 1104
Bruce Elliott The Back Room solution to Martin Gardner's problem from issue 275, Friday Night Sodality, Orville Meyer, Arthur Buckley, Chic Schoke, Paul LePaul, Lou Tannen
276 Mar. 1953 1104
Don Tanner Don Tanner's 4 Items: Item #4 tie gag, hula girl on tie
276 Mar. 1953 1104
Peter Warlock Warlock's Thumb Tip handling detail for Thumb Fun
Inspired by 276 Mar. 1953 1105
Bruce Elliott A Lesson in Magic selection is produced with variation of Leipzigs twirl Cut
Also published here 277 Mar. 1953 1106
Dai Vernon Follow the Leader, Jr. five blacks and five reds
Related toVariations 277 Mar. 1953 1107
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Ricky Dunn, Bill Gresham, Don Alan, Chic Schoke,George Jason, Jack Chanin Frank Jogglar
277 Mar. 1953 1109
Ronald B. Edwards Two Quickies
  • transposition of two cards
  • forcing a number with coins
VariationsAlso published here 277 Mar. 1953 1109
Bill Simon Simon Eyes! one of three cards is thought of, selection ends up sandwiched between two reversed cards
278 Apr. 1953 1110
Packet Cut Force
278 Apr. 1953 1110
Tommy Vanderschmidt Gone Ball ball vanishes from under cup and appears in pocket, then ball penetrates handkerchief
278 Apr. 1953 1111
Ronald B. Edwards Weird Control two suits are shuffled match in order
278 Apr. 1953 1112
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Martin Sunshine, Ed Marlo, L. Vosburgh Lyons, Dr. Jaks, Bill Woodfield, Charlie Miller
278 Apr. 1953 1113
Gene "Phantini" Grant Next Card is It spectator finds selection in face down fan
Also published here 278 Apr. 1953 1113
R. M. Jamison Yogi Tells one from four, card is spelled to
278 Apr. 1953 1113
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Hope, Joglar, Jay Marshall, Friday Night Sodality
279 Apr. 1953 1114
John Murray Murray's Muse ideas for Herpick's Phantom Pencil
279 Apr. 1953 1115
George Schindler Radar Magnet idea for the radar pencil
279 Apr. 1953 1115
Vin Carey Boxed gag, pencil does not write on paper
279 Apr. 1953 1115
Bil Baird Bil's Bell imitating the sound of two dice with a hidden bell, dice vanish
279 Apr. 1953 1116
Ronald B. Edwards Ron's Ramblings idea for magazine test
279 Apr. 1953 1116
John Hamilton Annemann's Slates and Aces in Miniature prediction of an ace, slate in envelope
Also published here 279 Apr. 1953 1116
Dick King Peppery pepper appears, with salt shaker and two tubes
279 Apr. 1953 1117
Howard A. Adams Trilemma three phase routine
  • two mentally selected cards change places
  • two mentally selected cards end up in performer's pocket
  • five mentally selected cards are found
Variations 280 May 1953 1118
Max Katz Tower of Hanai puzzle with playing cards, based on Tower of Brahma
280 May 1953 1120
John A. M. Howie Ghost Thimble four phase thimble routine, with pencil and tin foil shell
  • Phase 1 - Pantomime
  • Phase 2 - Taps
  • Phase 3 - Pop
  • Phase 4 - Proof
Related toAlso published here 281 May 1953 1122
Mark Fitzgerald Sword Play with plastic sword from drinks
281 May 1953 1124
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Jay Marshall, Fred Keating, Wally Dean, Wilfried Johnson
281 May 1953 1125
Frank Garcia, Dai Vernon Topper Garcia's topper mover, two handed bluff display on top, Vernon's variation one handed
Related toVariations 282 May 1953 1126
Walter Essman Made Match piece of wood is transformed into a match, in two steps
282 May 1953 1127
Milton Kort Kort Coin coin vanishes repeatedly and appears in spectator's various pockets four times
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 282 May 1953 1128
Spectator Jacket Side Pocket Coin Load
282 May 1953 1128
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Max Golden, Friday Night Sodality, George Karger, Al Walsh
282 May 1953 1129
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Poker +
283 June 1953 1130
Alex Elmsley Effort for Follow the Leader ideas for Vernon's Follow the Leader, Jr.
Inspired by 283 June 1953 1131
Alex Elmsley Failure
Also published here 283 June 1953 1131
Alex Elmsley Effort for the Ultra Close-Up Worker torn and restored pencil lead
283 June 1953 1131
Alex Elmsley Melbourne position and card at that position are thought of, card turns up with down-under-deal
Related toAlso published here 283 June 1953 1131
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck Run-Up dealing again after poker demo, to have the deck back in order
283 June 1953 1132
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Dudley Fossum, Eddie Joseph
283 June 1953 1133
Walter Essman Restoration signed piece of paper is torn and restored
284 June 1953 1134
Ben Franklin Up Your Sleeve cards to pocket, last three wrapped in handkerchief
284 June 1953 1136
Milton Kort Kort Klink while performer slides coin on table towards spectator, it vanishes
Related to 284 June 1953 1136
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, Peter Raven
284 June 1953 1137
Fred Keating Carrousel variation on thumb fun
Inspired by 284 June 1953 1137
Robert Orben (reviewer) On Richard Himber's Show and Lecture by Richard Himber 284 June 1953 1137
Dai Vernon Fadeaway! two handkerchiefs, knot opens
Related toAlso published here 285 July 1953 1138
Frank Garcia Hoy! ball floats upwards from hand to hand
285 July 1953 1140
Kirk Stiles Kirk's Quirk die on cup, both are thrown into the air and turn, die lands inside the cup
Variations 285 July 1953 1140
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Dai Vernon, Gerald Kosky, Friday Night Sodality, Martin Gardner, Peter Warlock
285 July 1953 1141
Walter Essman Bones miniature skull on chain, like ring and string
286 July 1953 1142
Walter Essman More Bones skull with ring attached on piece of wire, like ring on stick
286 July 1953 1143
Walter Essman Migraine powder transforms into pills /aspirin
286 July 1953 1144
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Bill Larsen, Frances Ireland, Hank Simon
286 July 1953 1145
Milton Gitlin Eeny, Meeny, Miny two in the hand one in the pocket patter
286 July 1953 1145
Dr. Jacob Daley Rouge et Noir five red cards and five black cards are shuffled, spectator separates the cards by color
Related toVariations 287 Aug. 1953 1146
Strip Out Addition
287 Aug. 1953 1146
Tommy Vanderschmidt In the Suit thought of card is reversed, spectator selects a paper with a suit and writes value inside
287 Aug. 1953 1147
George Blake Olla Podrida
  • ambitious card with two cards, as a magician's gag
  • rabbit from hat joke
  • torn & restored paper, magician's gag
287 Aug. 1953 1148
Packet Switch
287 Aug. 1953 1149
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Paul Morris, Frank Joglar, Jay Marshall, Frank Garcia, Fred Keating, Lou Tannen
287 Aug. 1953 1149
John R. Boyko A Twist Thru the Wrist string through spectator's wrist, string loop with two paperclips
VariationsAlso published here 288 Aug. 1953 1150
Don Tanner Trio Plus One four selections in four envelopes, fifth card torn and pieces put in fifth envelope, when spectators open their envelopes they find a piece and the selections are all together in the fifth envelope
288 Aug. 1953 1151
Milton Kort Color Change & Follow Up Two red decks, one changes to blue, and then a Chicago Opener style routine is performed (blue card placed in red deck, spectator picks it out from face up spread), red/blue card
Related to 288 Aug. 1953 1152
Hindu Shuffle Display show all cards to have same back
288 Aug. 1953 1152
Snap Over Change carp flipped over quickly with a snap on sleeve
288 Aug. 1953 1152
Bottom Reversal Control control card to bottom, reversing it in process (pass-like action)
288 Aug. 1953 1152
Bruce Elliott The Back Room
288 Aug. 1953 1153
Milton Gitlin Premonition Idea
288 Aug. 1953 1153
Dr. Ben B. Braude Ben's Cone milk pitcher idea
288 Aug. 1953 1153
The Torn and Restored King
288 Aug. 1953 1153
Al Honeycutt Honeycutt's Honeycutter Aces transpose with Kings, à la follow the leader
Related toVariationsAlso published here 289 Sep. 1953 1154
John Hamilton Nameology giving people seven-figure numbers, being able to name them again years later
289 Sep. 1953 1155
Tommy Vanderschmidt Thru coins through table, with a tube
289 Sep. 1953 1156
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on John Boyko, Dai Vernon, George Blake
289 Sep. 1953 1157
Maurice Howarth Tarantula pips from four card vanish step by step and appear on strip of paper
Related to 290 Sep. 1953 1158
Art Lyle Bottom Bottom Deal
Related to 290 Sep. 1953 1159
Art Lyle Papered Half coin vanishes from piece of paper
290 Sep. 1953 1159
Art Lyle Midair Cigarette Vanish
290 Sep. 1953 1159
Max Katz Switch!
Related to 290 Sep. 1953 1160
Bruce Elliott The Back Room on Richard Himber, The Friday Night Sodality, E. Brian Mc Carthy, Fred Keating, Sid Lorraine, Bill Simon
290 Sep. 1953 1161
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2015.